Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 895

Here, the strongest \'stone carving\'!

There is only one blue eyed dragon. The breath of the star master is enough to make the whole tianwu continent tremble.

The power of fury seems to destroy everything. In particular, the indigo pupils are natural, like blue crystals, and have a feeling of confusing the mind. It is the strongest special ability of the \'blue eyed Dragon\' that can give great stab wounds to the enemy when assisting in battle.


"Chih!" a purple light appeared.

With the coming of the red flame of fire, the blue eyed dragon has just "awakened". With only a loud dragon roar, it will once again become a stone carving. In front of Lin Feng, this blue eyed dragon is not qualified to "show off its strength.".

It\'s too weak.

Pop~ The "snake gall" of three evolutions fell into hands.

With abundant energy, Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up and felt a quite good source of energy.

This snake gall is much stronger and more nourishing than the three snake galls he just obtained. It is a real "star master" snake gall. His eyes were slightly bright. Lin Feng didn\'t take it immediately, but put it away for a while.

Not to mention that this is not the time, the "toxins" contained in snake gall alone are quite dangerous.

The greater the energy, the stronger the toxin!

Now, it\'s not time to absorb.

With the blue eyed dragon turned into stone carvings, all the stone carvings in the whole palace were dim.

It\'s like a group of "defeated generals" who lose face.

Instantaneous time——

"Boom! ~" the hall shook violently as if it were an earthquake.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and his heart was chilly.

Ears, as if out of the angry roar of animals, an unusually large and disturbing breath, bloomed from above. Lin Feng\'s face suddenly changed, fiercely raised his head, and suddenly saw a pair of terrible pupils flashing with strong power!

It\'s it!

The source of this power is the one entrenched at the top of the palace——

The blue eyed snake!

"Go!" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up and didn\'t stop.

The galloping body quickly passed through the palace and disappeared like lightning.

Although I don\'t know what happened, it is clear that the power of this\' blue eyed snake \'is by no means unmatched by itself.

Thirty six strategies, walking is the best strategy.

"What a big palace." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

He sprinted at full speed, but he had not reached the end of the palace for half a incense burning time.

The size of the palace is completely visible!

"There are many different things in this palace."

"Including those murals and stone carvings, they all have different strengths, like the \'Tao\' of the constellation, which contains powerful energy."

"Quite mysterious."

Lin Feng thought in his heart, but he didn\'t stay.

The huge breath of power surged in the whole palace. It was as powerful as heaven, far from what I can resist today. Perhaps this force is not aimed at itself. After all, if it really wants to deal with itself, it is useless even if it runs away.

But to be safe, it\'s better to avoid it first.

Whew! The speed of the forest wind is like lightning.

The strength of the star master level is comparable to that of the star domain level.

"Ahead!" his eyes twinkled, and the bird in the heart of Lin Feng moved.

In front, a bright light shines in, just like an "exit".

WOW~ As if he had penetrated a barrier, Lin Feng\'s face showed a relieved expression. In an instant, the power of "suppressing" itself vanished as he left the palace, as if nothing had happened.

Himself, escaped!


"Where is this?" Lin Feng was curious.

Looking around, it was a land of rubble, boundless and empty.

A desolate feeling gives people a bleak taste.

However, aura is very threatening.

"What a strong aura." Lin Feng\'s eyes were very bright.

The aura here is much more abundant than that in tianwu mainland. The rich aura brings not only the improvement speed of cultivation, but also the ability of "perception". It is intended to reduce the distance from the "natural constellation".

Because Reiki is an intermediary.

It is the invisible bridge between the warrior and the stars.

"Strange place." Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining.

In the feeling, everything here is very special, as if it exists for something.


That\'s just a name.

For the martial arts with poor strength, it may really be a Jedi. For example, the ancient ruins of Baibao, with endless congenital treasures and the ability to "make wishes", how can it be regarded as a Jedi? In the ancient power \'water curtain cave\', it is called the holy land.

At present, the same is true of the thousand snake cave.

Maybe I can\'t grasp its essence, or its root.

But at least, his survival today is enough to prove that he is not a Jedi. Of course, there must be a guarantee of strength. Otherwise, let alone the terrible "blue eyed snake", the awakened stone carvings alone are enough to kill people.

"Look around." Lin Feng nodded.

If you come, you will be at ease.

The land of rubble is very big.

