Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 875

"The flame moves to shoot!!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are full of blood.

The fusion of star sky pupil and star dome pupil gives full play to the power of self state.

There is no need to avoid, let alone tolerate.

At this moment, the forest wind broke out completely!

"What\'s the matter?!" the red goose looked very ugly.

She had no idea what had happened. The strength of the enemy in front of her became so terrible in an instant.

More than ten times more than before!


She also has no way back.

It should be said that she never thought there was a way back!

"The Revenge of killing a son, we are mortal!!" the blood in the eyes of the red goose is dozens of times more red than Lin Feng. The blood is dissolved in water. In front of this human body, there is still the soul seal of her son \'chiqiong\'. You can imagine what happened!

It is swallowed alive and becomes nourishment.

"Go to hell!!" the red goose roared.

The crystal ring in the left hand is a violent vent of strength.

It is also a congenital treasure. It increases the power of "sky fire" and increases the recovery of treasures. It is very precious!

"Hammer of the sky fire!" the crystal ring of the red goose is completely radiant.

And now——

The power of Lin Feng has been brought into full play.

No need for any assistance, no need for any extra dodge. All the star power in the body, combined with the effect of "blood phagocytosis", supplemented by the strongest strength and speed of the body, Lin Fengmeng took a big step! This step, together with the Amethyst gun, completely broke out the fourth "Tao" in the gun realm!

Fighting, especially the battle of life and death, can make people understand the breakthrough most.

Between life and death, there are great mysteries!

"Break it for me!!" Lin Feng is completely crazy.

Let the violent spirit of the ember magic armor control your body and mind and exert your strongest combat power.

Now, there is no need for any control, no need for any meaningless skills, that is, the competition of the purest strength, that is, the confrontation of the simplest strength!

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!

"Boom!!!" brilliant, crazy bloom.

The release of the rebirth fire and the fusion of the devouring fire are equal to the sky fire, just smoothing out the huge gap of that level! This is the difference in grade. This is the real power of the Phoenix Fire. Compared with the "sky fire", one of the five top lineages of the demon family, the Phoenix flame——

More essence, more powerful!

Especially the two flames complement each other!

"Peng!!" it was a riot that shocked the whole Wizard of oz.

The violent air flow completely dispersed and opened, that is, Beiming ocean and Huawei, who are far away at the door of another space, deeply felt the amazing power explosion.

It is definitely the most terrible \'confrontation\' of the wizard of Oz this time!

"What a terrible power." Hua Wei\'s eyes flashed and his heart was shocked.

"I can feel it so far away." Hua Wei looked to the other side and knew who it was, "Lin Feng..."

"It\'s really deep."

Sighed in his heart, Hua Wei quickly drank, "don\'t be distracted!"

Beiming ocean responded hoarsely, even concentrating, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

At this time, Hua Wei\'s right hand was clinging to the back of Beiming ocean, and the crazy power was constantly transmitted through the book of changes. The two turned the impossibility into the possibility. With the help of the profound meaning of Aries displayed by Shi Zhi\'s heart, they dragged the powerful guards of the Ten Star domain levels and the eighth order.

However, power is still being consumed.

"Hua Wei, I\'m dying." beimingyang was already exhausted, but he was holding on with his tenacious perseverance.

Compared with Hua Wei, he consumed more and more violently. If he had not owned the Yiwen heavenly book, he would have fallen down.

"Hold on, imagine that Lin Feng is still fighting hard at the moment!" Hua Wei\'s eyes are shining, the power of the constellation is frantically vented, and his lips are tight. "There\'s such a big movement in the wizard of Oz, Shiluo County won\'t know. Maybe he\'s coming now!"

Referring to Lin Feng\'s name, Beiming Yang\'s listless spirit recovered a little, and his eyes looked a little.

Yes, Miss Zhixin tried her best. Lin Feng also sacrificed his life. What about him?

hold one\'s own!!

For the sake of companions, we must hold on!

Beiming ocean bit the tip of its tongue and forced the broken will to condense again.

Stick to it!

The wizard of oz.

The human warrior has begun to counterattack at this time.

Under the leadership of the county and city Lord "Wang Mo" and the law enforcement envoy "Tu Dao", the star level top strongmen were killed one by one. In the face of the crazy and terrible strong dog family, human warriors may not have enough talent, or the number is not enough, but at least they occupy the advantage of strength and other levels.

The star domain level peak is not the same order as the ordinary star domain level.

Especially in the face of the heavenly dog family at the star Lord level, it can be completely crushed!

The gap of equal order is quite large.

For example, the saint, the so-called star domain level, is a slag in front of the saint!

"Peng!" "Peng!"

Kill at random. Sakyamuni\'s body is like electricity without any pause.

Where the galloping figure passed, one by one, the strong of the Tiangou family were killed. All of them were second kills, and their heads were directly exploded. Shakara\'s attack means are concise and real, and there is no half muddle in front of him, whether at the star master level or the star domain level——

Like ants.

Racial differences do not mean everything.

Strength is the most important!

"What an amazing power." Sakyamuni\'s star pupil brightened with a trace of curiosity.

"In addition to Zhi Xin, who else has such strength?"

"Hua Wei? Zeng Ren? Or..."

His eyes changed slightly. The right palm of shakara suddenly burst out, and the strong man of the ferocious Tengu family in front was suddenly shot in the head.

