Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 873

If we say that the first move of flame shooting is still inferior to Yanling shooting.

Then the second move has been flat, and coupled with a stronger combination of double flames, it is better than a large section of Yanling shooting!

This is a real "Star Skill", which is the power of the Phoenix constellation, the addition of fire, and the explosion of original power, but it is not comparable to the God of war. To a certain extent, the skill of the star master level is better than that of the star sea level, just as the ordinary congenital treasure of the earth level is better than the top congenital treasure of the human level.

Equal order difference!

However, this is not the key.

The key is to break through the "shooting realm"!

In the battle, facing the great dilemma at the moment, Lin Feng played an extraordinary power in his own state!

Marksmanship realm from the third, big breakthrough!!

On this level alone, the power of the gun move has exceeded ten times that of the first shot. Coupled with a stronger flame firing, the fire of rebirth is combined with the fire of swallowing. Under the traction of the power of the constellation, the towering flame is qualified to compete with the sky fire for the first time!

"Broken!!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, and the war spirit broke out.

Fighting for the injured body, no matter what the result is, this time we must hit the strong enemy in front of us!

"Boom!" the Amethyst gun thundered wildly.

It\'s just the red goose that broke out. It\'s at the time of exhaustion!

Whatever you think, it\'s the best chance.

However, she is a red goose, the real strong man of the Tiangou family, and the wife of the saint level strong man. She is not as unarmed as the little Tiangou who wandered to tianwu mainland that day. With a strong backstage and noble identity strength, can the red goose not have a unique skill to protect his life?

"Peng!" the red goose\'s eyes were ferocious, and a skeleton like treasure on his arm was shining blue.

"Yan devil roars!" red goose\'s red eyes roar.

But I didn\'t expect to be forced to such a point by this human being.

Led by the sky fire, in front of the red geese, a huge Yan devil suddenly appeared, crazy biting the forest wind. The surging flame and amazing body set up an insurmountable barrier in the center of Lin Feng and red geese. Like the hundred poison color python, it is also a "Summoner".

But it\'s much more powerful!

"The blue light of the earth level is a congenital treasure." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

I was surprised, but I didn\'t know that the demon family could also use congenital treasures.

But right now, there is no way out.

"Kill!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

The light of Amethyst gun condenses to the extreme.

At this moment, everything seemed to be annihilated in the explosion of mixed flames.

The hundred poison color Python heard the sound of tearing his heart and lungs, and the fish in the pond were badly affected. Lin Feng\'s frontal attack with the Yan devil ended——

cause destruction to both sides!

"Peng!" exhausted, Lin Feng\'s face was pale.

This sudden flame devil completely disrupted his plan, not only lost the best chance to hit the terrible enemy in front of him, but also brought great disaster to himself! Yan devil, of course, was also badly hurt, and his angry roar was earth shaking, but

Red geese, however, have restored their combat strength.

"Go to hell!" the strong sky fire carried all the surrounding space as if it were solidified.

The ferocious claws and teeth of red geese have appeared. The extremely fast speed immediately caught up with Lin Feng, and the vicious and cruel eyes came with a fierce murderous spirit. Lin Feng, who was seriously injured, was unable to resist. It was a rapid regression, and his body was not stable.

"It\'s not that easy!" Lin Feng\'s left ear jingled.

"Magic!!" the pupil of the star dome is bright. This time, the pupil with the same star is also shining.

Under the self state, a pair of pupils are initially fused, and the power of the star dome pupil leads the emergence of the power of the star sky pupil, which is by no means as simple as one plus one equals two. The terrible light condensed in front of the red geese, as if entering a black hole space. Everything seemed to be disordered and hysterical.

"What a powerful magic power!" Lin Feng was also surprised, but he showed it for the first time.

I don\'t know how powerful it is.

But this time, it\'s obviously a "bet" right. The power of the two pupils is stronger than they thought——

Even stronger!

However, at present, there is no time to waste. For strong people at the level of red goose, magic can only stop for a while.

"Avoid the front first." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

I have already set up life-saving means.

Space gate!

WOW! With the appearance of a space crack, the figure of Lin Feng instantly disappeared into the crack.

The innate treasure \'Yumiao\', its power is beginning to appear!

The other side.

Shizhi heart vs. chirong!

Beiming ocean looks painful and tries to maintain the space of "earth avalanche and star shift". After explaining the mystery of Aries, Beiming ocean has strong Aries power, but the body is overloaded and tries its best to maintain the space.

Once the earth avalanche star shift is disintegrated, what they have to face will be a full ten terrible Tiangou strong people!

I can\'t handle it at all.

"Dong!" "coax!!" the axe kept chopping down, Shi Zhi\'s heart fought and retreated, and her delicate body trembled gently.

She, too, is at the end of her rope.

She has repeatedly displayed the mystery of Aries and "endowed" part of her body with Beiming ocean. Now she can\'t resist the strong red fusion. The flame giant of the heavenly dog family is like a giant tower, but its heavy body doesn\'t feel any inconvenience.

a capable man pretends to be stupid in order to avoid jealousy!