But no matter how big the area is, it is the same "barren".

Just as there is no grass around the thousand snake cave, it is also so desolate in the thousand snake cave. Here, it\'s as if all the life force has been absorbed by people and exhausted all the individual strength. The forest wind is running fast and gradually understands.

Alien snake!

A strange species.

They can devour all \'life\' and achieve the purpose of strengthening themselves.

In the wilderness, I have clearly understood the changes of different snakes, from snake to python, and then from Python to Dragon... Its evolution is not self-cultivation, but adopts a quite radical method, which is similar to my own devouring fire.


The growth of life devours other life.

Just like the growth of devouring fire, devouring other energy, other flames!

To some extent, the two are the same.

And at the end of the gravel

"Another palace." Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled and looked straight ahead.

Apart from this desolate area, there is only this huge palace, which echoes with the palace of the "blue eyed snake" just now. One south and one north are like pillars to "support" this area. The light curtain in front flashed and transmitted a faint energy brilliance.

"There seems to be no way to go." Lin Feng said softly.

If you want to find out the secret of the thousand snake cave and block the suffering of different snakes, you have no way out.

Move on!

Second palace!

Once again, I have a different feeling.

The palace still gives people an ancient feeling. Like the first palace, there are a lot of stone carvings everywhere. The difference is that the "strange snake" here has changed its species. Perched above the palace is a "red scale snake", staring with red eyes.

The strong flame seemed to burn in the second palace, making the whole hall extremely hot.

"I\'ve seen this strange snake." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

I have seen this strange snake in the wilderness. No, it should be said that it is a strange Jiao.

One of the few "strange Jiaos" has a very deep memory because he is covered with scales that seem to burn like a flame. In particular, the scales with "fire poison" can not only protect the body, but also burn and burst out toxicity.

Quite a strange kind of flame.

"Thousand snake cave, thousand snake Cave..." Lin Feng whispered gently.

"The first palace and the second palace have similarities and many differences. Is it a palace with all kinds of \'different snakes\'?"

"Thousand snake caves are thousands of palaces?"

The heart is slightly cold, and Lin Feng is thoughtful.

It\'s like wandering among the ancient ruins of Baibao. With the passage of time and constantly hitting the wall, I can gradually "read" and understand a lot. He looked up at the "red scale snake" that seemed to stare at himself. Lin Feng was slightly shocked, but he felt stronger and bigger than the first "blue eye snake".

In an instant——

"Boom!" the eyes of the red scale snake are bright, the powerful energy breath is shining, and the fire red lights fall down like heavenly women scattered flowers. Fall on those stone carvings, stimulate strong energy fluctuations, and the power of life blooms again!

"Again?" Lin Feng was slightly surprised, but he was not surprised.

I have already had an "experience.".

His eyes quickly swept over all the stone carvings, and the number was not much different from that of the first palace.

The only difference is that there are two "red scale dragons" here, but they are better than just now.

But this is not a threat.

"Here comes the snake gall again." Lin Feng whispered and smiled.

With the light shining, the fire of rebirth appeared again around Lin Feng\'s body.

To myself, they are just "supplements".

Round after round.

Lin Feng\'s hand caught fire and fell. All kinds of stone carvings turned into snake galls and fell into his pocket.

The first star, Xinghe and Xinghai are not rivals at all, but the red scale dragon of Xingzhu may still be a little threatening, but it is only "maybe". The roaring sound was loud in the whole palace. Facing the two red scale dragons, Lin Feng still chose to kill them directly.

But unlike before——

This time, the choice is\' the fire of swallowing \'.

"Jiong!" "Jiong! ~" two balls of fire devour and bloom.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed bright light, and he felt the fire of swallowing \'swallowing\' the flame of the red scale dragon. The light energy was integrated into the fire of swallowing, which added another layer of power to the fire of swallowing. Although the growth is not much, after all, the strength of red scale Allosaurus is not too strong.

However, there is no "waste".

It is the so-called gathering sand into mountains.

"If there were more flames, my devouring fire would be promoted faster." Lin Feng moved gently in his heart.

Before, his strongest was the "fire of rebirth", but now it is the "fire of swallowing", a flame with real powerful attack power.

Moreover, it has one of the strongest characteristics——


(I\'m sorry, everyone. Xiaoxiao hasn\'t been in good shape these days. However, I believe he can recover soon! Sure!)