Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 886

"Eighth class spring waterfall, lost soul waterfall."

"The first task is to find the \'lost soul\'."

The voice sounded heavily, and Lin Feng was not surprised.

If we say that the lowest white "ninth grade spring waterfall" is the basic hundred waterfall, then the eighth grade spring waterfall is an advanced waterfall. Not only is the punishment more and more terrible, but the requirements for the strength of martial artists are also higher and higher, but similarly, if you can complete the task, the reward is also very deep.

You will benefit a lot on that day.


"Why is there no time limit?" Lin Feng wondered.

Not only is there no time limit, but even "punishment" has not been mentioned at all.

Very weird.

In an instant——

Lin Feng suddenly entered a magical "water world" with quiet sounds.

In my ears, there were all kinds of empty sounds, buzzing into my ears, which shocked people\'s hearts. His eyebrows were slightly clustered, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright. He suddenly felt that his soul was under great pressure. If the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil were still there, they would be able to resist easily, but now, they have neither.

Only rely on the life soul that is not too strong to resist.

"Fortunately, the soul is guarded by the Phoenix\'s life chart." Lin Feng secretly urged in his heart.

He has a double life soul. The reason why the original life soul is "strong" is entirely due to the existence of xingcang Tong. Now xingcang Tong\'s sleep is like a tiger without claws and teeth, and its power is greatly reduced. However, there is no other way now. If it comes, it will be easy.

"The lost soul..." Lin Feng read lightly and his eyes flashed.

As before, the experience of Baibao will not have a hint, but can only rely on their own exploration.

Where is the so-called "lost soul"?

There\'s no clue.

"Touch everywhere first." Lin Fengxuan decided.

After doing many things, I knew that I had completed three experiences in the hundred waterfalls, all of which were slowly finding clues in the process of miscalculation.

Whoosh! Very fast.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning, and there was a fork in the road ahead.

"Where to?" Lin Feng was a little stunned. This choice was a little difficult at this moment.

Because I just started, I don\'t know anything.

"Take a look at all three." Lin Feng didn\'t hesitate for too long.

The figure is like a flash of lightning. It suddenly rushes into the first channel. The surrounding environment has not changed much. The strong elements of water are all over the whole area. The empty song in his ears was much stronger. Lin Feng frowned, but the pressure of the soul was stronger than just now.

"The pressure of life and soul doubled sharply." Lin Feng murmured.

He didn\'t stay too long, but the last time was to get out and enter the second channel.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

There is no doubt that the pressure here is much lighter. Although it is still a full 50% increase compared with the outside, it is much less than the pressure of the first channel. Then he galloped out, and Lin Feng quickly entered the third fork, feeling a lot calm in his heart.

The pressure has not increased!

The third channel seems to be the most "safe" channel at present.

"The greater the pressure on the soul, the less time I have to find the lost soul." Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart.

The first two channels are obviously not suitable today.

"Just this passage." Lin Feng nodded.

Without much consideration, the forest wind entered the third channel like a lightning bolt.

Whew! Bright light and shadow.

Soon he ran into the "water warrior.".

It was a warrior with a human figure. His whole body was composed of transparent water elements. On his forehead, there is a constellation mark, which is like a "water snake". Just as the warriors in shuilian cave are all water snakes, so are these water warriors.

When you reach the master level, you must be an awakening constellation.

However, they are only masters.

"Ten beacon balls!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and did not stay for a moment.

It\'s more than enough to deal with these ordinary enemies with the fireball condensed by the rebirth fire and released madly.

Although the power of devouring fire is great, it is not as inexhaustible as the fire of rebirth. The fire astrolabe, like other terrestrial astrolabes in the four systems, now has "boundaries" and limitations. Although the recovery speed is good, it can not be compared with the fire of rebirth.

"Boom!" "boom!!" "boom! ~"

Rebirth fireball is to kill eight water warriors who stand in the way.

With the strength of the Ninth level of the star master level, you can wield the strength close to the first level of the star domain level. Now the forest wind is really irresistible.

Pop! Pop~

The disappearance of the water warrior turns into bright water drop energy.

Lin Feng smiled calmly, and the galloping figure passed through quickly, and the water drop energy was absorbed and refined in an instant. In the body, the chart of water life is bright. Although the energy of each "water drop" is very thin, it accumulates slowly and always gathers sand into a mountain.

In a quarter of an hour.

Lin Feng fell into a choice again.

In front of it as like as two peas, there are almost three identical branches.

"It\'s still a 10% increase, a 50% increase and the same." Lin Feng thought slightly. This time, he was silent and did not choose immediately.

I have just passed a complete fork in the road!

Nothing special.

Except for the absorption of water drop energy, I can\'t feel even the slightest clue.