The giant axe is strong and powerful.

Every time the giant axe fell, it brought space vibration, which continuously shook the space of earth avalanche and star movement, and the look of Beiming ocean was even more painful.

And this is the result of being resisted and weakened by Shizhi heart again and again!

Chirong, too strong!

Although Chi Rong\'s talent in "sky fire" is far inferior to that of Chi Yan, he is a resounding guard leader. He can sit in this position and be favored by the saint level strong "Chi Meng". Chi Rong has his own ability!

"Starlight wall!" "Earth... Chisel!" Shi Zhixin resisted tenaciously, and her face turned white.

The three consecutive displays of "mysteries" have dealt a serious blow to Shi Zhixin\'s already poor basic strength.

Her strength comes from \'taboo art\'!

Not own it.

Now, the sequelae is gradually coming, which is even worse for Shi Zhixin.

If Aries had not been a combination of "space system" and "Earth System" and was good at control and defense, Shi Zhixin would have been killed at the moment. Chi Rong\'s explosive power and attack power are unmatched here, even red geese.

"Boom!!" a furious blow from the thunder.

Three consecutive chopping axes have smashed the starlight wall of Shizhi\'s heart.

That is the most powerful defense force in the wizard of Oz, but now it is forcibly broken by chirong.

Brute force!

With the power of sky fire, chirong\'s eyes showed a strong killing intention.

The man in front of us is dead!

"Is it over?" Shi Zhi\'s heart whispered.

Death feels close at hand, but it\'s not so afraid and afraid.

The fire power attacked the body, but Shi Zhi\'s heart was very calm, but she gave up all her defense. The murmuring voice sang softly, and the remaining power of the constellation was fully mobilized to condense a bright Four Eyed sharp arrow, bite the tip of the tongue, and the crystal blood of Shi Zhi\'s heart fell on the light arrow.

For a moment, the light is bright and dazzling!

"The mystery of Aries: the arrow of blood light!" Shi Zhi showed a firmness in her heart.

Even if she dies and uses up her last strength, she will hit the flame giant in front of her.

"Whew!" the light arrow flew out quickly, and the power of the giant axe fell on her head. Shi Zhi\'s heart was not in any panic, and even her eyes didn\'t blink.

She knew very well that she would die, just as Beiming Yang said——

This is her robbery.

Dead robbery!

However, Shi Zhixin doesn\'t know that beimingyang said another word. Her robbery is not without solution.

The man who solved the robbery has come now.

"Magic!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

The power of star sky pupil and star dome pupil surged out madly.

"We must make it in time!!" Lin Feng clenched his teeth, and all his strength burst out in an instant.

As soon as I came out of the door of space, I saw such a touching scene. I saw that Shi Zhi\'s heart was almost killed. How can I not touch it! The whole body flashed, and the feeling of urgency soared to the extreme. The power of xingcang pupil and xingqiong pupil burst out in an instant with the strongest soul power in their own state.

Even more powerful than just now!

"Boom!!" totally unprepared chirong was caught off guard.

The head was shocked, and the huge axe that fell stopped in an instant, and it was at this moment——

"Chih!" the "arrow of blood light" blasted out with all the remaining strength of Shizhi\'s heart penetrated chirong\'s throat. Originally, with chirong\'s strength, even if you can\'t escape, you can resist the "arrow of blood and light" only by building a defense.

But he was too careless.

I thought I could kill Shi Zhixin. I thought I was safe.

But unexpectedly, Lin Feng suddenly appeared from the door of space behind him, disrupting all his plans.

A magic trick, a short pause, but it sent Chi Rong to hell.

Gather all the remaining power after the heart burst.

The mystery of Aries is very powerful!


Shiro county.

At the transmission channel of the wizard of oz.

"Wow!" the only remaining transmission channel gradually opens.

The 300 second cooling off period is over. The light dissipated, the energy in the space at the entrance became stable, and shakara\'s eyes were bright. The county mayor Wang Mo and other staff were afraid to take a breath for fear of any accident.

Behind him, Tu Dao has led countless star region level top strongmen in Shiluo county to arrive one by one!

Six of the top ten came, including Hua Yidao, Zeng pan and others, standing quietly; Including Pulsatilla, Mrs. orange and other star domain peak strongmen, at this time, they all looked calm, followed by tudao, and looked respectfully at the real big man in Shiluo county.

"Pa Da! ~" a crisp voice sounded.

The light of the transmission channel dissipates, which means it is officially opened.

Wang Mo\'s hanging heart finally came down, and his eyes flashed.

He knows very well that the next is the real beginning!

"Yes, holy one." Wang Mo arched his hands.

A saint, let all the others around understand the identity of the visitor, and his face changed in an uproar, even kneeling on one knee.

"Go!" shakara carried his hands on his back and spoke softly.

In an instant, he was the first to set foot on the transmission channel to the wizard of oz.

He\'s coming.

(first change ~ ~)