Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 891

I\'m really surprised.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and he was surprised.

Not many women have been in contact with him in tianwu mainland, and even fewer have made friends with him.

Who is it?

"My apprentice Qin Rou?" said Lin Feng.

Qin Rou runs to her house in three days. She is close to her sister shui\'er\'s age and matches Lin Yun.

Lin Yun shook his head with a smile. "Elder brother, you don\'t know. Qin Rou has made rapid progress in strength in the past two years. Your only apprentice hasn\'t humiliated you. She doesn\'t have time to talk about love. She has practiced hard since you left. Her strength has been growing rapidly and left her father far away."

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

But unexpectedly, the little girl changed so much that day.

When I knew her, I was still a daughter and couldn\'t bear hardships. It was a coincidence to accept her as an apprentice.

Lin Yun looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile, "and Qin Rou is devoted to you. She admires you. Brother, why don\'t you think about it?"

With a little smile, Lin Feng said, "she should only worship me blindly."

"Really?" Lin Yun smiled and did not refute.

"Yes." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

I have no time to think about such things.

Even ziyao didn\'t find it. Now he has too much to do.

Looking at Lin Feng, Lin Yun\'s eyes burst and comforted, "don\'t worry, brother, ziyao will be fine. One day you will find her."

"I hope so." Lin Feng nodded gently, "well, don\'t mention this. Is your mother okay?"

"OK, just some..."

As they talked, their figures gradually disappeared.

At home.

Lin Wanqing cooked as usual, with a smile on her face.

Although there are many servants and maids at home, like every mother in the world, Lin Wanqing is most happy to cook a hot meal by herself and wait for her son and daughter to return in the evening. Beside her, a woman in a yellow dress was fighting. They talked and laughed happily from time to time.

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was harmonious.

Suddenly, there was a noise outside.

"Eh, why did ah Yun come back so early today?" Lin Wanqing was very surprised.

"I don\'t know. I\'ll have a look, mother." the yellow skirt woman smiled.

After that, the woman in yellow skirt ran out like a gust of wind.

"Hey, be careful!" Lin Wanqing shouted in horror. However, the figure of the yellow skirt woman who had already run was gone. She shook her head reluctantly. Lin Wanqing whispered, "this spirit is about to be a mother and still looks like a child." she smiled and continued to cut vegetables by herself.

"Husband! ~" the yellow skirt woman ran out like a gust of wind, with a happy smile on her face and a heroic short hair, giving people a fresh and natural playful feeling. Seeing her husband, the yellow skirt woman was very happy, but the young man who looked next to her husband was stunned.

It\'s not just her.

Lin Feng also opened his eyes and looked at the woman in front of him.

Four eyes looked at each other, and their eyes lit up immediately.

"Qin Ling!" Lin Feng shouted in an instant.

The iconic short hair and heroic appearance still haven\'t changed.

The only change is that her stomach is slightly bulging!

"Lin Feng!" Qin Lingshou pointed to Lin Feng and shouted in disbelief.

In the kitchen——

"Da!" Lin Wanqing almost didn\'t cut the kitchen knife in her hand, and her stunned expression didn\'t come back.

She seems to have heard two words just now

Lin Feng!?

Lin Wanqing put down his knife and hurried out.

"Unexpected, brother." Lin Yun said.

"Indeed." Lin Feng shook his head in disbelief.

Even if you can\'t guess several times, Qin Ling will become his sister-in-law.

"I also learned later that ling\'er and you once knew each other." Lin Yun gently hugged Qin Ling and expressed his concern. "I met her in the wilderness. At that time, she didn\'t know my identity. Later, we were together for a few years."

"Lin Feng, you don\'t know. He lied to me that his family was poor." Qin Ling tooted his mouth.

Lin Feng smiled, "our family used to be very poor."

"Well, I didn\'t lie to you, ling\'er." Lin Yun looked at Lin Feng and his eyes flashed. "If the eldest brother hadn\'t provoked the whole family, we might still be living a poor life in Lin village. Maybe we would have been killed by the herd."

"Lin Feng is so fierce." Qin Ling\'s big eyes flickered.

Lin Yun\'s face was just like, "you should call eldest brother. The most respected person in my life is my eldest brother."

"I\'m sorry," Qin Ling said wrongly.

"Well, ah Yun." Lin Feng said with a smile, "ling\'er may not be used to it. You see, I am the same. She is frank and kind-hearted. In fact, it\'s nothing. The family doesn\'t need to worry about it so much, but she doesn\'t see it."

"Yes, yes." Qin Ling responded like a lark.

Lin Yun smiled helplessly and rubbed Qin Ling\'s small head, "you are so used to you."

"You spoil your son," Qin Ling snorted.


Looking at the two flirting and inseparable, Lin Feng showed a gratifying smile.

