Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 878

"What\'s the matter?" Yan Wang\'s pupils were bright.

"I don\'t know, disciple." shijaro bowed his head and looked at the direction of chimeng\'s departure. "Master, don\'t you cut the grass and remove the roots?"

"The king of inflammation calmly said," if you can kill, will not kill. "

The voice is very calm, but it is helpless.

Shakhala nodded and could guess something in his heart.

Here, after all, is the territory of the demon family. It doesn\'t matter to kill an ordinary demon family, but if you kill a saint of the demon family by bullying the small

Things can be big or small.

"Count the number of people and clean up the mess." Yan Wang\'s voice was calm.

"Then destroy all transmission channels to avoid the demon family\'s revenge. Be sure to move quickly."

The burning king looked at shakara, his eyes were shining, and said calmly, "when you go back, come and find me."

"Yes, master," said shakhala, fearing no disobedience.

Yan Wang nodded.

In an instant——

"Wow!" the light flashed, and the king of inflammation disappeared immediately.

Come without a shadow, go without a trace.

"One person kills the star domain level ninth level strong man alone and traps Ten Star domain level eighth level strong men." Mrs. Bai looks at shakara and smiles, "galo, this little Zhi\'s heart is really great. She is better than the blue, and you can get your true story."

Shakhala sighed and held his daughter in one hand. "I\'d rather she be safe."

"Don\'t worry, as long as you can\'t die, there\'s a way to save you." Beiming Bu held Beiming Yang in his arm and said.

Hua Wei was a little flustered and his heart beat faster.

Suddenly, I saw three saints!

"That\'s right." shakhala seemed to think of something and looked at Huawei. "Who was fighting side by side with you just now?"

Hua Weilian bowed respectfully, "to the saint, this son is named Lin Feng."

Lin Feng?

Mrs. Bai and Beiming Bu looked at each other and saw a doubt in each other\'s eyes.

But I\'ve never heard of the name.

"I remember." shakhala nodded, his eyes flashing.

"Is this\' Lin Feng \'very powerful?" Mrs. Bai said strangely.

"Where is it?" Beiming Bu looked around.

"He..." Hua Wei frowned and hesitated.

"Dead." sakhara\'s voice was very calm, but it made Hua Wei\'s face darken for a moment.

Sure enough, he died.

"He died with a strong dog of level 7 in the star domain." shijaro\'s eyes flashed. "I didn\'t expect that there would be such a seedling in this qualifier. If you can cultivate it well, it will become a holy level in the future. What a pity, what a pity."

"Heaven is jealous of talents." Mrs. Bai nodded.

"Life and death are destiny, wealth and honor are determined by heaven." Beiming divination smiled.

Indeed, many things are doomed.

This time, how many young talents died, not just Lin Feng?

"Thank you for your help this time. Garo is very grateful." Sakyamuni looked at Mrs. Bai and Beiming Bu and said in a positive way.

"You\'re welcome. It\'s a little help." Mrs. Bai smiled.

"Yes, let\'s see." Bei Mingbu said happily. "We all grew up in Shiluo county."

Shakhala smiled: "anyway, this feeling is written down by shakhala. If you can find a place useful in the future, you can make a sound." then, shakhala glanced at Huawei with burning eyes, "since you have a heart of kindness to Zhi, I will not treat you badly. Three days later, come to Baiyun tower to find me."

The voice fell and ignored Hua Wei, who was surprised and happy. Sakyamuni bowed his hand, "two, leave first."

"Go," said Bei Mingbu and Mrs. Bai with a smile.

Shakhala nodded, and his figure flashed for a moment, which was to disappear.

He has to deal with the mess.

The battle of the wizard of Oz is over.

After statistics, there are only more than 800 of the nearly 40000 contestants in the peripheral games.

Nearly 100 star domain level warriors died this time, but most of them were below level 7. Most of them were injured at level 8 and level 9. None of the top warriors in the star domain have died, but the key to winning is the arrival of the "inflammatory king".

If not, chimeng alone may be able to recover the defeat and kill all human warriors.

Holy One, quite strong!

Carpet search.

Under the command of the county mayor Wang Mo, the whole Wizard of Oz turned upside down.

All the wounded fighters and those who escaped were found. Many rare treasures, including the wizard of Oz, are all searched in a day. Time is very urgent. Be prepared for danger in times of peace. We must strictly prevent the Revenge of the powerful demon clan.


The warriors of Shiluo county began to retreat.

The remaining nine damaged transmission spaces were recast because they were only damaged unilaterally, so it was not difficult to rebuild. In a group of ten, the soldiers in Shiluo county quickly retreated. In a short time, there were no more than half of them, leaving only an empty island.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

All transmission channels are damaged.

It means abandoning the occupation and control of the wizard of oz.

The loss may be great, but it is not enough to mention the possible danger.

