Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 913

The game continued one after another.

Although there is only one arena, each game is very fast.

The short time is half a incense burning time, and the long time is a cup of tea or even a quarter of an hour. Basically, most of the previous games have a considerable strength gap. Even if they fight tenaciously, they can\'t support it. Few of them can go up and down. Those who can be ranked in the top 100 in a single task in the peripheral games are definitely the strong ones!

However, exceptions will naturally occur.

After all, none of the weak can enter the preliminaries.

In the 35th and 57th games, the results of the following grams were popular.

In game 66, it was even more shocking. The warrior with the number of \'935\' is already a strong one at the star domain level. Killing the opponent with the number of \'66\' is less than three moves. The scene was bloody and cruel, but with the progress of the game, the audience gradually got used to this degree of fighting.

Because it\'s more direct and exciting!

Many martial artists have learned a lot from life and death.

"This is a signal." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

"From the subconscious mind, it affects the martial arts of Jiuzhou who are \'comfortable\'."

Lin Feng thought in his heart and didn\'t care.

For myself, this unlimited battle is very suitable.

Because I have been like this since I was a child.

Time, little by little.

Soon, the first round of the preliminary round of the tenth arena was completed by 20%.

After 500 games, officially entering 100 games, the situation began to be a little balanced. Most of the top 100 in each task in the qualifier are the strong, while those after 100 are basically not much different in strength.

In general, the ones with the top numbers still have an advantage.

However, compared with the winning rate of 90% before 100 games, it has fallen below 80% and reached about 70.5%.

The strength of the martial arts is getting closer and closer, and the mood of the audience is getting higher and higher. The competition with great strength looks very comfortable and refreshing, but the competition with close strength looks more exciting and affects people\'s hearts, and even

Much more cruel.

Often, the outcome is only a moment.

At this time, gambling has become a lot more interesting.

The rapidly changing situation, one thought of heaven, one thought of hell. From time to time, many martial artists can be seen shaking their arms and sighing, showing disappointment or even despair in their eyes, and there is no doubt that the gambler\'s psychology is fully displayed. With more and more hot emotions, gradually, the game went on to game 120.

A game that should have been "won" directly.

"No. 120, Ruyi district \'Xiaoyang sword sect\', Wu Kai!" the martial arts master in charge shook his arms and shouted.

A handsome young man stepped into the arena with a smile on his face. The light silver armor is shining. You can see the extraordinary product at a glance. Although it is the peak of the star master level, Wu Kai is obviously equipped with quite good equipment. Star armor, star treasure and sword at the waist are very rich.

The smiling audience greeted with open arms. Wu Kai\'s expression was very relaxed.

He drew a good lot.

On the empty number 881 of the wizard of oz.

When he appeared, he just took a trip according to the rules. Soon, as the host shouted out the number, but no one answered, he would count down ten seconds. Ten seconds later, according to the preliminary rules, he can win without fighting and easily advance to the second round.

"No. 881!" shouted.

No introduction, no name.

Because in the preliminary match table, No. 881 is\' empty \'.

The surrounding audience is also bored. According to the video system on the seat, No. 881 "check this person". Most importantly, the odds of \'Wu Kai\' in this game is 1.000. In short, there is no odds.


Things in the world are always unexpected.

"Whoosh!" a black figure galloped out of the lounge.

All the contestants were startled. You looked at me, looked at you and looked at each other. The most shocking is not others, it is Lin fan! His chest kept fluctuating. Lin Fan stared out of the window. He didn\'t expect that Lin Feng was not only a contestant, but also a fighter——

Number \'881\'!

His next \'possible\' opponent!

"Hey, is the number \'881\' anyone?"

"I don\'t know. Isn\'t it an empty number?"

"I\'ve seen the match table. The number \'881\' clearly has no name. It\'s strange."


All the people talked and doubted.

In fact, Lin Feng\'s "name" was added at the last minute before the preliminaries. I don\'t know if it\'s normal. At this time, Lin Feng appeared in the arena, which also surprised everyone, not only the audience, but also Wu Kai and the martial artist in charge of the host.

"Who are you? It\'s not your turn yet." Wu Kai frowned unhappily.

But Lin Feng is regarded as a fighter to participate in the next game.

"This..." the martial artist in charge of the host came over and was about to speak, but Lin Feng took out the contestant\'s\' ID card \'. The black metal sheet is shiny and as thin as gold leaf. The number \'881\' above is clearly visible.

And black is the color of No. 10 arena!

Wu Kai stared and immediately angrily said, "it\'s impossible. It must be false!"

Lin Feng smiled calmly, and then handed the identity card to the Wu who was in charge of the host. The latter was at a loss and a little at a loss.

In an instant——

"Hoo! ~" a breeze blew, and Lin Feng\'s heart was shocked.

His eyes twinkled with luster. Turning his head, it was Hua Yidao. Feel his breath from a close distance, which is even more impressive. The saber at the waist has a strong domineering spirit, giving people a feeling of heart shaking. The surrounding areas seem to be under his control.

