Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 881

The strong devouring fire is ferocious.

The perfect combination of fire and the power of constellations exudes aggressive terrorist power, just like a hot dragon roaring up to the sky.

Compared with the fire of rebirth, it has been far away.

The transformation of \'quality\'!

"Finally, I realized the constellation way of the second layer of \'devouring fire\'." Lin Feng drew quietly at the corner of his mouth, showing his satisfaction.

The light in front of me was bright, and the singing of the Phoenix in my mind was loud and resonant. The two flames wrapped around the Phoenix\'s body and the feeling of devouring the fire were much clearer and brighter. It\'s like taking a step closer to it, looking more carefully and clearly!

In the body, the fire of swallowing is burning, emitting amazing power.

It seems to be integrated with every inch of skin, as if it is connected with its own heart.

The light in front of me was extremely dazzling and instantly bright.

Consciousness, once again into the main star of the \'special system\'. In the space of the second double star, there is a huge and dazzling star, which shines as bright as the sky and completely covers up the light of other stars. It seems to be the king of the special stars, high above!

Star Force Value: 100 points.

"The special star cultivation reached the seventh weight." Lin Feng shook his fist.

The improvement of the cultivation of each "master star" means that the speed of absorbing the power of constellations is much higher.

At present, the strongest star cultivation is the "eukaryotic system" star cultivation, which understands the third level of "entering the gun". The star cultivation power value of a single star is 300 points, reaching the Ninth level. This is also the key to your promotion to the Ninth level of the master level.

However, to reach the peak of the master level, the star power value of the triple star must accumulate to 1000 points!

It\'s hard!

"Here, there is no pattern carving array for 300 times."

"It took me a full month to master the way of constellations on the third level of \'entering the gun\' that I have understood."

"If you understand other star skills..."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered slightly and his heart was clear.

The time it will take is absolutely unimaginable.

"Let it be." Lin Feng nodded.

There\'s no need to force the level of strength. What if you reach the peak of the star master level?

The limitations of Phoenix\'s life chart are doomed to its current upper limit, which is only the peak of star master level and can not break through to reach star domain level. How to open the five earth, water and earth astrolabes is still unknown. At present, there is no "possibility".

What\'s more

"My soul master star surpasses the martial arts of the same level by two levels."

"At the eighth level of the master level, it is comparable to the peak of the master level, or even better."

"Now the star master level is level 9. My strength can be compared with that of star level warriors, especially the combat ability. The fire of swallowing is better than the fire of rebirth..."

"What\'s strong is not a little!"

His eyes were burning, and Lin Feng clenched his fist with his right hand.

Today\'s devouring fire, whether it is the way of constellations or multiplicity, is beyond the fire of rebirth.

Most importantly, the devouring fire is the most powerful "attack flame" in the Phoenix constellation; The fire of rebirth is just a "defensive flame". There is an essential difference between the two. It has been a helpless choice to use the fire of rebirth. Now——

Finally back on the right path!

"Even if the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil sleep, now my strength is also greatly improved."

"Ten times more than the wizard of Oz."

Lin Feng smiled slightly.

The improvement of strength leads to the growth of confidence.

He didn\'t hold any hope for the star domain level for the time being. Lin Feng continued to refine the remaining half of Tianhuo wholeheartedly.

Trapped here, I can\'t do anything. Going out is the most important thing!

The devouring fire after the upgrading of star technology level has faster refining speed and better efficiency. Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and did not delay. He devoured the sky fire crazily. His strength increased rapidly, and the devoured fire was steadily familiar and evolving.

Everything seems to be moving in the right direction.

But Lin Feng doesn\'t know. At this moment, the transmission channel of the wizard of Oz

It\'s ruined.

The fighting spirit world is big and all inclusive.

There are countless secrets not only in the boundless sea, but also in the inland. Or precious treasures, or ancient legends, or reclusive strongmen, ancient families, or some kind of magical region.

Outside Jiuzhou, it is called "endless wilderness" by mankind.

In the wilderness, a huge lake.

Located in the mountains, the crystal clear blue lake reflects a faint light, clear and bright. In the lake, many fish roam happily, including coral, jellyfish, aquatic plants and all kinds of aquatic organisms. The scenery is very beautiful.

Deep in the lake, a magnificent palace is located.

Beautiful, bright and shining, all kinds of valuable jade are just decorations here.

It is the owner of this lake.

"Congratulations, Linglong." the young man in white smiled.

It was a beautiful woman as exquisite as water. The green astringency on her face had disappeared and exuded a faint feminine charm. That face is so familiar, but the breath outside the body is much stronger than that of Yanling mansion.

This beautiful woman is exquisite in water.

Yanling mansion and his entourage have experienced a lot and shuilinglong has grown up.

