Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 898

There are no more obstacles.

This light curtain is only equivalent to a false door.

Push the "door" and enter, Lin Feng\'s eyes will be bright in an instant. What falls in front of us is a gathering place of brilliance. There is familiar energy in all directions. It shines directly into the center in the form of light. This energy is very similar to the poisonous fire energy released by the "red scale snake"!

Special form of \'constellation power\'!

"What\'s this?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling and directed straight ahead.

There is only one existence in this place where all the energies gather.

A strange \'egg\' is not a huge egg.

However, it contains a lot of energy.

If the shadow appears.

The eggshell seems to become thin under the bright light. The constellation force enters the red "egg" through the eggshell. At this time, the pregnant life object is\' greedy \'to absorb the constellation energy and turn it into its own life energy to nourish and grow.

Although it is still very small, but

This is the first sign.

"So that\'s how the different snakes hatch." Lin Feng nodded gently.

What I saw in my eyes was the eggs of the "different snake". Through the eggshell, I could see that the different snake, which is still a "young" at the moment, has extremely weak energy. But it is certain that one day, this strange snake will break its shell and come out, and its whereabouts

Nine times out of ten, it is tianwu mainland!

"The answer is half solved." Lin Feng said softly in his heart.

"The only question is, why do these \'different snakes\' choose tianwu mainland?"

"But it has been silent before."

As if thinking, Lin Feng looked calm.

Looking at the egg of this "different snake", the radiant energy around it has not weakened at all.

Obviously, these \'energies\' have little to do with the red scale snake.

"Wow!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

The fire of swallowing suddenly coagulates without hesitation.

When the hand catches fire and falls, it directly releases the devouring fire. The red egg immediately turned into "energy" and was absorbed by the devouring fire. With the disappearance of the "egg", the surrounding light suddenly dimmed, making the whole space gloomy.

"Not much energy." Lin Feng said in his heart.

Compared with the poisonous fire of the red scale snake, the eggs of the \'different snake\' do little to help themselves.

After all, it is still immature.

Lin Feng continues to move forward.

In this independent space, there is and only the existence of "different snake eggs", as if they exist specifically for hatching different snakes without any other function.

"It took three days and three nights to clear up a potential threat..." Lin Feng shook his head.

Although it is a waste of time, it is an essential process.

At least, I can\'t let it grow up.

"Thousand snake cave, if there were a thousand palaces, wouldn\'t it be very troublesome?" Lin Feng frowned and felt thorny.

"Moreover, not every palace can be so lucky. I\'m afraid most palaces will be quite troublesome if they encounter a big snake that can only release fire." nodding thoughtfully, Lin Feng suddenly remembered the first palace, the blue eyed snake.

A pair of strange eyes, looking directly at themselves, are full of strong "psychedelic".

Obviously, this is a strange snake with "magic" talent. If you are against him, you may be able to hold on for a moment, but now there is only the soul of your life

It will be difficult to support to the end.

There is no doubt of defeat.

"Go step by step." Lin Feng thought.

For the time being, I don\'t have a good way. Unless my strength improves greatly, it\'s still quite troublesome.

After a incense stick.

Lin Feng frowned and stopped in place.

Things are far more difficult than they think. Not counting other palaces, this palace alone will encounter three, full three light curtain spaces! At the moment, as like as two peas and two faces, almost identical light screens appear before them, as if they are "taunting" themselves.

"Nine times out of ten, it\'s still the \'egg\' of a different snake." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Now I am undoubtedly in a dilemma.

It takes three days and three nights to break a curtain of light.

And two roads are six days and six nights.

But this palace is so big!

Who knows if there is a fourth or fifth light curtain space? If you have countless "eggs", what should you do? In front of me, the two light curtains exude strong constellation power, and the palace is far more unfathomable than I imagined.

How to solve the problem?

Lin Feng fell into deep thinking.

evade the solution of a problem by walking away from it?

This is not a responsible approach.

If different snakes hatch and go straight to tianwu, their laissez faire will undoubtedly bring disaster to tianwu. However, if we take care of it and remove these strange snakes one by one, it will be very troublesome, and it is not an ordinary trouble.


What else can we do?

A incense stick.


Time goes by.

"We can\'t waste any more time." Lin Feng\'s face was dignified.

Although I still can\'t think of a way at the moment, it doesn\'t mean I have to give up.

These "strange snakes" have to take care of themselves. Even if it takes more time, they must be eradicated one by one to avoid future trouble. Moreover, in the three days and nights when the curtain of light was broken, I could think of other ways.

As one door closes, another door opens.

