Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 883


Yumiao can still use it.

Although it is more powerful to use magic when you have star dome pupil, magic is also a common miracle when combined with your own state. The use of "space gate" and "jade Dun" still have enough energy even without the addition of star dome pupil.

On that day, the red goose locked the target with its soul and was unable to cast jade dun.

But now, there are no restrictions.

The important thing is

"Where will you go?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

This question, accompanied by the understanding of "yudun", has always remained in his heart and is very curious.

Like fengdun, the use of yudun has great "side effects". However, the cost of wind escape is even greater. Not only will it be seriously injured and exhausted, but also the wind vortex itself will be implicated because its "quality" is not high. Of course, at that level, having such a role is actually quite "precious".

How can it be ordinary if it can be taken out by a lot of people?

Yudun does no harm to himself, but it will break Yumiao, making Yumiao "hard hit" and can no longer be used.

The cost is also considerable.

I really don\'t want to use it unless I have to.

"The sleeping of the star dome pupil and the star sky pupil greatly reduced the role of Yumiao."

"Magic has no significant effect. Even if you cast the \'gate of space\', the consumption of life and soul is too intense."

"Even if the jade Miao is broken, the impact will not be too great."

Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart.

And even if Yumiao is broken, it doesn\'t mean it can\'t be repaired.

As long as you can return to Jiuzhou and use your "tool refiner" ability, it will not be too difficult to find materials to repair. At present, the most important thing is to leave this desolate Wizard of Oz and show \'jade escape\'. Although there is too much uncertainty, at least

It\'s an opportunity!

"It\'s not the best policy, but you can bet."

"See how lucky you are."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are burning and his heart is calm.

Yudun was not used immediately.

Lin Feng patiently wandered around the wizard of Oz, looking for all possible opportunities.

Although the chance is very weak, if you can find it, it is much more reliable and reassuring than "yudun", which is the best policy. However, many things are doomed. How can miracles occur so easily? Wu Bufan can\'t be found, and Lin Feng is also difficult to find.

"Over." Lin Feng stopped looking.

For seven days, there was no chance to find it.

This is the time limit set for yourself. Once seven days have passed——

Then implement the middle policy.


"Hope to return inland." Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled.

Even if you can\'t go back to the land of Jiuzhou and the endless wilderness, you can still find the existence of all kinds of "houses". Each government has its own origin and often has some connection with the land of Jiuzhou. The possibility of going back to the land of Jiuzhou is undoubtedly greatly increased.

"Wow!" jade Miao was shining brightly.

The power of life and soul moved, and suddenly his head exploded.

In front of him, a violent white light flickered, and Lin Feng suddenly held up his hands for a moment——

"Boom!!" the consciousness was shocked.

Yudun, show!!

Shiluo County, Baiyun tower.

"Holy One, miss, miss, wake up!" an old servant came running with a happy face.

It was the careful study of sakharuman in the book that raised his head and burst into a very strong light in his eyes. The figure of Dun time disappeared like an illusion without delay. Shi Zhixin was in a coma for more than half a year and took countless precious star fruit, star pills, natural materials and earth treasures. Now she finally woke up.

Baiyun tower, a lively, cheerful atmosphere.

"How do you feel, Zhixin?" Sakyamuni said softly.

It is hard to imagine that this is a high-ranking saint, and today\'s shakara is just a "loving father".

"There\'s still a headache, Dad." Shi Zhi\'s pretty face turned a little white, stroked her little head and shook it slightly, as if she felt the earth spinning.

"Oh, you!" shijaro sighed and rubbed the small head of Shizhi\'s heart. He said with pity, "don\'t be so impulsive next time. Only the holy one can exert its power in the star seal of Aries. Forcibly using the forbidden art will do great harm to your body."

Shi Zhi\'s heart stuck out her little tongue, "I know, Dad."

Shakara smiled helplessly, but he had no way to help the baby daughter. "Don\'t worry, there will be no sequelae. It\'s normal to have a headache just recovered. Have a good rest, and you will be alive and recover in a few months."

The big eyes of Shi Zhi\'s heart flickered, and the warm voice said softly, "thank you, Dad."

Naturally, she knew how much her father had paid behind his back to save her from hell without any sequelae.

"Silly girl, do you still care about your father and daughter?" Sakyamuni smiled.

Shizhi\'s heart smiled sweetly and suddenly seemed to think of something. Lian said, "by the way, Dad, how are Lin Feng and Beiming Yang?"

Shakara\'s eyes flashed, "Zhixin, do you know Lin Feng?"

"Well." Shi Zhixin nodded, "he is really powerful, more powerful than Hua Weiwei and Zeng Ren. Dad, you know, if he didn\'t suddenly appear and save me this time, maybe I would have been killed now." when she thought of fighting with the flame giant of level 9 in the star domain, Shi Zhixin was deeply impressed.

This is definitely the most painful battle she has ever experienced!

In the end, if Lin Feng had not been born, she would have been "robbed" for several times, and Beiming Yang would have hit the mark.

Shi Zhi is grateful to Lin Feng.


Sakyamuni shook his head, "Lin Feng, he is dead."

