Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 888

"This is the \'soul returning fruit\'." Lin Feng hesitated.

There is no doubt that this humble star fruit is definitely one of the few good things in this holy garden. Even if it is not the best star fruit, it is definitely one of the best! It can completely restore the power of the "soul", which can be met but not sought.

If you put it in Jiuzhou, it\'s 100% sky high.


Obviously, the final reward is better than the "soul returning fruit"!

Lin Feng suddenly fell into a dilemma.


Yes or no?

It seems that the reincarnation fruit belongs to the category of "reward" and will not affect the task itself. After all, you can only choose one of them in the holy garden. What if you choose the wrong one? Not everyone can find the so-called "soul returning fruit" and have the right to choose the wrong one.


With a slight hesitation, Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

The jade Miao in the left ear jingled and twinkled with a bright light.

Immediately, Lin Feng picked the soul returning fruit.


"Wow! ~" an incomparably powerful force appeared and sent himself out of the holy garden.

In front of us is still the "lost soul man" like a stone carving. Just now he still fell to the ground, but now he is standing unharmed in front of the Holy Garden transmission channel and doing his duty. Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling, staring at the lost man in front of him, and pursed his lips.


Or no treatment?

Libra in your heart, constantly deviate.

Suddenly, Lin Feng\'s eyes moved fiercely, and a smooth ball appeared in his hand, flashing red and green stripes.

"By the way, the wing is also the soul, which has been greatly hurt, so it is attached to the soul bead of Wu Lu!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and his heart is moved.

"If I give the \'soul returning fruit\' to wing, can I help him recover?"

In my heart, I suddenly thought.

Lin Feng only felt his heart beat faster. At this moment, everything else is no longer important.

I don\'t care whether my star pupil and star dome pupil can recover; I don\'t care how precious the reward of the "lost soul waterfall" is. The only thing I care about is that I\'m seriously injured. I\'m almost just a "wing" hiding in the Wu soul.

Even if there is only a 10% chance, give it a try!

"I hope everything goes well." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

In an instant, he fused the soul returning fruit in his hand with the soul beads of Wu.

"Wow! ~" the bright light was shining, and Lin Feng suddenly moved in his heart. With the power of one\'s own constellation as the connection, the two energies are combined to form a stable central transfer. The transmission of energy makes you feel more deeply in the soul beads.

Very familiar and similar breath!

"It\'s the wing!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and overjoyed.

From the sky fire space, I finally felt the existence of \'wings\'.

Although I knew that the wing was not dead, but was seriously injured and sleeping, I always worried. Now I\'m finally sure!

That familiar power greedily absorbs the energy of the "soul returning fruit", which seems to be a layer of soul power that did not exist before. Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up and suddenly understood. He was dumb and smiled: "good guy, this time it\'s a blessing in disguise."

The soul beads of Wu Peng are extremely bright. The blending of the two energies makes the light shine greatly.

The broken and then standing wing, this time perfectly integrated with Wu\'s soul, absorbing the last force of the strong star.

Even if there is only a little, it is the real star power!

Wings, great luck.

The fruit of the soul fruit gradually shrinks.

This fades and that fades, but Wu\'s soul is more brilliant, including the smile on Lin Feng\'s face.

I feel the breath of wings.

That familiar and strong force is slowly recovering.

"Boss! ~" wing laughed.

"How do you feel?" Lin Feng smiled, feeling very good.

Wing\'s recovery calmed his guilty heart, and his closest companion finally returned!

"Woo ~ ~ that\'s great." Yi was very satisfied. "Boss, this time I completely integrate the soul of \'Wu Peng\'. Ha ha, Wu Peng will be a part of me in the future. It\'s great!" the voice was overjoyed and full of excitement, and Lin Feng smiled.

It\'s a blessing in disguise.

Although the former wing walked along the road that Wu Peng had walked through, it was just a attachment, similar to imitation.

Even if the future wing becomes a strong star in the sky, the strength limit is only the strongest. At that time, it can\'t go further.

But now, the complete integration with Wu\'s soul means that there is no bottleneck in the wing. He can not only continue to walk the road he has walked, quickly become a strong star, but also walk out of his own road! It\'s like imitation and innovation, which are completely different in essence!

Wing, break and stand!

"But boss, I may not be able to help for the time being." Yi said distressedly.

"It\'s all right." Lin Feng smiled. "The repair of the soul is the most important. As long as the power of the soul is repaired, the rest don\'t need to worry too much. It\'s only a matter of time for the body to recover and rebuild."

In the big bang, the body of the wing was completely destroyed.

