Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 887

It was a big man in white armor.

His eyes were empty and stood there like stone carvings.

In his hand, there was a fire red sword, and behind him, a faint white light shining aperture was like a \'channel\'. The armored man seemed to be the guardian of the channel, and the sword and armor in his hand glittered.

"What is this?" Lin Feng was shocked.


The familiar voice sounded in my ears again.

"The second task is to defeat the lost soul."

"Enter the \'Holy Garden\' transmission channel and find the only \'soul returning fruit\'."

"Treat the lost soul and receive a reward."

The voice fell, and Lin Feng\'s eyes burned.

Suddenly, the eyes of the lost soul guarding outside the transmission channel of the "Holy Garden" lit up. The light blooms, but it is not wisdom and life, but like a puppet. The sword in the armored man\'s hand is dazzling, and an indigo light blooms.

"Oh?" Lin Feng was lightly surprised.

Obviously, if there is no accident, this sword should be indigo Guangwu, which is only one notch worse than his own Amethyst gun.

The strength of this "lost soul man" is also to reach the peak of the star master level. With his indigo light and shining armor, his strength is probably much better than Zeng Ren and Hua Wei he met in the wizard of oz.

"Baibao waterfall is better to be renamed Baibao waterfall." Lin Feng smiled, and the Amethyst gun in his hand suddenly lit up.

A lost soul has two congenital treasures.

Among the hundred waterfalls, there are indeed many treasures.


One on one, I even defeated the strong ones of level 7 in the star domain!

A "lost soul" is nothing to fear.

"Peng! ~" the sword of the lost soul shocked, Lin Feng\'s head blew fiercely, and his face changed sharply, "bad!"

Originally, the pressure on the soul was heavy enough, and this indigo light weapon obviously has the ability to "frighten the people", increasing the pressure on the soul to an extremely terrible level. For myself today, it is undoubtedly worse, and the threat is quite great.

"We must make a quick decision!" Lin Feng bit the tip of his tongue, and the stimulation of blood made his consciousness sober.

In front, the lost soul person is quite skilled. His sensitive body is like running water. He avoids back. As if he had seen through his weakness, the indigo light in his hand condensed into a thick water color, accompanied by a light sound and vibration. The sword skill is based on softness and strength, dexterous evasion, and gives full play to the advantages of wandering warfare.

However, at this time, Lin Feng\'s will is incomparably determined!

I have no way back.

"Go!" the devouring fire bites out crazily, just like a furious tiger. Lin Feng\'s eyes are radiant and takes a step fiercely, and the strong constellation power burst out in an instant. The fire light twined around the Amethyst gun like a dragon, and the gun was boiling.

Into the gun realm, the fourth floor!

"The second move is to shoot with fire." Lin Fengfeng drank.

He ran out crazy and didn\'t avoid the attack of the lost soul.

I know very well that the longer I delay, the greater the impact on my "soul".

In contrast, there is no need to worry about physical injury.

What you want is——

Come on!

Even if it hurts.

"Boom!!" the fire was ferocious, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

The war spirit is clanking, and the fire of swallowing is exploding. With the gun move, it is like a magic weapon falling from heaven.

He didn\'t leave his hand at all. His move was the strongest and unique move. He went straight to the indigo light sword that was like a water snake winding and constantly chirping. Lin Feng\'s momentum suddenly gained the upper hand. The clever indigo sword still wanted to overcome hardness with softness, but the devouring fire was touched!

"Jiong!!" the flames are all over the sky, and the forest wind is like the God of war.

The power of devouring fire is fully displayed. It can devour indigo light sword madly.

Amethyst gun, completely restrain it!

No matter in any way, Lin Feng is the one who completely wins the lost soul.

In the face of absolute power, the so-called "skills" are just decorations.


The lost soul fell to the ground and did not move.

His eyes, which were bright just now, have lost their "soul" again.

"The second task is finished." a heavy voice sounded.

"Hoo ~ ~" Lin Feng breathed out, his right arm almost numb, and blood dripping down.

In order to defeat the lost soul as soon as possible, there was no defense at all, but the body was seriously injured. However, at this time, the "soul" has calmed down, and the injury of the body does not matter to yourself. It has long been a habit.

Before long, the blood of the Phoenix will help him recover.

However, the recovery of the "soul" is not an easy task. Once it collapses, it is very likely that it will collapse——

Become the second "lost soul person".

The vision is bright, and the light of the transmission channel of the "Holy Garden" in front is bright.

Perhaps for other martial arts, this second task is extremely terrible. With the peak strength of the star master level and two congenital treasures of high grade, ordinary star master level martial arts can\'t reach its front at all. The only way is to delay, because the longer the battle, the faster the power of the "lost soul" will be lost.

