Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 915

Lin Feng said goodbye to release Zhi\'s heart.

Although there are countless words to say after the reunion, Lin Feng also has many questions in his heart, but now is not the time.

Immediately rushed to arena 5, but

"No?" Lin Feng couldn\'t help smiling bitterly.

Looking at the crowded long dragon outside the No. 5 martial arts arena, Lin Feng felt that the first two were big. I\'m afraid it would be thousands of times more difficult to squeeze in than to defeat the "Wu Kai" just now. Although the game has been started for a long time, it is still overcrowded. There is no gap at each entrance.

At this time——

"Brother Lin! ~" a happy voice came into his ears, and Lin Feng was stunned.

Looking back, I saw a beautiful figure, greeting himself with a clear smile. Although there are many martial artists around, her existence is like a snow lotus, which comes out of mud without dyeing, completely illuminating the whole space.

"Yu Mo?" Lin Feng was surprised.

Lin Yumo smiled and came over, but it made the martial artists around look sideways.

"Oh, yes." Lin Feng clapped his hands and immediately reacted.

Just now, I started my game in the tenth arena with number 1. I think it\'s the same in the fifth arena. And Yu Mo\'s number is so forward, which is naturally earlier than her own game, and looking at her happy appearance, it is obvious that

"Won?" Lin Feng whispered with a smile.

"Well," Lin Yumo said softly, "the first game is not difficult."

Lin Feng nodded.

According to the winning rate of the 10th martial arts arena, the winning rate of grams with the top 100 numbers is more than 90%.

The number of the top ten is 100%!

"Sorry." Lin Feng apologized. He not only didn\'t catch up with the feather ink competition, but also let her wait for him here all the time. Obviously, from the end of Yumo\'s game to the end of his own game, Yumo was waiting here for a long time.

"It doesn\'t matter." a clear smile bloomed on Lin Yumo\'s face. "Brother Lin has gone to the game, too?"

"Hmm?" Lin Feng looked at Lin Yumo in surprise.

Lin Yumo pointed to the star crystal table on his left hand, "I asked the customs housekeeper."

Lin Feng nodded suddenly and smiled awkwardly. "I\'m too careless. Let\'s go to the most luxurious restaurant in Sakya district to celebrate for you. It\'s an apology. I don\'t know if you\'d like to enjoy it?"

Lin Yumo smiled, "it\'s a great honor."

Famous building.

Located in the prosperous area of Sakyamuni district.

In terms of "luxury" and style, famous buildings do not even rank in the top 10 in Shiluo County, but their status is resounding. Everyone who has fame and qualifications knows that the word "famous building" represents power and status.

It has been rumored that the owner behind the famous building is the ruler of Shiluo county.

But the truth is unknown, and no one came out to refute the rumor. It is said that the famous building is as famous as its name, and its fame is becoming more and more famous.

Another well-known building is its price——

Quite expensive!

"The original \'famous building\' is like this..." Lin Feng nodded and looked up.

"Well, I\'ve heard its name all the time, but it\'s also my first time." Lin Yumo\'s eyes are bright and bright, and he looks curiously at this rather \'simple\' restaurant.

"Go in." Lin Feng smiled.

Listening to Yu Mo\'s introduction all the way, I was a little curious.

What\'s special about this building?

"Ten halls of the famous building?"

"If you want to eat in the \'red stone Hall\' on the first floor, you need to defeat ten red stone warriors?" Lin Feng was stunned.

"Yes, ten different red stone warriors." a well-dressed waiter politely made a "please" gesture. Lin Feng was quite surprised. He heard such a strange rule for the first time. Looking along the waiter\'s finger direction, there was a huge virtual and real space in the middle of the front hall, and dozens of battles were going on at the same time.

The martial artists who ate around pointed and talked about it one after another, which was quite lively.


It feels like playing a monkey.

"No other way?" Lin Feng said with a cluster of eyebrows.

The waiter raised his head and kept a professional smile, "or Sir, you can pay an admission fee of 1 Xingjing and become a red stone VIP."

"1 Xingjing?" Lin Yumo gently covered his small mouth and was quite surprised.

1 star crystal, equivalent to 100 million doling coins!

In Shiluo County, many star master level warriors can\'t take it out.

Not to mention just for a meal, it\'s too extravagant. But Lin Feng is relieved. Yumo wants to come here to celebrate. Naturally, he will follow her as much as possible, but it\'s a little too much to go to virtual and real space war for ten games. Now only one star crystal can solve the problem, which can\'t be better.

Money is not a big problem for yourself.

"Here." the light in Lin Feng\'s hand flashed, and a star crystal fell into the waiter\'s hand. The latter was slightly surprised. It seemed that he didn\'t expect the ugly Lin Feng to be so rich, but he soon returned to normal. All kinds of guests saw too much, "Sir, please come here."

"Elder brother Lin, will it cost too much?" Lin Yumo looked at Lin Feng and whispered.

