Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 880

Like the advanced stage of the rebirth fire of that day.

Practice and constantly display the fire of swallowing, swallowing the sky fire and transforming it into constellation power.

Unconsciously, the fire of swallowing has mastered a deeper level. The most important thing is that there is a "foundation" for the advanced control of the rebirth fire. With the passage of time, the advanced control of the devouring fire can be said to be natural and there is no obstacle at all.

WOW~ In my mind, it seems that there is a phoenix flying, with a sharp howling, clanging and burning fire, and a very familiar feeling emerges.

For a moment, it was like a heat flow echoing in my mind and exciting in my heart.

He seemed to enter a vast land of fire.

Huge Phoenix, full of strong authority!

"Zheng! ~" my heart was shocked.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are incomparably bright.

An amazing flame, burning madly in front of yourself.

It\'s a devouring fire!

Devour everything, terrible attack power.

It is one of the ultimate flames around the Phoenix\'s body like the rebirth fire.

Kind and familiar, just like a part of the body.

The feeling is very strong.

In an instant——

"Pa!" "pa!" the power of the constellations wrapped around his hands.

With the perfect integration of devouring fire, the "Tao" of the constellation is clearly printed into the heart. It is a similar feeling, a combination of life and soul, and a spontaneous integration of the body. Every cell, every skin, bone and blood seems to be integrated with the fire of phagocytosis.

Perfect transformation!

The light was dazzling.

Consciousness, once again into the main star of the \'special system\'. There is a huge star, very bright, completely covering up all the other small stars. It is as tall as the sky and has a strong breath. Corresponding to the "stars" of the rebirth fire, it has reached the peak of "special system and heavy star technology".

Star power value 10 points!

On the same day, the difference is only a few hours.

Lin Feng degenerated again, but this time it was not the fire of swallowing, but the level of strength.

Star master level 8!

In less than a month, the promotion of the seventh to eighth levels of the star master level has been completed. How amazing. Instead of engraving in 300 times the time, the array is far less efficient. Shortcut is really a shortcut. The speed of improvement is quite fast.

"Pick up the ready-made energy power to absorb, and the region is fast." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

"Especially if you are connected with the same vein and swallow the flame, you have the ability to \'swallow\' all the flames, which is a unique way of cultivation."

Lin Feng smiled calmly. If it was the fire of rebirth, he couldn\'t do it.

Only by swallowing fire can we have this\' ability \'.

But obviously, this requires a strong person with "dedication" who can improve himself so fast. The most fundamental reason is the strength of sky fire space here. It\'s terrible to be a strong dog of the Tiangou family who was "devoured by his own soul". Even if the star level flame is an "ownerless thing", it also has such energy intensity.

"It\'s a way to improve the cultivation of Shizhi heart, which is similar to the same song." Lin Feng said lightly.

In my heart, I can\'t help thinking of the battle of the wizard of Oz, and my eyes are slightly worried.

He was lucky and narrowly escaped death.

What about them?

But I don\'t know whether to live or die.

"Xu ~ ~" long exhaled, and Lin Fengxuan put down his thoughts.

Each has his own destiny, even if he knows it.

What can change?

"Without strength, everything is in vain."

"You can\'t even protect your own life, let alone protect others."

His eyes flashed slightly. Lin Feng recognized his strength in this battle of the wizard of oz.

It\'s far from the real strong man in the fighting spirit world.

"Continue!" Lin Feng clenched his fist.

This sky fire space is much larger than I thought.

If you can absorb all the sky fire, devouring fire and strength here, what kind of situation can you reach?

Considerable expectation!

A one-year break.

It\'s long for some people, but short for others.

After entering the preliminaries, it is the most direct elimination war. No luck, not to mention too much attention. Round by round knockout is the most cruel and straightforward competition. The winner is the king with one point of combat strength!

The first-order, second-order and third-order warriors of the star domain level will mix and match with the 10000 star master level elite warriors.

The war table is entirely determined by lot.

The city of the sky, the temple of the star region.

Here, only the martial arts at the peak of star domain level are eligible to enter.

At this time, the nine giants of Shiluo County sit at the round table. In front of them, the county mayor "Wang Mo" is dressed in golden clothes, symbolizing his status and identity, and is discussing various matters of the preliminary round of the rosefinch challenge. During the competition, the nine counties will gather, but the preliminary competition will still be held in their respective counties.

"That\'s almost it." Wang Mo looked calmly through the roster.

"In addition, Shi Zhixin and Beiming Yang will be arranged into the list of two rounds of empty space to draw lots."

Everyone whispered, and there was no objection to some discussion.

As we all know, the two have not yet woke up because they were seriously injured in the battle of the wizard of oz.

There is a three-month gap between each round of the preliminaries, with two empty rounds, which means that Shi Zhixin and beimingyang have a full six-month rest period more than other martial artists. Even after the preliminaries officially started, they still didn\'t wake up, at least half a year more.

"The wizard of Oz is still 120 places short, how to count?" the Pulsatilla pondered.

