Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 882

The wizard of oz.

"No, impossible!"

"How could this happen!!!"

Wu Bufan stays where he is, his eyes are godless, and his hands and feet are cold.

For a whole month, Wu Bufan visited the whole Wizard of Oz and found all ten transmission channels.

However, all are damaged!

Beside Wu Bufan is a broken transmission channel without any energy response. In order to avoid the Revenge of the demon family and step into the land of the nine continents of mankind, shakara has already ordered to destroy all the transmission channels. As the county and city Lord, Wang Mo will not leave anything behind.

Chum! Stumble.

Wu Bufan was so dark that he almost fainted.

What does it mean that the transmission channel is destroyed?

How should he go back to Shiluo county and Jiuzhou?

This is not inland. There may be countless possibilities in inland areas and wild areas. But this is the sea! It\'s the territory of the demon family, thousands of islands. Although it\'s high enough for birds to fly here, can he fly out? Can he fly?

In the sea area, there are countless terrible demon clan strongmen living.

Even the legendary saints are not necessarily safe to wander in the sea.

If he is at ease in the wizard of Oz or fortunately, once he steps into the vast sea area and the boundless demon territory, it means

It\'s not far from death.

"It\'s over."

"I\'m finished."

Wu Bufan mutters to himself and has no God in his eyes.

His body trembled and his eyes fell on the transmission channel that had been completely destroyed. Wu Bufan even had a dead heart.

What if you have more treasures?

What if you break through to the star domain level?

He, it\'s over.


"Boom!" "boom!! ~" the violent vibration rang out not far away.

Wu Bufan was stunned. His godless eyes lit up in time, and his back was fierce and straight, just like a person dying of thirst in the desert seeing clear water. For Wu Bufan, any change in the wizard of Oz is hope!

Hope to return to Shiluo county and Jiuzhou alive!

"Whoosh!" he galloped with all his strength.

WOW! The light shines.

The rebellion of the wizard of Oz comes from the collapse of sky fire space.

Two layers of space, in a sense, are parallel, but connected. Like a completely closed door, it crashed and the collapse of sky fire space opened a channel and a way back to the wizard of oz.

Lin Feng, return safely.

The ember magic armor was already destroyed in the big bang.

In a black martial suit, Lin Feng appeared with an indifferent smile. Although his eyes lost their former brilliance, they were still bright.

"Finally come back." Lin Feng felt distracted and relaxed.

Breathe fresh air, feel the cool breeze blowing in the face, and feel refreshed.

In the sky fire space, I stayed for half a year!

And this is still not the time of coma.

Open your eyes and look around, many scorched earth is desolate, with the turbulent flow of various fire elements.

"The battle is really fierce."

"I don\'t know what happened to Shi Zhixin and Beiming Yang."

Lin Feng was slightly worried.

However, there was no breath around, and the whole Wizard of Oz had no vitality at all, as if it were a dead land.

When the star dome pupil is lost, the sensing ability immediately drops by one gear.

However, the approach of a powerful force can still be felt clearly.

The comer did not hide his breath.

Lin Feng\'s eyes slowly brightened.

Wu Bufan, coming.

The eyes with strong hope show endless disappointment.

In an instant, extreme hatred erupted!

"Lin Feng!!!" Wu Bufan gnashed his teeth, but he didn\'t expect to see this\' enemy \'here.

"Is it you?" he smiled calmly, and Lin Feng looked at Wu extraordinary.

I didn\'t expect to return to the wizard of Oz. he was the first person I saw.

one can\'t avoid one\'s enemy.

"Can you tell me what happened here?" Lin Feng said strangely.

"What happened?!" Wu Bufan was stunned. He looked at Lin Feng\'s eyes and burst into laughter. The tears of laughter were almost flowing down. "You asked me what happened?" in an instant, Wu Bufan\'s eyes showed a strong fierce light, and his killing intention suddenly boiling!

"Why should I tell you!" Wu Bufan roared almost hysterically.

"Go to hell, Lin Feng!!"

The black starlight seems to burn the body.

After a month\'s search, all hopes are now destroyed.

Wu Bufan is already mad!

Extreme hatred.

"The fist of shining stone, the fourth floor!" Wu Bufan was like a fierce beast attached to his body. There was a powerful force in his body, which completely exploded, as if he wanted to destroy everything. As soon as you make a move, you will have the strongest power. Your angry right arm is like layers of crystal stones, which is extremely terrible.

"Star region level?" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

Compared with the star master level, the star domain level is not only the difference of star technology level, but also the most important——

Advanced level of soul.

If there are countless roads to the Holy Level in the constellations.

Then the advancement of "soul" means opening up a "Tao" and mastering one of the four basic core forces of space, time, matter and energy. The Indian constellation belongs to the God of war. All "Tao" belongs to material and "power".