I\'m sure I can think of a solution.

Tenacity, persistence.

For Lin Feng, some principles must not be violated.

At least, tianwu mainland itself will not let it go. That is where he grew up and his "home". Moreover, now he has a new identity - the Lord of the holy Kingdom, in his position, planning his affairs. Since he is the leader of mankind, he must be responsible for mankind.

Even if you waste time, do it!

Many things don\'t care whether they can "earn".

"Jiong!" "Jiong! ~" the fire of swallowing is mixed with the fire of rebirth, constantly consuming the power of the light curtain.

Three days and three nights, very long.

But for Lin Feng, it is a little shorter.

Racking their brains to find a way, they are still at a loss. Lin Feng\'s eyebrows are tightly screwed together, and the voice of the rebirth fire continues to be "Zizi". He uses the swallowing fire and the rebirth fire. Inexplicably, the control methods become more and more similar.

The sense of rebirth fire is also more and more profound!

Finally ushered in transformation!

"Boom! ~" Lin Feng\'s head exploded, but he smiled.

"The East is not bright, the west is bright." Lin Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head, but he felt that things were changeable.

I am still worried about the "suffering of strange snakes", but the fire of rebirth is an inexplicable breakthrough.

A very smooth breakthrough comes naturally.

The fire of rebirth now reaches the double star technology, which is only slightly inferior to the fire of devouring. However, the reborn fire has its own advantages. It has powerful defense system flame, refining flame, body protection flame. Most importantly, it has almost unlimited energy and does not need to be saved like devouring fire.

烀! 烀~ The fire of rebirth is bright, and Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

The speed of consuming light curtain increases sharply.

Maybe that\'s a good sign?

"Pa! ~" broke the door again.

Although half a day has been saved, it is still a very "painful" suffering.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and stepped into the space. He was a little worried because he still got nothing.

How to solve this big problem?

Ahead, where the light converges, sure enough, is an egg with more light.

"Ho?" Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly brightened, but the power of this "egg" was much stronger than just now, almost equal to the power of "King level Warcraft". Although there is still a distance from the "first star" snake, at the moment——

It\'s about to break out of its shell!

The eggshell began to break, and Lin Feng held it slightly with his right fist.

As long as he spits out his strength and the fire falls, this egg will die in his own hands with the unborn "strange snake".

"Boom!!" the fire of swallowing shines, and Lin Feng\'s eyes flash fiercely.

A minute\'s killing intention coagulates, and the flame is ferocious, but Lin Feng stops.


Lin Feng\'s eyebrows glowed.

"Maybe, you can try this method." in his heart, an idea suddenly came up, and Lin Feng was thoughtful.

The flame suddenly went out. Lin Feng sat down cross legged and held the fiery red egg in his hand, sending out a faint smell. Although it is not as strong as the radiant energy, it is like a warmth transferred to the egg and slowly "melted".

In fact, the egg is already breaking and no longer needs any external help.

But what Lin Feng did has its "significance.".

"I must let this\' little guy \'know my breath." Lin Feng thought.

Warcraft, wisdom is not innate, including human beings. Only when we grow up, will wisdom slowly appear. The most important thing is that we need someone to guide and help. Just like a human being, if he was born with apes, he would identify himself as an \'ape\'.

In fact, this is the "instinct" of animals.

And Warcraft, also has this instinct, and is more powerful than humans!

The breath you feel in the egg will affect its instinctive judgment. And when it opened for the first time, it saw itself

It will also become its most instinctive original reaction!

Rely on and trust.

"Pa!" "pa! ~" the eggshell began to break.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are also bright. He is gambling on whether it is really possible.

If you win, you will undoubtedly earn; But even if you lose, you won\'t lose. At least, it\'s a sure bet.

In an instant——

"Wow! ~" a faint energy flashed out of the eggshell. With a light spray of poisonous fire, a crystal clear \'little snake\' slowly leaned out of the egg, opened his small eyes, looked at himself, and Lin Feng smiled slightly.

Stroking the snake without any resistance, the little snake seemed to be afraid of the cold and curled up in the palm of his hand.

Half done!

Lin Feng, eyes flashing.

"Pa!" a pure light appeared, and Lin Feng\'s blood fell on the little snake.

With the sound of a soft whisper, a strong "dominant" force suddenly floated around the little snake, shining brightly. At this time, the little snake opened his eyes, and the puzzled and curious pupils looked at him, ignorant.

"Contract!" Lin Feng said faintly.

Once the snake "agrees", it will become the second snake after Lian long——

Contract Warcraft!

(I wish you all a happy Christmas Eve ~ ~)