Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 922

It was quiet around.

Even the onlookers were a little confused.

Childe Lin?

It can make the black bull, who has always bullied the market, respectful now. Mr. Lin, dressed in black martial clothes, doesn\'t look like a man of status. What\'s the origin? They looked at each other and felt the palpitation of their hearts, but they had never heard of this name.

At this time, the three men of the black bull were also wide eyed and could not return to God.

They don\'t know what happened.

"I happened to pass by." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

If on weekdays, I will naturally ignore such bullies.

But right now, I need his help.

"Passing by?" the black cow floated a black line and muttered to himself.

He is really unlucky today. He can meet this evil star and plague God even after drinking wine.

"What did you say?" Lin Feng smiled.

"No, nothing." Heiniu Lian smiled flatteringly and said respectfully, "childe Lin, what can I do for you?" the voice was full of flattery, and the onlookers talked about it one after another. However, Heiniu didn\'t care at all. Losing face once is also losing face, and losing face twice is also losing face.

At least, don\'t offend the plague again.

"Do you know where the \'Baiyun tower\' is?" Lin Feng came straight to the point.

The heavenly king sect seems to have great influence in Sakya district. Others may not know it, but as a local snake, the heavenly king sect must know it.

"Baiyun tower?" black cow frowned and confused.

After thinking for a while, he still had no answer. Black Newton turned his head and stared, "you three are stupid. Do you know where the Baiyun tower is?" the three burly men woke up and looked at the black cow and Lin Feng in horror, shaking their heads like a rattle.

"Well..." Lin Feng frowned.

This time, I was really worried.

Even the local snake doesn\'t know where the \'white cloud tower\' is. The place where Shi Zhixin lives is really mysterious.


Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright.

"Shi Zhixin is so familiar with the county Lord, and it seems to please her to see the words of the county Lord. The background of Shi Zhixin may be better than that of the county Lord!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are burning, but it happened not long ago and is still vivid. "With the character of Shi Zhixin, it will not deceive people. There is no doubt that Baiyun tower will be located in Sakya district."

"But even the local snake doesn\'t know, that means this place..."

Lin Feng was thoughtful. He looked at the frightened black bull and slowly opened his mouth, "do you know what places in the Sakya district can\'t enter?"

"Can\'t get in?" Heiniu was stunned. "Childe Lin means..."

"Ordinary martial arts people can\'t enter." Lin Feng pointed to Heiniu and pointed to himself, "such as you and me."

"Oh!" the black bull understood this time and nodded suddenly, "yes, naturally."

"Where is it?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

Sure enough, I didn\'t expect it.

"There are a lot of them," said Heiniu in a deep voice. "The Sakyamuni district has a long history and has a long history. There are many ancient mysterious forces that ordinary martial arts can\'t step into. Apart from the distance, there are many secrets hidden in the famous building. No one can enter more than ten floors."

Lin Feng\'s eyebrows tightened, "which one can be related to \'Baiyun\'?"

"White clouds..." the black cow scratched his head and his eyes brightened, "yes, yes, Yunshan! Yes, it\'s qiancengyunshan."

"Thousand clouds mountain?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

The name seems to match the Baiyun tower.

"Young master Lin, do you need a little guide?" seeing that Lin Feng didn\'t know the way, Heiniu company was courteous.

"OK." Lin Feng smiled calmly and was not polite.

Since someone leads the way, he can save himself a lot of trouble.

"Childe Lin, this is qiancengyun mountain." Heiniu pointed forward.

Looking along the direction of Heiniu\'s fingers, Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright. It was a large mountain covering a considerable area, which was shrouded in white clouds. Clouds and mists, there is a kind of Psychedelic feeling. Entering them seems to be shrouded by thousands of white clouds.

"No wonder it\'s called qiancengyun mountain." Lin Feng nodded.

Eyes gathered, the mountain was full of vitality and green.

However, there seems to be nothing "special".

"Don\'t underestimate the cloud mountain, childe Lin." Heiniu said slowly with a calm face. "So far, no one knows what\'s on the top of the cloud mountain. There seems to be a natural labyrinth array where the white clouds are shrouded. Martial artists always lose their way when they enter it. They often wake up at the foot of the mountain."

"Oh?" Lin Feng raised his head and looked up.

From the height of the mountain, white clouds have covered the mountain.

It feels like there is only half a mountain left. According to Heiniu, this qiancengyun mountain is really "mysterious".

"Does Shi Zhixin deliberately let me break through?" Lin Feng thought lightly, but shook his head.

If it is Yu Mo, it may be possible, but Shi Zhixin

But it\'s impossible.