Now she is a star master.

Shuilinglong smiled. "Linglong is far worse than senior brother Fang."

The young man in white smiled lightly and said, "it seems that Lin Feng\'s influence on you is really unusual, Yanling mansion and his party. If you had been in the past, you would not have endured so much pain, just to improve your strength." his eyes flashed, and the young man in white smiled at shuilinglong\'s only one \'ear ring\'.

Shuilinglong\'s eyes flashed a colorful light and whispered, "yes, he taught me a lot..."

For shuilinglong, the trip to Yanling mansion is really unforgettable.

"Fate will come when it comes." if the young man in white pointed, he smiled, made an invitation gesture and said to Shui Linglong, "let\'s go. The holy land has been opened. Master asked me to wait for you and go together."

"Yes." Shui Linglong smiled slightly.

The wizard of oz.

A barren ridge, uninhabited.

After the war, it is no longer the beautiful world on that day. There is a smell of blood everywhere. After the human warrior retreated decisively, chimeng came to help, but there was no half human shadow. He was angry and bombed the earth in anger. Vent!

Sky fire is so terrible.

As a result, this land is barren and extremely dilapidated.

And now——

"Wow!" a figure appeared suddenly, his black armor was quite worn, and there was only half of the feather crown on his forehead. Covered with blood, he looked hurt, but the young man\'s face like a cheetah flashed a satisfied smile.

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!! ~"

Laughing loudly, the black armored youth clenched his fists and roared up to the sky.

"I\'m still alive!"

"I\'m not an ordinary blessing. I have a great life and can\'t die!"

Black armour youth is the young master of the Wu family.

The bronze skin is full of toughness and strength. Although the body is slightly injured, it doesn\'t care. The strongest blood of the Aztec family is the body. Wu Bufan at the peak of the star master level has a very strong physical power.

injured? It\'s just a routine.

Most importantly, he is still alive!

It is a blessing in disguise.

"Pa!" he clenched his fists, and his eyes were bright.

The breathtaking breath burst up and condensed into a powerful air wave.

That\'s star power!

He broke through.

On that day, the Tiangou family attacked on a large scale, fought and fled. Wu Bufan was not so stupid. He had a hard encounter with the powerful Tiangou family. In addition, the Tiangou family near the "five elements hall" were resisted by Lin Feng and Shi Zhixin. He was not stopped.

All the way to escape, Wu Bufan saved his life under the desperate protection of Wu\'s martial arts.

It was a blessing in disguise to enter an underground palace.

Accept the test and get the treasure!


Finally broke out of the hall!

"Where are the people?"

"Looks like it\'s over."

Wu Bufan looked around and there was no smoke.

The breath spread out and there was silence. It was like an uninhabited island.

"It\'s just right to come out." Wu Bufan laughed. He was afraid that the battle would not end and affect the fish in the pond, so he stayed in the underground palace for a few more months before coming out. Now it suits him, and there is no one, which means that he can return to Shiluo county "safely".

Rosefinch challenge?

Wu Bufan doesn\'t care at all now.

In the underground palace, his treasure is far better than the reward of the rosefinch challenge.

Sky fire space.

Another month passed quietly in continuous refining.

But for Lin Feng, this month is quite different!

Originally, it took four months to absorb more than half of the sky fire space, but now it almost absorbs the whole sky fire space in only one month. The strong sky fire is not everything here. It is empty. The sky fire space looks very desolate, just like an empty house.

There is no "soul" connection, no master.

Skyfire space is just a pure \'land of energy\', only the consumption will not increase.

It\'s only a matter of time before they are refined by Lin Feng.

"Jiong!" "Jiong!" the devouring fire is burning madly.

Like a big stomach king who doesn\'t have enough to eat, he keeps swallowing the flame and strengthening himself.

Perhaps the fire of swallowing is not as inexhaustible as the fire of rebirth, but this process of "swallowing" itself belongs to the process of gain. The fire of swallowing is constantly replenished while consumed, which is equivalent to a disguised "inexhaustible use", so it is very efficient.

Again and again.

Round after round!

"Boom! ~" the fire of swallowing roared.

With the disappearance of the last sky fire, the sky fire space is now empty.

Losing all the energy sources and the pillars supporting the space is like a house without a roof beam.

Boom! Boom~

No action at all.

Lin Feng smiled quietly. There was a faint fire of rebirth outside his body. Watch it change. With the violent vibration of space and the loss of energy, this sky fire space is about to be destroyed. With it, the \'door\' connected with the wizard of Oz is about to appear.

On that day, the sky fire space was opened in the air of the wizard of oz.

Now, the closed door is completely cracked.

Lin Feng, you are about to break through the pass!

(first change ~)