Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 923

Maze array!

Stepping into it, Lin Feng knew what black bull said.

Surrounded by a vast expanse of white color, there is no sense of direction. It is like an independent space. With the natural space array as the source, it completely covers the whole area from the hillside to the top of the mountain. The clouds are as like as two peas.


"Whoosh!" "whoosh!" Lin Feng\'s body was as fast as electricity, and his face was dignified.

After galloping for a cup of tea, I\'m afraid the whole Shiluo county can go around at its own speed.

But around, it is still white clouds, there is no change. Going up has no effect at all. Here, the direction seems to lose its meaning. It\'s just a waste of energy to wander around like a headless fly.

However, what can we do?

You must find a way out.

It\'s not your style to admit defeat easily.

"There must be a way." Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart.

Look around with bright eyes, slowly reduce the speed and observe carefully.

At this time, on the top of the tower, shakara looked down calmly. Although Lin Feng was in the array, he was clearly visible. After all, this "Lanyun array" was originally set up and controlled by him. If not, would it have such power?

"Let\'s see how you understand." shakara\'s eyes flickered.

In the array.

Lin Feng tightened his eyebrows and galloped around.

"If the pupil of the star sky and the pupil of the star dome were there, would they be so constrained."

With a slight sigh, Lin Feng felt a little helpless.

After losing, we know the importance of double pupils, but we rely too much on the past.

If you are yourself in full power, even if you don\'t display your "self state", you can also "see" the operation track of this large array. It\'s like seeing the array of carved patterns that day. Without practicing and cracking, you can at least "see" and clarify the mystery of the array.

To find a way out!

Unlike now, confused.

"In the end, what\'s special about this array?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling and whispered.

Slowly galloping, what you see is not only white clouds, but also white clouds. There seems to be no other existence here. Everything is just white clouds, endless white clouds. Lin Feng\'s hands crossed his chest and his right hand touched his lips.

"Qiancengyun mountain."

"Baiyun tower."

"Both have a word \'cloud\', and here..."

"It\'s all clouds."

Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully and read in his heart.

Obviously, if the Baiyun tower is really in the "thousand layer cloud mountain", the secret here must be inseparable from a word——


"Arrays are different from magic tricks. The formation of an array must have a \'pillar\', and it is impossible to form an array directly." Lin Fengwei said that although he did not understand the \'array\', he still knew a lot of basic knowledge, including using Yumiao to perform magic tricks, it is actually a manifestation of the \'array\'.

The pillar is his own double pupil and the existence of Yumiao.

And this array

"It should be these seemingly insignificant white clouds." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

The more insignificant existence, sometimes the more important, it is like a high-rise building. How can we afford to build it without those bricks and stones?

Array is also a kind of "architecture".

"These white clouds should be the \'bricks\' of this array." slowly, Lin Feng thought about it.

"The key lies in how these \'bricks\' are built."

The mind has become, and Lin Feng no longer hesitates.

It\'s better to concentrate on one direction and move forward like a blind man crossing a river rather than groping around.

Maybe you can really go to the other side of the river.


"What\'s so special about these clouds?"

Lin Feng looked around, up, down, left and right, and kept looking.

One cloud after another, I feel that each cloud and another cloud are connected to each other, as if there is an invisible rope connecting the two. Unlike normal clouds, these clouds do not move, just "stay" like a scarecrow.

More in line with their own "pillar" inference.

"Wait, since it\'s not the real cloud..." Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

"Maybe there\'s some secret in it?"

The more Lin Feng thought about it, the more he felt the possibility increased.

There is nothing special about real clouds, but these "fake" clouds may hide something they don\'t know.

For example

"Wow!" the starlight in Lin Feng\'s hand flashed.

Pour it into a cloud in front of you, and your eyes brighten up in time.

right enough!

I feel the existence of Constellation Energy!

These clouds actually contain quite good "Constellation Energy".

Very powerful!

"What do these constellation energies do?"

"Moreover, why do I not feel the constellation energy hidden in the clouds?"

Thinking in his heart, Lin Feng was more curious.

He continued to instill his own astral power without feeling any \'rejection\'.

