Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 917

Come here, it\'s the county mayor \'Wang mo\'!

Although the status of one Lord and two envoys in Shiluo county is equal, in the hearts of most martial artists, the county city Lord is definitely the one with the greatest power.

Although the heavenly king Gang is well-known and powerful in Sakya District, so what? It\'s normal to offend the county Lord and be uprooted overnight. Power and power represent everything in Shiluo county and Jiuzhou.

The world of the warrior, the strong is respected.

The human world is just a "Warcraft community" dressed in a new emperor\'s clothes.

Core, no difference at all.

"The villain has eyes that don\'t understand Mount Tai. Please, please forgive me." Bu Xiong was sweating and kowtowed and banged. Although it has been rumored that the master behind the famous building is the county and city master, it has never been confirmed, and there are too many such things in the famous building on weekdays.

The heavenly king sect is very powerful in Sakya district. No one dares to offend.

But this time, it was different. He hit the muzzle of the gun, but he was extremely unlucky.

"See the city master." an endless stream of voices sounded. All the martial artists in the red stone hall got up and bowed to show their respect.

The scene was a roar.

Only Bu Xiong and his men knelt on their knees and looked frightened.

At present, I can\'t worry about face. Saving my life is the most important thing. If you offend the county Lord, you can\'t eat any good fruit. But Wang Mo ignored Bu Xiong, looked around at the crowd and nodded, "don\'t be polite."

The voice is calm and seems close to the people, but it has a considerable prestige.

This kind of power seems to come naturally without any breath fluctuation, but it is completely different from Bu Xiong.

This is the momentum of the real superior.

At this time——

"Uncle Wang! ~" a voice as light as an Oriole sounded in the red stone hall.

Everyone was puzzled, but Lin Feng\'s eyebrows were slightly clustered: "what a familiar voice, this is..."

For a moment, Lin Fengshun looked at the source of his voice and saw a girl like a porcelain doll with pink and jade carving smiling. The neat bangs and familiar smile could not be clearer. At this time, the girl also looked away from Wang Mo and saw Lin Feng.

"Release Zhi\'s heart?"

"Lin Feng!"

It was quite a surprise to meet each other, but they didn\'t expect to see each other here just after their separation.

Wang Mo gave a light sigh, and the tiger\'s eyes looked at Lin Feng curiously, flashing a faint light. Lin Yumo also has beautiful eyes and is quite curious. She knows the talented girl "Shizhi heart". She is the No. 1 seed in the qualification competition, but

How did brother Lin and Shi Zhixin know each other?

Moreover, it seems that they have a lot of friendship.

"Why are you here, bad guy?" Shi Zhi\'s heart was surprised. She glanced at Lin Yumo and was quite surprised. "Isn\'t this the first beauty in Shiluo county? Oh! ~" she said, blinked her eyes, and Shi Zhi\'s heart smiled playfully. "No wonder she said there was something important. It was a date. I caught her!"

There was a heated discussion around, but I had heard Lin Yumo\'s name as the first beauty in luojun, but I couldn\'t see it.

I didn\'t expect to see you here, and

On a date?

Lin Yumo\'s small face turned red, but he didn\'t deny it. Lin Feng smiled, "it\'s just a little celebration. What about you?"

"I\'m with Dad, sister Bingyun and Uncle Wang." Shi Zhixin answered casually.

"Cough, cough." Wang Mo coughed a few times. Shi Zhi\'s heart suddenly covered her mouth, but she couldn\'t say something casually. She spits out her little tongue at Wang Mo, and Shi Zhi feels a little embarrassed. Wang Mo gives a helpless white look, but there is no way to take the little princess.

"Are you Lin Feng?" Wang Mo turned his head and said quickly.

"Yes, county Lord." Lin Feng said respectfully.

It\'s one thing to be familiar with Shi Zhi\'s heart, but facing the county city Lord, some etiquette and respect are inevitable.

"Well, that\'s good." Wang Mo\'s eyes were bright, looked up and down at Lin Feng, and said with a smile, "as expected, the hero came out of the youth. Zhixin said that you made great achievements in the battle of the wizard of Oz, killed the strong man of the Tiangou family of Xingyu level 9, and saved her life?"

"Hiss ~ ~" there was a sound of pumping around.

Everyone stared at Lin Feng, including Lin Yumo, and was surprised to cover his mouth. They couldn\'t believe it.

Are you kidding? Kill the sky dog family of level 9 in the star domain!!!

"This......" Lin Feng couldn\'t help smiling bitterly.

"There is such a thing, but the main credit is Miss Zhixin."

Lin Feng hesitated for a moment and added the word "Miss" after Shi Zhixin\'s name. At present, Shi Zhixin\'s background is quite large. No wonder beimingyang has always called her "Miss Zhixin". On the same day, you can kill the nine stages of the star domain level. Indeed, Shi Zhixin accounted for the first skill.

If not, even if their star sky pupil and star dome pupil are more powerful, the strength gap is too big after all.

Suddenly there was another uproar and whispering around.

