Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 906

The first wave of constellation power, Hongling absorbed for five hours.

The speed is amazing.


"After all, they are born from the same root. These pure constellation forces seem to be tailor-made for the \'red Ling\'." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and his heart felt very prosperous. Hongling\'s strength has been greatly improved. I thought it was hard for Hongling to absorb the power of "magic pupil and snake", but the facts proved that she was wrong.

Compared with the absorption of "different snake eggs", the purest fighting snake energy is the power that Hongling really pursues!

"It was a mistake." Lin Feng smiled.

Put away the war snake crystal for a moment and stare at the top with burning eyes.

"Roar!" the magic pupil and the snake resumed their fighting state in an instant. The amazing and terrible blue magic pupil seemed to devour people. The terrible magic power surged with the power of the constellation and hit everywhere. Lin Feng\'s heart was awed for a moment, and the "war snake crystal" in his hand suddenly appeared again.

"Pa!" the magic pupil and the snake\'s attack stopped for a moment.

It\'s like time stopped in a moment. It\'s very strange.

These "constellation forces" are like ownerless things. When Lin Feng lingers in the space, he smiles calmly, but as soon as Hong Ling is full, she starts to stir "uneasiness".

"No wonder."

"This is more nourishing to it than any life energy."

Lin Feng smiled calmly and released the red silk.

Like their own devouring fire, only devouring the fire can have the greatest effect, and the same is true for red damask.

Swallowing living objects is far better than swallowing the most direct \'energy source\'!

"Ziba, Ziba! ~" Hongling entered the eating state again.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

This is just the beginning.

The second wave of energy, Hongling absorbed for four hours.

Although the strength has improved, the attack of magic pupil and snake this time is undoubtedly much stronger. With the constellation power once again absorbed, Lin Feng immediately put away the snake crystal and activated the "magic pupil and snake", just like an animal trainer, training animals again and again.

And red Ling is the whip in the trainer\'s hand!

A long whip with thorns, red bayonets and blood sucking!

Absorb, release.

Absorb again, release again!

Although it is slightly different from the original plan, the new plan is carried out in an orderly manner.

Although the speed is very slow, the strength of Hongling is growing. With the improvement of strength, the absorption speed is faster and faster. Lin Feng is not idle. He constantly refines the stars and fruits, not only strengthening his physique again, but also storing the power of the constellation.

The sad magic pupil and snake are completely regarded as "cash machines" for Hongling\'s cultivation and growth.

On the third day, Hongling has been upgraded to Xinghai level.

On the 12th day, Hongling successfully broke through the star master level. She not only improved her strength, but also gradually began to have primary wisdom. But this "wisdom" is similar to that of human children who learn to speak at the age of three or four, which is naturally far from being as old-fashioned as "wings".

"Sure enough, there will be gains and losses." Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright.

"The strength can be improved endlessly, but the wisdom of the \'alien snake\' race comes very slowly."

Lin Feng said softly in his heart.

If you were an ordinary Warcraft, you would already have primary wisdom when you reached the initial star level, that is, the \'Emperor\' level.

When you become an adult and your strength rises to the star level, the wisdom of Warcraft will be on par with that of human warriors. Of course, on average, Warcraft is still a long way from human beings. After all, its natural constitution is strong, and its wisdom is weak.

"This strange snake..." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

In my opinion, it\'s a bit like a "divine beast".

Strength improves quickly, but intelligence increases slowly. However, "gods and beasts" are born with the essence of heaven and earth, unable to reproduce, but the different snake obviously has the characteristics of Warcraft.

Different snake eggs mean that different snakes can reproduce!

"Maybe it\'s the unique \'exclusive creature\' of Ophiuchus." Lin Feng said softly in his heart.

After thinking about it, this is the only possibility.

Judging "different snakes" by the standard of fighting spirit world is undoubtedly a kind of dissimilarity.

Time, not the passage of time.

After all, the "energy" of magic pupil and snake is limited.

With the improvement of Hongling\'s strength, the speed of each cycle is accelerating. Later, in less than a incense burning time, Hongling quickly swallowed up the "Constellation Energy", ignoring how huge and terrible the constellation power released by magic pupil and snake.

One fades and the other grows!

The consumption of magic pupil and snake has increased sharply.

A month later, as the strength of Hongling successfully broke through to the star domain level, the end of magic pupil and snake came at the same time.

"Roar!! ~" huff and puff the flame violently. Today\'s red silk is no longer the \'tiny\' snake of that day. From a different snake to a different python, and then from a different Python to a different Jiao, you will become a different dragon when you reach the star master level, and when you reach the star domain level, the red Ling has become a dragon——


The body is covered with red scales, bright red, like boiling blood.

At this time, the red Ling is very close to the "fire scale war snake" in the 402nd war snake hall. It is difficult to distinguish the Xuan from the snake in terms of attack mode and appearance characteristics!

"Boom!!" flame jet.

Hovering in the sky, red Ling directly competes with magic pupil and snake.