Brother, I did find a good girl. She and Qin Ling met when they first participated in the "herd riot". Her heart is very pure, kind and simple. Seeing that they are so happy now, I am sincerely happy for them.

"How nice it would be if ziyao were here." Lin Feng sighed in his heart.

In my eyes, there is a strong concern and infinite emotion in my heart.

I also hope to have a happy family like normal people.


His eyes were blurred, but Lin Feng saw a slightly old figure in the hazy. He opened his eyes and his heart beat faster. His hands felt a little cold, but in the bottom of his heart, he was deeply hot. Looking at the familiar face in front of him, Lin Feng\'s breathing became urgent.

"Niang!" Lin Feng had tears flashing.

Looking at her mother\'s appearance, I have countless mixed feelings in my heart.

"Ah Feng..." Lin Wanqing\'s eyes were moist.

I haven\'t seen my son for years.

Depressed thoughts turned into strong excitement. Lin Feng\'s chest fluctuated and gradually calmed down. Thousands of words were changed into one sentence.

"Mom, I\'m back."

"Come, eat more." Lin Wanqing kept holding dishes for Lin Feng.

"OK, mom." Lin Feng smiled.

This is a way for mothers to express their inner feelings.

As the most common and ordinary mother, Lin Wanqing\'s requirements are actually very simple. She doesn\'t want her son and daughter to stand out. She just wants them to be healthy and safe. She doesn\'t want to be rich, she just wants a family reunion, and her son and daughter often accompany her.

Wish is enough!

The family had a harmonious atmosphere and ate with laughter. During the banquet, Lin Feng talked about his various adventures, insights and interesting things in the fighting spirit world, but Lin Yun\'s eyes lit up, and Qin Ling\'s envious eyes opened wide.

It\'s so interesting outside tianwu.

Zhou Pang\'s maid and servants all pricked up their ears and could hear every minute.

They didn\'t know it before, but now they all understand that the young man in front of them, who looks like the Lord of the Kingdom, is actually the great hero who defeated the ten billion army of the herd and saved mankind with his own strength. The Holy Lord of the kingdom "Lin Feng"!

This is a legend.

Now, I can see it!

Not only that, but also his adventures.

When you tell others to listen, you must envy others and be dignified.

"Brother, brother! ~" from a distance, a figure came running.

"Shuier ~" Lin Feng was also surprised.

The little girl who followed behind her ass has now completely grown up.

Grow a lot taller, mature a lot, and even more beautiful. I can\'t recognize it.

Girl 18 is like a flower in full bloom. Sister shui\'er is now slim and graceful, and her clothes and skirts highlight her temperament. She is extraordinarily beautiful. She is no longer the little girl with two braids outside the cave of Linjia village. Her weak white face has already become ruddy. She is indeed a woman\'s 18th change.

But one thing will not change.

The feelings between brother and sister, such as blood is thicker than water.

Holding Lin Feng\'s waist tightly, Lin shuier wept with joy and was very happy.

"What are you crying for, silly girl?" Lin Feng smiled.

"People are happy!" Lin shuier didn\'t care. He held tightly and wouldn\'t let go, for fear that Lin Feng might run away.

"Oh, you." Lin Feng smiled. "Now he\'s the vice president of tianwu chamber of Commerce. Aren\'t you afraid to let others see a joke?" sister Lin shuier learned to do business when she left. Now she has gained a lot. She takes over the position of Tianqing and becomes the second leader of tianwu chamber of Commerce and takes charge of the economic system of the hunting country.

Now, she is the dream goddess of young martial artists in the whole tianwu continent.

"No, I\'m not." Lin shuier coquettishly said, "brother is more important than anything ~"

"Ah, is it more important than the second brother?" Lin Yun pretended to be jealous.

Spit out a small tongue, Lin shuier show nose a hum, "of course."

"Is that more important than your mother?" Lin Wanqing joked rarely. She was really in a good mood.

"Niang!" Lin shuier stamped his feet and said angrily.

For a moment, there was laughter.

The family is full of happiness.

Back home, Lin Feng\'s whole heart relaxed.

Even if there is more wind and waves outside, home is always the best shelter. Here, there is no struggle, no noise, only genuine concern and happiness. Lying in his bed, Lin Feng was calm and natural, but he had not been so relaxed for a long time.

In the world of fighting spirits, in the land of nine continents, there is no pause for a moment.

Survival of the fittest, competition is very cruel.

At this time——

"Dong, Dong, Dong." the sound of knocking gently on the door.

"Come in." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

The door opened slowly, and Lin Yun stepped in. His right eye flashed light, and his face was slightly dignified.

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes gathered, and his eyes couldn\'t help brightening. "What\'s the matter, ah Yun."

"Yes." Lin Yun nodded positively, "brother, there\'s something very troublesome."

"Tianwu continent, very dangerous."