"Ah!" Shi Zhi\'s heart opened her eyes in disbelief. In an instant, two lines of tears fell down.

choke with sobs.

Lin Feng, are you dead?

When the wizard of Oz closes, even living is dead.

But Lin Feng is obviously not uncommon. Naturally, he will not sit and wait to die. Shi Zhanyu Dun has left the wizard of Oz at the moment.

Where are you going?

The consciousness is blurred, and the bright white light around completely covers the line of sight, as if the light flow of time is flying in front of us. Bit by bit, it was like a fast shuttle in the sky. There was a strong calling feeling in front. Yumiao moved gently in the left ear for a moment——

"Peng!" the jade Miao split and the light was dim.

Use all your strength. You can\'t use jade Dun again.

For a moment, my eyes were bright.

Lin Feng\'s consciousness gradually recovered, and there was a vague figure in front, which was more and more clear.

Until the light dissipated, the figure gradually became clear. The goal was a very water and beautiful woman, gently covering her small mouth, and her beautiful eyes were shocked by the bright light. As like as two peas, she has the earrings that are almost the same as her.


"Linglong?!" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up, unbelievable.

In an instant, I was completely surprised. I couldn\'t help laughing. It turned out that the transmission of "jade Dun" was mutual.

It\'s like Yumiao is a couple. Yudun seems to be looking for the other half and transmits himself to another "Yumiao" place.

"Brother Lin!" shuilinglong was surprised and happy.

But I didn\'t expect to see Lin Feng again after more than two years in Yanling mansion.

Just returned from the holy land, Lin Feng\'s appearance undoubtedly gave her great joy.

And now——

"Wow! ~" the door opened slowly.

"Younger martial sister, the master has something to find you..." the light voice sounded, and the young man in white stepped in, but he suddenly saw Lin Feng and couldn\'t help but be stunned.

It was not only the young man in white, but also Lin Feng who couldn\'t return to God.

He opened his eyes and looked at the young man in white. His face was so familiar and kind.

They looked at each other and saw all the information from each other\'s eyes. In an instant, they smiled.

"Lin Feng!" and "Fang Ning!" shouted almost at the same time.

Reunion after a long separation is like meeting manna after a long drought. In tianwu, they hug each other like brothers. Although I haven\'t seen it for several years, my feelings will not be weakened. All of them show a happy smile, which makes the water Linglong on one side seem a little confused.

When did elder martial brother Fang and elder brother Lin meet?

Shuilinglong was puzzled.

After a long separation and reunion, there are endless words.

Shui Linglong was very "knowledgeable" and left, but it happened that it was the master who summoned him.

The two enjoyed the wine together and said to each other about their lives in recent years. They suddenly sighed.

"Green smoke City, Yanling mansion, the land of nine continents..." Fang Ning showed a longing color in his eyes and smiled, "I want to go outside and see something."

"It\'s not bad now. Such a good opportunity is enviable." Lin Feng smiled.

After talking with Fang Ning, I realized that Fang Ning also entered Baibao shortly after he left.

Tianwu mainland was once a genius with high potential, and it was also a water martial artist. Fang Ning had a chance to worship the "water curtain cave". Since then, I really set foot on the broad road, and like myself, I have made rapid progress in strength in a short time.

Today, it is also a strong presence at the astral level.

Fang Ning smiled and drank a glass of wine. "In fact, you should know me."

Lin Feng smiled calmly and knew it clearly.

If not, why should Fang Ning risk so much to enter the "hundred waterfalls".

He left tianwu mainland for his father, ziyao and Duoduo, but what about Fang Ning? Compared with himself, his purpose is undoubtedly "simple". Fang Ning wants to be a real warrior, break into the fighting spirit world and pursue the peak of martial arts!

"In fact, what is the water curtain cave?" Lin Feng looked at Fang Ning and was curious.

"An ancient and mysterious force." Fang Ning\'s eyes were slightly bright and nodded, "the inside story is very profound. All martial artists must wake up at the star master level, including me. They have a strong inheritance and have many star region level disciples."

Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully.

According to Fang Ning, this force is obviously very strong.

Many disciples can reach the star domain level. What does it mean?

Excellent inheritance ability!

Disciples are all at Star domain level. What about Shifu?

"But I\'m still a beginner. Except for occasionally entering the \'holy land\' for experience, I spend most of the rest of my time in isolation." Fang Ning smiled slightly. "I\'ve heard a lot from my master, for example... My master once asked me about you."

"About me?" Lin Feng was stunned and a little confused.

Do you know Fang Ning\'s master?

"Yes, I asked in detail." Fang Ning smiled. "Then younger martial sister Linglong went to Yanling mansion to practice. The master once told me that Linglong would see you."

"No?" Lin Feng was quite surprised.

It\'s too accurate to expect things like God.

Can it be said that Fang Ning\'s master can "calculate" like Beiming Yang?

"Actually, Lin Feng, you\'ve met the master." Fang Ning smiled mysteriously.

"Ah!" Lin fengleng said.

(the appointment is completed. The update at 4 a.m. is sweaty. I\'m really tired.)