Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 885

"Have a chance to come back to shuilian cave, brother Lin ~" shuilinglong reluctantly.

"OK," said Lin Feng with a smile, "I hope I won\'t come back with \'jade Dun\' next time."

If you use yudun to go back to the water curtain cave, it basically belongs to "desperate", which is really not a good thing.

Shui Linglong smiled. Fang Ning SA ran stretched out his hand and his eyes were light: "I\'ll come to Jiuzhou to find you when I have a chance. Take care, Lin Feng."

"Well, I\'ll see you later." Lin Feng smiled and held his hand.

Look at each other and tell your brothers.

In tianwu mainland, they lived and died together.

Today, feelings remain the same.

With an indifferent smile, Lin Feng waved to Fang Ning and Shui Linglong, even entering the \'holy land\'. The "crystal card" in his hand is shining. It is the pass to enter the holy land. The disciples of shuilian cave are very respectful when they see the card.

All the way, unimpeded!

There is no need to enter a spiral channel like tianwu.

In shuilian cave, there is a holy light transmission array, which can directly enter the "holy land", that is, the ancient relics of "hundred waterfalls".

"Wow! ~" the light is shining.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining and smiled calmly.

Surrounded by green mountains, birds and flowers, mountains and rivers are like a paradise.

"Finally, it\'s back again." breathing the rich aura, Lin Feng felt relaxed in his heart. Coming here means that I am only a line away from tianwu mainland. Soon, I can see my "long lost" family and return to the place where I grew up.


"Boom! ~" a sharp heavenly power came.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered. Not surprisingly, the white clouds in front of him gradually condensed into a fuzzy face.

"Welcome to the \'hundred waterfalls\', little guy." his voice was low. It was Fang Ning\'s master and the elder he saw in the water curtain cave. But according to Fang Ning, what remains in the hundred waterfalls is only a touch of consciousness of the white haired old man.

However, it is still so powerful.

"Hello, senior." although he was only conscious, Lin Feng saluted respectfully.

I didn\'t know before, but now that I know, I can\'t save the etiquette.

"Make a wish? Or enter the place of experience?" the tone of conscious separation was flat and heavy.

Lin Feng glanced at the crystal card in his hand, and the light was bright.

The function of the crystal card is to help you directly enter the "place of experience".

For the first time in the ancient ruins of Baibao on that day, there is only the unique option of "wishing".

"I want to make a wish." Lin Feng didn\'t hesitate.

For myself, this is not the best time to experience.

"Say your wish." the voice of the pressure, the waves are not startled.

"Send me back to tianwu." Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled.

"Random transmission or fixed-point transmission?" the voice fell again, and Lin Feng smiled. It was the first time that he made three inexplicable wishes to enter the "fighting spirit world" that day. Lin Feng nodded gently, "send me to the city of the sky at a fixed point."

There is the gathering place of all the strong people in tianwu continent.

There is the palace of the country of hunting.

It\'s quiet.

Instantaneous time——

Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened, and a huge roulette appeared in front of him. The white chassis glittered with colorful light. A slender pointer flies around at a very fast speed, and a bright light shines around him. Small round balls of various colors are colorful and beautiful.

"Enter tianwu continent."

"Fixed point transmission, city of the sky."

The majestic voice sounded slowly, and Lin Feng smiled.

At this time, there are more and more small balls around you, and the number is increasing.

"Two wishes come true." the majestic voice sounded, but Lin Feng was quite surprised. This time, there was no choice between "land" and "sea". Just two wishes could be fulfilled, but it was much cheaper.

As far as I know, the more wishes, the more difficult the later task will be.

On the huge wheel, the rotating pointer suddenly changed into two!

Rotating rapidly, around him, small balls are dense, emitting dazzling light.


Pop! Pop!

Two rapidly rotating pointers stopped and fell to form a \'V\' shape.

On the roulette, the place where the pointer falls shines, and the small ball around his body also shines.

"Pa Da! ~" other small round balls suddenly disappeared, leaving only two, one white and one red, two light balls shining slightly. Lin Feng was not in a hurry and waited calmly. At this time, a familiar voice came from his ear, "passed the two tests of \'boiling waterfall\' and \'lost soul waterfall\'."

"Your two wishes will come true."

"Good luck."

The majestic voice dissipated in an instant, and Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up slowly.

Beside me, two white and red balls are shining with pride.

The ancient relics of "Baibao" are still the same. If you want to achieve your wish, you have to go through the test. Only when you pay can you gain. The more desires, the more greedy, the more difficult the "task" will be. Many martial artists often steal chickens and can\'t eat rice.

With an indifferent smile, Lin Fengxuan touched the small white ball.

In an instant, a huge suction came and disappeared.


Shiro county.

Experienced an unforgettable storm and calmed down slowly.

