Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 911

"Come on, Yumo." Lin Feng smiles to cheer Yumo up.

"Well, brother Lin." Lin Yumo smiled lightly and felt warm in his heart.

Lin Feng\'s appearance made her completely melt the cold ice at the bottom of her heart and appearance. Behind him, housekeeper Wu looked at Lin Feng and his young lady in surprise. He nodded suddenly and smiled comfortingly.

i see!

"Don\'t be careless, but I will come to No. 5 arena to supervise you." Lin Feng whispered.

"Really?!" Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes were shining and happy.

"That\'s still false." Lin Feng smiled and took out a golden metal sheet and raised it. A number of five was clearly engraved on the back of the metal sheet. Lin Feng said, "I asked ah Zhong to buy a ticket yesterday."

"But the tickets were sold out half a year ago?" Lin Yumo was lightly surprised.

"Money can make the devil push the mill." Lin Feng smiled. "Well, it\'s almost time. Remember, don\'t be too kind."

"I will." Lin Yumo nodded and smiled.

Seeing Lin Yumo off, Lin Feng returns to his residence.

"Well, get ready and go cheer for Yumo." Lin Feng whispered and looked around, but he didn\'t see Guan Zhong. Even his two daughters were taken by his maidservant, "what\'s ah Zhong doing early in the morning?"

He felt a little confused, and Lin Feng didn\'t care.

Just waiting to go back to the house, suddenly, a breath came.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng looked back, which was the direction of the "transmission array" of the mansion.

Ah Zhong came at a gallop, beaming with joy. He seemed to hold a thin piece of black metal in his hand and shouted, "young master, good news!"

Step! Guan Zhong stood still and couldn\'t close his mouth with a smile. "Young master, happy event."

"He Xizhi has?" Lin Feng said strangely, pointing to the black metal sheet on Guan Zhong\'s hand, "this?"

"Yes." Guan Zhonglian nodded and stuffed the black metal sheet. Lin Feng picked it up curiously, like a golden leaf. The black light shone with a moving luster. On the back of the metal sheet, there is a big number "ten", which is clandestine and hard.

"Tickets for the No. 10 arena?" Lin Feng was surprised, but he immediately decided, "No."

On the front of the black metal sheet, there are smooth stripes and a row of numbers——


Obviously, different from tickets.

Guan zhongsa smiled, "this is the entry certificate of the preliminary competition and the martial artist\'s\' ID card \'."

Preliminary entry voucher?

Lin Feng was stunned.

"Look, young master, the number \'881\' in front is the number." Guan Zhong explained in detail, "and the number \'10\' in the back is No. 10 arena. With this\' identity card \', young master, you can enter No. 10 arena and participate in the preliminary competition again."

Lin Feng laughed in an uproar. Although he understood, he was a little unimaginable. "What\'s going on, ah Zhong?"

"Yes, young master..." Guan Zhong said softly.

After a incense burning time.

"I see." Lin Feng nodded suddenly, "so you ran to get your ID card early in the morning?"

"That\'s right." Guan Zhong said with a smile. "It was only confirmed when he contacted the conference yesterday. Because the procedures were a little cumbersome, it took a long time, but fortunately, he caught up." Guan Zhong sighed with relief.

Holding the black ID card in his hand, Lin Feng smiled.

It\'s really unpredictable. Unexpectedly, I didn\'t expect to be able to compete.

If the schedule and quota of the preliminary competition have been set, it can no longer be changed. However, there are only 880 fighters left in the wizard of Oz, and 120 places remain. They have not been selected by other missions, but have been virtually "empty".

This made him finally "make up" for the ticket.

"It seems that this\' rosefinch challenge \'will surely reap a lot." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

Even God has opened a back door for himself, which is quite a bit of chance and coincidence.

"My opponent is really unlucky." Lin Feng smiled.

What could have been an advanced stage similar to the "wheel empty" is now probably empty with a bamboo basket.

Think about it and feel sympathy.

"I\'m afraid from great joy to great sorrow." Guan Zhong also smiled, "but young master, the first 880 places of the wizard of Oz have been set and can\'t be changed, so your opponent\'s ranking is still relatively high. He is the 120th martial artist in the Wanjin world."

"Oh, what\'s your name?" Lin Feng asked casually.

"Ruyi District, Wu Kai."


Baiyun tower, Sakya district.

The white fog twined and disappeared between the faint clouds.

Here, it is still so mysterious that it is very desirable in Shiluo county. Because here lives the "master" behind the scenes in Shiluo county——

The Holy One \'shakara\'.

"Elder martial sister, I\'m leaving." Hua Wei arched his hand gently.

Blessed by misfortune, he was accepted as a registered disciple by Sakyamuni. Hua Wei practiced in the Baiyun Tower this year and his strength improved by leaps and bounds.

"Oh, don\'t embarrass me, elder martial sister." Shi Zhixin waved her hand at will, her big eyes flashed and held her chin in boredom. It is still the face like a porcelain doll, carved with powder and jade. Although a year has passed, Shi Zhixin\'s physical function has stopped because she has been in a coma for too long.

