Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 899

WOW~ The light shines instantly.

No resistance, no other thoughts.

Everything is done in a natural way. One person, one snake, shining the same light. Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and smiled. Not surprisingly, the newly born "red scale snake" really regarded itself as a relative and was unprepared.

It should be said that we have complete trust and dependence.

Warcraft pact, fall!

What Lin Feng doesn\'t know is that the value of "Warcraft eggs" in Jiuzhou is very high. The higher the grade, the higher the value of Warcraft eggs with good blood. That\'s the truth. The wisdom of Warcraft in adulthood and even childhood has begun to enlighten. It is difficult to sign a Warcraft contract.

Only the contract of Warcraft egg is signed, which is much easier.

However, signing is one thing, and how to cultivate is another.

The cultivation of Warcraft is advanced, and even it is much more difficult to improve the strength of the competitors themselves.

For example, Lian long was able to compete with Lin Feng in Tianbao world, but now he can only become the guardian beast of tianwu continent.

"Little guy, he\'s still a mother." Lin Feng smiled.

Through the spiritual contract, I can feel all the details of the "little snake".

The attachment to oneself like a "biological parent" and the feeling of "enjoyment". At this time, it is bathed in a radiance. The energy around it baptizes its body and imperceptibly changes it. Outside the body, there are red scales with fine foam, which looks quite majestic.

"Red scale, red scale, I\'ll call you to be a \'red Ling\' in the future." Lin Feng smiled.

"Zhiya! ~" seemed quite satisfied with the new name. Hongling shook her head at herself and was very happy.

Lin Feng stood quietly, gazing at the shining place.

Obviously, it has not slowed down its growth because it has been accepted by itself.

There is no sense of exclusion in the surrounding glory. Its existence is only for the individual of the different snake itself, not for the rest. It undoubtedly affirms its own ideas.

"It must be feasible!" Lin Feng shook his right fist.

Looking at Hongling, he smiled slightly. Whether he could succeed depends on this time.

Soon, Lin Feng left the light curtain space with red Ling.

In fact, although the light curtain energy is strong, the strength of red damask is improving too slowly.

It takes at least a few months to upgrade to the "first star" alien snake. Perhaps in the human world, in tianwu continent, this is an extremely fast cultivation speed. But at present, it is not appropriate. What\'s more, Lin Feng still has a "task" to complete.

"I\'ll give it to you, red Ling." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Hongling understands it with her heart. She doesn\'t need too much communication in words. She can understand her mind.

This is the contract of the soul, the contract of the soul.

"Chi ~!" Chi! ~ " The red damask twisted and walked towards the light curtain space. Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning, staring at the front, with a little hope in his heart. The more you see the red damask approaching the light curtain space, the more you feel the palpitation of distraction, and your eyes suddenly brighten up.


"Wow!" the light curtain space was shining, and red Ling climbed in directly.

Without any obstruction, its blood is the best key!

"Sure enough." Lin Feng smiled slightly.

I was thinking that if the strange snake was born and grew up, it would naturally come out of the light curtain space. The same energy structure can come out, why can\'t it enter? In essence, the composition of this light curtain space is actually the power of the mysterious "ares constellation".

This is the biggest source!

Like in the water curtain cave, the power of hydra is the key to everything.

Here, the same is true!

"Pa! ~" close your eyes and Lin Feng settles his mind.

Sharing her sight with Hongling, she suddenly saw that she had begun to \'swallow\' the only egg of a different snake.

Without hesitation, it is a kind of enjoyment, a process of rapidly enhancing their own energy. The corner of Lin Feng\'s mouth was slightly raised, and the idea in his heart finally came true. In the future, with the help of "red Ling", he didn\'t need to waste time to burst through the light curtain space.

Just break in!

It has to be said that Hongling eats very slowly.

For a full hour, he stumbled out, his body grew again, and his breath increased a lot.

Obviously benefited a lot.

"Go, next." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

Like a flash of lightning, shuttling through the hall.

Without any hesitation, the secret of the hall almost fell to his heart. Lin Feng was very fast and soon found the fourth, fifth and sixth light curtain space. As I expected, there is quite a lot of light curtain space in this huge palace.

It means that there are many "eggs" of different snakes.

Red Ling is a blessing.

It devours the eggs of different snakes again and again, which is quite contented.

With the increase of strength, the speed of swallowing is also faster and faster, and the \'skills\' are more and more skilled.

From one hour to half an hour, to a quarter of an hour.

Promotion is quite rapid.

Ten light curtains!

When Lin Feng came out of the palace with Hongling, Hongling had completely grown up.

Although the breath is still far from the "first star", the growth rate is quite terrible. Before long, entering the "first star" is just around the corner.

The third palace.

The most critical!

Because Lin Feng is not sure whether the red silk can smoothly enter the "light curtain space" of other kinds of snakes. But this question was quickly answered. The answer was "no problem". They all belong to the same blood. Perhaps there are not many varieties, but the power of constellations is the same.

