Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 892

"Four Jedi, thousand snake acupoints?!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

"Yes, it\'s far more terrible than the ancient relics of \'hundred waterfalls\'." Lin Yun said positively, "arrogance began to change six months ago. Combined with the strange phenomena in the wilderness in the past six months, I have to doubt that there is a special connection between the two."

Lin Feng\'s face was slightly dignified.

The four ancient relics of tianwu continent have been known for a long time.

The reason why we entered the ancient ruins of "Baibao" on that day is that there is still a glimmer of vitality there. But when you enter the other three ancient ruins, there is death and no life. No one has ever come out. As one of the three remaining Jedi, "thousand snake cave" is quite terrible.

But that\'s just a description of tianwu.

In fact, the ancient relics of "Baibao" are not terrible, but the martial artists in tianwu continent are too weak.

Even before the star river level, entering the ancient ruins of the "hundred waterfalls" is naturally dangerous. The other three Jedi are the same. It\'s not really a "unique" place, but the strength of the martial arts has not reached that level, so they will feel desperate about it.

Lin Feng knows this very well.

There is no way to break through, only not strong enough!

In fact, I was very interested in returning to tianwu this time. I wanted to see the other four Jedi.

Thousand snake cave, ten thousand bones, and the head of the four Jedi that are difficult to step into even the border——

Rawson purgatory.

"I also discovered recently, because monsters are getting stronger and stronger."

"Snakes appeared before, and then python, but now there are many \'Jiaos\', I doubt..."

Lin Yun\'s eyes were awed, "they will \'evolve\'."


Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully. "It\'s no wonder that so many powerful snakes, goblins and even \'Jiaos\' appeared all at once. Warcraft, like human beings, need to multiply and accumulate time to grow and have power.

It is impossible to appear out of thin air. If so, it must have its root!

"The thousand snake cave is shining now, and the vision is sharp." Lin Yun\'s eyes are bright. "My strange \'different snakes\' are probably pouring out of the thousand snake cave, but..." Lin Yun\'s eyes show sadness. "The little sword has entered for several months, and life and death are uncertain."


Another familiar name.

Lin Feng\'s heart could not help twisting. On that day, he and Fang Ning had a sword, just like three brothers, fighting side by side to resist the animal tide. Now Fang Ning has a great opportunity to enter the mysterious ancient force "shuilian cave" through the ancient relics of "Baibao".

But little sword, he

But fate is different.

Xiaojian\'s qualification is not bad, only inferior to himself and Fang Ning.

At that time, he was rated by many as the "God of war" warrior with the best qualification in tianwu mainland, except himself.

"Xiaojian is the \'God of war\' of tianwu mainland and the only star sea level strong man except me." Lin Yun tightened his eyes and clenched his fist. "He volunteered to enter that day. In fact, I should stop him." there was a little regret in his eyes. Lin Yun tightened his lips and looked a little ugly.

"Don\'t take it too seriously, ah Yun." Lin Feng comforted.

"Everyone has his own way to go. If the sword doesn\'t want to enter, it\'s no use forcing him."

"But if he is determined, no one can dissuade him."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and said slowly.

Xiaojian\'s character is very clear, and his mind is very strong.

He is a sword!

"Elder brother......" Lin Yun\'s eyes twinkled.

"Don\'t worry, give it to me." Lin Feng patted Lin Yun on the shoulder with a smile and said calmly.

In my ears, listening to the familiar words, I seem to go back to the past.

Lin Yun\'s heart has never been steadfast. His family has been so since childhood. His eldest brother sheltered them from the wind and rain.

Today, the same is true.



Lin Feng came alone and suspended in the air.

Here, too much has changed now. Before he left that day, he cleared all the obstacles for his brother, expanded the human geographical territory ten times, greatly enhanced human strength, weakened the power of Warcraft, and made each other\'s Libra equal.

Over the past few years, brother Lin Yun has actually done very well.

Encourage humans to continue to fight against Warcraft, so as to hone their combat strength and form a steady cycle.

Proper competition and risk-taking are necessary. Pressure may crush a person, but that person is definitely weak, because the strong will only be more frustrated and brave. Just like Xiaojian, he can be promoted to Xinghai level in just a few years, which fully shows his hard work.

After all, it\'s just tianwu continent with weak aura.

Moreover, the qualification of Xiaojian is inferior to that of himself and Fang Ning.

"After entering the \'thousand snake cave\' for a few months, the little sword is estimated to be more dangerous and less auspicious." Lin Feng sighed softly. Although he felt heartache, now is not the time to be sad.

I have to find out what\'s going on in the "thousand snake cave".

Blind entry is too dangerous.

"Before entering the thousand snake cave, you should be able to find many clues in the wilderness." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

For a moment, it was like a strong wind.

