Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 877

"It\'s already fighting, divination." the voice was soft, but it only shocked the heart.

It was a beautiful woman in a long white dress. When the veil brushed her face, she could vaguely see the face of Xiansu. It was still so beautiful.

Just a bun on the head, intended to be a wife.

"Oh? Can you see who has the upper hand, Mrs. white?" the old man\'s dark pupils couldn\'t help brightening.

He is the great grandfather of Beiming Yang. Beiming divination has a nickname among the saints, called "divination and divination".

The eyes of the beautiful woman \'white lady\' flashed: "Gallo fell downwind."

Beiming Bu shook his head and said with a smile, "this boy has foresight and knows to call us to help boxing."

At this time——

WOW~ The transmission channel is shining.

The inspector\'s "ice cloud" suddenly appeared and arched his hands, "two elders, please come here."

The identity of the two people is ready to come out if they can make the "ice cloud" so respectful under one person and above ten thousand people in Shiluo county. It was on the white cloud tower that Sakyamuni ordered Bingyun to invite his "old friends", Beiming Bu and Mrs. Bai.

"How\'s it going?" Mrs. Bai looked north and divined.

"Madam Bai\'s strength is better than that of an old man. It\'s better for you to help Gallo. My old bones can\'t stand the toss." Beiming Bu laughed, "besides, madam, the heaven is ruddy and full, and the auspicious light is shining, so there will be no danger."

Mrs. Bai smiled and said many words. Her figure disappeared like the wind.

Beiming divination was also suspended in the air for a moment. The light in his hand was bright, and a glittering star symbol appeared immediately.

"Come!" Beiming Bu drank.

The star symbol is bright and turns into countless virtual shadows in an instant, just like the halo exploding.

Peng! Quickly split around, I saw that the fragments of each star symbol turned into a "paper man" in the void, and the breath was not weak at all! The appearance of thousands of paper people directly welcomed the Tiangou family and immediately wiped out the disadvantage of human martial arts.

The holy one has the power to turn the world around!

Where the forest wind fights the red geese.

Another shocking battle began.

Compared with Lin Feng\'s war just now, it was more intense and frightening step by step!

Battle of the saints!

With its own control field, chimeng and shakara fought frantically. Chimeng, who was already angry, gave full play to his strength, and his own strength was much stronger than shakara. If it were not for the Aries sign to which shakara belongs, and he is proficient in control and defense, at this time——

I\'m afraid I\'ve already lost.

"Boom!" "boom!" the sky shaking flames burst out.

The horror of sky fire seems to burn everything. What a terrible thing the real saint level strong has!

Even if there is only a little sky fire, it is 100 times stronger than the release of red geese!

"Starlight wall!" shakara\'s eyes were burning, and he fought and retreated.

This is his unique skill, including a series of moves related to the starlight wall. Shakara is proficient.

Release Zhi\'s heart, is his one-hand training.

But chimeng was completely fearless.

The terrible physical strength will give full play to the strength of the demon family.

Among the five top lineages, the stronger the strength, the more obvious the advantage. Even if shakara is a rare "twelve constellations of the royal way", there is still a big gap in their strength. Chimeng attacked madly again and again, constantly tearing up the defense of shakara, as if he wanted to vent his deep anger on shakara.

The corners of his mouth were lightly stained with blood, and shakara was hurt.

Compared with the demon race, human beings are still a little \'gifted\' there.

However, shakara was not seriously injured.

He\'s waiting.


"Wow! ~" a cloud appeared.

The familiar energy breath strikes the body, and shakara\'s eyes light up and the corners of his mouth scratch slightly.

His old friend, Mrs. white, came.


The wizard of Oz fought fiercely.

The whole Shiluo county is also of public concern, completely boiling and turning the sky.

But in the "independent space" parallel to the wizard of Oz, Lin Feng is still in a coma and his consciousness is in a state of ignorance. For him, the physical damage was too great this time, and the spiritual suffering was unforgettable.

The body and spirit are on the verge of exhaustion.

Devouring the ring is too powerful!

Not only to the enemy, but also to the player himself.

The thick sky fire boiling, as if to burn everything.

The forest wind wrapped by the rebirth fire has become the only "life" in this space, which looks very special. In that flame shrouded place, the breath of Lin Feng is slowly growing and recovering. After all, integrating the blood of the Phoenix, the resilience of Lin Feng is even stronger than that of Mu Ling.

As long as he can\'t die, he can be "reborn"!

Look carefully, there is a drop of crystal tears in the corner of Lin Feng\'s eyes.

At the last moment of his coma, Lin Feng opened his eyes, and there was only one picture in his mind——

Wings, suddenly appear.

The branches all over the sky wrap their bodies.

With the complete explosion of power and the vibration of space energy, the wing protected itself with his\' body \'.

