Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 894

Thousand snake cave, one of the four Jedi.

Unlike the two remaining four Jedi "ten thousand bones" and "Luosheng purgatory", the thousand snake cave has no obstacles. On the contrary, the light curtain entering the "thousand snake cave" is flashing with the rippling light of water waves, attracting martial artists to enter.

Wan Gu Chen has strong authority and warning. Luo Sheng\'s purgatory is even more terrible. Lin Feng can\'t even step into the border.

So far, no one in tianwu has even seen the true face of "Luosheng purgatory", so it is known as the four most terrible Jedi.

Thousand snake acupoints ranked third, below Luosheng Purgatory and ten thousand bones.

Of course, it refers to the degree of "danger".

As for what is in thousand snake cave, no one knows.

Thousand snake cave has existed for a long time. Even in the previous civilization periods of tianwu continent, there have been legends and records of the four Jedi. However, except for the ancient relics of Baibao, the other three Jedi have no information to check. How many martial artists put all their eggs in qiansnake cave, but

No one has ever come out.

This time, Lin Feng will also set foot on this road.

But I had to go.

"This is the thousand snake cave?" Lin Feng looked around curiously, his eyes sparkling.

Completely different from the imagination, the destination is a huge palace, not luxurious, full of ancient flavor. In the palace, stone carvings can be seen everywhere. They are blue eyed "different snakes", different Boas and different Jiaos. Although the appearance has changed, but

"It\'s the same kind, evolved." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

If he had not experienced the killing in the wilderness, he would not know the meaning, but now he knows it very well.

Stone carvings are very vivid. Some stone carvings are even tens of meters high and lifelike. In particular, the only blue eyed dragon stands in the center of the palace, with a strong smell. The blue eyed snakes, boa constrictors and Jiaos around him thought about them like the stars and the moon.

"What a strange place." Lin Fengwei was stunned.

Feeling puzzled, I felt as if I was being stared at by something.

Lin Fengmeng raised his head and his eyes lit up immediately.

It was a big "snake" with blue eyes. It was suspended in the air and stood horizontally on the top of the whole hall. It looks like a snake and a dragon. It is kilometers long and magnificent. I felt that I was\' staring \'at those blue eyes, which seemed to have vitality.

"This is..." Lin Feng was shocked and very surprised.

Just one look, you feel abnormal palpitations.

If this blue eyed snake is really powerful, it must be very terrible.

At least, it\'s better than the dog family strong man who fought in the wizard of Oz!

"But it doesn\'t seem to be alive." Lin Feng\'s eyes are shining.

Although his star sky pupil and star dome pupil are all sleeping, the sense of life and soul still exists. Regardless of these stone carvings, the relief of the blue eyed snake above is good. It is tangible but unintentional, and there is no breath of life.

There was peace around and there was nothing strange.

The only regret is

It\'s easy to get in. I\'m afraid it\'s troublesome to go out.

"It\'s a one-way transmission array. Can you get in or out?" Lin Feng whispered, but he didn\'t care. I have set up a "space gate" in the city of the sky. At that time, if there is no way out, I can use the "space gate" to go back.

Otherwise, it is also feasible to break the jade Miao and display the jade dun.

There are some ways to leave.

"However, there should be an answer in this palace." Lin Feng said lightly.

There is no way out of heaven. No matter how mysterious the "thousand snake cave" is, it will not completely kill people.

Exit, set somewhere.

But I am not in a hurry to leave at the moment.

Entering the thousand snake cave is to avoid future troubles. We must not let tianwu land fall into the disaster of different snakes.

"It\'s not easy," said Lin Feng.

"It\'s strange why this thousand snake cave is like this? And..."

"Where is the danger that can take people\'s lives?"

With bright eyes, Lin Feng looked around cautiously.

Instantaneous time——

"Wow!" the eyes of the big blue eyed snake at the top were shining brightly. When the light fell on those stone carvings, it immediately sent out a bright light, and the strong life force was incredible to bloom. Lin Feng opened his eyes and felt frightened.

"Is this?" Lin Feng shook his fists slightly, and the fire of rebirth burst out in an instant.

烀~ Firmly guarding around his body, Lin Feng stared at the stone carvings around him. At this time, surrounded by the light, it was like breaking ice. The breath of life that did not exist suddenly broke out completely, and the sound of hissing resounded through the hall.

Blue eyed snake, wake up first!

Whew! Whew! Whew! One after another came out like lightning.

Lin Feng looked calm and calm. These are only the "first star" strength of the blue eyed snakes, not their own opponents. Even standing still, these blue eyed snakes can\'t get close to the spontaneous guard of the rebirth fire.

"Boom!" "boom! ~" Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

He didn\'t summon the hundred poison color python, because he wanted to see what was going on here!