Do you still choose the third channel?

Lin Feng\'s eyebrows were slightly clustered and fell into meditation.

Luck is important, but it is the fool who blindly wins luck.

"If there are three channels and three channels ahead, there will be almost no end, and there will only be more and more branches." Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart.

Among them, there must be a regular existence!

But I haven\'t found it yet.

Not in a hurry.

This time, Lin Feng stayed in place.

With deep eyes, he kept thinking about the so-called "lost soul person".

Where is he?

It must be on one of the branches.

But the problem is that I don\'t have a clue now.

"The strangest thing is, why is there no time limit and no punishment for this task?" Lin Feng was puzzled. After thinking about it, he always felt as if he had entered a maze. He vaguely felt something, but he couldn\'t say it.

After all, I have experienced a hundred waterfalls and know its process very well.

It seems irregular, but in fact it must be hidden where it can\'t be seen.

"No time limit, does that mean I can always look for it?"

"What\'s the point?"

Lin Feng was silent and indecisive, and the surrounding pressure poured in and roared at his soul.

But it\'s not an attack, it\'s just \'influence\', even if you stay for how long. It\'s like hitting a stone with an egg. Nothing will happen if you touch it to a certain extent.


"The pressure is getting bigger!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

Suddenly he opened his eyes and suddenly seemed to understand something.

"No, if you stay in the same place for a long time, the pressure of the soul will become greater!" Lin Fengmeng clenched his fist.

I have meditated for a full tea here. The pressure on my soul is slightly different from that when I arrived just now.

"Wrong, not a place to stay for a long time, the pressure of the soul becomes greater." Lin Feng suddenly woke up.

"But the longer you stay in this\' lost soul waterfall \'--"

"The greater the pressure!"

Lin Feng was completely surprised.

I finally understand why there is no time limit and punishment.

Because there is no time limit!

With the passage of time, the pressure of the soul will increase layer by layer until its "soul" can\'t stand the strong pressure roar and completely collapses. What will the collapse of the soul bring? If you have no double soul, you will fall into the sky if you are heavy, and you will become a fool if you are light.

This is the most direct and severe punishment.


Lin Feng clapped his hands and his eyes were bright.

"The lost soul, as its name suggests, is\' lost soul \'!"

"Why did he lose his soul?"

Like yourself, lose resistance over time?


"I think I understand." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

Turn back!

Turn back.

There is no hesitation. Now that you have figured it out, there is no need to tangle.

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountain, I prefer to go to the tiger mountain!

"Lost his soul because he entered the area with the strongest pressure." Lin Feng clenched his fists.

First passage!

Soul pressure, double!

Then, if you encounter a fork in the road, it is the first passage.

In this "lost soul waterfall", the greater the pressure on the soul, the greater the possibility of finding the "lost soul person" by yourself! Perhaps, this is not 100% sure, but we must bet. Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and firm.

Trust your judgment!

Whew! The figure is like lightning.

Time is extremely precious here.

Because after a period of time, the pressure on the soul will be increased by one level.

The most fundamental performance is that in each channel, the effect of increasing by 100% is even more terrible! The longer you delay, the worse it will be for you. The forest wind galloped along, and the rebirth fire in his hand almost never stopped. Where he passed, he was devastated and invincible.


"Hold it." Lin Feng clenched his teeth.

Passing through the fork road again and again, the increase rate is 10% and 10% again and again.

For the soul of life, this is intense and terrible pressure. The heart seems to have shaken, and Lin Feng\'s eyes are blurred. The lack of star sky pupil and star dome pupil has a great impact on the "soul". Had it not been for his strong will, I am afraid he would have fallen.


It won\'t be so easy.

"Yes!" Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened in an instant.

Through five three forks in a row, you finally enter a unique channel in front of you.

It\'s like the maze finally appears. This is obviously a \'signal\', a special signal to tell yourself——

The front is the end!

Whoosh! In the channel, the majestic pressure roared.

Lin Feng\'s eyes opened wide, clenched his teeth and shuttled frantically.

That\'s all!

Body, slightly staggering.

But Lin Feng can still hold on.

"Fortunately, the reaction is fast enough." Lin Feng felt lucky in his heart.

Although I made a wrong choice for the first time, the good thing is that I corrected it very quickly. If not, the pressure on the soul will increase by one point for every additional point of time wasted. It seems insignificant, but after five three forks, the 10% increase is not a simple accumulation.

Sometimes, a little deviation can kill you.

"Whew!!" Lin Feng pierced out like a sharp arrow.

At the moment, my heart was excited.

Ahead, there is a light and shadow.

"That\'s it!" Lin Feng was overjoyed.

Lost soul!

(second watch ~ ~ today\'s third watch.)