Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 889

The sound of Yu Miao\'s jingle is pleasant and pleasant to hear.

Lin Feng smiled calmly. The first moment when he came out of the space crack was to restart the door of space.

Every time you use it, you need to consume a lot of soul power. If the star sky pupil and star dome pupil can exert their power, the door of space can be used many times. But now, only the main soul who has lost the power of the star pupil is not enough.

Especially as the mission continued, the terrible feeling of "soul shaking" hit again!

Again and again, just like the impact of the heart, it makes my body feel very heavy.

"Soul power can\'t be exhausted completely, but must be left a little." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and his heart moved secretly.

After all, a task is a task and the most important.

As for how many star fruits can be harvested, it is an "extra" harvest.

Never put the cart before the horse.

"Wow!" the light in his hand flashed, and the bright star pill fell into his hand.

"When he hasn\'t come back, seize the time to restore the star power." even if Lin Fengxuan puts the star pill into his mouth and takes too many star pills to restore the soul power at the same time, the effect will be greatly reduced. But the effect of the first few is quite good.

At least, make the soul power grow slowly.

Although it can\'t catch up with the consumption of the display space gate, at least

Can do it a few more times.

Lin Feng didn\'t wait long.

In front of him, the transmission channel of the Holy Garden flashed, and Lin Feng knew that the lost soul had returned.

"Unfortunately, the fork roads here are all closed with the task." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

If not, you can completely enter the fork in the road and delay it for a few minutes. The longer the distance between the two space gates, the more "star fruits" you will pick, but this is just an extravagant hope. At present, there is only "grinding" bit by bit.

"Boom!!" the sound burst, and the transmission channel of the Holy Garden was bright.

Before people arrived, the sword came first, and the violent wind pressure seemed to crush everything to pieces. The roar of the lost soul shocked the world, and the raging anger turned into violent power. The indigo sword in his hand reflected his murderous eyes, which was very frightening.


Lin Feng, disappear again.

Step into the door of space, instant time——

Pop! The terrible sword of the lost soul fell on the earth and roared!

"Ah!!!" the angry voice made the earth shake. It\'s like being played by a monkey. The lost soul\'s popularity is gnashing its teeth, and the cold light in its eyes is exposed. This time, there is no hesitation. Turning around in an instant is entering the "Holy Garden" transmission channel.

"This!" "this is also good!" Lin Feng is quick-sighted and handy.

Take every gap and every action to put all kinds of precious star fruits into the capsule. Once in a while, it not only blew up the popularity of the lost soul, but also made his pocket rich again. Although it doesn\'t take much time to enter the Holy Garden transmission channel from the outside and come here again.

But a little makes a mickle.

But it is also quite terrible.

Again and again!

The lost soul running back and forth is like a wild beast, but it just keeps turning back and running.

And Lin Feng\'s soul power is also constantly consumed. Although Xingdan has supplemented a lot, it is difficult to offset the huge consumption after all. As Lin Feng came out of the "Holy Garden" transmission channel for the fifth time, Lin Feng did not restart the door of space, but the light in his hand was shining, and the Amethyst gun was exposed.

only this and nothing more!

"Almost." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

Almost one-third of the fruits of the five "holy gardens" have fallen into the pocket.

There is no need to do too much at once. These nearly 1000 star fruits are already a rich "reward" for yourself. Just accept it. Militarism is not necessarily a good thing. At least, the people who are lost now are completely different from just now.

His strength is very strong!

You have reached the level of "star domain" to turn on the power of soul.

No more delay.

"Coming." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and looked forward.

The Holy Garden transmission channel shines again and has a strong breath.

I have dealt with the "lost soul" several times, and I have a clear grasp of time.

"It\'s my turn this time." Lin Feng held the right hand of the Amethyst gun, and a violent flame appeared in an instant. The power of devouring fire has the ability to devour everything. The life soul resists the shock of the heart and soul, and Lin Feng purses his lips.

I can\'t give the lost soul a chance!

Once his indigo sword causes severe soul pressure again, with his current strength... He may not be able to resist it!


It\'s better to start first!!

"It\'s now!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

The Amethyst gun in his hand rushed out crazily, like a poisonous snake opening its big mouth and roaring straight to the transmission channel. The strong fire of devouring struck everywhere. Just now, the lost soul who stepped out of the transmission channel of the Holy Garden was in a rage.

Lin Feng\'s time is poor. He has mastered it very well!

"The flame moves to shoot, the first move!" Lin Feng rises and falls straight, and the purple light of the Amethyst gun in his hand is bright, like madness.

The fire of swallowing boils, and the voice of the lost soul\'s anger comes from his ears. He reluctantly lifts the indigo light sword to resist, and makes a clanging sound with the Amethyst gun.

"What a powerful force!" Lin Feng took a deep breath, and his right arm was almost numb.

