Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 876

"No!!!" screamed.

The saint level strong man, the real terrible existence of the heavenly dog family, Chi Meng finally arrived!

However, it is a step too late.

The amazing explosive force could not cause any damage to Chi Meng, but his eyes were bleeding and his body trembled. He saw his beloved die in front of him, but he was a saint, but he had no ability to change!

Extreme sadness, anger.

Hate yourself!

There is no ability to reverse time and space and bring the dead back to life.

"Ah!!!" roared as if crazy. Chi Meng clenched his fists and roared up to the sky.

The heart is broken into countless pieces, and the body can\'t stop shivering.

He lost his love.

Earth shaking explosion.

What a deja vu.

It was almost the last copy of the tianwu war.

The gap in strength is even greater than that of the same day, but Lin Feng, who has long been completely open, almost militarily performed "soul eating" to strengthen the power of the star dome pupil and the star sky pupil. In the ego state, this pair of initially fused \'sky star pupil\' is increased to the limit.


The weakest of the demon clan is the "soul".

Although ChiYan is a star level seven strong man, he is seriously injured, but he is in the most "weak" state.

Lin Feng, success again.

However, last time there was a lot of protection and didn\'t die under the explosion.

This time?

Will there be miracles?

The amazing explosion seemed to cover up the whole Wizard of oz.

The terrible air flow and the sharp fluctuation of energy make the space seem to be extremely unstable. The first to bear the brunt is beimingyang and Huawei, who are not far away. They are at the end of a powerful crossbow. Their faces are pale, and the aftereffect of the explosion is far beyond their power at the moment.

"Boom!!" Hua Wei spits out a mouthful of blood.

Beimingyang couldn\'t support it any more. His head blew, his blood vomited, and he was in a coma on the spot.

With the support of will alone, this explosion became the last straw to crush the camel. The mystery of Aries "earth avalanche and star shift" followed the coma of the Beiming ocean——

Space, almost collapse.

"It\'s over." Huawei\'s eyes showed a sense of despair.

Qiang dragged his exhausted body and took over Yi Wen Tianshu and Beiming ocean.

The sabre shuratu is suspended in the air, and Huawei can no longer empty even one hand.

It\'s important to save people.

But at the moment, it was only saved for a while.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Almost instantaneously, space breaks up.

"Boom!!" the terrible sky fire came directly. It was a powerful force that could not be resisted at all.

Star domain level eight!

"This is the power of star level eight..." Hua Wei smiled at himself.

Even in his heyday, he could not be defeated, not to mention now that he has exhausted his talents, he carries two burdens.

Even if you want to run for your life, you are powerless.

"I didn\'t expect to die here." Hua Wei sighed in his heart.

Although there is regret, but did not feel any fear.

The warrior dances on the blade.

Between life and death.

The hot and terrible breath enveloped his head. Hua Wei smiled calmly and faced death. But he obviously didn\'t ask Beiming yang to divinate. Otherwise, Beiming Yang would tell him that he had a red light on his face, and he would have a noble man to help Huawei.

"Pa!" the violent and violent flame fell into a space crack.

Hua Wei was stunned, and at this time, the ten strong men of the heavenly dog family in front had already roared out and attacked him wildly.


"Presumptuous!" the cold voice seemed to go straight to the bottom of my heart and shocked the people.

"Zizi! Zizi!" in the void, two huge white halos formed an "X" shape and hit at an extremely amazing speed. That terrible cold light, with strong space force, tore the whole region as if! The flame is completely cut. Where the two auras pass, it is irresistible!

Scold! Chih!! Chih!!!

It\'s like cutting tofu with a knife.

Just now, the ten powerful dogs of the heavenly dog family were separated by the two white lights in an instant.

Blood splashed everywhere, touching the eyes and heart!

Warwick, freeze.

"Wow!" a figure appeared in front of him.

It was a middle-aged man with a slight cluster of eyebrows, but with a terrible feeling.

It is as tall as heaven.

High pressure!

"Zhi heart..." Sakyamuni looked at Shi Zhi heart in Hua Wei\'s hand, frowned deeply, sighed gently, but did not receive it. His eyes were a little bright. Shakara\'s right hand was immediately placed on Warwick\'s chest. The starlight was very dazzling, "the mystery of Aries: giving."

WOW~ The bright stars are bright and dazzling.

Huawei is completely petrified, and there is a strong energy floating in his body.

The power that originally disappeared is replenished in time. No, it is ten times more powerful!

"What\'s this?!" Hua Wei regained his mind and looked at the middle-aged man, shocked.

"Help me take good care of my daughter." Sakyamuni looked at Hua Wei with bright eyes. The starlight remains in his hand and turns into a piece of stardust. But it hasn\'t stopped for half a moment. The voice is still echoing, but it has disappeared like a lightning bolt!

Shakhala had already felt that the front——

There is a strong enemy!

