Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 890

City of sky.

Here, it originally represents identity.

Anyone who becomes a "martial god" can enter the city of the sky and enjoy the supreme status. Now, with Lin Feng unifying tianwu and establishing a stable political power, the city of the sky has become the center of the national power of "hunting".

"Wow! ~" the clear light flashed, and Lin Feng appeared in the city of the sky.

Fixed point transmission, no half point deviation. With bright eyes looking around, Lin Feng suddenly felt the movement of the bird in his heart.

Everything here keeps its original appearance, standing in the clouds, surrounded by light clouds and fog, looks like a fairyland. The city of the sky has not changed much. Every building and every sign are so familiar.

"Back." Lin Feng whispered softly.

In my heart, countless feelings are mixed.

Compared with the fighting spirit world, the "aura" of tianwu mainland can be said to be extremely thin.

But here, I have the strongest feelings.

Because tianwu continent is its own home.


Located in the center of the city of the sky, it is the king\'s Hall of hunting.

At this time, there was a roar and bustle inside. Nearly ten martial artists spoke fiercely at this time, and each face was very dignified. Sitting at the top, where the Dragon chair throne is, is a young man who doesn\'t look very big. His right eye is bright, and there is a faint sadness between his eyebrows.

Lin Yun!

The once green face is now fully mature.

The bright pupil of the star dome brings out that powerful aura, with the domineering spirit of the superior, which is just different from the original. Now Lin Yun is not only the leader of the whole mankind, the leader of the hunting country, but also the strongest warrior in the whole tianwu continent!

"I suggest you assemble the army of warriors immediately and kill them!" thunderbolt is armored and powerful. Now he is the marshal of tianwu army.

"It\'s too dangerous to enter the wild depths if you\'re in a hurry." with black hair, the speaker is a mature and capable woman, revealing noble temperament. It was the second in command of the tianwu chamber of commerce that day. Now he has succeeded ziyao as one of the new three hunting masters, Tianqing.

"What do women know!" Thunderbolt shouted angrily, "do you know how to write the four words" raising tigers for trouble? "

It\'s sunny and plain, "I only know how to write the four words\' courage of every man \'."

"You!!" Thunderbolt glared angrily, and the green veins on his forehead were exposed.

However, it was fine, but I didn\'t give in and looked at each other.

"Well, you two have to fight to go home and fight slowly." Lan saran smiled, "you have such a different character. You don\'t know how you came together at that time. You\'d better listen to the Lord of the country." you are also one of the three hunting masters, but LAN\'s position is higher than Tianqing.

After all, the generation is there.

In today\'s "hunting", the center of power is national leader Lin Yun.

Then came Lanhe prison. One left and one right, they experienced the ups and downs of "hunting". They were Lin Yun\'s most trusted right-hand assistants. After that, there will be pili and Tianqing, including the president of the tianwu chamber of Commerce, "Xiaofo", and the vice president, "Lin shuier", and so on.

"Lan is right. I believe the Lord will make a choice." the prison nodded.

Everyone\'s eyes immediately focused on Lin Yun, the young and mature leader of the country, who has the supreme status and power in today\'s "hunting". Not only because of Lin Feng, the first national leader, but also because of his strength and talents, he is indeed a well deserved human leader!

"Well..." Lin Yun has been pondering.

As the leader of the country, he knows very well that his every decision will affect the safety and survival of the whole mankind.

A few years ago, the human race, which had just experienced a great turbulence and almost destroyed, had just begun to heal after its vitality was greatly damaged. Any subtle measures and actions will affect the foundation of mankind. He certainly can\'t let his big brother work hard to establish a stable "hunting" country.


"Roar! ~" a dragon roared loudly in the sky.

Lin Yun\'s face suddenly changed, including everyone.

In the city of the sky, there is and only one Warcraft, which is almost an adult. Its name is "Lian long".

The covenant Warcraft of the Holy Lord Lin Feng!

"Thump!" "thump!" "thump!" "thump!" the heartbeat is extremely violent.

Lin Yun looked dull and unconsciously stood up. The star dome pupil in his right eye seemed to feel a familiar call and the feeling of blood connection. Lin Yun was suddenly surprised and happy, "it\'s big brother, big brother is back!!"

In an instant, it was like a strong wind.

He disappeared from the throne like lightning and rushed out of the temple gate.

At this time, he doesn\'t look like a "Lord of the country".

Leaving blue, prison, Tianqing and others, he opened his mouth and didn\'t return to his mind.

"Lord... What did you say?" Lan Leng said.

"It\'s big brother, big brother is back..." Thunderbolt repeated it unconsciously.

For a moment, everyone opened their eyes and was shocked.

The eldest brother of the Lord?!

Isn\'t that

The hero of mankind, the founder of the hunting Kingdom and the Lord of the holy kingdom——

Lin Feng!

"Ha ha, long time no see, Lian long." Lin Feng smiled and stroked Lian Long\'s big head.

