Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 893

From snake to python.

The Golden Snake spits out the letter, and the cold-blooded eyes are more bright and terrible.

Open your big mouth and immediately swallow the faded scales and epidermis directly. These are residual energy, which will not be wasted. In a short time of evolution, the breath of this golden snake is completely different and much stronger.

"It doesn\'t need to be an adult to advance to the star river level." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

I finally saw what my brother said about \'evolution\'.

In essence, it is very similar to your own devouring fire.

It, relying on phagocytosis to enhance its energy!

At this time, the mutation is abrupt.

"Ho?" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

But I felt the violent fluctuation of the colorful staff, as if it were the induction of my heart.

With the entry of consciousness, I immediately saw the "hundred poison color Python", and my weak eyes burst into light. In the battle of the wizard of Oz, the hundred poison color Python completely "fell", but it is not a real life, but a copy of its existence with the ability of the "seven color staff". Now it is only the weakest state, and it depends on time to recover slowly.

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s heart was moved.

At this time——

"Hiss!" the golden Python proudly raised his head and evolved into a \'Python\', quite satisfied.

Now its strength is much stronger than before, especially its powerful body, full of explosive power and great absorption limit. The golden Python was about to move forward and continue to prey. Suddenly, a terrible force came!

Boom!! The light flashed.

It was a huge python.

Outside the body, colorful stripes are full of thick light.

The appearance of the hundred poison color Python stunned the golden python. It is the same kind of "Python". It can fully feel the strength of the "same kind" in front of it. Even if it is just a weak state, it is far from being comparable!

Escape? Almost in an instant, the golden Python fled.

However, in front of the hundred poison color python, how can it escape

"Wow!" in an instant, he was swallowed, the hundred poison color Python gave a satisfactory hiss, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining slightly.

It has recovered a lot of strength!

Moreover, there seems to be a feeling of difference.


Since we have found \'prey\', we will not stop.

Lin Feng galloped in the wild world, looking for other kinds of strange snakes.

Keep feeding the "hundred poison color Python", and soon, the power of the hundred poison color Python will slowly recover. More than that, every time a "different snake" is absorbed, the maximum power of the hundred poison color Python increases by one point. In particular, in terms of "poison", it was already quite poisonous, but now——

It\'s even worse!

It\'s terrible.

Hunting day and night in a row.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered, almost understood.

Galloping in the wild world, the breath searched greatly, and found many different snakes and python on the way. It\'s not too difficult to evolve from a snake to a python, but it\'s not easy to evolve from a python to a "dragon", and the energy required is far more than that.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The hundred poison color Python continues to devour.

These first-class stars and star river level strength of different snakes and python may be a disaster for the warriors in tianwu mainland.

But for the hundred poison color python, there is no resistance.

Too easy.

"It\'s strange that no different snake has the same kind." then he killed a different python, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright. It\'s strange that the hundred poison color Python swallowed hundreds of different snakes and python, but it didn\'t repeat it once.

But this is more certain of their origin.

After all, if it were "race", it should be all of the same kind, not like it is now.

"Thousand snake cave, um..." Lin Feng thought.

In my heart, I am more curious.

However, at present, he has not been able to enter.

"All the \'different snakes\' must be killed to avoid leaving a curse." Lin Feng looked calm. Whether it is a blessing or a curse to enter the "thousand snake cave" is still unknown. If you are trapped like the ancient ruins of the hundred waterfalls, there will be more and more "strange snakes" outside and continue to evolve.

Then there will be trouble.

Weeding out the roots is essential.


The city of the sky, the temple.

"Lord, have you made a decision?" blue asked tentatively.

"Thunderbolt is willing to be the vanguard, lead the army of martial arts, and eradicate all the \'strange snakes\'!" thunderbolt\'s armor is full of fighting spirit.

Tianqing looked at the country leader Lin Yun and saw that he looked calm and his eyes twinkled. Tianqing looked at thunderbolt and said calmly, "the country leader has long had countermeasures, so don\'t teach others."

There\'s a way?!

Everyone has a bright eye.

For the past six months, they have been worried about these "strange snakes".

Kill, kill again and again, as if there was no end. Kill a different snake, and another one will appear soon. Moreover, the strength is stronger and stronger. Once there was a "Jiao", and Lin Yun tried his best to kill it.

But you can\'t kill it.

Go deep into the wilderness, but how big is the wilderness?

But it is difficult.

"Countermeasure?" Lin Yun SA ran smiled, "kill all."

"The Lord is right! This scourge must be eradicated as soon as possible!" thunderbolt\'s eyes flashed.

Tianqing frowned slightly. He thought the LORD had countermeasures, but now it seems to be an old topic. Kill the light? They don\'t have to worry for so long. The wild world is so big that it\'s hard to find all of them when they are poor.