"The power of destruction? The power of killing?" Lin Feng smiled calmly.

But just a little curious.

The newly opened "Tao" is not terrible. Perhaps today\'s Wu is not inferior to himself when he was the wizard of Oz that day.

But now I am

But it\'s not what it used to be.

"Zheng!" the Amethyst gun was bright, and Lin Feng looked calm.

The familiar feeling came into my heart, and there was a palpitation of my heart in my hand. The art of entering the gun has reached the third level. Now I don\'t need a "self" state. With the increase of Amethyst gun alone, I can reach the fourth level of "entering the gun".

However, the most fundamental change is the promotion of strength.

And the perfect transformation of devouring fire!

"Go." Lin Feng just took a step.

The Amethyst gun is like a dragon roaring and Prajna clanking, and the strong devouring fire blooms madly.

That\'s the real attack flame!

It is the highest flame that integrates the power of constellations.

Double star vertex!

"Shoot with fire, the first move!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and roared straight at the black star. The momentum was stronger than Wu extraordinary in an instant. The star master level was level 9, but it was as strong as the constellation strength of level 1 of the star domain level.

In either way, Lin Feng is better than Wu Bufan.

"How could it be?!" Wu Bufan\'s face was pale.

I thought killing Lin Feng was just a matter of getting caught, but I didn\'t expect

He is so strong!

Clench your teeth. There is no way out.

The right fist is a combination of all forces. The star armor obtained from the underground palace shines brightly, forming a thick stone wall to protect itself.

When fighting, you should avoid distraction.

More timid!

In the "heart" competition, Wu Bufan compares with Lin Feng, and the gap is completely calculated in light years.

In the face of difficulties, his reaction was despair and collapse. In the face of those who are stronger than themselves, Wu Bufan is afraid of trembling and fear.

Losing is already doomed.

"Boom! ~" like a big fish eating a small fish, it\'s effortless.

Even if there is no star pupil, even if there is no star dome pupil, the forest wind is stronger than in the past. The existence of the Ninth level of the star master level is comparable to the strength of the star domain level, especially the devouring fire of the second star, which is more powerful than the fire of rebirth!

Devour everything!

"Jiong! ~" the flame boils.

Wu Bufan heard a voice tearing his heart and lungs. With just one blow, his right hand was abandoned.

The simplest and simplest competition.

Lin Feng, it\'s easy to win.

"Jiong!!" the fire is sparkling, drowning Wu Bufan\'s "precious" star armor.

No matter how expensive or defensive, this congenital treasure is doomed to its sorrow.

Because it recognized the wrong owner.

"Lin Feng, I\'m dead, and you don\'t want to go back alive!"

"Stay with the wizard of Oz!!!"

"Haha, haha!!"

The hoarse roar reflected Wu\'s extraordinary blood red eyes.

But as the devouring fire swallowed up the glittering star armor defense, it turned into ashes almost in an instant.

Lin Feng stood quietly, and his expression was still calm.

Without any mercy, being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself.

Kill the 29 elite warriors of the Wu family. They and Wu Bufan have already reached the point where water and fire are incompatible.


"Stay in the wizard of Oz?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly burning.

"What does that mean?"

Lin Feng was surprised to recall Wu Bufan\'s last "last words".

Look around and think deeply.

First transport channel.

Second transport channel.

Third transport channel!


Lin Feng stopped, his eyes burning.

Find three damaged transmission channels in succession, and finally understand what Wu Bufan\'s last words mean.

"It seems all destroyed."

"I don\'t know whether it was made by the human warrior or the demon clan."

Lin Feng whispers softly, and his heart is bright.

Obviously, the road back to Shiluo county and even to Jiuzhou has disappeared.

"No wonder there is no one here."

"No wonder Wu Bufan looks so desperate."

All the questions were solved immediately.

Lin Feng nodded slightly and looked deeply, but he didn\'t despair and abandon himself like Wu Bufan.

People always think of ways.

As one door closes, another door opens.

"There is no need to look for other transmission channels. Whether they are made by humans or demons, there will be no omission."

"Besides, Wu Bufan is estimated to have looked all over."

Lin Feng knew very well.

What I should do now is to think about how to bypass the "transmission channel".

Find another way!

"Go to the sea?"

"Try your luck elsewhere?"

Lin Feng shook his head. This is the worst policy.

After all, this is the territory of the demon clan. It\'s too dangerous to haunt in the sea at will!

Their own strength has not yet reached the point of arbitrary travel.

"What else can the wizard of Oz do?"

"Or, find out what the treasure is..."


Lin Feng was stunned and his eyes widened.

How did you forget this?!

(the second watch was originally updated in the evening, but I went out to pick up the guests. I just came back and finished the code. I promised to finish the third watch. Continue!)