Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 908

It has been nearly a year since I left.

Lin Fengpo lamented that time passed very quickly.

It has been too long since the battle of the wizard of Oz ended. First he was in a coma for a while, then he was trapped in the sky fire space for more than half a year, and then he returned to the wizard of Oz to break the jade Miao into the ancient ruins of the "hundred waterfalls" and into the "thousand snake cave", one of the four Jedi

I have had a very full year.

"Don\'t know if Shizhi heart and Beiming ocean have escaped from Shengtian at last?" Lin Feng said in his heart.

At the time of his "meteor", the human warrior was being slaughtered by the strong of the heavenly dog family, but then it seemed that something happened. The human warrior should have come to help. There was an extremely fierce war in the wizard of Oz. in the end, even ten transmission channels were blocked.

"I\'m afraid they all think I\'m dead." Lin Feng laughed in an uproar.

The blockade of the space passage of the wizard of Oz means that any warrior can no longer return to Shiluo county from the wizard of oz.

It is understandable that a strong man should break his arm and avoid future troubles.

"Elder brother, don\'t you stay a little longer?" Lin Yun\'s eyes showed that he didn\'t give up.

"Well, I\'ll stay for a few days to see if the \'different snake\' still has a fish in the net, and then accompany my mother for a few more days." Lin Feng smiled, patted Lin Yun on the shoulder, and said meaningfully, "don\'t worry, ah Yun, this time back to the fighting spirit world is different from last time."

"Ah?" Lin Yun was stunned.

Suddenly, it seemed that he thought of something and his eyes brightened.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "there are ancient relics of \'hundred waterfalls\' as intermediary transmission points. It is very convenient to go back and forth between Shiluo county and tianwu mainland in the future."

"Yes! Look at me. I\'m really confused." Lin Yun smiled happily and was in a good mood.

Lin Feng smiled and felt the change of his brother\'s mood.

The last time was like a long trip. I don\'t know when I can come back, but this time I\'m like a "trip". I\'m sure I can come back.

It feels completely different.

"Unfortunately, there is entrance of the hundred waterfalls in tianwu continent, but Shiluo County doesn\'t." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

Every time I come back, I have to use "jade Dun" to pass through hundreds of waterfalls. Breaking the jade Miao is indeed quite troublesome.

Of course, there is another way, that is, the "gate of space". If you set up a space gate in Shiluo county and tianwu mainland, you can go back and forth at will. However, now that I am still a star master, I can only "set up" two doors of space at most. If so, I can\'t enter the thousand snake cave myself.

What a pity!

"I\'m not in a hurry. Anyway, I really need to enter the \'hundred waterfalls\' cultivation." Lin Feng said softly in his heart.

"Absorb the energy of \'water\' and light up the water life astrolabe, so as to advance to the star domain level, and after reaching the star domain level..." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

By yourself, you can set up three doors of space!

At that time, it will not only retain the space gate of qiansnake cave, but also come and go freely between Shiluo county and tianwu continent.

shooting two birds with one stone!

Family reunion.

Lin Wanqing and Lin shuier are very happy.

The family is round and round, full of a warm atmosphere, which makes Lin Feng feel thousands of feelings. Sometimes, this kind of plain happiness is the real happiness. I make unremitting efforts to cultivate and climb up. I know all kinds of hard work, but... This is a kind of responsibility.

Responsibility as a man!

I have to support a home.

When Lin Wanqing and Lin shuier learned that Lin Feng was about to "leave", they were very reluctant, but just like Lin Yun, after all, blood dissolved in water. But when he learned that Lin Feng could come back at any time, he soon recovered his smile.

"Elder brother, I also want to go to the land of nine continents!" Lin shuier said coquettishly.

"Big brother, I can\'t take you now." Lin Feng is quite helpless, and his arm is constantly shaking. Although his sister is in love now, she is still as sticky as when she was a child, but she has formed a habit since childhood.

Like my brother, although you are now the Lord of the country, you are still very "dependent" on yourself.

This dependence has long been deeply rooted.

"Don\'t worry, sister." Lin Yun said with a smile, "you are still young. In another 20 years, I will retire from the throne of the Lord of the country and our family will enter the land of nine continents together. With the strength of my brother, it will be easy to take us into the land of nine continents in 20 years."

"Twenty years later, people are getting old." Lin shuier said, "I\'m not like you, second brother."

The ability to engage in business and politics can be cultivated the day after tomorrow, but most of the martial arts talents are doomed.

"That\'s because you\'re lazy and don\'t want to practice hard." Lin Yun said with a smile, "it shouldn\'t be difficult to follow the road paved for you by your second brother, not to mention reaching the first star, breaking through the title of martial god, and maintaining your youth forever?" power is in hand. With the current ability of the hunting country, even if you have poor qualifications, it\'s nothing to cultivate a title of martial god.

"People don\'t want it. It\'s so boring." Lin shuier obviously has no interest in cultivation. He muttered, "if there is any natural material and earth treasure, it\'s good to eat it immediately."

Lin Yun said with a dumbfounded smile, "there\'s nothing so good."

"Hum." Lin shuier showed his nose and looked at Lin Feng with beautiful eyes, "there must be, right, big brother?"

The people looked at Lin Feng and couldn\'t help smiling.

His eyes flickered, and he pondered slightly. Lin Feng nodded, "I think it should be."

"Ah!" Lin Yun was stunned.