"So strong." Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled.

"What\'s going on?" Hua Yidao said slowly.

"That\'s right, master Hua." the martial artist in charge of the host quickly explained the matter. Hua Yidao took the ID card, and a breath flashed. The black metal card suddenly gave a "Keng" sound, and Hua Yidao\'s eyes were burning. "The ID card is true."

"Little brother, you..." Hua Yi Dao turned his head and looked at Lin Feng.

"Yes, master Hua." Lin Feng bowed slightly. "I just filled the quota this morning, so I don\'t have any information to register."

Hua Yidao nodded if ran, and his eyes flashed, "are you also a survivor of the wizard of Oz?"

"Yes," Lin Feng replied.

"Why didn\'t you report it before?" Hua Yidao asked again.

"I just came back." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Hua Yidao was stunned. "Do you mean you just came back from the wizard of Oz?"

Lin Feng nodded and didn\'t say much.

This answer was stunned by Wu Kai and Wu Zhe, who were in charge of the host.

"Nonsense!" Wu Kai said angrily. "The transmission channel of the wizard of Oz has been completely destroyed. How can you return to Shiluo county from the boundless sea!" Hua Yidao also looked at Lin Feng curiously and wanted to know the answer.


"I don\'t want to answer." Lin Feng said faintly.

There is no need to answer such questions that belong to personal privacy.

"You!!!" Wu Kai\'s face turned red. He just wanted to speak again, but Lin Feng interrupted. He looked at Hua and said slowly, "in fact, it\'s very simple. Elder Hua might as well contact the headquarters of the conference. I think there should be a record there."

Hua Yidao didn\'t ask again, and then he turned on the communicator.

Wu Kai looked at Lin Feng, but his heart was a little uneasy. This inexplicable opponent suddenly came out, which made him feel very uneasy. He pinched his fist with both hands, and suddenly saw Lin Feng\'s martial arts clothes. "By the way, he just seemed to \'just come back\'... No wonder he didn\'t even have a star armor."

"I have nothing to be afraid of. Everyone is at the top of the star master level. I should be much better than him." Wu Kai\'s eyes were bright.

Looking up and down at Lin Feng, Wu Kai had instant confidence.

In front of me, this opponent looks like a fallen warrior, but you!

Just fight. There\'s nothing to worry about.

In the audience.

"Yes, look, yes!!" a warrior suddenly shouted.

At this time, the video system in front of him was already the data of Lin Feng, which attracted a crowd around to watch, but it was an instant——

"Poof!" burst into laughter.

"The qualifying \'one star general\' and the qualifying number \'333000\', how did Lin Feng enter the preliminaries?"

"You stupid, you, the wizard of Oz 1000 qualifying places are not full. As long as a person is still alive, he can enter the preliminaries."

"I\'m dizzy. I thought it came out suddenly. It turned out to be a lucky dog!"

"Come on, come on, there\'s a odds, come on!"


A stone stirred thousands of waves, and the audience soon boiled.

Wu Kai also showed a smile. Naturally, his hearing was good. He listened attentively and could barely hear a lot of "information". Just now, he was startled. He thought he was a super strong man. He seemed to forget that his opponent was just No. 881.

It\'s far from him!

"One star in qualifying, the penultimate in qualifying..."

"Ha, I see!"

Wu KaiDun was relieved and looked up with pride.

Well, let\'s warm up for the second round of preliminaries and adapt to the new preliminaries rules first.

Play with this weak opponent!

And now——

"Pa!" Hua Yidao turned off the communicator and nodded to the Wu who was in charge of the host, indicating that there was nothing wrong. Then, looking at Lin Feng, Hua Yidao opened his mouth slowly with curiosity and appreciation in his eyes, "so you are Lin Feng?"

"Yes, sir." Lin Feng replied politely.

"Very good." Hua Yidao smiled and patted Lin Feng on the shoulder.

Without any more words, he immediately left, but Wu Kai was stunned, and the surrounding audience was puzzled.

What does Lin Feng have to do with Hua Yidao?

Lin Feng smiled calmly.

"Maybe \'Huawei\' mentioned me." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

He had a brief contact with Hua Wei in the wizard of Oz, so it was normal for him to mention himself in front of his father.

And then——

"No. 881, Lin Feng, Lin\'s family, qianluo district." the cry suddenly sounded.

This shout undoubtedly affirmed Lin Feng\'s identity as a contestant, and a thunderous voice burst out in the surrounding audience. Many gamblers have been very clever. They use this gap time to make use of the people\'s unfamiliar with Lin Feng and put a lot of chips on Wu Kai in an attempt to make a fortune.

"Give me more advice." Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"OK." Wu Kai snorted.

"Separate!" Shen shouted again. Lin Feng and Wu Kai jumped back and separated for a distance.

"The game officially begins!"

(I wish you all a happy New Year\'s day. Congratulations on getting rich and everything goes well in the new 2014! ~)