Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 918

The whole floor of Heiyao hall is made of expensive Obsidian crystals.

The whole hall gives people an ancient and noble feeling. Here is the ninth floor and the ninth Hall of the ten halls of the famous building, second only to the top floor.

According to the waiter\'s words, many star domain level peak warriors are not qualified to enter. In the whole Shiluo County, there are no more than one palm of the hand with the VIP status of Heiyao hall, which is actually hit up layer by layer with strength. In fact, you can only buy VIP identities on the first to seventh floors with Xingjing.

From the eighth floor, no amount of money can buy it.

If the VIP identity on the sixth floor alone is bought with money, it needs a full 100000 stars.

On the seventh floor, millions of stars are needed. In Shiluo County, only Luo Shoufu of the Roche chamber of Commerce will use this "spare money" to buy a VIP identity. Even if other martial artists have money, they will not spend on such useless aspects. After all, the most important symbol of the famous building is——

Conquer with strength!

"Good style." Lin Feng looked around.

"Well, I didn\'t expect to be here." Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes flashed and felt very honored.

There was no shadow around.

There are only Lin Feng and Lin Yumo in the huge black hall. The atmosphere is very good.

Here, if you need any service, just press the button. At other times, waiters and waitresses are not allowed to stay here and occupy space. Moreover, Heiyao hall has complete "autonomy", and you don\'t have to worry about being overheard when you say anything.

"Yu Mo, I want to know what happened that year." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and deep.

Dad, breaking the ban will harm the family!!!

A big secret.

Lin Yumo looked at Lin Feng, and her beautiful eyes flashed. She was as smart as she had guessed that Lin Feng would break the casserole and ask to the end.

"Brother Lin, uncle Lin has been keeping this secret and didn\'t tell you. Maybe there\'s his reason." Lin Yumo hesitated and opened his mouth gently. "This matter has been sealed in the family. Not many people know what happened that year, and I don\'t know all about it."

"I want to know." Lin Feng looked calm but firm.

Sipping his lips, Lin Yumo sighed, "well, but you have to promise me one thing."

"Don\'t worry, Yumo, I won\'t expose my identity." Lin Feng nodded gently, knowing Yumo\'s concerns.

Just as dad wanted to hide his life experience, since Dad violated the ban that day, he was also guilty of "involvement". Different from Yu Mo, he is directly implicated and essentially implicated. The exposure of his identity is very likely to be dangerous.

Lin Yumo nodded and whispered, "Uncle Lin was really powerful in those years."

"Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright and pricked up his ears.

"Housekeeper Wu told me that uncle Lin has a second-class pupil in the family, the \'dark spirit\'s eye\', and he is only 18 years old, which is a breakthrough in the star domain level." Lin Yumo\'s eyes flash a bit of luster, which shocked Lin Feng, but he didn\'t expect his father\'s strength and potential to be so strong.

Hearing his father\'s deeds from others and listening to the admiration and respect in Yumo\'s tone, Lin Feng felt proud.

This is my father!


Remembering his father\'s depression in tianwu mainland, Lin Feng felt angina pectoris and wanted to know what happened that year, which made his father like this! Violation of the ban. What ban did you violate? Lin Feng stared at Lin Yumo with his eyes and clenched his right fist unconsciously.

"Uncle Lin was not only the top three strong man in the family, but also a ground level tool refiner second only to master Lin Yan."

"It can be said that it is not only the pride of the Lin family, but also a bright new star in Shiluo county."

"If Uncle Lin were still there, the Lin family would not be as important as they are now."

Lin Yumo shook his head gently, feeling sorry in his heart.

If it hadn\'t happened, I\'m afraid she and brother Lin have


Lin Yumo shook his head.

If it didn\'t happen, how could there be brother Lin?

"What happened that year?" Lin Feng felt a little shortness of breath and looked at Yu mo.

What is it that can knock down the father at the height of the sun into the abyss!

This is definitely not a small thing.

"Uncle Lin, he......" Lin Yumo nibbled his lips, looked at Lin Feng with beautiful eyes, and opened his mouth leisurely, "eloped with an ancient woman."

"Ah!" Lin Feng cried out, and his heart was in a mess.

I never thought that the answer would be this!

"Ancient woman... Is it my mother?" Lin Feng\'s face suddenly changed, and the confusion that had been winding seemed to be much clearer.

There is no doubt that he has the blood of the \'ancient family\'. Having the body of fried Phoenix can absorb the blood of the divine animal Phoenix, which is not what ordinary humans can do. When I was in tianwu, I felt my mother\'s breath faintly.

But why does this violate the ban?

wait! Elope?

If it\'s free love, why elope?

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at Lin Yumo with burning eyes. He knew very well that Yu Mo must know the reason.