"Really?" Lin shuier was also shocked. She just asked casually.

"Yes, it\'s possible." Lin Feng smiled and didn\'t dare to make sure. Although there is no tianwu mainland, there are all kinds of fighting spirit world. In fact, even if Shui Er doesn\'t put forward it, he will find a way to deal with it when he goes back to Shiluo county.

His younger brother Lin Yun doesn\'t care, and shui\'er is still young, but his mother Lin Wanqing is not young.

Over the past few years, although she has cultivated herself and rested, and her physical condition has recovered a lot, her "foundation" is still very weak, and her Yang life will not be too long.

Looking at Lin Wanqing, Lin Feng\'s eyes shed a soft meaning, "I will find a way to let my mother reach the title of martial god, lay the foundation first and stabilize her body." if not, I will save my father someday, but my mother is at the end of her life, which is undoubtedly too regrettable.

"I\'ve reached the title of martial god?" Lin Wanqing was stunned.

You are the mother of the country. Now Lin Wanqing is not a rural woman in the past.

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded. "This is the most difficult and critical step. As long as you reach the title of martial god and have a solid foundation, you can take the heavenly material and earth treasure, slowly improve your strength and reach the star master level within ten years."

The eyes are slightly bright, and Lin Feng is deep in thought.

What I don\'t lack now is natural materials and earth treasures.

Xianguo was really valuable in Yanling mansion, but with his current financial resources, he can buy as much as he wants. Even many more powerful "star fruits" can be met but not sought. There are hundreds of them, and the "quantity" is quite rich.

The key is that the mother\'s foundation is too poor to absorb anything.

It\'s like a broken "porcelain vase". If you put water in it, the porcelain vase will break when there is more water.

The first step, seemingly the simplest, is the most important.

"Hmm..." Lin Feng\'s eyebrows were slightly clustered.

However, I haven\'t seen many people, and I\'m already numb.

Lin Wanqing, Lin shuier, Lin Yun and Qin Ling opened their eyes one by one, but they were frightened by what Lin Feng said.

In ten years, upgrade to the star master level?!

You\'re kidding!

At present, Lin Yun, the strongest national leader in the whole tianwu continent, is only the third level of Xinghai level.

After a long time, Lin Yun reacted and said with a bitter smile, "brother, don\'t take such a blow."

"Great!" Lin shuier jumped up happily and smiled, "Yeah, I can also be a strong star master at that time, more powerful than the second brother!"

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head. "This kind of strength promotion takes a shortcut, not necessarily a good one. It\'s like walking on a one-way street. It\'s difficult to rely on self-cultivation in the future." Lin Yun nodded and agreed. Many things are double-sided, with advantages and disadvantages.

"It doesn\'t matter. Anyway, there is a big brother." Lin shuier doesn\'t worry.

Lin Feng smiled and didn\'t deny it.

Indeed, as long as you have the ability to continuously improve your strength, you don\'t need to worry.

In the past, what I said now seems like a dream, but now it is completely feasible.

Who knows what will happen in the future?

"Ah Feng, what star master... How long can he live?" Lin Wanqing asked curiously.

Lin shuier also opened her beautiful eyes. Everyone looked forward to Lin Feng.

"The short is ten thousand years, the long is tens of thousands to one hundred thousand years." Lin Feng smiled.

All of a sudden, everyone was stunned.

Lin Feng accompanied his family and spent seven days carefree.

The main thing is to send "red Ling" to search the wilderness carefully until it is absolutely certain that there is no fish in the net, and Lin Feng can leave at ease. After all, this trip back to Jiuzhou will not come back for a few months or years. If anything happens, it will be troublesome.

In seven days, Lin Feng came to instruct Qin rou. The little girl in those days is now a lotus out of the water and has grown up.

Lin shuier and Lin shuier are called the "stunning double beauties" of tianwu continent, which can be compared with Qin Qianqian. Even compared with Yu Mo, they are only slightly inferior.

But what surprised Lin Feng most was that Qin Rou\'s qualification was quite strong. At that time, it was because of the blind worship of Lin Feng that Qin Rou abandoned the sword and learned the gun, but it made Qin Rou really embark on the path of martial arts. Especially after being promoted to the title of martial god, Qin Rou\'s potential was fully developed.

Her sense of gun even benefited Lin Feng.

Ancient relics of Baibao.

"Take care, brother." Lin Yun smiled.

"Be careful all the way, the wind." Lin Wanqing didn\'t give up.

"Brother, come back early." Lin shuier was quite happy.

Qin Rou, Qin Ling, LAN, pili and others all came to say goodbye to Lin Feng. The scene was quite spectacular.

"Don\'t send it." Lin Feng smiled and said goodbye to everyone one by one, joking, "maybe I\'ll come back in a few months."

In an instant, it made everyone laugh again and again. Lin Feng even stepped into the ancient ruins of Baibao. Perhaps I am satisfied with this carefree life in tianwu continent, but there are too many things to do and I can\'t escape.

Men must have a sense of responsibility and responsibility.

Return to Jiuzhou!

(the first half of Volume III is over, and the second half begins. Lin Feng will go all out to sprint to the legendary "holy" level and enter the highest level in the fighting spirit world! Before the Spring Festival in January, Xiaoxiao will pack up his mood and break out for a month. I will never let you down. Thank you for supporting Xiaoxiao and staying at the low tide.)