"Send it here, thank you." Lin Feng looked at Heiniu and nodded.

From beginning to end, he didn\'t have much hostility to the black bull. He bullied the soft and feared the hard. He had already learned his due lesson.

This time, he did "help" himself. Whether it was out of intention or flattery, it was "help". If you still haggle over him, you will undoubtedly be too stingy. Moreover, this kind of villain is still quite useful to some extent.

For example, now, how could I come here so soon without him.

Hearing the word "thank you", Heiniu seemed a little flattered and opened his eyes, "childe Lin, you..."

"Let\'s go and take care of ourselves in the future." Lin Feng smiled calmly. Before the black cow spoke, he was as fast as the wind and galloped into the mountain. Leaving a shocked black bull on his face, his eyes immediately brightened with joy. Lin Feng\'s words mean that he has written off his previous events.

Qiancengyun mountain.

"What a powerful threat." Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled.

The more you go up and approach the thousand clouds, the more you feel a deep threat. It feels like a powerful existence overlooking itself at the top of the mountain. Although he felt absurd in his heart, Lin Feng didn\'t care, and his eyes flashed a firmness.

I will never shrink back.

"I don\'t know if the Baiyun tower is really on it." Lin Feng said softly in his heart, not sure.

According to the black bull, there is a lot of hope.

Looking at the place covered by white clouds, Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

Try it!

Besides, I also want to know what\'s special about this thousand layer cloud mountain.

What\'s the secret?

"I\'m coming." looking at the snowy clouds, Lin Feng scratched a faint smile at the corners of his mouth.

This is also a challenge.

At the top of the mountain, white clouds filled the air.

A very "ordinary" tower fell and looked very strange.

There are no other buildings around, and there is only one tower. Make it ordinary and ordinary, because the geographical advantage is no longer ordinary. This is the "white cloud tower" Lin Feng is looking for. It is home to the largest power controller in Shiluo county.

It should be said that it is the manager of order.

Holy One, sakara!

"Oh?" with his hands on his back, shakara looked down brightly.

With his strength, even if there are thousands of layers of white clouds, you can clearly see the forest wind below. And the pressure just now was released by him.

"In his twenties, the Phoenix constellation, the star master level peak..."

"He is Lin Feng."

Shakara looked calm.

Gazing at Lin Feng, I felt a little curious.

Is such a little guy who doesn\'t seem to have much strength, and he has the strength to kill the star domain level seven level sky dog family alone?

"It seems that there are a lot of secrets," shakara said softly.

He would never suspect that his daughter was lying, because it was absolutely impossible.

As far as he knows, the fact is that Lin Feng not only killed the seven level heavenly dog family at Xingyu level alone, but also helped his daughter kill the strong dog family at Xingyu level nine. Moreover, when everyone thought he was dead, he appeared unharmed a year later!

The most bizarre thing is that the transmission channel of the wizard of Oz has long been destroyed.

How on earth did he release Rowe county?

Shakara was curious.

In this case, I\'m afraid it\'s not easy for him.

But Lin Feng is just an ordinary star master level peak warrior.

"Mysterious little guy."

"Anyway, save my daughter\'s life, this feeling -"

"I will give it back to you."

Shakara\'s eyes moved and nodded slowly.

"Finally arrived." Lin Feng\'s expression gradually dignified.

In front of us is the place of white clouds, covering the whole range from the top of the mountain to the mountainside.

The white clouds here are obviously different from other white clouds. It feels like they exist for existence, not natural. If it is a real cloud, it can\'t stay at a certain place all the time, let alone stack up. There seems to be a special connection between clouds.

As black bull said, there are many secrets hidden here.

"You should not lose your life."

"Yes or no, you\'ll know when you break in."

With an indifferent smile, the forest wind sped into the dense thousand layer clouds.

It may be a little dangerous, but it\'s not fatal.

"Pa." entering the clouds, Lin Feng breathed deeply.

The pressure that forced people just now has disappeared, and the body is particularly relaxed, as if the burden on the body disappeared in an instant. In my heart, there was no such throbbing feeling. It seemed that I was out of surveillance and the control of some force.


"Entering the maze array." Lin Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head.

They should be down-to-earth, but now they are stepping on clouds.

Feet into the clouds, surrounded by a vast expanse of white color, can not see the distance, but also can not distinguish the direction.

There was no biological smell around, which was obviously completely different from that at the foot of the mountain. Here, it is like a closed space, isolating everything. But I didn\'t expect that I had just left the "tiger\'s mouth" and entered the "snake\'s Den".

It\'s a headache.