Pop! Pop! Pop! Blue eyed snakes were swallowed by fire.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng moved in his heart, and his body was like light and shadow, probing forward quickly. Where the blue eyed snake disappeared, there were strange internal elixirs like "snake gall", which contained "weak" power. For a moment, Lin Feng got up quickly and collected all these snake gall.

"It turns out that the recovery and strength enhancement of the hundred poison color Python depend on these \'snake galls\'?" Lin Feng said.

But in the blink of an eye, these blue eyed snakes, which only had the strength of the first star, all "died" and turned into stone carvings again. Lin Feng\'s eyes looked around, and other stone carvings were shining brightly, except for these "dead" blue eyed snakes.

"Strange place." Lin Feng thought.

"Will these \'blue eyed Python\' and \'blue eyed Dragon\' wake up later?"

Looking around, Lin Feng was quite curious.

Art experts are brave. Lin Feng is not afraid of the coming danger.

Wait patiently.


"Boom! ~" with the clanking sound, the blue eyed Python disappeared, just like \'awakening\'. The strong whistling sound announced the full destructive power. It was much stronger than the blue eyed snake. It roared straight towards the forest wind, with blue eyes shining everywhere.

The scale armor is like steel, invincible, and the blue Python is full of momentum!

In terms of strength, it is far better than the blue eyed snake.

The blue eyed Python is a star river.


Still too weak.

"Pa!" "pa!" "pa! ~" end is no different from blue eyed snake.

A stronger mole ant, it is still a mole ant. A large number of blue eyed anacondas are still vulnerable to the rebirth fireball, and they are annihilated in the sea of fire at the moment of contact. Peng! Peng! Peng! The white light appeared one after another, and Lin Feng\'s eyes opened lightly. He galloped down in a circle, and there were a lot of "snake gall" in his hands.

These snake galls are white and red. They are much more energetic than those of the blue eyed snake just now.

But for Lin Feng, it is still quite "weak".

Wait again.

Lin Fengyan looked at the remaining four stone carvings, surrounded by the only light.

Three blue eyed dragons and a blue eyed dragon with all the stars and the moon are slowly "waking up". They fully feel that the power of life is increasing and the breath is gradually increasing. Lin Feng\'s heart moved slightly, and he raised his head for a moment with bright eyes.

"Sure enough, the root is it." Lin Feng looked at the majestic blue eyed snake and felt a chill in his heart.

The eyes like sapphire are shining with extreme light, and the terrible power is released. The blue eyed snake is like the master of this palace. As time went by, Lin Feng held the "snake gall" of the blue eyed snake in his left hand and the "snake gall" of the blue eyed Python in his right hand.

Both have their own "strength.".

I am familiar with the power!

And then——

"Boom!!" three blue eyed dragons attack in a triangle and attack madly.

The breath broke out in an instant, and the strong body was much more terrible than the blue eyed python. The speed and strength have reached the star sea level strength. The blue and strange eyes are shining everywhere. They open their big mouth and want to swallow Lin Feng.

The momentum is quite amazing!

It is equivalent to the strong attack of three star sea level warriors.


The end was miserable.

Once again, it turns into a stone carving, leaving three "snake galls" with more essence and huge energy.

Star sea snake gall!

In the bag, Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened, took out the gall of a blue eyed snake with the weakest energy and stuffed it into his mouth. There was a faint fishy smell at the entrance, which slipped down in an instant, and a clear flow immediately distributed to the five veins of the limbs and flowed into every inch of the skin.

"Sure enough, it can strengthen the body." Lin Feng was delighted.

But suddenly, his eyes suddenly gathered and he felt a deep pain in his bones.

Like corrosion!

"Poisonous." the forest wind is dark.

In the body, the fire of rebirth rises suddenly to eliminate the toxin, and the slightly "corroded" bones are repaired by the blood of the Phoenix in an instant. Lin Feng looks calm, but he is not afraid of "toxins". Whether it is the body of the Phoenix or the fire of rebirth, he can ensure his own safety.

Especially the fire of rebirth, which is the strongest defense fire of Phoenix constellation!

"Wow! ~" without hesitation, Lin Feng swallowed one snake gall after another.

With the last experience, the reborn fire can eliminate the toxin in an instant.

The essence of energy is integrated into every part of the body, just like moistening saplings. Although the effect is not so significant, it is also quite good.

"The absorption of the same kind of \'snake gall\' shows a decreasing trend." Lin Feng said.

Like all star fruit and star pills, the body will have \'resistance\'.

"After all, it\'s just the snake gall of the \'first star\', and the effect is naturally very little."

"The snake gall of Xinghe level and Xinghai level will not improve too much for me, except..."

"It!" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up and looked at the only blue eyed dragon. At this time, the radiance is completely bright, and the surging breath is surging. In an instant, the blue eyed dragon roared up to the sky, and his strong body soared into the air, as if echoing with the blue eyed snake on the top.

Momentum, magnificent!