The battle of the wizard of Oz is deeply imprinted in every warrior\'s mind. If you have experienced it personally, it is absolutely unforgettable. Some people were greatly weakened by this war, such as Shi Zhi\'s heart, such as Beiming ocean; Others, such as Warwick, benefited from the war.

After entering the Baiyun tower for further study, he was accepted as a registered disciple by the holy Sakyamuni. Hua Wei was blessed because of misfortune.

It is a direct breakthrough to the star domain level, and its strength is advancing by leaps and bounds.

A year\'s rest period, very long.

For some martial artists with excellent qualifications and talents, one year is enough for them to break through the original bottleneck.

Including Zeng Ren and Bai Qi, Lin Feng\'s former opponents easily stepped into the star domain level. In particular, Zeng Ren never used the "key" of the rosefinch Challenge Award. He had to step into the star domain level before Huawei.

Strength is steadily improving.

The rosefinch challenge is more than a once-in-a-century event.

For many potential fighters, this is a rare opportunity to "cultivate" and improve.

The same is true for the qualifying, the preliminary and the main competitions.

The more backward, the greater the chance of promotion!

Lin family.

"Come on, cheers!" Lin Zhen smiled happily.

"Let\'s celebrate Lin Yumo and officially step into the \'star region level\'!" Lin Zhenhu raised his glass, his eyes shining and laughed. At this time, the Lin family was in great jubilation. It was a big banquet to celebrate with the family. The atmosphere was very happy.

This is the tradition of the Lin family.

Whenever a warrior in the clan steps into the star domain level, a ceremony and celebration will be held.

It means that the warrior has officially become the core force of the family.

For the Lin family, such a tool refiner family, any strong person at the "star domain" level is rare and valuable. In particular, Lin Yumo is still so young. With the title of "the first beauty in Shiluo county", he is even more important to the family than Lin fan!

As the protagonist of the banquet, Lin Yumo is like an ice beauty without much emotion.

In the face of everyone\'s congratulations, it\'s just a polite reply. The banquet included Luo Qing, the son of Luo Shoufu, and Yu Yunlong, the son of the head of the Dragon elephant sect. As Lin Yumo\'s suitors, how could they miss such a great opportunity?

I want to narrow the distance with the goddess.


Things in the world, past events are contrary to wishes.

"Yes." "OK." Lin Yumo rarely smiles on his face.

Just calmly and falsely responded to the two people. Although they were close at hand, they seemed to be thousands of miles apart, which made Yu Yunlong and Luo Qing quite embarrassed.

On the contrary, Lin Fan\'s eyes were cold and showed a deep sense of pleasure. Watching the two people eat shriveled, Lin Fan felt a lot of inexplicable "balance" in his heart, but remembering that he was also treated so "coldly", Lin Fan felt a shock in his heart.

It\'s all because of Lin Feng!

"It\'s so annoying to die." Lin Fan\'s eyes were full of jealousy.

Yu Yunlong and Luo Qing may not know, but he knows very well.

Lin Yumo became like this because of a person, a \'dead man\'——

Lin Feng.

Life and death are sometimes just a thin line.

In particular, Lin Feng, a natural emperor, is doomed to ups and downs in his life and heavy disasters.

But God is actually very fair. If you pay, you will naturally have and get. Good fortune lies where evil lies, and evil lies where good fortune depends. After a great disaster, Lin Feng is now quite "enjoying happiness". The test of Baibao ancient relics, of course, with the improvement of strength, the difficulty increases a lot.

However, at the star master level, today\'s Lin Feng has a strength that is almost "against the sky".

Boiling waterfall.

"Jiong! ~" "Jiong!! ~" the fire was ferocious.

Lin Feng calmly attacked the front, and the flame in his hand was full of fierce power. In the boiling waterfall, all kinds of water people built with "water drop energy" can\'t even do half of their close body. They all turn into water drop energy, which is swallowed and absorbed by the devouring fire!

Without refining, all energy falls into the body.

The chart of water life is clear and shining, absorbing the energy breath happily and growing slowly.

Although it is very weak, Lin Feng knows the truth that a little makes a lot.

"All the \'hundred waterfalls\' are the same, with quite good water drop energy."

"After returning to the tianwu continent, with a \'pass\', I can also enter the hundred waterfalls and constantly absorb the energy of water droplets."

"Until saturation!"

His eyes were burning, but Lin Fengwei smiled.

I am worried about how to cross the "barrier" from the star master level to the star domain level. Now, all the problems are solved.

The first time I entered the "hundred waterfalls", I absorbed a lot of water drop energy, making the "water life astrolabe" saturated by one tenth. Although it is only once in half a year to enter the ancient ruins of the "hundred waterfalls", it will not take much time. The water life chart will be saturated and the Phoenix life chart will be promoted.

And I will officially step into the star domain level!

(Xiaoxiao apologizes to you for your recent bad state. I\'m very sorry for you.)