Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 912

Suddenly, the noisy lounge quieted down.

An amazing noise seemed to disappear in an instant, and every warrior looked at the entrance. It was Lin Fan and Wang Long who turned around involuntarily at this time. Their eyes were bright in a moment, and their faces were very dignified and radiant.

It was a young man with white hair. The soft sword around his waist was his biggest symbol.

Standing with white hair, I don\'t feel half bleak, but I have a vigorous and upward temperament with bright eyes!

It was the "genius" who defeated Lin Feng with an absolute advantage in the qualifying match that day, and the rosefinch challenge was the first "genius"——


He was also assigned to the tenth arena.

The emergence of Bai Qi caused a great sensation. Today, he is no longer the unknown martial artist in the qualification competition. In the name of Bai Qi, he won the first place in the peripheral games with hegemony, which is now famous in the whole Shiluo county. The great grandson of a Pulsatilla, regardless of his appearance, family background and personality, is the dragon among people, attracting the admiration of countless girls.

Stride proudly, whispering around.

The appearance of Baiqi undoubtedly makes the whole lounge completely different.

Everyone\'s eyes were focused on this\' first genius\', mixed with jealousy and envy.

"Oh, by the way, Lin fan, what did you just say about \'Wu Kai\'?" Wang long turned around and pretended not to remember. He clapped his hands and said with a laugh, "yes, you said he could pass the first day of junior high school, but he would still die in the second round."

Lin Fan\'s eyes were cold and sparkling. He stared at Bai Qi and didn\'t speak.

"This sentence is also very appropriate for you, Lin fan." Wang Long showed a look of schadenfreude and said with a smile, "I\'m afraid you can pass the first day of junior high school and can\'t pass the fifteenth day. Even if you win \'Wu Kai\' and enter the third round..."

"You still have to die!" Wang Long\'s eyes flashed away, burst into laughter and walked away.

Leaving Lin Fan alone, he stood like a wolf.

The two pupils with white awn twinkled ferociously.

The appearance of white rose led to the climax of the lounge.

However, the short silence soon stopped, and the noise and conversation began again.

Bai Qidan sat in the center of the lounge, didn\'t talk to anyone, just calmly closed his eyes and adjusted his state. For him, perhaps the first game against the last one, there is almost no suspense. In fact, the odds of this game are ridiculously low.

However, lions fight rabbits with all their strength!

None of those who can enter the preliminaries are weak.

Bai Qi clearly remembers that during the qualifying competition that day, a "one-star general" caused him great trouble. If it had not been for his strength and other advantages, I\'m afraid he would have been defeated. Therefore, no matter who your opponent is, you must not be careless!

Time goes by slowly.

In the Shiluo arena, the audience has become more and more.

People crowded, people next to people, not only full seats, but also standing on the ground, with a surge of heads.

Hundreds of millions of viewers!

This is a grand event rarely seen in shiroe County in a hundred years.

The first round of the preliminary round of the rosefinch challenge is about to start!

"Wow! ~" the light door flashed.

At the entrance, another shadow flickered.

It was a young man in black uniform who stepped in calmly. The smiling face, with a little curiosity, is quite incompatible with the martial artists around. The rest of the martial artists all wear \'star armor\' and greatly improve their defense ability, but this young man

But it\'s empty.

"Well, I forgot to wear the star armor." Lin Feng laughed.

When I came in, I remembered that my star armor had been damaged in the wizard of Oz World War I and had not been worn in tianwu mainland.

After a year, I almost forgot.

The eyes around him were focused, but most of them were curious, but they were "new faces" they had never seen before. After two or three eyes, you can go back to the past. In terms of popularity, Lin Feng and Bai Qi are more than one grade apart. In fact, Lin fan is much more famous than Lin Feng.


Is it useful?

Lin Feng doesn\'t care at all.

These are just passing clouds.

For martial artists, there are and only——


His eyes flashed across the rest room and his faces. For a moment, Lin Feng\'s eyes were fixed and radiant. At this time, Bai Qi, who had been keeping his eyes closed, seemed to feel something. He also opened his eyes and looked at each other. They were stunned at this moment as if they were stone carvings.

Too familiar!

"It\'s you!" Lin Feng and Bai Qi almost opened their mouth at the same time, and suddenly burst into an uproar.

In their eyes, there was a strong sense of war. They both remembered the qualifying game, which was unforgettable. Especially for Lin Feng, that war really taught him what "there are days outside the sky and people outside the people" was a big defeat.

From beginning to end, it was completely suppressed from scratch.

Then he closed the door and practiced hard. However, he wanted to compete with Bai Qi again, but the qualifying competition was over,

"Boom! ~" suddenly, the whole lounge became lively.

