Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 897

It\'s over.

Palace, restore calm.

Lin Feng shook his fist and felt a distracted vibration.

This is power!

Much stronger than before.

Now I am really standing at the peak of the star master level. Not only does astrology reach the ten fold, but the power of constellations is also overflowing. Even if the "power of constellations" absorbed in the sky fire space alone is quite surplus, not to mention the power of constellations absorbed here.

Completely fill the empty soul.

more than sufficient!

"That\'s it?" Lin Fengxiang smiled.

Raise your head and look up. At this time, the "red scale snake" has no vitality, just like petrification.

Withstanding his repeated attacks, he exhausted all his strength and made a lot of money. In particular, the fire of swallowing directly breaks through to reach the third level of star technology, which is something that I dare not think of before. It is more enjoyable than breaking through the peak of the star master level.

"Has there been any change?" Lin Feng looked around curiously.

I\'m here to find the secret of "thousand snake cave". Although I have defeated the red scale snake for a short time, I still have no clue.

The surrounding stone carvings are still like this, without any breath of life. It\'s as like as two peas in the first place. The eyebrows were slightly clustered, and Lin Feng walked gently to the red scale snakes and boa constrictors. The close sensing was very clear.

"It\'s strange." Lin Feng nodded slightly.

I can\'t see the difference at all.

In the end, how did these "strange snakes" appear in tianwu mainland?

"Hmm..." Lin Feng pondered and looked up at the red scale snake, as if thinking.

Not without change.

At least, the eyes of this red scale snake no longer shine.

It\'s like exhausting your strength.

"The palace is so big that there should be many clues." Lin Feng said lightly.

"Go and have a look."

Stepping in the huge palace, Lin Feng looked calm.

The first palace, I didn\'t have time to observe the whole palace carefully, but this time, I had enough time to study it slowly.

Stone carvings, quite a lot.

Murals are everywhere.

Walking in the palace, Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered fiercely and felt curious.

"What a strong constellation power." Lin Feng stared at a huge stone wall painting and felt double life. It was a "mosaic" mural, like the "Tao" left on the stone wall with some force, which contained an exciting feeling.

A painting of dragon, the roaring dragon is full of powerful breath.

Just fierce, powerful and invincible!

"If it is a star skill, it must be a set of extremely strong knife and gun." Lin Feng\'s eyes are slightly bright.

Perhaps, watching these murals, I can understand a lot of "shooting", just as I understood the seven wood carvings in Yanling mansion. However, today is different from the past. The power of today\'s "shooting" must depend on the "constellation power".

Even if you realize a new level of shooting, you can\'t combine it with the power of the constellation. Even if it is strong, its power is limited.

Now, we can only understand the shooting in "Star Technology" and improve our strength.

"Self created shooting must exist."

"Star technology should be a kind of \'assistance\', and the key lies in \'Tao\'."

"Only by understanding the \'Tao\', can we understand the star technology, so as to create a more perfect shooting, gun moves and so on."

Lin Feng nodded, clear in his heart.

Star technology is not invariable and cannot innovate, just because its strength is still insufficient.

It\'s like running without learning to walk.

Heart light way, forest wind whirl, that is, go forward again.

The surrounding stone carvings, reliefs, various murals and top paintings are lifelike. It seems like

"A place for cultivation?" Lin Feng thought.

"Just like the \'water curtain cave\', it is inherited for the water snake. Every place of cultivation exists for the \'water snake\'."


Very much!

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

Including the "snake gall" absorbed by yourself, it is more like a "tonic". Although it is poisonous, it should be because you do not belong to this "natural constellation". The warrior who really belongs to this constellation will have no problem absorbing snake gall. The so-called "poison" is also an energy existence in the final analysis.

"Nine times out of ten, it is the original constellation of the God of war." Lin Feng nodded.

Snake gall is the existence of strengthening physique.

And I came all the way. Most of the stone carvings and murals I have seen are just fierce attacks to control the star system technology.


"But if it is a place of cultivation, why do \'different snakes\' constantly appear in tianwu?" Lin Feng\'s eyebrows were light, but he was puzzled.

It can be explained that the palace is "aggressive".

After all, it\'s normal that there are "defense" measures in the place of cultivation, but the strange snake appears in tianwu continent

It\'s really a little \'weird\'.

"Look again." Lin Feng said.

Go on.

Soon, Lin Feng found a special \'door\'.

In addition to murals and stone carvings, there is another "new" existence in the palace.

To be exact, it should be a light curtain that is not big. The fire red light curtain has a smell of "poisonous fire". Although the light curtain is not big, it contains quite strong energy feeling. Lin Feng\'s eyes are slightly bright, and the devouring fire shoots out quickly!

