Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 916

"Tianwu continent..."

"So brother Lin, you and uncle Lin have lived there since childhood?" Lin Yu Mo\'s beautiful eyes twinkled and looked at Lin Feng.

"Yes, I didn\'t know until later that the so-called \'world\' was actually just a well." Lin Feng smiled. At the beginning, he only knew tianwu mainland, but didn\'t know that it was just one of thousands of islands in the boundless sea.

How big is the real fighting spirit world!

On that day, I was just watching the sky.

"I see." Lin Yumo whispered and nodded.

No wonder brother Lin is still alive. It turned out that they were lucky to escape at last.

With a smile, Lin Yumo was very pleased. Fortunately, Lin Feng survived. Otherwise, she might not meet him. Things in the world are so wonderful that they are precious only after they have been lost. For Lin Yumo, this year is definitely the most difficult year in his life. It is even more difficult than the death of his father and the decline of the family that day.

Because she was still young and ignorant of things.

But now, it\'s like skin pain.

"Tell me about you, Yu Mo?" Lin Feng smiled and his eyes showed a pure light.

Since starting this topic, it is natural to completely untie the depression in Yumo\'s heart, and the best way is to talk about it. There is a person who cares about her. Let Yumo know that she has not lost all her family, at least, herself.

She gently pursed her lips. Her red face flashed a little pale, and Lin Yumo\'s eyes were blurred.

The heart is also hesitant. For Lin Yumo, this knot has been put in the corner of his heart for too long and has not been touched for a long time.

"That year..." Lin Yumo looked back and whispered softly, "Uncle Lin violated the ban and harmed the family. In order to take the overall situation into account and ensure the safety of the family, the patriarch had to expel him from the family as an example, and his father pointed to his belly that day..."

"Wait, wait!" Lin Feng\'s face changed greatly and his eyebrows tightened together. "Yumo, what you call \'Uncle Lin\', but my father \'Lin Xiaotian\'?"

Looking at Lin Feng curiously, Lin Yumo nodded gently.


Lin Feng was shocked in his heart.

Dad, breaking the ban will harm the family?!

What the hell is going on!!!

"Elder brother Lin, you..." Lin Yumo was very clever. He suddenly saw the clue from the change of Lin Feng\'s expression and said in surprise, "Uncle Lin didn\'t mention that year to you?"

"That\'s right." Lin Feng didn\'t hide Lin Yumo, but said truthfully, "Dad was seriously injured and unconscious. Before leaving, he only left me a letter to join the Lin family and take refuge in his uncle Lin Jing." Looking at Lin Yumo, Lin Feng smiled helplessly, "unfortunately, I didn\'t expect that uncle Lin Jing had already died. Fortunately, there is still your sister."

"Sister?" Lin Yumo was stunned and suddenly didn\'t know.

Since the cards are all spread out, Lin Feng will no longer hide it. He looks at Lin Yumo and says positively, "sister, I know you still resent your father\'s involvement in Uncle Lin Jing, but please believe that this is by no means your father\'s intention. Blood is thicker than water, and you and I are always brothers and sisters. Even if you don\'t want to, this is always an unchangeable fact."

"Maybe I can\'t protect you in 20 years, but now, in the future, I will use all my strength to protect you and don\'t let you get any harm."

His eyes were burning, and Lin Feng looked at Lin Yumo from his heart.

However, at this time, Lin Yumo was completely stunned.

There is a strange feeling, but I can\'t cry or laugh.

Brother Lin, how can you treat her as your sister?

Could it be that

Lin Yu Murton reacted and secretly said that Lin Feng was a big fool.

If it were a brother and sister, how could she call "Uncle Lin"? Isn\'t her generation wrong? Lin Yu Mo pursed his lips, and his face flashed a little red, just trying to explain.

Suddenly, there was a noise in the distance.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng and Lin Yu looked back at Merton.

I saw a burly giant coming bravely with a huge axe on his back. The strong momentum makes everyone around tremble. They are dressed in black refined steel armor, which is very powerful. There are two decorative wing corners on their heads, which are majestic!

"Star domain level strong man." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

The breath of the visitor is quite strong and aggressive.

Behind him, there are many \'little brothers\', and one of them

It\'s the black armour warrior who just clashed with himself!


Help came.

"You were the one who provoked our Heavenly King Gang just now?" the giant axe warrior looked ferocious and stared bigger than the bronze bell. The huge momentum envelops the whole area, and the extremely powerful pressure is released. There is no doubt that the star level strong ones themselves are exposed.

Behind him, dozens of fighters of the heavenly king sect shouted and were at war.

"Obviously it\'s you..." Lin Yumo frowned gently and wanted to stand up, but a pair of big hands pressed her shoulders. Lin Yumo\'s voice suddenly stopped. When she looked at it, she saw Lin Feng get up slowly and her heart felt peaceful.

"So what?" Lin Feng opened his mouth calmly and looked directly at the giant axe warrior.

