Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 907

The city of the sky, the temple.

"Lord, we can\'t drag on any longer. That strange dragon is getting stronger and stronger." Thunderbolt looked ugly and was very excited.

"That strange Dragon \'devours\' grows very fast. Now it has just transformed into a dragon, and it still hopes to kill. Once it continues to devour the Warcraft in the wild world, the consequences will be unimaginable." Tianqing Xiu frowned, slightly sad.

Blue and prison looked at each other and looked dignified.

"Hmm..." Lin Yun was silent and lost in thought.

"It really can\'t be delayed, Lord." Lan Wei arched his hand.

This time, different from the previous times, I just found that strange Jiao. Its strength is so terrible.

If we let it evolve and degenerate again, it may be enough to destroy the whole tianwu continent.

"OK." Lin Yun stood up with bright eyes.

As the Lord of the country, he has his own responsibilities and responsibilities.

We must not let the situation get worse. Although he believes that big brother will return safely from the "thousand snake cave", he can\'t wait now.

We must act!

"Enter the wild world and kill the dragon!" Lin Yun\'s voice was just and powerful.

"Yes, Lord!" all the people agreed, and they were full of war.

The wild world.

A scorched earth, fighting all over the sky.

Blue, prison, Tianqing, thunderbolt and others were seriously injured at this time. In mid air, Lin Yun was dressed in golden armor, the fire was all over the sky, and the light of the stars in his right eye was shining from time to time. He was fighting with a huge black scale dragon.

Earth and sky!

The scene was very intense and shocking.

"Damn, how can this black scale dragon be so strong!" Thunderbolt held his fists and felt the cold of distraction.

With his strength, it was a disastrous defeat.

Although this black scale dragon has just broken through, its strength is quite terrible!

"It\'s different from other Jiaos. It\'s more spiritual and gifted." Tianqing\'s beautiful eyes were bright and said the key. Indeed, it deserves to be the chief think tank of the hunting country and the former vice president of the tianwu chamber of Commerce, nicknamed "divine calculation".

People suddenly didn\'t know that the war snakes who entered tianwu mainland and finally transformed into different Jiaos were one star and two stars.

But this time, it was the transformation of Samsung and snake!

Strength is different.

Although it has just transformed into a strange dragon, this black scale strange dragon has very strong defense. Both power defense and source energy defense are upstream in the three-star war snake. Although the attack power is weak and there are almost no attack means, it just finished klinyun!

Lin Yun, too dependent on the \'star dome pupil\'!

In battle, we often rely on the star dome pupil to defeat the enemy. Now when we encounter this black scale dragon, the soul\'s defense is also good.

"Peng!" a tail whip swept, and Lin Yun tried to resist.

But his defense was not strong. He snorted as if he had been severely beaten by a whip.

Spitting blood at his mouth, Lin Yun was finally hurt!

It means that Libra begins to tilt towards the black scale dragon.

"Roar! ~" the black scale strange Jiao was very excited and made him more arrogant by defeating the enemy continuously. On Lin Yun\'s side, almost everyone is injured. Most importantly, except Lin Yun, no one has reached the Xinghai level and can\'t compete with the black scale strange Jiao at all.

Strength, the difference is a full order!

At this time——

"And me!" came the voice of Jiao drinking. It was a fiery red shadow, galloping away. Her delicate face, long black hair and a long gun are incompatible with her petite figure, but the surge of guns brings a strong artistic conception.

"Be careful, Qin Rou!" Lin Yun was shocked and turned pale.

The visitor was Qin Rou, who was "led" into the hunting by Lin Feng that day.

In name, it can be regarded as an introduction. In "hunting", it can also be called a teacher apprentice relationship.

On that day, Lin Feng accepted Qin Rou as an apprentice in order to return human feelings, but he didn\'t think so much. However, Qin Rou did not want to enter the "hunting" stage. After she buried herself in hard training, her strength improved by leaps and bounds, especially after she abandoned her sword and learned to shoot.

Potential, full development!

According to Lin Yun, Qin Rou\'s "gun sense" can be called a demon, and even

More than Lin Feng!

But courage is commendable.

On strength, Qin Rou started too late. Not to mention that compared with Lin Yun of Xinghai level, even compared with LAN and thunderbolt, Qin Rou, who has just stepped into Xinghe level, can\'t compare. When Qin Rou met Lin Yun, who was a little stronger than Lin Yun, she felt a terrible pressure and lost her color.

A terrible force never encountered!

"Bad!" Lin Yun\'s face changed greatly and there was no time to rescue.

He had great hopes for Qin rou. The little girl worshipped Lin Feng and imitated him.

Amazing talent is seen as the future "Hope" of tianwu mainland after Fang Ning and Xiaojian. But now, it\'s like a young eagle just learned to fly. Suddenly, it encountered a violent storm and didn\'t know how to deal with it!

The tail whip of the black scale dragon came quickly.

Although she lacks attack means, once Qin Rou is swept by this tail whip, she will be disabled even if she doesn\'t die!

Most importantly, Qin Rou was stunned.