The figure gradually dissipated.

Here, too familiar.

On that day, I was here to experience, hone and grow step by step.

Flying in the air, Lin Feng saw many martial arts teams fighting with Warcraft all the way. There is nothing to gain but to pay. If human fighters only work behind closed doors, it is difficult to make too many breakthroughs in their own strength. On the contrary, they will cause civil strife because there is no "foreign invasion".

Now my brother Lin Yun is under pressure, but what will happen in the future?

His eyes flickered, and Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Why bother so much? My brother is better than himself in dealing with political affairs.

I thought of it. How could my brother not think of it?

"Snake, python, dragon." Lin Feng\'s eyes moved gently, and his breath spread out.

According to my brother, it represents three levels. Snake Warcraft is the "first star", while dragon Warcraft is the "Star River" and Jiao Warcraft is the "star sea". Strength increases in turn, but we have never seen them change into adults.

This is the strangest place!

"No wonder my brother would doubt the \'thousand snake cave\'," Lin Feng said.

Warcraft at the beginning of the star level is very common, but Warcraft must undergo "transformation" to continue cultivation. Otherwise, it will not be able to be promoted to Xinghe level, let alone reach the level of "Xinghai level"!

"Deep in the wilderness." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning, and the speed was faster again.

Whoosh! It was like a flash of lightning across the sky.

"Look, meteor!" a young man pointed to the sky and said in surprise.

"Wow, really, how beautiful!" a girl gently covered her mouth and her eyes lit up.

For them, the speed of Lin Feng is too fast.

What we see is actually only the residual image left by the shuttle air flow.

But the forest wind that day was not like this?

Tianwu continent is very big.

In particular, the "endless wilderness" is vast.

But that was for the forest wind of that day. In today\'s Lin Feng, tianwu is really small, so small that it can\'t even compare with the wizard of oz. Among the tens of millions of islands in the waters of doling world, tianwu only belongs to the category of "islands".

I felt great that day because my strength was too weak.

Now I feel very small because my strength is too strong.

"There!" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

With the spread of breath, I soon found my first goal.

It\'s easy to identify, because in this so-called wilderness, the so-called imperial Warcraft, that is, the first star Warcraft, had already been extinct by itself on that day. The only thing left is the king level Warcraft, and what I feel at the moment is the infallible "first star" Warcraft.

"Pa!" the forest wind is suspended in the air, and the breath is hidden.

Overlooking the lower part, I suddenly saw what my brother Lin Yun called "different snakes".

It\'s not big. It\'s completely different from those King level Warcraft in tianwu continent. The color waves are obviously poisonous. A pair of cold and bright eyes seem to have wisdom. At this time, they are walking rapidly in the forest and seem to be looking for something.

"Whew! ~" Lin Feng followed him and didn\'t kill him directly.

To deal with such a "first star" Warcraft with their own strength is simply crushing.

As long as a little flame, it can destroy both form and spirit.

But it doesn\'t make sense.

"Chi!" like a flash of lightning, the colorful snake immediately bit a prey.

The brown bear with a height of tens of meters almost fell instantly and had no power to fight back. The strength gap between the two is too big. The colorful snake quickly bit the huge brown bear, but it was different from ordinary snakes, as if it had "mutated".

Its eating is a bite of skin and meat, swallowed into the belly!

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

As the eyes gathered, the beautiful snake quickly swallowed a brown bear ten times its size. As if it didn\'t need digestion, the body of the Golden Snake didn\'t bulge. The only change was its body.

More robust!

"Not only the body became stronger, but also the breath increased." Lin Feng nodded.

With their current strength, any subtle change can not escape their own eyes, not to mention such a close observation.

The "action" of the Golden Snake is under control.

Crazy predation!

Not picky at all. From ordinary pig Warcraft to elephant Warcraft, this Golden Snake almost bites everything. Every time you bite and swallow it, it turns into its nutrients. The body becomes extremely huge and the breath becomes stronger and stronger.

Originally it was close to the edge of the star class peak, but now it has completely reached the star class peak.

However, it still doesn\'t stop. The Golden Snake seems to never have enough to eat.

"Day and night."

"It grows very fast."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and bright, and he felt a palpitation of distraction.

Indeed, it\'s terrible!

Such unlimited phagocytosis enhances itself. The most in the wilderness is Warcraft. Although each has little energy, the number is extremely large. The Golden Snake is getting stronger and stronger. Its body is tight, as if it is about to break out of its shell.


"Hiss!!" the golden snake raised its head and flashed a painful color.

Pop! Pop! The body is cracked and the scales fall off one by one. The newborn skin is more colorful and full of strong toughness. The head of the Golden Snake is more huge. The rich energy completely transforms itself, making the body stronger and stronger.

"This is evolution?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.