"Brother Lin, you may not know that people and ancient people cannot intermarry. To be exact, ancient people are forbidden to intermarry with people." Lin Yumo\'s voice fell into his heart like a heavy shell. Suddenly Lin Feng understood a lot and understood a lot. His chest fluctuated slightly, Lin Feng clenched his fists, and his face changed rapidly.

Yes, of the three human races, the Terran is just the most insignificant existence!

Even if they are human, they have high and low status. Can a girl from a rich family marry a beggar?

The truth is clear when you think about it.

In the eyes of the ancient people, what is the difference between the Terran and the beggar?

There is a natural gap between the blood of the two sides. In the eyes of the ancient people, the Terran is not as good as even beggars. It is just mole ants and cannon fodder against the demon family. I can\'t understand this more clearly. The three major human races, the witch race and the ancient race, are superior.

Perhaps, the ancient people are not as cruel to the human people as the witch people.

But in essence, there is no difference between them.

"In the hundred waterfalls, the \'battle of the Lich\' I saw was like this." Lin Feng said softly in his heart and his eyes flashed.

The witch clan sits in the center, the ancient clan attacks in the back row, and the Terran

It\'s cannon fodder!

Like a moth to the fire, he rushed to the demon family army, no matter how big the gap between the two sides was. For the Witch and ancient tribes, human beings are just chips to consume the power of the demon clan, because human beings have strong reproductive ability and a large number, that\'s all.

They have never really regarded mankind as an "ally" and the same ethnic group.

"Elope..." Lin Feng smiled and shook his head.

No need to ask, I can guess that the pressure must come from the ancient people. Maybe the mother\'s position in the ancient people is not small. Because of the power and strength of the ancient people, they forced their father and mother to take the road of "elopement". Then Yumo said that the family expelled their father from the family in order to protect themselves.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the family.

If you insist on keeping your father, you just die together in your arms. There\'s no need.

As can be seen from his father\'s letter, he did not resent the family, otherwise he would not let himself return to the family.

"No wonder dad and Yumo don\'t let me reveal my identity. It\'s because my mother\'s identity is too special." Lin Feng smiled helplessly, and the doubt was finally solved.

Looking at Lin Feng\'s complex expression, Lin Yumo wanted to stop talking.

He did not say anything about the involvement of his father, Lin Jing, because he "married by pointing his belly".

She is as smart as she is. When you think about it carefully after calming down, you naturally know how much Lin Feng\'s feelings for her are real "love" and how much is "family affection". Lin Yumo hesitated, or was afraid. For the first time, her heart was filled with Lin Feng. She

Dare not take risks.

Afraid to change the status quo.

I\'m afraid that this time there may be a "slight" change, which will affect the whole body.

"Telling brother Lin won\'t help. It will only make him feel guilty." Lin Yumo said secretly, biting his lips and comforting himself.

"Brother Lin, what are you going to do next?" Lin Yumo asked softly.

"I want to find my mother and find the murderer." Lin Feng\'s eyes are cold and bright, and he doesn\'t hesitate. "When my father and mother eloped, they were still fine. But then my seriously injured father fled to tianwu mainland with my young brother and me. During the elopement, something must have happened and forcibly opened our family."

The most important thing is to "abolish" my father directly!

According to what Duoduo said, during that time in tianwu mainland, dad was just surviving.

For a star level warrior, even if the strong vitality is only surviving, it is really not a big problem to maintain it for more than ten or twenty years.

"I don\'t know." Lin Yumo shook his head gently.

All she knew was what housekeeper Wu said, not all.

"Basically, it doesn\'t have much to do with the family." Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright and understood in his heart. My father was already the top three in the family that day. Moreover, the family was forced to draw a line with my father. Even if I pursued my father, I would never spend too much effort.

Great possibility, it\'s the ancient family!

However, no matter who it is, he will not give up!

Revenge is revenge, blood feud, we must use blood to fill, one reward for another!

Lin Feng\'s eyes shone brightly.

I will never let what happened that year, just forget it.

Because the mention of that year opened a secret.

Lin Feng and Lin Yumo also lost their interest in "celebrating," but they were really unhappy. It was like a thorn stuck in their throat.

"What Yumo said is just a fragment."

"The clearest thing about that year was the patriarch \'Lin Zhen\'."

Lin Feng absentmindedly left the black hall, his eyes twinkled and his heart kept thinking.

In those days, it was Lin Zhen, the current patriarch, who expelled his father from the family!

"Who\'s the murderer, what\'s my mother\'s identity, everything..."

"The patriarch probably knows!"

He breathed out a deep breath, and Lin Feng\'s look changed constantly.

Knowing is one thing, but how can clan leader Lin Zhen tell himself willingly?

This is undoubtedly a big problem.

Lin Feng and Lin Yumo, thinking about each other, slowly stepped out of the Baiyun Building.

Just then, there was an uproar.

(third watch ~)