Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 910

In the hall, Lin Feng vividly tells the scene of the day.

Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes are bright and incredible. Hearing the battle of the wizard of Oz from Lin tuyere is far more real and intense than the various versions circulated in Shiluo county. When he heard that Lin Feng was fighting with the strong men of the star region level seventh order Tiangou family, Lin Yumo was so frightened that he didn\'t even dare to go out of the atmosphere.

What a existence!

The star level seven level strong of Tiangou family can definitely compare with the star level peak of human martial arts!

But Lin Feng won?

Guan Zhong, who was not far away, also pricked up his ears and was shocked.

I really didn\'t expect that the young master could survive in this absolute adversity. I\'m afraid he would have died.

"Then what happened?" Lin Yumo said strangely, "the transmission channel is closed. Brother Lin, how did you come back?"

"Hmm..." Lin Feng whispered softly and pointed to the earring in his left ear with a smile. "Thanks to it, I can come back here safely, but something has been delayed for a while, which makes you worry, Yumo." he can fully feel the "heartache" feeling of Yumo.

For yourself, the sudden departure of relatives will also be heartbroken.

"It doesn\'t matter." Lin Yumo shook his head with a sweet smile.

For her, as long as Lin Feng can come back safely, it is the best gift from heaven.

Lost and found.

After chatting for more than an hour, Yu Mo was reluctant to leave.

"Young master, it seems that miss Yumo has deep feelings for you." Guan Zhong came forward and said with a smile.

In his opinion, Lin Yumo and Lin Feng are a natural couple. They are very similar regardless of their age and strength. The most important thing is that Miss Yu Mo, known as "the first beauty in Shiluo county", is not false about the young master\'s sincere feelings.

It\'s rare to have a lover!

"Don\'t talk nonsense, ah Zhong." Lin Feng smiled. "Yumo is my sister."

"Ah?" Guan Zhong was a little stunned. He didn\'t expect it at all.

With a slight frown, Guan Zhong touched his head, but he didn\'t look like two brothers and sisters.

According to his experience, miss Yumo is completely in love with the young master. Even outsiders can see this emotion. But brother and sister? It\'s incredible... Is it wrong? A big question mark appeared in Guan Zhong\'s mind and he was confused.

"By the way, ah Zhong, there\'s something I want to ask you." Lin Feng said straightly.

"Young master, please speak." Guan Zhong bowed slightly.

Lin Feng nodded and his eyes twinkled, "is there a way to cure Xiaoqing and Xiaoen\'s\' disease?"

Guan Zhong was stunned and quickly responded, but he shook his head. "The young master\'s intention is Guan Zhong\'s, but the little girl......" with a long sigh, Guan Zhong raised his head with a soft look in his eyes. "It\'s lucky to be able to continue his life. At least he can live like an ordinary person."

Lin Feng said, "if you have enough money, can you cure it?"

Guan Zhong thought for a moment and said with a smile, "maybe there are hundreds of thousands of star crystals that can be cured."

Smile with helplessness, hundreds of thousands of star crystals, the number is too terrible.

Not to mention an ordinary star level strong man, even the star level peak strong man may not have so much money.

"Hundreds of thousands of star crystals..." Lin Feng thought.

But it\'s much more expensive than you think. Although you have obtained many "star fruits" during this trip, the highest is probably the "three grades". If you add hundreds of stars, there should be 100000 star crystals, but if you add hundreds of thousands of star crystals, the gap is really large.

"Don\'t worry, ah Zhong, there will always be a way." Lin Feng smiled lightly.

At present, he may not be able to take it out, but with the improvement of strength, hundreds of thousands of star crystals should have no problem.

As long as you become a real "earth level tool refiner".

It\'s not difficult to make money with your own ability.

"HMM." Guan Zhong nodded. "In fact, I\'m very satisfied that I can maintain this way." contentment is always happy. Originally, Guan Zhong\'s family has been broken and dead, and there is no way out. Fortunately, he met Lin Feng, a kind-hearted man, and saved his last blood.

timely assistance!

Heartfelt gratitude.

For Guan Zhong, even if Lin Feng wants him dead, he won\'t frown.

"Young master, after the qualifying match, I checked your identity, but at that time you had been \'declared\' dead, so..." Guan Zhong truthfully reported and said slowly, "the rewards of the qualifying match and the qualifying match have been \'shelved\' for the time being. Now, young master, you come back safely and can contact the conference again to get the due rewards."


Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened.

If Guan Zhong hadn\'t reminded me, I almost forgot.

Martial artists who pass the qualifying games have considerable "material" rewards. In the first round of qualifying, I once entered the Battle City treasure house, spent 10000 battle stars worth more than 10000 stars, entered the gold treasure house, and then entered the mysterious crystal treasure house, and obtained a treasure that moved my heart!

Rewards are distributed uniformly at the end of the qualifying game.

But at that time, he was already a "body meteor".

"What treasure will it be?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and looked forward to it.

