Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 879

"I\'m... Still alive." Lin Fengyang lay down.

The gradual recovery of Consciousness brings deep heartache.

Surrounded by a familiar flame of deja vu, I recognized that it was the sky fire space I had been in. But that day in tianwu mainland, it entered the sky fire space of xiaotiangou, and now the sky fire space is much stronger and vast.

That is the "inner space" of the seventh order of the star domain level.


"Wing, dead." Lin Feng\'s eyes shed tears.

Heart, very painful, pain through the heart.

From Lvyan city to Yanling mansion, and then to the land of nine continents, Yi has been accompanying himself and is the most loyal comrade in arms and companion. Although his identity is a spirit, he has already had deep feelings in his heart like a brother.

This time, the wing is to protect itself.

Lin Feng slowly closed his eyes.

"Peng!" the violent explosion resounded through my mind, and the memory came one after another.

At the last moment, when the explosion exerted its power, and when he was calm in the face of death, the wings appeared to protect himself but sacrificed his life. In my heart, there is no breath, just like a removed memory.

Gently opened his eyes, with sadness, Lin Feng slowly got up.

But suddenly——

"Is this?!" Lin Fengmeng was stunned.

His eyes fell on his side. A milky white bead was emitting a faint light. Red and green ripples could be seen faintly. He was lying quietly.

His eyes were full of intense brilliance. Lin Feng trembled his right hand and picked up the Milky bead. The light red and green ripples flicker. This milky white bead has a very familiar energy feeling. It can be seen that it is not damaged in the sky fire space. We can see the quality of this bead!

This is the "soul" of the strong star in the constellation dragonfly.

"It\'s the wing!" Lin Feng was overjoyed.

Holding the Milky beads in his hand, he could vaguely feel the faint breath of the wings.

It\'s like being tired and hibernating in beads.

Refining Wu\'s\' soul \', the wing is not dead!

"As long as you can\'t die, there must be a way to live!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

The original decadence and sadness disappeared in a moment. Lin Feng clenched his fists and held the milky white bead with hope in his heart. Even if you can\'t do it now, it doesn\'t mean you can\'t do it in the future. It\'s man-made!

"Tianyi gave up his\' Tao \'and refined Wu\'s\' soul\', which seems to be the right way." Lin Feng smiled.

If not, wing doesn\'t even have a chance to live at the moment.

At present, at least Wu\'s\' soul \'is guarding him.

Lin Feng\'s heart finally settled down.

Wing is still alive. The news is much better than any news.

As for myself

"I don\'t know how long it will take to go out." Lin Feng smiled calmly and looked around.

Here, apart from flame or flame, there is no other living object. This is the purest flame space and the inner world of the heavenly dog family. Strong hair, burning sky fire is everything here.

"Star sky pupil, star dome pupil..." Lin Feng closed his eyes slowly.

The surrounding \'feeling\' is blurred a lot, and the induction and sight become weaker with the deep sleep of the pupils.

Only the original soul connected to the Phoenix\'s chart is still awake, but it lacks the power source of the "star pupil", and the life soul becomes very ordinary. In terms of strength, the decline is more than a few grades, and the loss is considerable.

"At least I\'m still alive." Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright.

This is more important than anything.

Living, there is hope.

Anyway, I don\'t need to fight now, so I can recover from the sleep of xingcang pupil and xingqiong pupil.

"It\'s the same as the sky fire space of the little dog in tianwu mainland that day."

"There is only one way to leave..."

"Devour everything here."

"Devouring fire!" Lin Feng\'s hands quickly burst into flames.

Perhaps, today\'s "devouring fire" is still in the "star sea" stage, which is no better than the rebirth fire. However, if you want to devour a flame that is far stronger than your own strength, you can only rely on the characteristics of "devouring fire"——


Even if the fire of swallowing is very weak, Yugong can move the mountain. There is always a way out if he persists.

There is no shortcut to get out of here.

"Jiong!" "Jiong! ~" the tongue of fire vomited wildly.

The devouring fire absorbs the powerful sky fire. Even if only a little can be digested, it is quite beneficial to the devouring fire. Lin Feng\'s face changed from calm to surprise, and his eyes brightened sharply.

"Devour the flame, even the star power can be absorbed?!" Lin Feng felt incredible.

But when you think about it, your rebirth fire has now integrated with the power of constellations and stepped into the star master level.

The master of this sky fire space is a powerful existence at the star domain level!

"Silk! ~" Lin Feng took a deep breath.

After a while, it began to absorb.

The sky fire is engulfed by the engulfed fire, which not only rapidly strengthens the engulfed fire, but also directly converts the star power contained in it from the engulfed fire into star power energy, which is poured into the body. All the processes are natural and very smooth.