"No!" it\'s over! "Thunderbolt and Tianqing are pale, but Qin Rou\'s attack is too urgent. They have no time to help. Seeing that tianwu\'s hope for the future was about to be buried under the ugly Jiaowei, suddenly a strong wind swept up, flying sand and stones.

"Chih!" it was like lightning. Everyone was stunned by a flower in front of them.

In front of Qin Rou, a familiar figure appeared. The black military uniform looks very ordinary, but the face is filled with a faint smile, which makes people feel very warm and reliable.

"Elder brother!" Lin Yun said in surprise.

"Lord of the holy kingdom!" "the Lord of the holy kingdom is back!" LAN and pili and others were happy.

Lin Feng, get there in time.

Suspended in the air, holding Jiaowei with one hand, motionless.

Force to force, not down at all!

"Lin, brother Lin?!" Qin Rou\'s eyes lit up. Seeing the familiar face, she burst into tears of joy. When Lin Feng came back, she was still closed. When she came out, she learned that Lin Feng had entered qianshe cave. She was very worried. Now


Separate for several years, and then meet again!

"Be all right, rou\'er." Lin Feng smiled.

Holding Jiaowei with one hand, he didn\'t care about the terrible power.

With his current physical quality, even if he stood still, this black scale dragon could not break his physical defense.

This is the strength gap!

"Pa da." with his right hand, as if crushing a piece of tofu, he suddenly pinched the tail of the black scale dragon. There was no star force reaction, but the simplest physical force. The frightening scene made everyone around tongue tied, opened their mouth in horror, and could plug an egg.

"Roar!!" the roar of tearing heart and cracking lung came from the mouth of black scale strange Jiao.

Blood flowed from the tail of the fracture, but in an instant——

"Jiong! ~" Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright, and a ferocious flame rose at hand.

The earth shaking roar stopped suddenly in an instant. In the air, only the bright fire reflected everyone\'s eyes, full of horror and admiration.

This is the Holy Lord.

Human leader!

A battle of great disparity.

For Lin Feng, it\'s just "a little effort.".

In the thousand snake cave, I don\'t know how many "different dragons" I killed. There was only one different dragon, and my hands were soft. It\'s easy to "bully" a strange Jiao who has just broken through the star sea level with the peak strength of the star master level.

"It turns out that this is the \'thousand snake cave\' of one of the four Jedi." Lin Yun nodded suddenly, feeling frightened.

Finally learned the secret of thousand snake cave, but it was more amazing than he thought.

"Fortunately, you are here, otherwise the tianwu continent will be really in trouble." Lin yunsa smiled and was in a good mood. Not only because the suffering of the strange snake was completely relieved, there was no need to worry, but also because I was relieved to learn that Xiaojian was safe and sound.

Lin Feng smiled. It seemed calm this time, but it was really dangerous.

If I return to tianwu mainland a few years later, I\'m afraid I\'ll never see my mother, brother and sister again.

"Sure enough, there is an unexpected situation in the sky, and things are changing." his eyes flickered, and Lin Feng was filled with emotion.

It was originally thought that when the herd riots ended, tianwu mainland could return to tranquility. Who wants to get just a few years, there will be trouble again. As if tianwu had been cursed, it was necessary to make it perish. It was very "mysterious".

"In addition to the ancient relics of hundred waterfalls and thousand snake caves, there are two of the four Jedi." Lin Feng nodded.

More terrible, more dangerous!

Especially the "Purgatory of Rawson", the first of the four Jedi.

The frightening atmosphere envelops the whole area. With their own strength, they can\'t even step into the border!

There must be amazing secrets in it.

"Tianwu continent is really hard to grind." Lin Feng shook his head.

"By the way, brother." Lin Yun said curiously, "after you seal the space channel, won\'t the little sword always be trapped in the" thousand snake cave "? The space channel is sealed, which is like a heavy yoke between tianwu mainland and thousand snake cave.

Lin Feng can come back because Yu Miao has the ability of space gate.

But what about the sword?

"He doesn\'t plan to come back for the time being." Lin Feng said softly.

"Ah." Lin Yun was very surprised,

His eyes were bright, and Lin Feng said slowly, "Xiaojian wants to stay in qiansnake cave. He hopes to break through the star domain level and become a medium war snake envoy. What\'s more, he will become a saint level strong one day, control the war snake and become a high war snake envoy. This is his wish."

Little sword, has a real warrior\'s heart.

He is unwilling to be ordinary and eager to become stronger!

Lin Yun nodded thoughtfully, and he could understand it in his heart.

Lin Feng said calmly, "one day the sword will become an advanced war snake envoy, and it will be able to restart the space channel and return to tianwu continent." after a pause, Lin Feng smiled lightly, "to take a step back, the magic pupil war snake hall connected with tianwu continent is only \'temporarily\' closed. It is considered that the sword has not become a holy level. It can come back when the magic pupil war snake wakes up again."

Lin Feng looks calm. There are many ways.

Including myself, they all left a "door of space" in qiansnake cave.

How can such a good place be wasted?

"By the way, ah Yun." Lin Feng looked at Lin Yun and said softly, "it\'s time for me to go back to the fighting spirit world."