Overlapping again, I lived in the violent explosion.

But the wings

"No!!" Lin Feng almost shouted hysterically.

However, the results cannot be changed.

Warwick, saved.

Shizhi heart and Beiming ocean were also saved.

Of all the surviving contestants, there were less than a thousand left, but they were obviously lucky.

I escaped a disaster!

It\'s not easy to survive the havoc of the heavenly dog family.

The wizard of Oz, at this time, there was a lot of killing. The war between Tiangou family and human beings has opened a new chapter. It seems to mean something, it seems to announce something, just like the butterfly effect.

Fighting spirit world has been quiet for too long.

So long that people completely forget the disaster.



One on one, chimeng has the upper hand.

One on two, chimeng is still fierce and brave!

Although they were hurt a little, why didn\'t shakara and Mrs. Bai?

In terms of attack, the sum of the two is not as good as chimeng!

As saints, there is also a gap in strength.

It\'s like the star domain level first-order and star domain level peak, with a gap of more than eighteen thousand miles. The same is true for saints, and the strength gap between saints may be much larger. For example, among the wizard of Oz, the four Saint level strongmen——

Chimeng is the strongest, Sakyamuni is the second, lady Bai is the third, and Beiming divination is the last.

However, even the last "Beiming divination" still has power far beyond the star domain level.

The top star Rune master, divination master and Beiming divination joined the battle, which tilted the whole battle Libra of the wizard of oz. To a certain extent, Beiming divination is even stronger than sakyara for the "killing" of the Tiangou family!

"Damn!!" Chi Meng gnashed his teeth.

Blood and anger stimulated Chi Meng\'s outbreak and made a crazy attack. The raging anger is accompanied by a thick flame. Injury is a common thing for chimeng. The demon family was born to fight and fight all the way. Chimeng was caught between life and death several times.


At present, there is no such thing as suffocation and depression, which is powerful and nowhere to use.

The warriors of the demon family like to fight hard. They are so hateful like these two humans!

Although the strength of the two saints is not as good as him, they are very difficult to entangle and complement each other. Their strength makes every attack seem to fall on the light cotton.

Feel very uncomfortable!

"Ah!" "ah!!!" roared up to the sky.

Chi Meng was hysterical, and the strong sky fire rose wildly.

In the sky, it was like an angry thunder falling, and the sky suddenly changed. The red eyes were red, and the hands burst into claws.

"Go to hell!!" chimeng roared up to the sky.

"Bad." shakara\'s face changed.

"He\'s crazy." Lady Bai frowned gently.

Indeed, chimon is completely crazy.

Since the attack could not be broken, the two joined hands, Chi Meng was simply cruel.

Regardless of the enemy or ourselves, the fire rain all over the sky falls madly. The so-called people don\'t matter to chimeng. They are just a group of mole ants. They die when they die. How can he care! The heart of chimeng, who lost his only son and his love, was already cold to the extreme.

He wants to raze the whole "Wizard of Oz" to the ground!

However, sudden changes and protrusions!

A sky like flame exploded in the middle of the wizard of Oz!

"Peng!" the amazing breath shocked all the wuzhe of the wizard of oz.

Like a big fish eating a small fish, this amazing sky flame completely lights up the flaming sky. The original "ferocious" fireball was completely swallowed. In the sky, there is only one power left in the blink of an eye.

It was the fire in the sky that day.

"Master?!" shijaro was overjoyed.

Mrs. Bai\'s eyes brightened, "ah, is the king of inflammation coming?"

His face was pale.

Although he has lost his mind in anger, he at least knows the strength of \'power\'.

The strength of someone is by no means what he can compete with.

"Ah!!!" he roared angrily. There was a light light of scales and armor outside chimeng\'s body. He was angry and attacked his heart. He was about to lose his human form. The whole body\'s blood light reflected and thought about the pair of extremely vicious eyes, which was a flash of time——

"Peng!" the amazing sky fire burst like a halo.

"Mankind, I have written down today\'s shame!"

"It will be returned a hundred times a day!!!"

A roaring and sinister voice echoed in the air.

It falls in the heart of every wizard of Oz warrior, as if it was beaten with a hammer.

I can fully imagine the extreme resentment!

Chimeng\'s departure announced the end of the battle of the wizard of oz.

Countless strong people of Tiangou family died on this humble island. With the retreat of chimeng, the strong people of the remaining Tiangou family also retreated quickly and did not love war. The human warrior has won a "painful" victory.

The price paid is quite expensive.

"Wow!" the fire flashed, and a man dressed in red phosphorus suddenly appeared.

With a momentum of not being angry but powerful, his appearance seems to overshadow the world.

"Master." "King Yan." shijaro and Mrs. Bai respectfully said.

He is the king of zhuquezhou——

Burning king!

(first change ~)