"What a terrible speed." Lin Feng smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Not only does the devouring fire increase at an amazing speed, but also the improvement of star power is crazy.

Compared with the cultivation speed of the array of engraving patterns in 300 times of time, it is better than it!

"Sure enough, as ah Zhong said, there is indeed a shortcut to improve his strength."

"It really proves an old saying." Lin Feng smiled.

"If you don\'t die, you will have a blessing."

Shiro county.

The great change of the wizard of Oz is undoubtedly the most lively topic in the near future.

However, as the days went by, the winning list of the ten "mission places" in the qualifiers was also released. There are 1000 places in each mission, and a total of 10000 elite martial artists have been completely released. This news immediately overshadowed everything and became the most lively discussion in Shiluo county.

Some people are happy and others are sad. After one round of qualification, one round of peripheral competition and two rounds of selection, the rosefinch challenge officially entered the preliminary stage.

At this stage, the strong stars in the star domain appear one after another, and the real test has just begun.

But for most fighters, after two rounds of competition——

Reward is the most important.

Entering the preliminary stage means that you can get a lot of rewards.

For the "poor" warrior, this is a considerable reward. In fact, it is so simple for martial artists to participate in the rosefinch challenge, either for fame or for profit. As for those who want to enter the main competition through the preliminary competition, for the star master martial arts

It\'s really a little difficult.

Even if their opponent in the preliminaries is only a martial artist below level 3 of the star domain level.

However, there is a considerable gap in strength after all.

Fortunately, there is a chance to improve for a year.

Every martial artist who enters the preliminaries will get a key, which is a real \'promotion opportunity\'.

As long as you reach the peak of the master level and use this key, there is great hope for a breakthrough.

Enter the star domain level!

Lin family.

At this time, there was a lot of excitement.

The Ju people celebrated, and all the people\'s faces were full of joy.

Eight, full eight fighters enter the preliminaries!

The Lin family has made the best achievements in history. The promotion rate of nearly 10% of the 125 ethnic groups participating in the competition is definitely the highest in the whole qianluo district. Although the strongest Wu family still has a full 13 people entering the preliminary competition, it still occupies the name of the strongest family in qianluo district.

However, the dragon club and Qingyun building, which originally ranked second and third, were overtaken by the Lin family!

Most importantly, some members of the Lin family have entered the top 10 in the qualifying!

Lin Yumo!

A new star was born in the sky.

The name of the first beauty in Shiluo county has now become a legend. It is really impressive that Lin Yumo has achieved such good results in his twenties. People like to talk about the "white rise" which is even close to the first place in the peripheral games.


Lin Yumo himself, however, lives in seclusion and rarely sees people.

"Damn, this bitch!" Lin Fan scolded and left.

He waited at Yumo\'s residence for six hours, but what he got was still a sentence, "practice, it\'s inconvenient to see guests."

Before that, Yumo\'s garden house was all he wanted to enter. Although Yumo didn\'t love him, at least he smiled at him. Which is like now, give him face again and again, let him shut the door and become a laughing stock.

"Lin Feng is dead and still pretending to be pure." Lin Fan was angry.

"I have nothing Lin fan can\'t get!"

With deep jealousy in his eyes, Lin Fan\'s eyes were almost ready to spit fire.

Seeing but not getting is the most painful.

In fact, Lin Yumo was not practicing at this time.

Although in the array of time patterns, Lin Yumo\'s heart is in disorder and corrects pain from time to time. There was a slight whiteness on the face of the country and the city, and the skin that could be broken by blowing seemed to lose vitality.

With his right hand on his full chest, Lin Yumo gently pursed his lips, and his tears couldn\'t stop falling.


"Why do you do this to me..."

"Brother Lin, are you really dead?"

Heart, full of sadness.

Even if you have been pressing the feelings in the bottom of your heart, even if you can endure again.

However, with the news of Lin Feng\'s "death", Lin Yumo could no longer restrain his emotions and deceive himself.

She really likes Lin Feng.

Now, my heart hurts.

Sky fire space.

Lin Feng, practice step by step.

Here, there is no skill, only devour, devour again!

These so-called "heavenly fires" are like food without any resistance. They are ownerless things. In the fire, there is a relationship between the upper and lower levels. No matter how weak or small, the devouring fire is a higher level than sky fire, just like generals and soldiers in the army.

Perhaps hundreds of thousands of soldiers are much better than a general.

However, we must obey the general\'s orders.

Sixty one!

Sixty two!

The rise of devouring fire is faster and faster.

With the increase of the fire of phagocytosis, the speed of phagocytosis is faster and faster.

This is an incremental process.

And this moment——

As the fire of devouring continues to devour, advanced.

Finally, into a new level!