"Shi Zhixin\'s father..." Hua Wei\'s eyes twinkled and his heart beat faster.

That\'s the legendary \'Saint\'!

Red geese, fried to pieces.

Turned into pieces and disappeared with the forest wind.

The congenital treasure on his body was not destroyed. Chimeng held it tightly and his hands trembled constantly.

This is his wife\'s relic!

After losing his son and then his wife, chimeng almost collapsed.

It was like a nightmare to him.

"Human beings!" his red eyes were ferocious, like a cobweb.

The deep anger could not stop leaking out, and the strong sky fire seemed to burn the whole "sky" to ashes. Remembering the picture of ChiYan\'s last "dog swallowing the sun" but being blasted, chimeng\'s heart is like being scratched by a sharp claw!


"Pa!" his eyes burst into a terrible light, and chimeng was stunned.


"How could..."

"Why do I feel the soul seal of \'qiong\'er!!"

Very weak!

As fine as dust.

But who\'s chimon?

He is a saint!

"That human, who has burned jade and stone with his wife, how can there be the soul seal of \'qionger\'?" Chi Meng\'s eyes were wide open and completely confused.

He saw the man die with his own eyes!

But right now, I feel a trace of soul print.

What does that mean?

"Not dead?"

"Why didn\'t he die!!"

"Where to hide!"

As if crazy, Chi Meng couldn\'t accept such an ending.

Just a tiny human, he even killed his son and wife, but now he can\'t even see where each other is!

Such a shame!


"Come out!"

The sky burst with the roar of chimengxie.

Looking around madly, chimeng was angry, and the flames in his hands roared wildly.

He\'s going crazy!


"Peng!" "Peng!" "Peng!"

The clusters of amazing fireballs sank into the space cracks, and an equally powerful breath appeared in an instant.

"Your opponent is me." his voice was flat and low.

In the void, a middle-aged man in a robe appeared, his eyes shining.


Lin Feng, really not dead.

Surrounded by a world of fire, burning the fire of the celestial pole.

The power of fire is so similar. The feeling of breath is the same as that of red geese.

Sky fire space!

Here is the "inner space" of red geese.

The heavenly dog family has a talent of "heavenly dog swallowing the sun". There is a "inner space" in the body, which is controlled by the soul. Although the talent is powerful, it is extremely dangerous to encounter the heavenly soul master, because when "heavenly dog swallows the sun", the soul means that there is no physical defense and is exposed to the outside.

Quite dangerous.

Therefore, if it is not necessary, the sky dog family will not display this talent.

This is a double-edged sword!

Lin Feng swallowed the "soul" of Xiaotian dog, and now he swallowed the soul of red geese.

Without the domination of the "soul" power, the inner space is like a unique space that closes the door and runs parallel in the fighting spirit world. The strength of the holy one has long been beyond space and has its own "domain", so chimeng can feel the "soul seal" of the red dome.

Because it exists in the "soul" of Lin Feng.

It\'s weak because Lin Feng is now "dying.".

Complete coma.

Phagocytosis, blood phagocytosis, soul phagocytosis!

Lin Feng had exhausted all his strength in order to burn with the red geese.

The sky fire space is filled with fire.

The sky fire here is much stronger than the sky fire space of little sky dog at that time.

Star domain level seventh order sky fire space!

For others, I\'m afraid they have already been swallowed up by the sky fire.

However, the ownerless "sky fire" will not take the initiative to attack Lin Feng, especially outside Lin Feng\'s body, there is a layer of spontaneous Xiong ran flame. It\'s a higher-level "rebirth fire". As the flame of the Phoenix family\'s defense system, even if Lin Feng doesn\'t take the initiative to play, the rebirth fire will still "try his best" to protect it.

Although sky fire is very powerful, it is like a subordinate and superior in the army compared with the reborn fire.

Even if its power is very strong, it is still insurmountable!

Lin Feng, escaped.

But how did he survive that amazing explosion?

Beside Lin Feng, a milky white bead emits a faint light, with red and green ripples faintly visible, lying quietly.

The wizard of oz.

War, fully open!

The strong of human beings, the existence of star region level peaks surged, and even many star region level eighth and ninth level warriors came.

An order from the county Lord, who dares to disobey it!

Wang Mo really has a strong ability to handle affairs when he can sit as the county mayor.

Counter attack, start!

This time, the human warrior is no longer slaughtered.

One to one or even one to two can gain the upper hand. Although the martial arts of the Tiangou family are very strong, there are not many star domain levels after all. On the level of strength, it is far inferior to human martial arts, but in terms of quantity, the Tiangou family still has an absolute advantage.

The soldiers who killed the wizard of Oz in a short time did not have much damage to the army of the heavenly dog family.

But with the opening of the only transmission channel, the human strong came one by one. When the second \'Saint\' appeared

The victorious Libra has begun to tilt.

"Oh, it\'s very lively?" an old man with Hefa Tongyan smiled.

(second change ~ ~)