Just two hours after the transmission channel was destroyed.

Boom! Boom~ The demon clan swarmed in, a million troops!

Led by the heavenly dog family and accompanied by other vassal races, he rushed to the wizard of Oz. the tall demon family leader was dazzling with fire, and his breath was even worse than the "king of inflammation". Even the people next to him were only a little inferior to the king of inflammation.

Tiangou family, that is one of the five top lineages of the demon family!

The inside information is quite profound.

"Damn, where are people? Where have people gone?" Chi Meng\'s eyes were red and gnashing his teeth.

I didn\'t expect that in just one day, those damn humans had escaped clean.

"Run for nothing." a man on the left of the demon family strong shook his head.

"Human beings are still so mean. Two legs run faster than our four legs." a woman on the right side of the demon family strong smiled coldly.

"Go back." the strong demon waved lazily.

"Master!" Chi Meng was worried and said, "there are still traces of my son\'s Soul here. The murderer who killed my wife and children is still alive!"

"Stupid." the strong voice of the demon family was deep, "although the red goose\'s soul is destroyed, the sky fire space still exists. The human warrior branded the soul of your son, and the ownerless sky fire will not hurt him. But only the soul exists, he will be trapped in the sky fire space and never have a way out."

Chi Meng\'s eyes lit up and even nodded, "master, what do you mean... Will human life be better than death?"

The strong one of the demon family said calmly, "unless he can refine all the sky fire and break the space, but only the soul can\'t cultivate. What\'s more, is the \'sky fire\' of our tiandog family so easy to refine?"

Words, with deep pride.

The five top lineages of the demon family, the top of the pyramid.

Indeed, there is enough capital to be proud!

"Great!" clenched his fists, and his blood red eyes shone cold.

Although he can\'t kill the human murderer himself, he can make his life worse than death. Constant torture makes him despair——

It\'s a good thing!

The strong man of the demon family, chimeng\'s "master", guessed half right.

But no one could have imagined that Lin Feng\'s "soul" was not destroyed, and his body also survived the explosion. Although it was full of scars, it was still alive. If other martial artists enter the sky fire space, even the body of the star level peak martial artist can\'t withstand the refining of sky fire.

After all, defense has limits.

The attack of sky fire is almost "infinite" here.

Most importantly——

Lin Feng has the fire of rebirth.

The battle of the wizard of Oz is over.

However, the rosefinch challenge \'periphery\' is still in full swing.

In the other nine missions, there was no accident. One strong person after another came to the fore and entered the preliminaries. Baiqi, MengWu, huangsunan and other strong players have made excellent achievements, especially Baiqi, whose total points are ranked first!

The wizard of Oz \'living\' warriors are all promoted.

After all, it is the top 1000, and only 880 of the wizard of Oz contestants are alive.

Among them, a considerable number of martial artists are even seriously injured, so it is naturally impossible to replay. For example, Shi Zhixin, such as Beiming ocean, had not woken up for more than a month. For them, the war was really overloaded and overdrawn their bodies.

The greater the overdraft, the stronger the strength, and the greater the sequelae.

No one can be an exception, including Lin Feng.

Sky fire space.

For more than a month, Lin Feng didn\'t move.

Like a dead body, lost all consciousness, the soul seems to be annihilated. But in fact, Lin Feng is just a quiet "deep sleep". The human body is very wonderful. When he falls into fatigue, he will feel the coming of "sleepiness", which is a process of self-healing.

Self protection is not a bad thing.

Lin Feng\'s body has already fully recovered.

With the blood of the Phoenix, the repair of the body is not too difficult.

In fact, Lin Feng is very experienced in this, because he has tried it many times.

However, the repair of the "soul" is much more difficult. In particular, the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil, which are overloaded, are now silent. In that battle, it was not the body that suffered the most damage, but the "soul". The integration of xingcang pupil and xingqiong pupil first kept their self-state, and countless times were on the verge of exhaustion and militarism.

Finally, with the help of the power of life and soul, he used the "soul eating method" to directly fight the "soul" of red geese.

Although he won, he won miserably.

As for the life soul, the recovery speed of the fusion Phoenix life chart is very good, but after all, the crazy display of "soul devouring skill" can squeeze the life soul clean

The recovery of the soul is much more difficult than the body.

This can be seen from Shi Zhixin and Beiming ocean.

They are so similar to Lin Feng.


Compared with the two, Lin Feng\'s "soul" is stronger.

The life soul is integrated with the Phoenix chart, constantly nourishing and recovering, and now——

Has healed!

"Pa!" Lin Feng opened his eyes.

After a coma for more than a month, he finally "woke up".

(the second shift ~ ~ tomorrow is also the second shift, and the third shift will be restored the day after tomorrow. It\'s mainly that the keyboard under the palm of my left hand is very painful these days, and the code words are very uncomfortable.)