"It\'s strange." Lin Feng thought slightly, but he didn\'t stop outputting the star power. The constellation energy contained in the clouds had a strange feeling, just like a firewood waiting for the \'fire\' to ignite, and his star power was the tiny flame.

"Chi!" Chi! "Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up slightly.

With the continuous input of constellation energy, I feel deeper and deeper.

It\'s like approaching that level, that point.


"Pa!" as if the key had opened the lock.

"Yes." Lin Feng looked at the white clouds in front and felt very strongly. The real white clouds now have a translucent feeling, because in the center of the white clouds, there is a faint star light, and the two forces fit together.

One of them is your own star power.

The other is the constellation energy contained in the original clouds.

"Interesting." Lin Feng smiled slightly.

He seemed to have solved a mystery.

The body suddenly moved and Lin Feng stretched out his hand again before another white cloud.

The star power is constantly instilled. Soon, wow! The same light shines like a star.

And the first white cloud, very similar!

"Come again!" Lin Feng\'s figure didn\'t stop. He took time to fly away to the third white cloud. Since we have found a "fit" point, there is no need to hesitate. With bright stars in his hands and strong hope and curiosity in Lin Feng\'s eyes, he \'lights up\' these white clouds one by one, looking firm.

Intuition tells itself that the secret must be hidden in these clouds!

At the top of the tower, shakara showed a faint smile.

"Little fellow, my mind is still delicate. It didn\'t waste my mind." shakara nodded gently.

The array of haze and cloud is distributed by him, and the master of constellation energy is also him. With the strength of the saint, the constellation energy is contained in the array. How can Lin Feng find it? In fact, if other martial artists dare to pour the star power into the clouds, they will undoubtedly break the array and will be attacked by the Lanyun array.

But Lin Feng is an exception.

"You have to grasp the opportunity by yourself." shakara said calmly.

One, another.

Although the lighting of each white cloud takes a lot of star power, it is not a problem for Lin Feng.

It took twelve hours!

Lin Feng, finally finished the task.

"Qiancengyun mountain is really like its name." Lin Feng said lightly.

I walked through the whole array and lit up thousands of white clouds.

This time, I won\'t get lost again.


"Completely closed."

"The big array has ten rings in total, and each ring is divided into ten layers."

"Linked together, clouds are changing all the time. These clouds not only have constellation energy, but also have quite strong space energy."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and clear, and he has fully understood it.

These clouds are not as motionless as they "see".

On the contrary, driven by the array, these clouds change their positions all the time, just like two pieces on the chessboard constantly exchange positions. Among them, I can\'t see the law temporarily, but the speed of change is very fast, and there is no fixed.

Quite mysterious!

"No wonder the warrior will lose his way when he enters it." Lin Feng said lightly.

Even if you light up the thousands of white clouds, it takes nine cattle and two tigers, especially lighting the last dozens. Including now, every moment, I seem to be changing directions. I\'m not moving, but these white clouds around me are constantly "changing in space".

But the most important thing is

Exit, where is it?

In these twelve hours, I walked around every corner of the array.

Lighting up all thousands of white clouds means everything, but there is no such existence as transmission array or light curtain. There seems to be nothing here, only these white clouds, even if they are all lit up now.

"No, there is still space energy." Lin Feng nodded.

"And these constellation energies."

Three kinds of existence!

There is a relationship between them.

However, I still can\'t see the mystery of this big array.

"The possibility of breaking the array is very small." Lin Feng Qingming.

Although I light up these white clouds, I agree with the energy of these constellations.

However, just fit, it is impossible to break through with their own strength.

"As black bull said, it has a long history here."

"If you can break the array so easily, there are many stronger fighters than me, and this big array will not exist for so long."

After all, I am just the star master level peak.

In Shiluo County, it is not uncommon to see star level warriors.

"Space energy..."

"Can we use these space energy?"

Lin Feng frowned tightly, but he didn\'t have a clue.

I am not unfamiliar with space energy, even very familiar with it, but in front of me, these space energies are linked one by one in the array to form a complete whole, which is perfectly combined with thousands of white clouds and the energy of these constellations.

"In the end, where is the key..." Lin Feng said calmly.

Staring at a cloud as like as two peas, it is like a piece of chess, no difference.

The only difference is

"Constellation Energy?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

"Could it be..."

(start tomorrow, break out!)