The other nine "mission sites" are struggling for 1000 places. However, only 880 people qualified for the most popular Wizard of Oz before the game.

It should be said that there were only 880 people alive in that war.

"Why don\'t you go to the top of the other contestants in the \'mission place\'?" Mrs. orange suggested.

"It\'s hard for everyone to adjust, but it will provoke trouble." Wang Mo directly rejected it.

"Moreover, the distribution of rewards and the statistics of the list will become very troublesome." Zeng pan frowned.

"It\'s actually very simple." Hua Yidao said slowly, "you can create 120 empty places. Drawing lots with empty places is equivalent to a round of empty. In this way, we don\'t disturb the steps or rearrange the battle order. Everyone is happy."

The crowd nodded and quite agreed.

"Just use one knife." Wang Mo clapped directly.

"It\'s settled, Pulsatilla, and you\'ll be fully responsible for the drawing of lots."

"Hua Yidao and Zeng pan, you two are in charge..."

As a county and city Lord, you don\'t have to do everything yourself.

Wang Mo obviously knows how to be a man, so does he to his superiors and to his subordinates.

He is capable of holding the post of county mayor.

Lin family.

"Ha ha, Yan Lao, guess who\'s here today?" Lin Zhen laughed happily.

"Who?" said Lin Yan.

Lin Zhen smiled mysteriously and blinked, "Yu Yunlong."

"Oh?" old Lin Yan\'s eyes brightened. "Young childe of the Dragon elephant sect?"

Lin Zhen nodded. "Yes, Longxiang sect, one of the two strongest sects in Qianshan District." her eyes glowed and Lin Zhen shook her right fist. "Yu Yunlong and Yu childe are inferior to Luo Qing, the son of the richest man in the world, but Luo Qing is only the seventh son of Luo\'s richest man. There is little chance to take charge of Luo\'s chamber of Commerce in the future."

Lin Yan stroked his long beard, "but Yu Yunlong is the only son of the leader of the Dragon elephant sect."

Lin Zhen said with a smile, "if Yumo can marry Mr. Yu, he must fly to the branches and become a Phoenix. Mr. Yu\'s strength is also quite good. He is already a third-class strong man in the star domain at a young age, and he will have no chance to become a saint in the future. The most important thing is that if our Lin family can marry longxiangzong and dominate qianluo district alone, it is no longer out of reach!"

Qianshan District, that\'s one of the nine districts!

Longxiangzong is able to crown the Qianshan District, and its strength is enough to be seen.

Lin Yan sighed, "but little Yumo hasn\'t left home recently. He hasn\'t seen anyone. It seems... He\'s still thinking of him."

Lin Zhen nodded thoughtfully, knowing who Lin Yan was talking about.

"It\'s really a pity that heaven is jealous of talents." Lin Zhen frowned and sighed.

Lin Yan said slowly, "Yumo, a child I grew up with, is kind-hearted and attaches great importance to feelings." he brushed his long beard, and Lin Yan slowly opened his mouth. "If you want her to completely put down this relationship, it will not take a year and a half. I think it might as well wait until the rosefinch challenge is over."

"What Yan Lao said is very true." Lin Zhen agreed.

If it\'s easy to let go, it\'s not true feelings.

For Lin Yumo, I don\'t know when, my heart has long been occupied by Lin Feng.

The deeper the love, the deeper the injury.

However, Yumo is a girl with high EQ after all. He has been wronged and hurt since he was a child. However, Yumo is still strong and lives to the present, trying to restore the family\'s prosperity in the past. She is like a grass with strong toughness. Even if she is injured, she still grows in the wind and rain.

His face looked very calm, but Lin Yumo forced his grief to the bottom of his heart.

Practice hard and do your best for the rosefinch challenge. The sunken fish and wild geese face is more indifferent than Lin Feng first saw her. Like a deep ice cellar, she closed her heart again. She didn\'t want to think about it again.

Heart, really too painful.

Time passes slowly.

In the twinkling of an eye, more than half a year has passed.

The sky fire space is already half empty!

Lin Feng, practicing and improving at an incredible speed, is almost crazy. If others see it, it must be tongue tied. The speed of cultivation is terrible! The devouring fire is like a ferocious dragon, crazy devouring the sky fire.

Every time it is swallowed, a large area of sky fire can disappear.

Phagocytosis speed, quite fast!

Since the "Tao" of devouring fire reached the first layer, the speed of devouring is faster and faster. With the increasing weight of the fire of swallowing, the amount of each swallowing also becomes more and more, forming a steadily improving cultivation cycle.

Now, the power of devouring fire is beyond the fire of rebirth!

Moreover, the promotion is still gradually increasing.

Stronger and stronger!

The level of strength has already broken through the Ninth level of the star master level. At this time, it is only the last step from the peak of the star master level!

"Boom!!" the fire of swallowing is bright, and the bright light in Lin Feng\'s eyes is strong.

A strong breath broke out, and the body was full of overflow feeling.

Finally, a breakthrough!

(tomorrow\'s third watch ~)