Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 896

Boom! Boom~

Hall, violent vibration.

The \'red scale snake\' hovering directly above is now completely shining with red eyes.

The surging breath and power burst out. The terrible heavenly power surged from around the palace and killed two red scale dragons, which directly led to the rage of the "red scale snake". All the stone carvings are dim now. The strong forest wind makes the palace change again.

"Sure enough, it\'s coming again." Lin Feng was not surprised.

Once, I was already familiar with the whole \'process\'.

He was about to "escape" quickly, but this time, Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and fixed in place.

I\'m curious!

What will happen if you don\'t go?

Obviously, it\'s quite dangerous!

But Lin Feng is an expert in art. He is bold and not afraid.

"One palace after another, the secret of the thousand snake cave will always be a secret." Lin Feng thought slightly in his heart and his eyes were bright. The strong fire of rebirth outside the body is full of and protected. Although it is bold, basic defense is essential.

"If he could kill me, he would crush himself like an ant with his power.

However, he is just "threatening".

It seems that

The heart is firm, but the forest wind is heavy.

Around, Tianwei\'s power surged wildly. I\'m afraid other martial arts have collapsed and can\'t bear such pressure. But Lin Feng has reached the Ninth level of the star master level, almost one foot into the star domain level, and can compete with the strong ones of the seventh level of the star domain level, which is enough to prove his strength!

It is absolutely impossible to shake him by "potential" alone.

"Come on." Lin Feng\'s heart is firm.

The longer time goes by, the more confident you are that he——

having a heart but no strength!

"Boom!" "boom!" "boom!!" momentum, more surging.

The power like Tianwei is crazy to vent. The red scale snake flashes a red light in his eyes. He stares at Lin Feng fiercely and wants to break him into pieces. The light in his eyes is more and more prosperous. In an instant, the flame appears and gathers in all directions!

Strong burning sensation, mixed with strong \'poison\'.

It\'s poisonous fire!!

On that day, the poisonous fire of red scale strange Jiao in the wilderness.

"Ho?" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up and felt surprised.

Are you wrong?

He has the ability to attack!!!

"No." Lin Feng calmed down quickly.

The situation is not so bad. Other forces may be difficult to distinguish by themselves, but the power of these "poisonous fires" is not fatal.

Especially for yourself.

Although these poisonous fires are powerful, they are far more powerful than the red scale dragons they met in the wilderness.

But that\'s all.

"Flame, only the power of star region." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

Facing the power of wrapping himself in all directions, Lin Feng was not surprised but happy. The fierce and powerful flame of his hands lit up in an instant, "devouring fire!"

Once the violent breath appeared, it immediately covered the "poisonous fire" released by the red scale snake.

Although in terms of "quantity", it is not as ferocious as the poisonous fire attacking itself.

But in terms of "quality", it is a complete transcendence!

Devouring fire, very strong!

And these poisonous fires are not even as good as sky fire.

"Devour! ~" Lin Feng opened his hands fiercely and drank.

Devouring fire can devour those poisonous fires crazily in an instant, just as it devours those heavenly fires in the sky fire space. The devouring fire at the top of the flame has strong devouring ability and the power to devour lower flames.

Around the body, Lin Feng quickly absorbed the poisonous fire.

烀! 烀! 烀!!! ~ the fire is ferocious.

The two flames collided, and the devouring fire completely gained the upper hand. Those poisonous fires are more like a "natural" flame. Like the sky fire in the sky fire space, they have no control at all. They only have the initial attack ability and have no effect on Lin Feng.

No, it still works.

It\'s just a negative effect, a "nutrient" effect.

"What a strong constellation power!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were extremely wide and surprised.

Although these "poisonous fires" are not as good as sky fire in terms of quality, they have quite shocking constellation power, and the combination is extremely perfect. They are not too much for the promotion of devouring fire, but the "Tao" of star technology has greatly improved and increased for the combination of transforming into their own star power and devouring Mars power!

"Ten times, no, a hundred times the sky fire." Lin Feng\'s heart is happy.

The strong constellation power has been transformed and absorbed by the devouring fire. Although I have now reached the Ninth level limit of the star master level, it is useless to absorb more constellation power. However, unlike other martial artists, my excess constellation power can be "stored" in the endless Phoenix life plate.

Own, have an endless storage space.

When you were in the sky fire space that day, you stored quite a lot of constellation power.

Now, it\'s icing on the cake!

