Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 874

"Lin, Lin Feng?!" Shi Zhi opened her eyes.

Filled with shock, inexplicably saw the flame giant fall and be killed by her.

She still hasn\'t figured out what\'s going on. Why is the axe hanging over her head, but she can\'t fall down again. However, at the moment when the flame giant fell down, seeing Lin Feng\'s appearance, all her doubts were solved. Looking at the bloody figure and her tired face, Shi Zhi\'s heart gently bit cherry lips and was very moved.

Lin Feng, not only attracted a strong man, but also came back to save her life.

This is the feeling of companionship!

"Thank you." Shi Zhi\'s heart opened softly, but her body stumbled, but she lost all her strength at last.

The starlight on the forehead is dim. The taboo technique is accompanied by the exhaustion of the power of Shizhi\'s heart, and the sequelae breaks out completely. Lin Feng just wanted to speak, but he was suddenly surprised. His figure moved suddenly. He even took over the full and exquisite body of Shi Zhi\'s heart, but for a moment——

"Wow!" the body shrinks rapidly.

Shi Zhixin\'s appearance and figure changed in a blink and returned to the original appearance.

Still the face as like as two peas, still the green body, but the breath is the same!

Extremely weak!

be at one\'s last gasp.

"Bad." Lin Feng was shocked and glanced at the Beiming ocean ahead. The latter was also at the end of a powerful crossbow and couldn\'t be distracted at all. At this time, through the door of space, Lin Feng\'s heart was shocked, but he deeply felt the crazy approach of the huge force!

Your opponent!

That terrible enemy.

She found herself and caught up.

At this time, Shi Zhi\'s heart can\'t be saved, but what can I do?

Lin Feng felt urgent and couldn\'t do anything.


"Wow!" a familiar breath came.

Lin Feng raised his head and saw a familiar figure from a distance, approaching quickly.

He was a young man of mixed blood, with a war knife in his hand and bright eyes, just like a lion.


"Give her to me." Hua Wei rushed in a moment, his eyes twinkled, and took out a star pill in his left hand, pregnant with amazing life power.

"Please." without thinking, Lin Feng handed Shi Zhi\'s heart to Hua Wei. Although the young man in front of him is a proud man, he is an honest man and a trusted comrade in arms. The blood on his body has its own, as well as that of the strong of the heavenly dog family.

Obviously, he also experienced cruel killing.

"Don\'t worry." Hua Wei smiled, stared at Lin Feng and said slowly, "I hope we can compete with each other when we have a chance."

Lin Feng smiled calmly, "if you can pass this level, let\'s talk about it."

I know very well in my heart that today\'s battle will be more dangerous and less auspicious.

"Wow!" the figure flashed, Lin Feng hesitated slightly, opened the door of space again and left quickly.

If I stay here, if I attract the terrible enemy, with her attack power, I will implicate Beiming ocean and Shizhi heart.

Pull a hair and move your whole body!

I have to fight!

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and walked quickly.

"It\'s not easy..." Hua Wei looked at Lin Feng\'s disappearance and whispered softly.

The wizard of oz.

A world of purgatory.

The strong man of the heavenly dog family is frantically slaughtering "unarmed" humans.

Less than a hundred of them died, but more than 30000 people were killed and injured! There are few people who can\'t die. As long as they are watched by the strong of Tiangou family, there is only one way to die! In a short time, more than 90% of the martial arts were slaughtered, and the remaining human martial arts were lucky if they were not very strong.

Of course, there are a few who are good at hiding and dodging.

Of the more than 30000 warriors, only thousands survive, and this number is falling rapidly every second.

As the number gap between the two sides is widening, the killing speed is increasing!

"Dead, dead." a young man with short hair covered in blood fell to the ground, with a huge claw print on his chest and abdomen, and the blood was fierce. In mid air, the strong man of a family of heavenly dogs was attacked by a ferocious dive, wrapped in thick flames.

He has lost all his strength.

Even weapons are broken, and there is no chance of survival.


"Pa!" that day, the strong dog family suddenly exploded in the air, splashing blood.

The young man with short hair looked surprised. He couldn\'t believe it, but he didn\'t know how to get back his life.

A miracle happened.


A man in a robe appeared in mid air.

Glancing at him, he didn\'t stop for a moment. There was no trace of the disappearance of the figure. It was strong to the extreme.

"This, this?!" the short haired youth was completely confused.

Who is he?

The strong man of mankind has finally come.

The holy "shakara", an existence standing on the peak of human martial arts.

On his forehead, the star seal of Aries shines brightly, shakara\'s speed is extreme, and his eyes are sharp.

Whoosh! It shuttles like the speed of light, and shakara is very fast.

He has sensed the breath of his daughter.

"Zhixin, don\'t have an accident."

"Here comes dad."

No matter how strong a person is, he has feelings.

Some people value the feelings of brothers, some people value the feelings of husband and wife, and some people value the feelings of children.

Having seven emotions and six desires is a real person.

The Holy One is no exception.

Shortly after shakara left.