"To celebrate for you, 1 Xingjing is nothing." Lin Feng smiled. Even 100 Xingjing won\'t blink.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has a heart. Lin Yumo suddenly smiles like a hundred flowers in full bloom.

The happiest thing for a girl in love is to get the attention of her sweetheart. Even if she is mature and atmospheric, Lin Yumo is no exception.

After all, in the "feelings" layer, she is completely blank.

"Oh, another second ancestor." in front, a strong man in black armor came up with disdain. No name was given, but obviously, there was no one here except Lin Feng. The eyes glanced at Lin Yumo and looked at Lin Feng with envy and jealousy. It was provocative to provoke eyebrows.

"Look, the black cow is widowing again."

"Ha ha, the rich man is going to be unlucky."

"I\'m afraid I\'ll lose face in front of the beauty. Black bull likes it best."


Eyes gathered around and whispered.

Looking at Lin Yumo, he was surprised and his heart beat, but looking at Lin Feng beside Lin Yumo, he was quite jealous.

Typical sour grape psychology.



"Hey, hey."

Everyone\'s eyes were all focused. At this time, the "black cow" was getting closer and closer to Lin Feng.

It can be seen that the essence of his cruel eyes is fleeting, and his left shoulder contains strong energy. He is stepping with strong steps and getting closer and closer to Lin Feng! This move, however, has been made by the black bull many times. Relying on his body shape and strength, he has "passed by" with many martial artists

At the moment of brushing——

"Peng!" Lin Feng collided with the black cow\'s shoulder and made a heavy noise.

Bang! Fall to the ground.

There was a sudden cry around.

The man who fell to the ground was not the "weak and invincible" rich man they imagined, but a black bull known for his physical strength!

How did this happen?!

The crowd was completely stunned.

You know, the power of the black bull is comparable to that of the star domain.

Even if the strong in the star domain meet, they may suffer losses when they are unprepared.

But right now

"I\'m sorry." Lin Feng seemed to have regained his mind. His eyes flashed and looked down at the fallen black cow. With a slight smile, Lin Feng stretched out his right hand. His expression was like charity and pity, which immediately made the black cow red and angry.

With a big hand like a bear\'s paw, the black bull\'s eyes showed their fierce light. His right hand immediately held Lin Feng\'s right hand, and all his forces burst out in an instant.


"Jiong! ~" a flash of fire rose instantly.

Suddenly there was a pig killing cry, which was very sad.

I saw the palm of the black cow on fire. At this time, it was hysterical howling, quite miserable. Everyone around stared at each other, but they didn\'t know what had happened. And then, whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Several figures galloped to Lin Feng\'s eyes.

Those are the three strong stars!

The famous building is really unusual.

"Sorry, my body flame will be released as soon as it is attacked." Lin Feng pretended to be innocent.

"You, you!" the black bull\'s palm just returned to normal, but it was a little burnt and looked quite embarrassed. Pointing to Lin Feng, he couldn\'t speak, and the three strong stars frowned. Lin Feng said so, they couldn\'t do anything.

After all, it\'s not the first time a black bull has made trouble here. It\'s common.

Only this time, I hit a nail.

"Well, peace is the most important." a star domain strong man played a round game.

After all, no one looks good when things get big, which will damage the reputation of famous buildings.

Lin Feng nodded with a smile. He didn\'t look at the pale black cow. He looked at Lin Yumo, "let\'s go." the latter smiled and agreed. Even if they left, they left an embarrassed black cow. The old face turned red and was very embarrassed.

"Brother Lin, you were so hurt just now." Lin Yumo covered his mouth and smiled.

Others don\'t know, but she can see clearly that Lin Feng is obviously "pretending to be garlic".

He did it on purpose and pretended that he didn\'t know anything, which made the black armour warrior lose face.

"Hey, hey." Lin Feng laughed twice and didn\'t deny it.

I did it on purpose.

If you just say two words, then say two words. You don\'t care.

But just now the other side was obviously provocative, and it was even more direct force to instill the shoulder and "deliberately" hit it. If it were other martial artists, I\'m afraid they would have been staggered and turned upside down. The other party is a little too much. He just takes the other way and returns the other body.

"People enter a foot, I enter a foot." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Lin Yumo nodded gently, "such a person is afraid of being hard and soft. The more you hide from him, the more you step on it."

"Just make fun of yourself." Lin Feng said with a smile, "don\'t mention it, so as not to affect your good mood."

Lin Yumo smiled and gave a soft \'um\' sound.

Looking at the figure of the two people leaving, as well as the slightly ironic eyes around them, black bull felt a strong sense of frustration and humiliation. Bite your teeth and be cruel. When black Newton dialed a name on the star crystal table.

"Boss, you must help me breathe..." black bull\'s eyes burned with anger.

(I\'ve been wandering all day. I\'m so tired. I went to have a rest and have a good sleep. It\'ll explode tomorrow!)