Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 884

"The controller of ancient relics of Baibao......" Lin Feng whispered softly.

My memory suddenly goes back to a few years ago. When I entered the hundred waterfalls that day, there was indeed a sound.

At that time, he felt as high as heaven. He didn\'t expect to be Fang Ning\'s master. I vaguely remember that I only made one wish, but the result was "disassembled" into three wishes, unable to cry or laugh.

Fang Ning nodded gently, "in the water curtain cave, we call it the \'holy land\'. In the holy land, there is not only training, but also congenital treasures if you are lucky."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered, just as Fang Ning said.

On that day, I benefited a lot from the ancient ruins of "Baibao".

This includes the "colorful staff" now used, which is produced by Baibao, as well as thousands of love keepsakes.


Lin Feng was stunned.

"Fang Ning, do you mean that you can go in and out of the ancient ruins of the \'hundred waterfalls\' at will here?" Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly brightened.

In my heart, I was very nervous.

Looking at Fang Ning, I was anxious to know the answer.

What does it mean if you can really return to the ancient ruins of the \'hundred waterfalls\'?

Back to tianwu!

"Yes, but the holy land is only opened once every six months." Fang Ning smiled. "All the disciples of the water curtain cave can enter it." looking at Lin Feng, Fang Ning said softly, "don\'t worry. If you want to enter, there should be no big problem, but I have to ask the master first."

Lin Feng smiled and immediately put down his heart.

There should be a great opportunity for Fang Ning to speak for himself.

Lin Feng lived in the water curtain cave.

Fang Ning\'s hospitality, including Shui Linglong, was also very happy.

It\'s a pleasure to have friends from afar. There is no shortage of good wine and food here, and it is full of joy. The only regret is that there is no good place for cultivation here. Almost all cultivation facilities are prepared for the water snake warrior.

Lin Feng, also feel helpless.

Only wait patiently for Fang Ning\'s good news.

Two days later.

"Lin Feng, Shifu wants to see you." Fang Ning smiled.

"Ah?" Lin Feng was slightly stunned. His eyes flashed and nodded.

I want to see this big man myself.

Water curtain cave, very broad.

Looking around, all kinds of coral jade sculptures are beautiful.

The water curtain cave is filled with tranquility and comfort, which makes people feel brand-new. With Fang Ning, Lin Feng shuttled through the water curtain cave. Indeed, if Fang Ning hadn\'t told him, he couldn\'t have imagined that it would be at the bottom of a huge lake!

The fighting spirit world is so big that there are all kinds of wonders.

"Here, I\'ll wait for you here." Fang Ning smiled.

"HMM." Lin Feng nodded. In front of him was a vortex, quite a strange \'door\'.

Take a step gently and suddenly enter a strange crystal palace. Lin Feng\'s eyes were light and bright. He looked around and saw a piece of exquisite crystal wall, reflecting and thinking about the refraction of all kinds of light, creating a colorful psychedelic beauty.

Wheeze! Wheeze! Wheeze~

The surrounding light penetrates the body quickly.

"Is this?!" Lin Feng was stunned. He felt as if his body was bound. He felt very strange. The brighter the light in front of me, the waves of water light in front of me vaguely reflect a face, which is very similar to what I saw in the hundred waterfalls that day!

However, the outline is quite vague and still can\'t see clearly.

Only when I saw those starlit eyes, my head burst into time!

It\'s spinning and disorderly.

Instantaneous time——

The light and shadow in front of me condensed into a bright picture like the starry sky, as if I were in a world. One by one, huge and high spirited witches appeared in front of them. There are countless Houtu witches with snake tails, xuanming witches like ferocious beasts, and Dijiang witches with six feet, four wings and no face!

20 meters long, 50 meters long, 100 meters long!

The overwhelming killing intention is crazy. The hundreds of millions of witch army seems to tear down the sky.

On the other side, the number of powerful demons all over the world is ten times higher than that of the witch army. They are crazy and rolled like locusts. The sky and earth split between the two sides, life and death, the strong star domain level, the existence of Saint level, and the terrible power of Saint King level!!!

"What\'s going on?" Lin Feng was completely confused.

For a moment, I saw a group very similar to human warriors behind the witch army.

Controlling the amazing original power, it is the strongest ancient clan among the heavenly masters!

In front of the Lich army, the first to rush to the Lich army are groups of "small" human strongmen, who rush away like death squads. Let alone compare the strength of the Lich and the lich, they are far inferior to the ancient.

"Human..." Lin Feng\'s eyes burned.

Before he came back, there was another change in front of him.

A thick bloodbath, the corpses all over the mountains, was heartbreaking.

The strong man of the witch clan and the strong man of the ancient clan have suffered heavy casualties, but they are not as good as even one tenth of the human warrior!

A battlefield like purgatory.


His head exploded, and the illusion immediately disappeared.

The light around is still bright. What I saw just now is like a dream, but it is so real.

Lin Feng is a little confused.

"How do you feel?" the voice seemed to come from the horizon, with great authority.

Lin Feng suddenly woke up and turned around. Looking along the direction of the sound source, it was the vague shadow he had just seen. At this time, it gradually took shape, as if smoke had dissipated. The goal is a kind-hearted old man with white hair. His dry face is like walking on a tree. He is extremely thin and "fragile".

But this is only the surface.

Lin Feng knows how terrible the white haired old man is!

The "dreamland" just now is enough to explain everything.

"Is that... The battle of Lich mentioned in ancient books?" Lin Feng looked at the white haired old man with clear eyes.

The white haired old man nodded, "exactly