Wang Mo, the county and city Lord, spoke first, but Lin Feng did not deny that the present "humility" seemed to them more like a performance of hiding clumsiness and not taking credit. The people looked at Lin Feng\'s expression and changed in an instant. The ugly young man in front of him had such terrible strength.

I\'m afraid none of the top warriors in the star domain can kill the Ninth level sky dog family in the star domain.

Among the demons, the heavenly dog family is a very powerful "race". Generally, the strong people of the heavenly dog family of level 7 and level 8 at the star domain level have the strength equivalent to the star domain level peak of human beings. But the young man who was not amazing in front of him could defeat the strong man of the sky dog family at the star domain level!

What a shock!

Although it\'s incredible, it\'s true that this statement came from the county and city Lord.

Bu Xiong was trembling at this time. He buried his head on the ground and didn\'t dare to lift it. It was bad to see Lin Feng and Shi Zhi\'s heart. Now he was scared to move when he heard Lin Feng\'s real strength. He wanted to slap himself in the face, offend the county mayor, and offend a terrible enemy.

It\'s not the same as cutting vegetables to kill the heavenly dog family of level 9 in the star domain?

Thanks to his boasting just now, he said that people could not get out of Sakya district.

Right now, you can\'t get out of a dead end.

Bu Xiong\'s face flushed and he wanted to find a hole to drill down.

"Damn black cow!" Bu Xiong gnashed his teeth and wanted to break the black cow into pieces. Who is not easy to provoke? He has to provoke an evil star back. He didn\'t take any advantage of it and provoked a coquettish. At present, I don\'t know how to end this situation.

But bu Xiong obviously didn\'t see it. At this time, the black cow was worse than him. He was almost scared to pee his pants.

"Well, don\'t be modest." Shi Zhi twisted her nose and twinkled her pupils. "Without your help, I would have been killed by the smelly monster."

"It\'s just a coincidence." Lin Feng smiled. The situation was really lucky at that time.

I just arrived and made a coincidence. If the strong dog of the Ninth level sky dog family in the star domain were on guard, I might not be able to help even if I tried my best.

"To save is to save. There are so many coincidences." Wang Mo smiled calmly and said quickly, "my heart to Zhi is more important than myself. Saving her life is equivalent to saving my life. Lin Feng, if you need any help in the future, even if you come to the county city hall to find me, others dare not say. In Shiluo County, Wang Mo\'s words still carry a little weight."

Saran smiled. At this time, Wang Mo looked quite "amiable".

"Ah." Lin Feng was surprised, but he was a little flattered.

At this time, his right arm moved slightly, but he was "intentionally" touched by Yumo. Lin Feng immediately recovered.

"Thank you, county Lord." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and didn\'t refuse.

Although it is only a verbal promise, the verbal promise of the county mayor is quite precious.

As Wang Mo said, in Shiluo County, his words——

It\'s a lot.

"Take this." the light in Wang Mo\'s hand flashed, and Lin Feng took it, but it was a black ancient token.

"This is my keepsake, Heiyao token." Wang Mo\'s eyes twinkled and slowly opened his mouth. "It should help you solve a lot of problems. Later, you can enter the \'Heiyao Hall\' for free with this token." Wang Mo glanced at the people who were still trembling and kneeling on the ground. Wang Mo said quietly, "so as not to meet some meaningless people and affect your mood."

"Thank you, county Lord." Lin Feng smiled and nodded, putting away the Heiyao token.

Wang Mo nodded, his eyes flashed, and soon he stopped talking, just brushed his sleeves and left.

It seems that he did Lin Feng a big favor, sending this and that, but in fact, his harvest is much greater than Lin Feng.

Four words, borrow flowers to offer Buddha.

It is difficult to please shakara; But it is much simpler to win over Shi Zhi\'s heart.

Now a "moving" scene has helped Lin Feng, and Shi Zhixin has virtually added a lot of kindness to him.

"Remember to come to Baiyun tower to find me. Bad guys, go first." Shi Zhi blinked her eyes, glanced at Yu Mo, and then said with a smile, "you\'re a talented woman. You\'re right." then she ran away, leaving Lin Yu Mo with a red face and Lin Feng with a helpless smile.

"Ancient spirit is strange." Lin Feng smiled.

"HMM." Lin Yumo nodded softly like a mosquito.

"Heiyao token..." Lin Feng took out the black ancient token and his eyes were slightly bright.

I\'ve just learned about my father. Obviously, there\'s a big secret in it. With this "Keepsake" of the county mayor, I should be able to help myself a lot.

Some use, naturally do not waste.

"Distinguished guests, this way, please." a man in formal dress smiled, "sorry, I didn\'t know you were Miss Zhixin\'s friend just now. Please don\'t be surprised."

Lin Feng looked at Lin Yumo, who nodded gently.

"OK, then go to Heiyao hall." Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Because of the appearance of the county mayor and the disturbance caused by Bu Xiong just now, the red stone hall is in a mess. In particular, he has become the "focus", all eyes are focused, and it is really not suitable to eat again.

Then they left.

Left a lot of people talking, as well as Bu Xiong, who was at a loss, looked pale.

They made a big mess.