But this time, Lin Feng himself encountered a lot of trouble.

"Boom!" "boom!" "boom!" "boom!" thunder roared, frantically bombing the forest wind.

"Devouring fire!" Lin Feng\'s hands quickly coagulated and resisted while fleeing. However, although some of the thunder light that came at an amazing speed was absorbed by the devouring fire, most of it was difficult to resist. The reborn fire suddenly boiled, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

"Peng!!" his hair almost stood upside down, and Lin Feng was quite embarrassed.

The injury is not light. The "thunder snake" in this palace is quite strong.

No matter where he fled to the palace, his thunder light could be tracked. Fortunately, the farther away he was from it, the longer the interval between urgent thunder bombing, which gave him a chance to breathe. If not, there is really only one way to escape in a hurry.

However, the harvest is also a lot.

"At least, the devouring fire devours a lot of energy." Lin Feng was delighted.

Although the harvest is not as rich as swallowing poisonous fire, swallowing other energy and swallowing fire also has a lot of growth.

In particular, although the individual strength of these "energy" is not strong, its constellation power is extremely rich and high-quality. Although there is only a little, it is quite strong and exquisite. Absorption and refining, whether it is the fire of swallowing or itself, benefit a lot.

What\'s a little hurt?

For myself, injury is routine.

Lin Feng smiled.

The first time, the second time, the third time.

Whether it\'s red damask or Lin Feng, it\'s becoming more and more skilled now. Including Hongling itself, after being swallowed up by five palaces, it is close to the "first star", and it has grown quite rapidly. The most fundamental result of strength improvement is the enhancement of efficiency.

The faster the red silk swallows, the less time the forest wind needs to resist.

However, there are a lot of "less". After all, even if you pass through a palace quickly, it takes a full half incense burning time. It takes almost half an hour to explore the whole palace, and half an hour is far from enough considering the swallowing speed of red silk.

In other words, it takes more than half an hour to resist the attack of the palace guard snake!

It\'s very difficult. It\'s hard for others to resist.

But Lin Feng traded injury for time.

Coupled with the "devouring" effect of the devouring fire, the endless energy consumed by the reborn fire survived.

And now——

Hongling, finally ushered in a change.

"Pa!" "pa!" the body began to molt, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

This scene is very similar to what she saw in the wilderness, but now Hongling feels deeper for her "contract Warcraft". The red scale armor is full of extreme light and powerful. The power of red damask soars in an instant and finally reaches the first star.

Pretty fast!

Less than a day has passed.

Compared with simply absorbing \'constellation power\', the efficiency is more than 100 times higher!

Joy, excitement.

All kinds of happy feelings appeared in his heart. Lin Feng smiled, but he felt the joy of red Ling. Although signed as a contract, Warcraft has a utilization relationship with each other, just like the same day and wing, the so-called "feelings" are cultivated slowly.

For Hongling, it is not just a "master servant" relationship.

Block 10.

Block 20.

The 30th palace!


Fighting all the way down, Lin Feng feels more and more difficult.

With the increase of the number of palace floors, the strength of guarding the snake is more and more terrible.

The power of stone carving is not strong. After all, as long as it has not passed the star domain level, it basically does not pose a great threat to itself, but turns into snake gall and nourishes. But the power to guard the serpent is a thorough "star level" power!

The 45th palace!

It was a big dark blue snake. Its green eyes seemed to contain terrible toxins.

The markings of the body, fragmented and disordered, make people feel goose bumps in the heart. Lin Feng\'s face was suddenly dignified. Experience told him that the poison of this "Tibetan blue snake" was quite dangerous. If he insisted on fighting, it might be difficult to resist the fire of rebirth.

Peng! Peng! The heart beat faster and faster.

Lin Feng shook his fist and felt a hesitation.

However, at this time, the ultimate light appeared again, shrouded in the surrounding stone carvings.

"Maybe, first try the venom of these different snakes, different Boas and different Jiaos to see if you can bear it." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning. Their own rebirth fire can detoxify, because it can burn and dissolve toxins in the body, which is unmatched by other flames.

But this is not everything!

If the strength of the reborn fire is less than that of the toxin, you will be poisoned!

At that time, even if the blood of the Phoenix is more powerful, it will not be as powerful as the amazing destructive power of the toxin. After wandering through dozens of palaces, I am very clear in my heart how powerful the power of these palaces to "guard the serpent" is, which is far beyond the existence of the star level.

Thinking in my heart——

Suddenly, sudden change!

In the palace, a space crack was inexplicably opened.

A strange figure suddenly appeared!

"Hmm?" Lin Feng was stunned.

(today\'s third watch, yesterday was really miserable. I couldn\'t get a taxi, and I couldn\'t get on the bus. As a result, I didn\'t get home until more than 11 o\'clock. Ha ha, there are so many people playing on Christmas Eve ~)