And this is only the strength when the lost soul is suppressed!

If full strength, how strong should it be?


"Step!" the right foot retreated, the left foot stepped out in an instant, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were full of war.

Work hard, fail again, and run out three times!

I must not leave the lost soul a chance!

The first mover, master the rhythm and take the initiative!

"Shoot with fire, the second move!" immediately after the first move, the power of Lin Feng\'s left hand was even more terrible. With the crazy pouring out of all the devouring fire, Lin Feng roared straight at the lost soul who was a little beaten and swallowed everything.

If the first shot is only suppression.

Then the second shot is enough to take the life of the lost soul.

The complete release of Lin Feng\'s attack power is much stronger than that of the wizard of Oz at that time! Although he has lost his self state and is not assisted by xingcang pupil and xingqiong pupil, he has reached a quite amazing level regardless of the level of strength and the fire of swallowing.

A brave man wins when he meets on a narrow road!

"Boom!!" the flame shines.

The rebirth fire of Lin Feng\'s right hand is also released. It blends with the devouring fire and emits a violent roar, which makes it worse and severely damages the lost soul. The star armor was completely cracked. The breath of the lost soul was weak and extreme. There was a layer of light outside his body, which saved his life.

Peng~ His chest was like a bad thunder, and Lin Feng vomited blood and retreated.

The reaction force is extremely terrible.


I won after all.

The body seemed to burst. The lost man closed his eyes and his chest was dripping with blood. The strong star level breath is now like a hairspring. The powerful power can\'t give full play to 50%. The war of the lost soul was very miserable.

This is the gap!

No matter how strong the strength is, what\'s the use if it can\'t be brought into play?

"After all, he\'s just a puppet." Lin Feng said softly.

Even if he won, he didn\'t feel much glory.

The enemy in front of us lacks real human wisdom and fighting instinct.

In an instant——

"Hide the task, the anger of the lost soul, complete." his voice was indifferent and fell into his ears. Lin Feng almost reacted in an instant, and his figure shuttled to the lost person like a flash of lightning.

"Lost soul waterfall test, passed."

The heavy voice fell, and Lin Feng\'s body suddenly became illusory.

A huge and terrible "heavenly power" came and forcibly kicked the forest wind out of the lost soul waterfall. When Lin Feng\'s figure turned into a broken light and disappeared, a clear bright light reflected on the lost soul and poured into his skin.

The strong breath of life nourishes and heals the wound of the lost soul soon.

The star armor outside the body is also intact, but there is no light in the eyes of the lost soul

But it\'s almost the same. The only difference is——

His weapon is gone.

Pop~ Out of the lost soul waterfall.

With an indifferent smile, Lin Feng looked at the indigo Guangwu in his hand.

Themselves, once again hand in hand.

"Although I can\'t use it, it\'s an indigo Guangwu of human rank after all. It\'s worth a lot of money to sell it." Lin Feng smiled slightly and was very satisfied. I had guessed that there would be no reward for this\' hidden task \'because it was more like a\' punishment \'.

At the dwarf waterfall that day, I also used this move to grab the "colorful staff".

Now, it\'s just a repeat of the old technique.

"The lost soul waterfall has a good harvest, but the boiling waterfall is almost." Lin Feng thought lightly.

There is really no comparison. One is the eighth grade spring waterfall, and the other is just the lowest basic ninth grade spring waterfall.

Even if there is only a first-class difference, it is a world of difference.

"There are nearly a thousand stars and fruits, and..." Lin Feng gently stroked the indigo sword in his hand and his eyes were bright. "Since it is obtained from the \'lost soul waterfall\' and has the function of making people \'lost soul\', let\'s call it \'lost soul sword\'."

With a smile, Lin Feng put away the lost soul sword.

The only pity this time is that the water life astrolabe does not absorb much.

"There is a pass, there will be opportunities in the future." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and his fists are clenched.

Now, what I expect most is——

Go home!

Finally, I can go home.

Back where I grew up, there is only a negligible existence in the fighting spirit world.

"Boom!" in an instant, Lin Feng\'s head shook violently.

The familiar Tianwei power appeared again and filled the air.

"Two tests passed."

"Your two wishes are coming true."

The majestic voice sounded slowly and fell in my ears, like the sound of nature. Lin Feng suddenly smiled. The faces of his mother, brother and sister suddenly appeared in his mind. His heart was full of warmth and expectation, and the corners of his mouth scratched slightly.

"Enter tianwu continent."

"Fixed point transmission: city of the sky."

"Wish, begin to realize..."

The voice full of heavenly majesty fell suddenly, and in an instant, an incomparably majestic and terrible force emerged. Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up. The powerful power wrapped his consciousness in an instant, just like being in a chaotic void in the blink of an eye——

"Wow! ~" Lin Feng disappeared.

(return to tianwu ~)