Those who are not sanctified are mole ants!

"Whew!" shakara\'s speed, fast to the extreme.

"Don\'t have an accident, Zhixin." sakara\'s eyebrows coagulated with worry.

It is natural for a father to protect his children.

At this time, chimeng, who came from Tiangu holy land, finally arrived.

"The smell is weak."

"How could this happen?!"

"Why is there no breath of chirong? There are ten Pro guards..."

Chimeng\'s complexion changed sharply, his heart twisted fiercely, and his eyes opened suddenly.

"What\'s going on!!"

"Why are there human saints here?"


The galloping chimeng\'s eyes were completely blood red at this time.

In my heart, I have an ominous premonition, and quickly run to the sensing place of my heart!

Although he stepped into the "Wizard of Oz" one step later than Sakyamuni, chimeng is much closer to the place where Lin Feng and ChiYan fought!

"Madam, don\'t worry!" his face was livid.

Serious injury!

Lin Feng is seriously injured, and the red goose is seriously injured!!

Put all your eggs in one basket. Lin Feng exhausted all the strength of his remaining body, devoured meat and blood, and replaced it with a blow far beyond his own strength. Red geese are different from chirong. Although they have "sky fire", their physique is not strong.

He was seriously injured when he was young and has been ill since he recovered. He stays in the territory of mengyan all the year round.

This kind of \'hand to hand combat\' is a great burden for red geese!

It is the fist that is afraid of youth!

"Roar!!" "roar!!!" an angry and painful roar resounded wildly.

烀! 烀!! 烀!!! The sky fire was creeping, and the red geese were filled with flames, a blur of flesh and blood. The weak but terrible energy sprang up, and the human body could no longer maintain, and the scales on the body condensed into scales under the sky fire.

"Pop!" pop!! "the bone burst.

Red goose, restore your true body!

The heavenly dog family, the real body of the demon family!

It was a peerless beast burning in the fire, and its roaring voice rang through the sky.


Extreme anger!

The demon clan that recovers its true body has less "intelligence" and more instinctive killing. The red goose was completely wrapped in anger and lost his mind. If she is sober enough at the moment, she can definitely feel her husband\'s breath and the arrival of strong assistance.

However, red geese have lost their reason.

There was only one thought in her mind——

Kill Lin Feng!

She must kill the human who cut thousands of knives alive and break into thousands of pieces!

To vent her hatred!!!

Lin Feng, hurt more than red geese.

Suspended in mid air, the body did not move.

But if you look closely, you can find that Lin Feng\'s body can\'t stop shaking.

Phagocytosis, phagocytosis!

Completely squeeze the last part of the body.

Outside the body, the fire of rebirth mixed with the power of constellations still looks so majestic, but Lin Feng knows his own business. Not to mention attack, even moving a point is a luxury. The eyes flickered with virtual light, and the star sky pupil and star dome pupil were completely overloaded.

"Finally let her show her true appearance." Lin Feng smiled weakly.

I am quite satisfied with such a record.

The enemy in front of us, after all, is the super existence of the seventh order of the star domain level, which is far from what we can compare now.

When the breath is locked and yudun can\'t use it, all he can do is——

Try your best!


Fear before war is a dead end.

Not to mention their own speed, how can they compare with the terrible enemy in front of them.

Hope, only one!

"Angry!" Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled.

The expression is somewhat distorted, but it is painful. The life and soul power combined with the Phoenix chart in my mind is constantly extracted. For the bright light of the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil, it is an extremely powerful breath, which makes you still have the last blow of burning jade and stone!

"The third bite of the ring, the soul bite!" Lin Feng\'s cheek was twitching, but he couldn\'t control it.

There are three devours in the ring, and this third \'soul devouring\' is the most terrible, and the price is better than the sum of the first two!

If you are not careful, you will lose your strength at the slightest and die at the worst!

Draw the power of \'soul\'!!!


"It doesn\'t matter." the fire of rebirth outside Lin Feng\'s body gathered madly.

What is there to fear when people are dying?


That\'s what you need to worry about when you\'re alive.

In this battle, I will die!

Best results——

It\'s burning jade and stone!

"She really came." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and condensed the last strength.

This scene, deja vu.

The same day is as like as two peas in the mainland.

The sky dog family has a strong talent and terrible power. When human beings fall into serious injury and desperate situation, they will subconsciously use their strongest strength to fight to death, not to mention the demon Warcraft whose \'reason\' is worse than human beings!

Everything is expected!!

"Heavenly dog swallows the sun!!" the violent power, with the red goose as the center, is crazy to vent.

The terrible suction swallowed up everything. The red goose\'s blood red eyes were ferocious and showed her strongest trick and the most terrible power, such as a huge black hole to absorb everything! She seemed to see the despair in the eyes of man, crushing his soul.


Suddenly, the red goose\'s reason seemed to recover a little, and he was stunned.

The human is laughing.

It was a faint smile, as if laughing.

"Soul devouring method!" the voice of Lin Feng sounded like the sky.

With all the strength, the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil completely burst out at this moment.

In an instant, the amazing light suddenly appeared, making the whole sky bright, and the two breath collided alone, such as sky thunder and earth fire.

"Peng!" a violent explosion.

(first change! ~)