Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 921

"Young master, do you want ordinary people to become xingmang level warriors?" Guan Zhong opened his mouth.

Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up, and he made a light "um" sound, staring at Guan Zhong.

Xingmang level is the so-called Title Wu God in tianwu mainland.

To become a martial god, the body is the real transformation. In Jiuzhou, it means officially entering the circle of "martial artists". Different from tianwu mainland, the spirit of fighting spirit world is quite abundant. Babies absorb spirit independently from birth to adulthood. Basically

In the fighting spirit world, you can easily enter the circle of martial artists with a little practice.

It\'s easy.

"In that case, you can use the star pill, young master." although Guan Zhong was curious, he still told the truth.

Lin Feng shook his head. He had also studied the star pill. The so-called star pill was made by alchemists with various star fruits as raw materials and complex and changeable techniques. Seize the creation of heaven and earth, use the greatest potential of star fruit, and change the star fruit that may have only one point into three, five, or even ten!

However, star Mangan and star fruit are "born in the same vein".

Its basic is still the aura of heaven and earth.

"Her body is too weak to bear the power of star mount Dan." Lin Feng said lightly.

People in tianwu continent are different from those in fighting spirit world. In essence, there are great differences in their physique.

Ordinary people in the fighting spirit world can bear star Mandan, but my mother can\'t.

"Quite weak?" Guan Zhong understood a little.

"Yes," said Lin Feng in a deep voice, "less than one ten thousandth of that of ordinary people."

In the fighting spirit world, even if you don\'t practice, the body of ordinary people is comparable to the so-called strong in tianwu mainland. Just like a tiger, even if it is weak again, its huge body still exists. The body of mother is quite fragile among ordinary people in tianwu continent, just like weak grass.

"That\'s not difficult," Guan Zhong said slightly. "Young master, you can prepare a pool and dilute the star Mangan into it to one ten thousandth of the concentration. Although the absorption speed is ten thousand times slower, it can be absorbed completely."

"If you want to be more careful, you can dilute it to a concentration of one hundred thousandth or even one millionth, so as to achieve everything."

"It\'s not impossible to increase step by step and flow slowly." Guan Zhong suggested.

said of sb.\'s name!

Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened for a moment.

"Yes, dilution!!" Lin Feng smiled happily and nodded heavily.

But I drilled the tip of an ox\'s horn and blindly wanted to finish this road as soon as possible. I didn\'t want the road in the middle to be bumpy everywhere. Although what ah Zhong said is a lot circuitous, and the absorption speed is 10000 times or even 100000 times slower, so what?

Mother doesn\'t need to strengthen her strength immediately, just slowly improve her physique.

Time, more!

"Sure enough, it\'s better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. Ah Zhong, you have a way." Lin Feng whispered with a smile.

Jiang is old and spicy. Ah Zhong\'s rich experience really helps him a lot.

The biggest difficulty is solved easily!

"I\'m flattered, young master." Guan Zhong smiled and was relieved that he could help Lin Feng. Lin Feng had been helping him all the time, but he didn\'t expect anything in return. Guan Zhong arched his hands and said, "young master, let me take this matter. I don\'t know how many star pills you want?"

"How many one?" Lin Feng asked.

"The lower star Miranda has 1 million fighting coins, the medium star Miranda has 10 million fighting coins, the upper star Miranda has 1 Star Crystal and the top star Miranda has 10 star crystals." Guan Zhong said truthfully, "the specific price may fluctuate, but the gap will not be too large."

Lin Feng nodded, but like Xingbao, Xingdan is also divided into upper, middle and lower levels, and there is a "top level".

The energy and effect contained in different grades are different.

One level worse, much worse.

"Buy me ten top-level star pills, one hundred top-level star pills, and many medium and low-level star pills." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

"Take as much as you have?" Guan Zhong was stunned for fear of hearing wrong.

But I don\'t know what Lin Feng wants from so many stars. In order to cultivate martial arts, it\'s not only loyal but also cheap to go directly to the slave market to buy Star master martial arts. But not to cultivate martial arts, what\'s the use of buying so many stars?

"Yes." Lin Feng\'s tone was calm.

Although the effect of medium and inferior star pill is a little poor, it is also the existence of star pill. Maybe the absorption is a little slower, maybe there is a lot less energy and a lot more impurities, but it doesn\'t need to be so perfect. These medium-sized and inferior star pills can be taken by the \'hunting\' warriors themselves.

At that time, there will be many more "martial gods" in tianwu mainland.

There are all advantages but no disadvantages to the development of the hunting country.

And myself, just a little effort.

"Here is 2000 Xingjing. Take it first. If it\'s not enough, add more." Lin Feng took out Xingjing and said slowly, "this matter is entrusted to you. Ah Zhong, I have something to go out."

"OK, young master," Guan Zhong replied.

A big problem, solve it!

Lin Feng\'s mouth lightly delimited, and his heart was much easier.