Peng!! Dissipated in an instant.

This light curtain is not ordinary.

The easy thing is to stop the devouring fireball.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and didn\'t give up. In an instant, the devouring fire roared straight, Peng! Peng! Peng! 11. Being "rejected" outside. Even though our strength has been greatly improved, we still can\'t shake it in the face of this small "curtain of light".

"Amethyst gun!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and his strength suddenly appeared.

The purple light, sonorous and clanging, has a strong resonance between people and guns.

Into the gun realm, the fourth floor!

"Shoot with fire, the second move!" Lin Feng didn\'t hesitate. He went all out as soon as he shot. The devouring fire wound around the Amethyst gun like a fire dragon, and the ferocious breath poured out directly into the fire red light curtain in front.


Peng!! The sound of violent shaking.

Lin Feng\'s right arm suddenly became numb, and his chest was like thunder.

Poof! Lin Feng stepped back for tens of meters to stabilize his figure. His right hand held the Amethyst gun tightly, but he was trembling slightly. Not only did this strike fail to break the light curtain, but a strong "poisonous fire" turned back to the main, like a poisonous snake spreading from the Amethyst gun.

The ferocious mouth seemed to want to devour his right arm!

"Jiong! ~" the devouring fire flashed and wiped away the poisonous fire in a moment.

However, Lin Feng looked very dignified.

I failed just now.

"What a strong defensive force." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

The power of "poisonous fire" hidden on the light curtain is much stronger than what he has just swallowed. The defense force of the light curtain has a strong reaction force. The stronger your attack is, the more serious the damage will be. Your chest is aching and hurt a little.

Fortunately, it\'s just a small injury. With the recovery ability of Phoenix\'s blood, it can be cured in just ten seconds.

"It seems that there seems to be some secrets of the palace here." Lin Feng\'s eyes are slightly bright and his heart is very curious.

However, it is also true that they cannot enter.

The strongest blow, the light curtain is easy to take over.

"My current strength is far from breaking this light curtain." Lin fengxinming.

Although their own strength has been greatly improved, there is still a big gap from the energy of the "light curtain", which can not be wiped out in a moment and a half. WOW~ Put away the Amethyst gun and moved his paralyzed right hand. Lin Feng smiled bitterly and wanted to leave.


"Huh?" Lin Feng stopped.

His eyes looked at the light curtain again, and his heart was slightly cold.

"Is it an illusion? Or..." Lin Feng stared at the light curtain with bright eyes.

In the induction, the power breath of this light curtain seems to be less. Although there is only a tiny inaccessible point, but close at hand, I can easily distinguish myself. The luster of the light curtain is still flashing, and the poisonous fire is still ferocious. However, I feel like a toothless tiger.

Trapped in a cage!

One second, ten seconds, a hundred seconds.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and waited patiently.

A quarter of an hour!

"Sure enough, there was no sign of recovery." Lin Feng finally determined and was overjoyed.

The "meager" energy lost by this light curtain is the energy loss caused by his just hit. Although he has suffered a lot of injuries, the consumption of light curtain energy is also a fact that can not be hidden.

"Logically, it should be able to recover itself."

"But I\'m afraid it\'s because \'he\' is exhausted."

Lin Feng smiled and suddenly remembered the "red scale snake" perched above the palace.

Compete with yourself and exhaust all your strength!

"I\'d like to see what secrets are hidden here." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed. For a moment, his hands roared with the fire of rebirth. With the strong power of constellations and the boiling of the fire of rebirth, Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright, and fireballs shoot out crazily!

What I\'m good at is "consumption".

The fire of swallowing, the fire of rebirth, constant consumption!

One is powerful and the other is inexhaustible. With ingenious cooperation, Lin Feng continued to kill in a short time, but it has to be said that the energy of this light curtain is quite strong. The fire of swallowing is mixed with the fire of rebirth. The forest wind bombards almost continuously day and night, which only consumes one-third of the energy of the light curtain.

A rather powerful "light curtain.".

However, water drops can wear stones, and Yugong can move mountains.

Not to mention this ownerless light curtain.

"Boom!!!" the last fireball fell on the light curtain and made a loud roar. Lin Feng\'s eyes were very bright. He looked at the complete disappearance of the poisonous fire. The red light curtain was like a yoke was erased, and everything was unimpeded!

I, three days and three nights of efforts, finally declared success!

The curtain of light, without any obstruction, is like an unlocked door, now——

In front of you.

"I\'m coming." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

His eyes flickered, and then he stepped in.

(third shift ~)