At the entrance of the transmission channel, the light flickered continuously.

Wang Mo, the county and city leader, and the law enforcement envoy, Tu Dao, the top ten, Hua Yidao and Zeng pan, arrived one after another. It can only be transmitted once in an average of 30 seconds. The emergence of human warriors is very slow, but this time, they are not ordinary people.

But one elite after another!

They are all the best in Shiluo county.

It was extravagant to see one of them, but now——

But it all appeared.

Because they are human beings!

Battle with demon clan, open!!!


But far water can\'t save near fire.

No matter how strong shakhala is, it can\'t come in a blink.

The wizard of Oz is so big that it\'s impossible to arrive at once.

The same is true for chimeng, who is now rushing to the wizard of oz.

The Holy One is just a stronger existence.

Only by yourself!

Lin Feng once again to the red geese.

In fact, he had no idea that human reinforcements had arrived.

Now, there is no way back.

"If the door of space can be opened indefinitely, it should be able to delay a lot of time." Lin Feng said.

However, the door of space is "semi quadratic", which can only go in and out. If you want to continue to use it, it is also simple. Through the door of space, you can build a stable channel again. If it doesn\'t matter at ordinary times, it\'s impossible now.

Every time the gate of space is displayed, soul power will be consumed.

For two consecutive illusions in self state, one\'s soul power is on the verge of exhaustion and only barely maintains self state.

This "reluctance" is still based on taking Xingdan continuously.

There\'s no extra!

"If only the soul power could be as inexhaustible as the power of constellations." Lin Fengxiang smiled.

But it\'s impossible. Now I\'m actually very strong.

Only this time the opponent is too terrible!

"If you want to win, there\'s only one move left." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed with phosphorescence.

Glancing at the middle finger of his right hand, the light orange light flashed, and the form of the devil seemed to be full of temptation.

Devour the ring!

Ground level orange light congenital treasure.

It was not long ago that a powerful existence had just merged.

Don\'t use it just because it\'s terrible! Just like the taboo skill of Shi Zhixin, the more powerful it is——

The greater the harm to the body!

"There is no way back." Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold.

In front of me, I could see the powerful enemy who was so angry that his blood red eyes seemed to swallow himself.

And myself, as if they have a bitter hatred!

"Whether it\'s death or life depends on this time." the middle finger of Lin Feng\'s right hand, the ring glittering.

The faint orange looks so beautiful, but it\'s like the body of the demon. The powerful power of the ring has terrible complications!

Not a sequela!

It\'s self mutilation that will break out in an instant!

"Phagocytosis!" Lin whispered in the wind, and his eyes widened sharply for a moment.

The sharp pain attacks the heart, and the body seems to be bitten by a demon. It feels like a cone like pain.

However, the power of the body burst out in an instant!

The feeling of holding the Amethyst gun is full of unspeakable power. In a moment, it has exceeded the power bottleneck of the star master level! Not only strength, but also physical strength, speed, reaction, etc. are strengthened in an instant, which is the overall increase!

"Come!" clenched his teeth, and Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed thick perseverance.

With the body of the Phoenix, the body wounds continue to heal, but it seems to encourage the devil\'s arrogance.

Pain, deepening!



Lin Feng\'s body trembled slightly, holding the Amethyst gun\'s hand \'Peng\' tightly.

Boom!! The power of xiongran is completely condensed.

The limit has been reached!

The surging power seemed to burst his arms. Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold and sharp, and he felt lonely and different in his heart. In the distance, the towering flame was boiling, and the ferocious face and the power of the Yan devil on the right arm were dazzling.

"Pa!" Lin Feng retreated quickly.

Instead of fighting, he angered the terrible enemy and forced her!

Most importantly, the strengthening of the ring has not reached its limit!

"The second bite." Lin Feng drew a cold arc at the corner of his mouth, "blood bite!"

I have no way back.

Self state, can\'t last long.

If you want to win, you have to fight back and put all your eggs in one basket!!!

"Ah!!" Lin Feng roared loudly, expressing his amazing pain.

There is no need to hide. Now as long as we fight happily, we don\'t regret whether we lose or win!

Compared with the body, the "Phoenix\'s blood" can recover, but the loss of blood can not be made up in a moment, but the effect of blood phagocytosis is more powerful than body phagocytosis! Star power suddenly increased, crazy vent, crazy increase. Lin Feng\'s eyes were red with blood and felt the majestic power!

"Not enough!"

"Not enough!!"

Lin Feng gritted his teeth and roared, bearing great pain.

If you want to eat the ring, you should eat yourself first!!

"Boom!!" the stars are bright, the power of the constellation is completely burst, and the strong flame condenses in a moment.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are filled with fierce fire light, and the blood is continuously lost, but it brings unparalleled power. His face was pale to the extreme, but Lin Feng\'s will and perseverance did not disappear. Now his strength has increased to an extremely terrible level.

"Peng!!" the flame burst completely.

With the arrival of the red geese, the devouring ring ring is completely bright.

"It\'s now!!" Lin Feng shouted angrily.

(second change ~)