But it\'s easier than I thought. My mother and sister can be directly promoted to the star level at that time. Later, I was fully able to use lingguo, Xianguo and Xingguo, and gradually improved their strength. In terms of financial resources, I was not inferior to other star level martial arts. Let alone "train" a few people, even if it was thousands of people, it was easy.

The key is to have a solid foundation.

To fill a bucket with water, the bucket must first bear the weight of water.

"Fighting spirit world, really everything." Lin Feng nodded slightly..

But there is nothing you can\'t do, only you can\'t think of it.

Here, mankind has entered a complete civilization system.

With an indifferent smile, Lin Feng immediately stepped into the transmission array. In his residence, he could directly enter the Sakya district.

Quite convenient.

Sakyamuni district.

"Wow! ~" Lin Feng thought of something when he came out of the transmission array.

"By the way, where is the Baiyun tower?" Lin Feng smiled bitterly, but forgot to ask Shi Zhi\'s heart. Thinking a little in his heart, Lin Feng looked around. There were a lot of people surging and bustling.

"Sakya district is indeed one of the nine districts, but it is much more lively than qianluo district." Lin Feng smiled.

Moreover, it is the first of the nine regions and the most central existence of Shiluo county.

The clue can be seen only from the fact that the preliminaries are held here.

"Ask others. As Shi Zhixin, Baiyun tower should be very famous." Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart.

Although I don\'t know the road, other martial artists in Sakya district should know it.

However, things are often unexpected.

I asked more than a dozen martial artists in succession, but I got nothing.

These include waiters in restaurants, maidservants in hotels, businessmen and vendors on the roadside, and even many star master martial artists, but without exception, they have never even heard of the name "Baiyun tower". If he didn\'t know her character well, Lin Feng even doubted whether she was lying to herself.

Here, is there really a Baiyun tower?

"Hmm..." Lin Feng\'s eyebrows were light.

But I didn\'t expect to be stumped by this "small problem".

Just thinking, suddenly, there were bursts of noisy cries in the distance, and Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up for a moment.

Four strong men in star armor were walking out of a restaurant. His face was flushed, his steps faltered, and his burly figure had a terrible smell. When everyone around him saw it, he avoided three points and seemed to be afraid of the four strong men. And the four strong men were impolite, ferocious and shouted angrily.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

"Son of a bitch, get out of the way!"

"What are you looking at? Believe it or not, I slapped you to death!"


Domineering and unscrupulous!

Four star master level burly men are arrogant.

However, everyone dared to be angry but did not dare to speak, and they all gave way. Even the star level warriors frowned and ignored them.

It\'s not small.

"Just right." Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright.

It is no coincidence that these four burly men happen to know one of them!

"Shit, it\'s really unlucky today." the black cow has a dark face and a black thread.

First, I got a bad nose and suffered a dark loss. Then he asked the boss for help. As a result, even the old man fell into it. After the Huitian Wang Gang was scolded bloody, kneeling and worshipping in the famous building can be said to have lost all face, which is more than that. The worst thing is to be demoted.

He lived and died in the heavenly king gang for decades, but he disappeared in a moment.

"If you don\'t stay here, you have to stay here. You can\'t mix with the boss\'s strength!"

"That is, the move of the heavenly king Gang really chills people\'s hearts. Boss, you fight to death without credit or hard work. You just make a mistake and fight back to the original shape."

The voice fell in Heiniu\'s ear, and a little anger flashed in his eyes, but with deep helplessness.

What\'s the way? Who let him offend the county mayor this time!

It\'s the leader of the heavenly king sect. He doesn\'t dare to say a word when he sees the county and city leader.

This is power and potential!

"In my opinion, the most bastard is the rabbit named \'Lin Feng\'. He did everything."

"Yes, if it weren\'t for him, how could so much have happened."

Everyone said a word to me, but they talked about the black bull\'s heart.

If it weren\'t for Lin Feng, he wouldn\'t be so miserable!

After grinding his teeth, a sharp light flashed in the black cow\'s eyes.


"Are you talking about me?" a faint voice sounded, which made the black bull and his three men suddenly confused. Staring blankly at the front, the crowd retreated, leaving only a thin "tiny" figure standing quietly with a smile.

Isn\'t it just

"Silk ~!" took a breath, and the black cow\'s eyes opened wide and woke up most of the time.

The young man\'s appearance in front of him will not be forgotten even if he is killed! However, black bull woke up, but the three men behind him were still ignorant. One of the Scarface\'s men showed a arrogant look, "who are you? You dare to block my way, Niang xipi. You\'re impatient..."

"Shut the fuck up!" the black bull glared at scar face\'s men and drank angrily.

The cold sweat dripping all over her head. Heiniusi ignored the three completely stunned men. She even turned around and showed a flattering smile, "Lin, childe Lin, what brings you here?"

(it broke out on Monday. Today and tomorrow are two shifts.)