Time goes by.

The anger of the red scale snake erupted completely.

However, in the face of the inexhaustible loss of forest wind, it should be said that the more powerful the Vietnam War was, the more engulfed the fire was completely defeated. The devouring fire completely restrained the poisonous fire, so that it could not exert its due power, but became a "tonic".

Moreover, poisonous fire only has the power of "star domain level". It seems that for some reason, the power of red scale snake is limited.

But it\'s "cheap", Lin Feng.


An hour.

Twelve hours!


Lin Feng, greedy refining, absorbs poisonous fire.

This time, the fire of swallowing is undoubtedly making a lot of money. The absorption of these twelve hours is even comparable to half a year in the sky fire space! It is not the second order, not the power of the essence of the devouring fire, but the "power of constellations", the "Tao" of the devouring fire, which is now far beyond the "Tao" of the rebirth fire.

This time, usher in transformation again!

"Wow! ~" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and his heart was shocked.

The familiar feeling of power permeates the body, and powerful forces emerge.

The fire of swallowing is full of powerful energy, which is very touched by the integration with every part of the body. Every inch of skin, every cell and every minute of blood seem to resonate with the fire of phagocytosis, and the constellation power of the body is happy and boiling.

The main star of the special system, in the triple star world, a huge star shines brightly.

That is the existence standing proudly at the top of all triple stars, with huge prestige and amazing terrorist forces.

The "Tao" of constellations is better than that of ordinary quadruplets. Lin Feng\'s head roared, and a huge Phoenix appeared in front of him. The loud cry shocked the world. The devouring fire wrapped around the Phoenix\'s body is now almost clearly visible, which is far more than the rebirth fire!

Devouring fire, level 3!

"Wow! ~" the special star is completely bright. A single star repair is to reach the tenth weight!

From the seventh to the tenth, just because of a change in Star Technology. Devouring fire, the top flame of Phoenix.

The first heavy star, the second heavy star, and the star force value is the highest full value.

For a triple star, the star force value is also the vertex——

1000 points!

Pop! Pop~

In the main star of life soul, it is also a complete transformation.

As the single star repair of the special system reaches the tenth level, the total star repair also reaches the tenth level.

The bottleneck of the Ninth level of the star master level is broken without any difficulty. The star power stored in the Phoenix\'s life chart gushed out in an instant, Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining, and his body was like an empty bottle, absorbing the majestic constellation power at the fastest speed.

The star ring of the main star is incomparably bright.

The space of life soul seems to be about to be broken, which is already a limit.

For the soul, the energy of the main star is huge enough, and there is only one possibility to break through——


That is the final transformation of the star master, the change of the soul.

It\'s the breakthrough that every star master level warrior dreams of, but it\'s not easy.

"Only the last step is left from the star level." Lin Feng\'s eyes are shining.

I am now the star master level peak!

Make a lot of money!

The pot is full of money.

After reaching the peak of star master level, the forest wind did not stop.

The fire of swallowing is still madly absorbing the "poisonous fire" and the power of the powerful constellation. Every absorption adds another layer to the energy space of the Phoenix\'s life chart, and "expands" a lot, just like putting the gold mine in Jinshan into your pocket.


Lin Feng, quite greedy.

But this kind of "greed" is a quality that every martial artist must have.

Cultivation is endless!

This kind of opportunity can be met but not sought.

"Sure enough, it was the right decision not to leave." Lin Feng\'s mouth was slightly raised, and the breakthrough of devouring fire made the absorption faster and the efficiency higher. Every minute, every second, there is not too much "gold" in your pocket.

Even at the star level, the power of constellations is still very important!

At present, it is an inexhaustible treasure house.

Nature is that more is better.

"However, the poisonous fire seems to weaken a little." Lin Feng\'s eyes are fine and bright.

The absorption is faster and faster, but the poisonous fire is less and less. It\'s like a martial artist exhausted his strength and is about to be exhausted.

But there are still "limits.".

"He doesn\'t seem to be able." Lin Feng raised his head.

The red scale snake above looks quite "tired", especially the red eye like red crystal, which has lost a lot of expression, as if it had lost its luster and faded like the surrounding stone carvings. As those red eyes gradually fell, the poisonous fire around them became lighter and less.

The vibration of the earth calmed down in the palace.

"Boom! ~" the devouring fire broke out completely.

Declare the final victory!

(second change ~)