"Who is he?"

"It looks very powerful. It can make Baiqi pay so much attention."

"But how come I\'ve never seen it?"


Everyone said a word to me and looked at Lin Feng curiously.

It was just the lost focus that gathered again in an instant, but among the crowd, Lin Fan was completely ignorant in situ, his mouth was wide open and couldn\'t say a word. After a long time, he reacted. His eyes flashed incredible and shook his head.

"Impossible, how possible!" Lin Fan looked shocked.

Lin Feng, Mingming is dead. How can he live? And here?!

You\'re kidding!


"Lin Feng."

They stood opposite each other, their eyes shining.

They introduced each other, shook hands and sympathized with each other.

"You are much stronger than then." white eyes flashed. Although he felt that Lin Feng had not yet entered the star domain level, his breath contained a very "dangerous" feeling.

"You too." Lin Feng smiled slightly.

Baiqi\'s strength has reached the second order of star domain level.

In a short time, it broke through to the star domain level, and even reached the second-order level. Baiqi\'s progress is quite amazing. I still feel so "strong" to myself, just like I did in the qualifying competition.

However, today\'s self is no longer comparable to that in the qualification competition.

The war spirit is calm.

It\'s a perfect match.

Whispering around, whispering, discussing the origin of Lin Feng. However, Lin Feng is too low-key in both qualifying and qualifying competitions. Almost every game carries the title of "the last but one", which is difficult to attract people\'s attention.

The only one who really knows Lin Feng is Lin fan!

The teeth clenched, and the suppressed hatred surged up. Lin Fan looked at Lin Feng and his eyes were cold to the extreme.

OK, quite good!

If he\'s not dead, give him another ride!

Lin Fan clenched his fists and exposed his green veins on his forehead, just like a wolf.

The short storm soon subsided.

Lin Feng and Bai Qi just say hello, but they know each other. At this time, there was a roar of joy outside. Lin Feng looked out of the window and his eyes flashed. It was a middle-aged man in military uniform. He was in the middle of the arena and announced the beginning of the preliminary competition.

One of the nine giants!

Although I didn\'t know who the man was, I completely felt a terrible power.

In particular, the sword at his waist gives people a feeling of palpitation, as if any defense could not resist the knife.

"The king of Dao is the king of Dao, and his momentum is really different." Bai Qi stood beside Lin Feng calmly, his eyes flashing.

"The sword king? He is the leader of Yuehua sword sect." Lin Feng whispered softly in his heart.

Although I don\'t know much about Shiluo County, some real strong people have heard of it. For example, Hua Yidao is not only one of the nine giants in Shiluo County, but also one of the ten strong ones, with a very prominent reputation. Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered, staring at the figure in the distance, and he felt a strong sense of war.

One day, I hope I can compete with him!

"I\'ll go first, brother Lin." Bai Qi smiled calmly and nodded to Lin Feng.

"Good." Lin Feng replied.

In an instant, Bai Qi flew straight out of the window, like a sharp arrow, causing a howling thunder. As the focal point of No. 10 arena, he is also the most eye-catching strong player in the peripheral games. The first game of the preliminaries was played by Bai Qi against Huang Zifeng.

One is the first and one is the last.

With a game full of "highlights" without suspense, it opened the door——

The first round of preliminaries in arena 10!

There is no luck in this kind of battle.

Although Huang Zifeng clenched his teeth and tried his best, he was easily defeated by Bai Qi, but Bai Qi obviously left his hand and only slightly injured Huang Zifeng, which was a "good" game. And this result did not surprise anyone. In a burst of applause and cheers, Bai Qi left quietly.

Then, the preliminaries started one by one.

Only the fifth game, a game with great strength, appeared the first dead warrior.

A warrior like a black bear directly tore his opponent to pieces. The means are ferocious and bloody, and the broken limbs and debris fall. Such a scene is frightening. In the rest room, many martial artists also showed an unbearable color. Their eyes hesitated and their hearts were slightly timid.

"The rules are too cruel."

"That is to say, is it worth fighting for a game?"

"Too inhuman."


People say a word to me, but it resonates.

But those who complain are basically martial artists who have not broken through the star domain level.

"A real warrior, how can he fear life and death." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed, but he could understand the purpose of the conference. A large part of the warriors in Jiuzhou are too "comfortable". The prohibition of killing makes them completely unaware of the "true meaning" of the warriors.

This time, it is undoubtedly a good touchstone.

A real warrior must be tempered and tested by life and death.

In this way, there will be great will and perseverance!

Achieve the dragon among people!