Obviously, it must be a valuable existence.

"Help me reconnect with the conference and verify my identity, ah Zhong." Lin Feng nodded.

"Yes, young master," Guan Zhong said respectfully.

The return of Lin Feng is a direct transmission.

Basically, no one knows except Lin Yumo and the servants of the mansion.

The top leaders of the Lin family, including Lin Zhen and Lin Yan, are still unknown. In fact, their thoughts are not here at the moment. With the end of the one-year period after the peripheral competition, the preliminary competition of the rosefinch competition finally came. A total of 1000 places were determined in four rounds, making the whole Shiluo county a sensation.

Entering the zhuquezhou race is regarded as an honor.

It is very important not only for the warrior himself, but also for the whole family.

Especially this year\'s "rosefinch challenge", because the opening of the ancient forbidden area has focused everyone\'s attention.

with vigour and vitality!

Compared with the previous rosefinch challenge, this year\'s "preliminary" abolished a provision, that is, the "point to the end". The whole preliminaries are for real fighting. There is no limit to life and death. There will be no punishment for killing the opponent. It is known as——

The cruelest preliminaries!

Except to admit defeat.

Once the opponent concedes defeat and kills again, he will be disqualified.

According to the words of the general assembly, a real warrior must experience the test of life and death. A warrior who dare not even face death is not a real warrior. Moreover, after entering the race, the martial arts will face a more cruel and fierce struggle.

Superior and inferior!

The expected day finally came.

The whole Shiluo county is paying special attention. The preliminaries will be held in the oldest "Sakya district" of Shiluo County, with the county mayor "Wang Mo" in charge. The nine giants, the ten strong, and the famous elders of the major forces in Shiluo county will all come.


The preliminaries were held in the Shiluo arena.

There are ten Shiluo fighting fields, each of which can accommodate hundreds of millions of spectators. There is an energy protection layer outside the auditorium, which can resist the power of no more than Saint level strong. This is almost the strongest protection layer and the top energy technology of mankind. Star Crystal consumption is particularly intense, but

It\'s worth it.

The ticket price alone is worth the ticket price.

Moreover, there is still a price without a market. Ticket prices are hot, more than ten times higher than the original price. Even station tickets are robbed, especially those auditorium closest to the arena. After all, one ticket can see a full 500 duels, all of which are top duels!

Those who have broken through the qualifying and qualifying competitions in a row are the strong ones!

Of course, the most popular is undoubtedly all kinds of "gambling". In the Shiluo martial arts arena, each seat is equipped with a "gambling system" to place bets directly. High class seats, even with an independent video system, introduce the information of both sides, strength analysis and so on.

Human energy technology is quite advanced.

Make a stir!

Before dawn, the Shiluo martial arts arena began to surge and enter first.

Some professional "gamblers" have already begun to record and analyze; Some martial artists who want more advanced strength also come to learn with the mentality of cultivation; After all, if hundreds of millions of visitors enter together, I\'m afraid even if there are more entrances, they will break their heads.

By dawn, each Shiluo martial arts arena was filled with nearly half of the people, which was quite lively.

Everyone whispered to each other, discussing the event, analyzing the possibility of each game and how to bet steadily.

At this time, all families and forces began to mobilize.

But they are often ordinary forces, such as the real strong, such as Hua Wei, Zeng Ren and Bai Qi, who have little feeling about the first two rounds of the preliminary round. With their strength, it\'s easy to advance, especially like Baiqi, who ranks first in the qualifying, and against the 1000th place in one of the missions, that is, the penultimate place.

Win, no suspense.

Lin family.

"Although the opponent is weak, don\'t take it lightly." Lin Zhen said calmly.

"Don\'t worry, Dad." Lin Fan\'s eyes flashed a chill, pinched his fist and made a snap of his fingers.

He is worried that he has no place to vent.

Lin Zhen nodded. "Remember, treat your opponent as your enemy. Don\'t be a little kind. As long as he still has one breath, as long as he doesn\'t admit defeat, he will go to the killer and take his life!" his voice was cold, and Lin Zhen\'s killing intention was revealed in his eyes.

"Yes!" Lin Fan\'s eyes flashed, and Lin Feng\'s face suddenly appeared in his mind. His teeth were grinding and clucking.

What he hates most is Lin Feng.

As long as you imagine your opponent as Lin Feng, you can give full play to your strongest strength.

Break him to pieces!

"Very good." Lin Zhe\'s eyes flickered and he was very satisfied. "Fan Er, your luck is good. After the first round, the opponent in the second round is\' Wu Kai \'in Ruyi district. In the qualifying round, the task place of\' wanjinjie \'ranked No. 120, and you didn\'t draw the star level strong player who directly participated in the competition."

Lin Fan scratched at the corner of his mouth and said confidently, "I will enter zhuquezhou with my father through the four rounds of preliminary competition!"

"Let\'s talk about it through." Lin Zhen said faintly.

(sweat, I forgot to pass it, two more times.)