Fortunately, Mu Ling\'s recovery energy is very strong. Even if there is only one seed left, it can germinate and regenerate.

This is better than any other race.

WOW~ The energy of the soul returning fruit slowly disappears.

From withering to complete absorption of energy, Lin Feng\'s face bloomed with a faint smile,

And now——

The familiar voice came again.

"Open the hidden task and the anger of the lost man."

"If you swallow the only \'soul returning fruit\', the lost person will never recover. You will bear the most crazy revenge of the lost person."

"Never die!!"

The voice was still flat, but then the "lost soul" began to change.

The eyes are as bright as stars, shining with arrogant brilliance, and the body of the lost soul is completely burst. A surging force burst out, just like being forcibly stuffed with some terrible energy, muscle collision, and the indigo sword in his hand clanged violently.

Outside, the bright light isolates the forest wind.

The lost man is undergoing a change!

He is about to degenerate into a stronger and more terrible existence. The "Holy Garden" transmission channel behind the lost soul was tightly closed and did not open. Obviously, we must defeat the "lost soul" before the channel can be opened.

For the first time, that was it.


Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining, and a faint smile came from the corners of his mouth.

"Jingle! ~" in the left ear, Yumiao\'s crisp voice was particularly pleasant.

An amazing space energy flashed again. Lin Feng drank lightly, "the door of space!"

In an instant——

Lin Feng\'s figure disappeared.

Holy garden.

There is a fragrant smell, and thousands of stars and fruits are here.

Value, immeasurable!

"Wow! ~" a light flashed, and Lin Feng came out of the door of space instantly. The location is the center of the Holy Garden, where the soul fruit blooms. At this time, the soul returning fruit has disappeared, but other star fruits are colorful and rich in energy.

Here is definitely a paradise that alchemists dream of.

However, for any martial artist, star fruit can be met but not sought.

This is a real natural treasure!

"It really exists." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

Since I knew that the ancient ruins of the "hundred waterfalls" were the holy land of the water curtain cave, I knew very well that every piece of land and every aura here really existed, and this was an "independent" stable space.

"I didn\'t expect such good luck." Lin Feng smiled.

Half a minute is not wasted. The forest wind is as fast as the wind. Your hands rise and fall. In a moment, you will walk quickly and collect stars and fruits.

Holding the exquisite star fruit in his hand, there was no \'resistance\' or other irresistible force. Lin fengdun was delighted, and the speed accelerated again in an instant. This opportunity can be met but not sought. It is entirely luck.

Oneself is just the door of "Hope".

But I didn\'t think I could really use it.

"The design is actually flawless. If you defeat the \'lost soul\', the transmission channel of the Holy Garden will be opened."

"But defeating him means that the task is over."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and busy.

In the blink of an eye, you will harvest hundreds of star fruits, especially the four big trees around the soul fruit. The energy feeling is very powerful! Perhaps the star fruit of these four big trees is not the best, but it will never be bad! Birds of a feather flock together and people flock together. How can the star fruit that can fall next to the soul returning fruit be ordinary?

Most importantly——

I\'m close to myself. I can handle it.

Moreover, a grasp is a large handful, which is much easier to pick than other star fruits.

But at this time, Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly brightened.

There was a roar of anger in my ears, almost crazy murderous spirit, roaring.

A terrible existence appears.

"Finally come?" Lin Feng smiled.

Just listen to the sound to know who is coming, but the lost man finds it quickly.

Not long after he entered, he found it, but there was still a long distance from the "Holy Garden" transmission channel to the center of the holy garden. At least, there are nine twists and turns in this holy garden, and the speed can\'t be as fast as it can be.

During this period of time, it is enough to pick many star fruits by yourself.

"Pa!" "pa!" Lin Feng moves very fast and doesn\'t care about the coming danger.

No matter how strong a lost person is, his ass can\'t reach his chin and can\'t reach it. Feeling the glittering and translucent star fruit falling into his pocket, Lin Feng couldn\'t help laughing. On the contrary, because the "soul returning fruit" was absorbed, he got a lot more "rewards".

This time, I made a lot of money!

Every second is precious.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling, and he felt the violent breath coming from his face. He could vaguely see the angry face of the "lost soul man". It is the area he "guards" and is so intruded by himself. As a guardian, he is duty bound.

If the voice can kill, I must have died hundreds of times.

The roar was the culmination of anger.

"Boom!!" the power of the lost soul is ten times stronger than before!

The indigo sword in his hand gives full play to its real power, like an angry thunder, and the indigo light is bright.

But then——

Lin Feng smiled calmly and stepped into the door of space again.

WOW~ The figure suddenly disappeared.

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