Although Hongling has just broken through the star domain level, it is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. The most important thing is that the "talent" of magic pupil and snake has no effect on Hongling. Finish conquering it! After a month\'s consumption, the strength of magic pupil and snake has been less than 10%.

Originally, it can only play the power of star domain, but now it has completely fallen into the disadvantage.

"Pa!" "pa!" red Aya absorbed it again and again, and the flame jet completely suppressed the magic pupil and snake.

"It takes a month to cultivate a capable helper. It\'s worth it." Lin Feng smiled calmly and stood lightly.

In front, there is red Ling blocking the magic pupil and snake for herself. She doesn\'t need to do it by herself at all. Standing outside to watch the Dragon vs. snake fight, red Ling has completely gained an advantage. After magic pupil and snake lose their most favorable talent weapons, it\'s only a matter of time before they lose.

In a quarter of an hour——

"Boom!!" the fierce roar, the magic pupil and the snake were completely swallowed by the red flame.

Red Ling made a loud howling sound, danced her huge body happily, and hovered around Lin Feng, as if inviting war merit. It was quite "childish".

"Well done, red Ling." Lin Feng smiled and stretched out his thumb.

A simple compliment makes Hongling happy and happier than anything.

Although its strength is now advanced to the star domain level, in fact, the wisdom of Hongling is only equivalent to that of teenagers, and there is still a lot of distance from the wisdom of normal adults. But it doesn\'t matter. As a "contract Warcraft", as long as Hongling has strong combat ability, it\'s enough!

"Wow! ~" the luster was dim, and the smell of magic pupil and snake disappeared completely.

Although still perched on the main hall, it was like turning into a stone carving without any response.

The vibration of the palace has stopped.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and stared around.

Although I don\'t know where the "space channel" is, as long as the "magic pupil and snake" power is exhausted, it will enter a sleeping state. This space channel will be completely locked. I don\'t have to worry that different snakes will run into tianwu mainland and endanger the people of the hunting country.

"It\'s done." Lin Fengwei smiled and clenched his right fist.

Although it took me more than two months to enter the "thousand snake cave" this time.

But it\'s worth it!

Just helping tianwu mainland remove this great harm is worth the ticket price, not to mention harvesting so much "snake gall", which greatly increases their physical strength. Moreover, the second "contract Warcraft" is harvested, which is almost comparable to the "alien" Warcraft of the divine beast——

Fire scale and snake, red Ling!

"Or zhansnake town and Xiaojian say goodbye and go back." Lin Feng nodded with bright eyes.

After entering the thousand snake cave for so long, my mother, brother and sister should be worried.

But with a slight smile, Lin Feng suddenly disappeared from the war snake hall.

War snake Town, little sword residence.

"My God, Lin Feng, did you really defeat the split of \'magic pupil and snake\'?" the little sword stared with big eyes and was extremely shocked.

At that time, although he told Lin Feng the way, he never thought that Lin Feng could really kill the "magic pupil and snake". It was a two-star war snake, and its strength was only one order lower than that of the body. Even at the star domain level, it is also the existence of the best in the star domain level!

"By some small means," Lin Feng said with a smile, "barely won."


Xiaojian shook his head with a wry smile.

If the existence of star domain level can be defeated by small means, it is not star domain level.

When Lin Feng was modest, Xiaojian was shocked, but he didn\'t know that as early as he entered the thousand snake cave, Lin Feng had already defeated the "fire scale war snake" part in the 402nd building and the "crazy fire war snake" part in the 500th building.

In thousand snake cave, both are higher than "magic pupil and snake"!

"If Lin Feng\'s strength can defeat the separation of \'magic pupil and snake\'..." Xiao Jian suddenly remembered, opened his eyes, stared at Lin Feng and said, "ask you something, Lin Feng, you should answer me truthfully."

"Ask." Lin Feng smiled, but he could also guess what Xiaojian wanted to ask himself.

His eyes were burning, and the sword said in a deep voice, "did you kill the night devil?"

"Yes, I killed it." he nodded gently. Lin Feng didn\'t want to hide the sword.

Looking at each other, the atmosphere seemed dignified.


"Ha ha! ~" Xiaojian laughed, "I knew. I was still thinking about how the night devil died so suddenly. I guessed it was you, but I\'m not sure."

Lin Feng smiled lightly: "I\'m going back to tianwu mainland soon. I hope to clear up some obstacles for you before I go back. Don\'t you blame me for being busy?"

"How could it!" Xiaojian said with a smile, "thank you for not having time. Although I am stubborn, I am not old-fashioned and inflexible. His night devil only relies on his good origin and is one step ahead of me. He can\'t compare with me. I have a good brother and a tough backstage, ha ha!"

Lin Feng laughed in an uproar, clenched his fist and stretched out his right hand. "It\'s up to you in the future. Come on, good brother."

Xiaojian\'s eyes were bright, and he also clenched his fist and stretched out his right hand to collide, "I will never let you down."

They smiled at each other and clenched their hands.

Brotherhood does not change at all with the passage of time.

I\'ve been a good brother all my life!