Lin Yu Mo couldn\'t help but be slightly surprised, but when he thought about it, he realized that it was useless for the other party to "find fault" even if it denied it.

It\'s better to admit it simply, so as not to make people laugh. On the contrary, we can\'t use force here.

"How dare you." the giant axe warrior\'s eyes were cold, and the giant axe behind him was shaking sharply and making a clang sound, as if a war would be fought in case of disagreement. However, in the face of the huge momentum, Lin Feng not only did not step back, but also looked flat, standing firmly like a thousand year old pine.

I\'m kidding. Even the seven level sky dog family can\'t suppress Lin Feng, not to mention a small star level strong man.

"Do you know who I am?" the giant axe warrior pointed to himself with a vicious look.

"Is it important?" Lin Feng smiled calmly.

"Boy, don\'t be too arrogant." a sharp light flashed in the eyes of the giant axe warrior. "Don\'t think the Sakyamuni district can\'t move your hands, so you can have peace of mind. I tell you, you\'d better pour tea and admit your mistake. If you don\'t have arms and legs at that time, don\'t blame me for not reminding you."

A naked threat!

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and he knew something underground.

In the major districts of Shiluo County, what cannot be done openly does not mean that it cannot be done secretly. The knife has a blade and two sides of the blade. The light side has its own dark existence. Although I don\'t know the power of the heavenly king sect, I think it\'s not ordinary to be under the "underground" in the Sakya district.

The threat of being unscrupulous here can be seen in general.

But so what?

If you give in, you\'re not yourself.

"Heart." Lin Feng smiled calmly, then nodded to Yu Mo, sat down directly and hung the giant axe warrior aside. The latter\'s complexion was iron blue, but in this Sakya District, who saw that the heavenly king Gang didn\'t sell face, but didn\'t want this little bastard to be so bold!

"Ha ha, ha ha!! good, very backbone." the axe warrior grinned his teeth, stretched out his big hand like a cattail leaf and clapped his hand.

At this time, all the people around changed their complexion and took a deep breath.

This action is too familiar, but

"Little bastard, listen to me." the giant axe warrior\'s killing intention sparked in his eyes and squeezed out of his teeth word by word. "I divination bear wants you to walk out of the Sakya District alive and cut off your head as a stool for you!" he was ignored in full view of the public, but divination bear can\'t get off the stage, which has aroused his real anger.

The amazing killing intention was surrounded, and a thick ferocious light flashed in Bu Xiong\'s eyes.

There is a suffocating smell in the air.

At this time——

"What\'s going on!" zhengran\'s voice broke the frozen atmosphere.

Bu Xiong\'s eyes flashed a little angry, but he turned back angrily, "which bastard shouted..."

"Pa!!!" a deafening noise.

The whole red stone hall was silent to the extreme.

The bear stumbled and almost fell.

On that pale face, a fiery red palm print was printed there, and bu Xiong was completely stunned.

A loud slap in the face.

"This is a lesson for you to choose your words." the cold voice sounded. It was a well-dressed middle-aged man who seemed to have no combat effectiveness, but the slap in the face just now was obviously fanned by him. It can make Qiang Rubu bear have no reaction ability, which shows the strength of the middle-aged man.


He seems to be just a servant?!

Behind him was a man in golden clothes, with unusual style. Beside the man in Chinese clothes, there are many cold guards, as if they were cold without any expression, but the breath revealed faintly makes people shudder.

The lineup is quite large.

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes burned.

Although the identity of the person is unknown, it is obvious that he is very powerful.

These guards, each with a strong breath, are definitely the strong among the strong.

The man in golden clothes has a strong strength. Obviously, the "Bu Xiong" has no head. He bumped into the muzzle of the gun and was only slapped in the face. He is lucky. I\'m afraid the man in golden clothes has an unusual status.

"You, you!!!" Bu Xiong finally reacted, but his face turned red.

In full view of the public, he was slapped in the face in front of ordinary hands, which can be described as losing all his face.

Although he knew that these people were quite big in front of him, he couldn\'t restrain his anger. His chest fluctuated constantly, clenched his teeth and clenched his fists. The word "forbearance" is easy to say, but it is really difficult to do. Obviously, bu Xiong is not a person who is good at forbearance.

But sometimes, it\'s not that he can\'t bear it if he doesn\'t want to.

Because the other party\'s background is too big.

"Presumptuous!" the middle-aged man dressed as the housekeeper drank again, opened his eyes and said loudly, "if you see the city Lord, you don\'t kneel down and make amends!"

In a word, all the anger of Bu Xiong disappeared in an instant, replaced by infinite fear and fear.

City, Lord?!

Bu Xiong opened his mouth wide and was shocked.

In Shiluo County, there is only one warrior who can be called the "city master".

In charge of the lifeblood of the whole shiroe County, the status is supreme!

"Pout!" Bu Xiong\'s legs softened and sweated, and immediately fell to his knees.

"See, I\'ve seen the county city Lord." he was silent, but bu Xiong was so scared that he didn\'t even dare to lift his head.

(it\'s three o\'clock today.)