Moreover, these strange snakes are quite cunning, difficult to entangle and powerful.

Blue and prison looked at each other, and blue slowly said, "does the Lord want to enter the wilderness in person?"

With his eyes focused, Lin Yun smiled and shook his head.

"In fact, you don\'t have to worry. Just now the Lord of the holy Kingdom has heard that all the" different snakes "in the wild world have been eliminated, including three different snakes that have become" Jiaos ". Lin Yun\'s voice is flat, but it makes everyone at the bottom stare with astonishment.

All the snakes?!

Just a few days. Are you kidding?

As if he guessed what people were thinking, Lin Yun\'s eyes flashed, "a total of 248 different snakes were killed. The Lord of the holy kingdom is re searching the wild world for the second time to make everything possible, and then he will enter the \'thousand snake cave\' to completely solve the problem of different snakes."

In the empty temple, there was suffocating tranquility.

Everyone looked at each other in horror.

In their view, they can\'t solve the problem at all, but in the hands of the \'Lord of the holy kingdom\'

It\'s so simple.

How strong is the Lord of the holy Kingdom now?

The shock of people\'s hearts is incalculable.

It\'s terrible!

The wild world.

At this time, Lin Feng is patiently searching for a second time to avoid missing fish.

It\'s only a small effort to eliminate the suffering of strange snakes. In particular, the strength of hundred poison color Python has increased madly at an alarming speed. The most powerful "Jiao" snakes at the star sea level are not enough to be killed by a hundred poisonous color python. The gap in strength is like a natural moat.

They are too weak, especially compared with the strong ones of the heavenly dog family in the wizard of oz.

It\'s not a grade at all!

"Hmm..." Lin Feng\'s eyes burned and suddenly found another strange snake.

"Sure enough, there was a fish in the net." Lin Feng nodded and immediately summoned a hundred poison color Python to directly solve the extremely weak snake that seemed to have just been born. It didn\'t stop. Lin Feng sped away quickly and carefully eradicated all possibilities.

Five hours later.

"No." Lin Feng nodded.

After two big cleanings, it is impossible for any different snake to survive in the search of three feet of his own digging.

"The gate of space." Lin Feng jingled in his left ear and returned to the city of the sky in an instant. However, he used the "gate of space" as a star symbol to return to the city. What Lin Feng didn\'t know was that there was another bright light shining in the "thousand snake cave".

Whoosh! Like a flash of lightning.

A new "strange snake" was born and entered the wild world.

Every six hours, a "different snake" is born.

City of sky.

"Brother, be careful." Lin Yun\'s face was dignified.

Although I have great confidence in my brother\'s strength, I entered one of the four Jedi after all.

It is said that people who enter the "thousand snake cave" that no one has ever come out!

"Brother, come back early and shuier is waiting for you ~" Lin shuier reluctantly took Lin Feng\'s hand and his beautiful eyes flashed.

"Don\'t worry." Lin Feng rubbed shui\'er\'s small head and nodded to Lin Yun. Around, blue, prison, sunny, thunderbolt and others looked at Lin Feng in awe. Although they were close, they could deeply feel the distance between them, which was so far away.

Lin Feng, it\'s too strong now!

To them, it was as tall as the sky.

"Goodbye, everyone." Lin Feng looked around at the crowd and smiled.

Immediately without stopping, he stepped into the transmission array, the white light flashed, and the figure soon disappeared.

"Here is the \'thousand snake cave\'?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

Ahead, there is a Jedi in the wild world, surrounded by endless cliffs, falling rocks and a barren area. No living creatures exist. The existence of thousand snake cave seems to destroy everything. There is no room for any other existence at all.

Not to mention Warcraft, there are no plants or creatures.

It gives people a bleak feeling.

"It\'s really unusual." Lin Feng thought.

The closer you get to the thousand snake cave, the more you feel the palpitation of your heart. In particular, the colorful staff is ready to move, some excited and some afraid. Obviously, it can frighten a human congenital treasure, and the danger of thousand snake cave can be imagined.

After all, it\'s one of the four Jedi!

It\'s not as easy as killing those strange snakes.

"I\'d like to see what secrets are hidden here." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and bright, with a strong color of curiosity.

It is the courage of the art experts that there is a flashing light curtain in front of them. The light, if not, is like waves of Psychedelic water waves, attracting people to enter. If a warrior is not determined, he will never resist its power, which has the power to confuse the mind.

However, Lin Feng doesn\'t care at all.

His eyes flashed with pure light. Without hesitation, Lin Feng directly stepped into the light curtain.

The figure disappeared in an instant.

If you don\'t go into a tiger\'s den, you won\'t get a tiger\'s son!