The dragon shaped refining dragon was sensed at the first time when Lin Feng came. After all, it is connected with the soul. In the city of the sky, Lian long has an excellent treatment and is known as the \'Guardian beast\' of hunting. Although Lianlong can now be half adult, it is still happy to show its original form when it sees the "master".

Lin Feng was also happy. He was talking about the old with Lian long. Suddenly, his eyes couldn\'t help brightening.

With his sensing ability, he can naturally feel the rapid approach of breath, and the first is his most familiar breath——

Brother Lin Yun.

"Brother!! ~" I heard the excited voice all the way.

Lin Feng smiled quietly, but it was rare that his calm brother would be so excited.

Indeed, I have been away from home for a long time.

"Pa!" the familiar figure fell in front of him.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and bright. He looks at the face that is similar to himself. Now he has completely grown up.

"I\'m back, a Yun." Lin Feng smiled calmly and opened his arms.

"It\'s really you, brother!" Lin Yun laughed and the two brothers embraced warmly. This is true brotherhood, blood linked feelings, which can\'t be diluted even for a long time. All words are superfluous. A hug will pour out the two brothers\' thoughts for each other.

Indeed, it\'s been too long!

"Lord of the holy kingdom!" "it\'s really the Lord of the holy kingdom!"

"Ha ha, the Lord of the holy kingdom is back!"

Following Lin Yun, blue, prison, Tianqing, thunderbolt and others came.

The excited faces were filled with incomparable joy. Those who have personally experienced "Jihad" will never forget that there was a man who turned the tide with his own strength and repeatedly saved mankind from fire and water.

Finally, lead the human army, defeat the Warcraft army and win the jihad.

He is the Lord of the holy kingdom——

Lin Feng!

Lin Feng embraced each other warmly.

Everyone was flattered, but their identities were very different.

But for Lin Feng, he doesn\'t care. No matter blue, prison, Tianqing or thunderbolt, they all have a life-long friendship with themselves. Fight with each other and fight against the herd army together. They are real comrades in arms and companions who have shed blood together.

Seeing that everyone is safe, Lin Feng is very pleased.

I\'m very happy to see so many "old friends" once.

"Ha ha, in order to welcome the return of the Lord of the holy Kingdom, I will prepare a big banquet immediately!" Lan was overjoyed.

"I\'ll inform the others." the prison smiled and nodded.

"Not yet?" Lin Yun laughed.

Everyone is in an excellent mood. It\'s really happy to meet again after a long separation.

Most importantly, Lin Feng\'s return is like a sea god needle, firmly rooted in the human race. That is strength and faith, a kind of faith, which makes them feel that they are no longer afraid and panic, as long as there is Lin Feng——

What else to worry about?

Everyone was very knowledgeable and left first.

They know very well who Lin Feng wants to see most now, and there is no reason to "hinder".

"Elder brother, you have changed." Lin Yun\'s eyes flickered.

"Aren\'t you too?" Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Look at each other and laugh happily.

They walked in the city of the sky, talking and laughing.

Long time no see, there are endless words. Lin Yun, in particular, talks incessantly. Lin Feng listens with a smile. He also knows that his brother is suffering. He is extremely cold at a high place. He is in a high position, or he does have supreme power and status, but he also has loneliness.

My brother doesn\'t even have a friend except his family.

It\'s different from yourself.

"I see." Lin Feng nodded suddenly.

In order to forget the battle that almost destroyed mankind and commemorate the founding of the "hunting" country, calling it "Jihad" is much better than herd riots. No wonder they called themselves "Lord of the holy kingdom" just now. They were still confused. It turned out to be the masterpiece of their brother Lin Yun.

"Elder brother, don\'t you object?" Lin Yun smiled.

"Just a title." Lin Feng smiled and didn\'t care.

For myself, these are nothingness, with or without it doesn\'t matter.

"I don\'t want them to just remember me as the \'Lord of the country\' and forget you," Lin Yun said softly.

Falling in Lin Feng\'s ears, he was quite moved in his heart. Human beings are forgetful. At present, some people may remember that they have left for a few years, but what about a hundred years later, a thousand years later, ten thousand years later? Who will remember himself. Brother Lin Yun\'s move undoubtedly puts himself in front of him forever.

Holy Lord, these three words carry a lot of weight.

Because after himself, even if Lin Yun abdicates in the future, he will only be the "Lord of the country".

Virtually, there was a difference.

"Ah Yun, power has always been a passing cloud." Lin Feng whispered.

After going through the fight spirit world, I made myself understand this truth. In the fight spirit world——

Strength is more important than everything!

"I know, brother." Lin Yun smiled, "so I\'ve been trying to make people. Now I\'ve achieved results. I think I can be liberated in another 20 years."

"Ah!" Lin Fengji was surprised, "ah Yun, when did you get married?"

"Last year, brother." Lin Yun smiled mysteriously, "my wife has a little friendship with you."

"Can\'t it?" Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly widened.

(first stabilize two watch ~)