Therefore, the appearance and body shape have not changed much.

Although he was younger than Hua Wei, Shi Zhixin started much earlier than Hua Wei and became a "little elder martial sister".

But Hua Wei obviously didn\'t care. He smiled and said, "yes, elder martial sister."

Then he turned and left. For him, it was undoubtedly a great opportunity to worship under the door of Sakyamuni. As for calling Shi Zhixin a "senior sister", he was not ashamed. Judging from his strength, Shi Zhixin dumped him for several blocks, and the wizard of Oz fought that day.

Shi Zhi\'s heart is amazing.

Her strength cannot be judged by her age.

"It\'s boring. I knew I was going to compete too." Shi Zhi\'s heart tooted her mouth.

She and beimingyang were in a coma because of "special", so they were emptied for two rounds. At present, they don\'t need to participate.

"Unknowingly, a year has passed..." Shi Zhixin sat on the tower, looked at the clouds with beautiful eyes, and whispered gently, "the magic stick is still unconscious, and the bad guys are so dead..." she pursed her lips, and with sadness, Shi Zhixin sighed, "my captain is really useless, that day... If only I could be stronger."

There are thousands of thoughts. I still feel heartache when I think of it.

Lin Feng, in particular, saved her life, but he died.

"Bad guy, big bad guy!" Shi Zhi\'s heart showed her nose, hummed and whispered, "you did it on purpose. You didn\'t want me to repay your kindness, did you?" she said. Shi Zhi\'s tears fell down, and she felt sad when she thought of the sad place.

After all, she is still a little girl and sentimental.

At this time——

"Who made my little princess cry again?" a joking voice came from behind. It was a father with a kind smile.

The figure has the momentum of not being angry and powerful. Come here, you are the leader of Baiyun tower.

The Holy One \'shakara\'.

Quickly wiped away her tears, Shi Zhi\'s heart sucked her nose, turned back and said angrily, "people don\'t cry, Dad!"

Looking at Shizhi\'s heart, shijaro also felt a little distressed. He saw this picture countless times in the past half a year. Although her daughter is young, she has a strong sense of responsibility. She counts beimingyang\'s coma and Lin Feng\'s death on her head. She is often dejected and sad.


This time, it\'s different.

"Zhixin, Dad brings you good news." shijara\'s eyes flickered.

"What\'s the good news?" Shi Zhi\'s heart was very strange, and her eyes were still a little red.

Shakhala looked at him and said slowly, "your companion, the companion who should have died, \'Lin Feng\', is back."

"Ah!" Shi Zhi\'s heart was completely stunned.

huge crowds of people!

It seems that the whole martial arts of Shiluo county have come.

The ten Shiluo martial arts arenas were all overcrowded. They entered anxiously for fear of missing the wonderful duel.

"Shit, get out of the way!"

"Squeeze your mother, the people in front hurry up!"

"Shit, I\'ve been waiting for half an hour and I can\'t get in!"


There was a mess of curses.

Although the Shiluo martial arts arena is full at the moment, many people can\'t enter, and the entrance is already full. All kinds of sitting and standing tickets are hot. The conference can earn one point. The whole fighting ground is in a hot mood. If it weren\'t for the fact that we couldn\'t do it here, I\'m afraid there would already be "corpses everywhere".

At the moment, the rest room of the contestants in the arena is also lively.

The contestants arrived very early and rubbed their hands to adapt and get familiar with the environment as soon as possible.

After all, you have to do enough preparation.

Many martial artists know each other. After all, they are all in Shiluo county. Many families, sects and forces intersect, and some have met in qualifying and qualifying competitions. Those who can enter the preliminaries are basically well-known in Shiluo county. Even if they haven\'t seen anyone, they have heard of fame.

"Ha ha, Lin fan, long time no see." a young man with short hair came to say hello with a smile.

"Long time no see, Wang long." Lin Fan\'s eyes were burning.

They shook hands politely, but they didn\'t smile.

In those years, Lin Fan met in the "New Star Wars" and was reluctant to lose.

"It\'s a pity that I can\'t meet you in this preliminaries." Wang Long smiled calmly, which seemed to ridicule Lin fan.

"Well, you\'re really lucky." Lin Fan smiled lightly.

They seemed to say hello, but they fought openly and secretly.

Such scenes can be seen everywhere. Basically, the circle of strong stars is so large that everyone knows a lot.

"Look, Lin fan, your opponent in the second round." Wang Long pointed in front of him and smiled in an uproar. "Ruyi District, Wu Kai, this guy is really lucky. He drew a good lot. In the first round, he was 881 in the wizard of Oz, just right in the sky."

"What\'s the use?" Lin Fan disdained. "If he can pass the first day of junior high school, he will still die in the second round."

"Yo, this is not what it used to be. I\'m full of confidence?" Wang Long\'s eyes flashed.

Lin Fan smiled coldly, indeed, full of confidence.

Now he is no longer Wu Xia Amun in the past. Even if Lin Feng is still alive, he has 100% confidence——

Let him die without a burial place!