His "soul" is only the power given, not itself.

However, what happened was the more "monster" Lin Feng.

The star master level is level 9, but it has the strength even beyond the level 1 of the star domain level.

How terrible!

"Find the only \'soul returning fruit\'." Lin Feng thought lightly.

Without hesitation, you will step into the "Holy Garden" transmission channel in an instant.

For myself, this "lost soul waterfall" is too uncomfortable, but the sooner you complete the task, the better.

The light bloomed and the forest wind suddenly appeared.

His eyes were bright and he took a deep breath.

"Is this the \'Holy Garden\'?" Lin Feng\'s eyes widened. Looking at it, it was a rich aura orchard. The fragrant fruit trees have different colors and are filled with intoxicating fragrance. A hundred flowers bloom, and all kinds of rare plant creatures are almost unheard of by themselves.

The \'breath of life\' contained is incomparably strong.

"Are these... Rare star fruits?" Lin Feng was unbelievable.

Originally, the so-called "Holy Garden" was the star orchard.

In an instant——

"Attention, you only have one chance to choose." the indifferent voice sounded leisurely and awakened Lin Feng, but smiled bitterly and shook his head. I was just about to pick some "star fruit" back, but I didn\'t expect that these were just looking for plum to quench my thirst. I could see that I couldn\'t eat them.

"Well..." Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully.

"No wonder the second task was completed just after defeating the lost soul."

"If what I expected is right, the only \'soul reviving fruit\' to cure the lost soul should be a \'reward\'."

Looking around, Lin Feng went into the holy garden.

Obviously, the reward for the task is still good. Even if you choose the wrong "soul returning fruit" and can\'t get the final reward, at least one "star fruit" will fall into your pocket.

But in contrast, the value of any star fruit here may not be comparable to the final reward.

This is certain.

"Soul returning fruit." Lin Feng whispered softly and looked around.

I really haven\'t seen the soul returning fruit, but there should be some characteristics.

"First of all, those who have the same kind of fruit are directly excluded." Lin Feng\'s eyes are light, and he has made it clear in the task that there is and only one "soul returning fruit" in this "Holy Garden". Basically, there are several "tree" fruits, which can be removed first.

Target, directly lock all kinds of flowers, grass, spiritual roots, etc.

Walking and looking, Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered slightly.

"Obviously, since the reincarnation fruit is used to treat the \'lost soul\', it must have a strong \'soul\' power."

"But it\'s not \'recasting\' the soul. Treatment means\' recovery \'."

Glancing at many stars and fruits, some have strong life characteristics, but they have an extended sense of consciousness; Some stars have strong energy, which is quite strong; Some of them are violent, like fierce beasts, with powerful attack ability.

All excluded!

"Another point is that restoring the power of the \'soul\' is not the same level as the original power of the five elements."

"Therefore, any source energy that fluctuates violently can also be ruled out."

Lin Feng said in his heart.

There are also quite a few "star fruits" with the power of the five elements.

However, one by one.

"Almost only these three conditions can be screened." Lin Feng thought over and over again without any omission.

In fact, there are not many star fruits that meet these three conditions.

"Almost all over the holy garden." Lin Feng nodded slowly.

I surround the whole holy garden with a circular detour to avoid omission.

Now, we almost reach the center of the holy garden.

"There are six trees that meet all the conditions." Lin Feng thought in his heart. All six star fruits are remembered in his mind. While looking for various possibilities, he is more likely than thinking to see which one is the "soul returning fruit".

Gradually, it came to the center.


"Hmm?" Lin Feng jumped in his heart and looked straight into the depths.

In front, in the center of the four big trees, there is a small star fruit like a human shape, shining gently. The breath of life is unusually strong, but there is no "additional" feeling, as if it was born naturally without any impurities.

The three green branches and leaves, together with the faint rising fruits, give people a feeling of vigorous growth.

The heartbeat was stronger than ever before, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright!

"That\'s it!" Lin Feng shook his right fist.

No more discrimination, no more screening.

The small fruit in front of us is the soul returning fruit!

There is no reason, there is affirmation in my mind.

The other six star fruits are nothing compared with it, and they are not at all on the same level.

"Dong! Dong!" he put his hand over his chest, and Lin Feng was short of breath.

I am not excited to find the "soul returning fruit", but my heart is really beating rapidly.

That is the sleeping star sky pupil and star dome pupil, as if they had found "nourishment" and found the root. Lin Feng is quite sure that once he takes this "soul returning fruit", there is almost a 90% chance that the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil will recover as before!

Looking at the soul returning fruit with bright eyes, Lin Feng\'s heart throbbed.

This is absolutely priceless!

(third shift ~ ~)