Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 872

Shiro county.

Sakhara stood there, his eyes shining.

Around the body, there is a majestic breath, which makes everyone shocked, and even the atmosphere dare not come out. Wang Mo\'s forehead was in a cold sweat, but he saw that the staff were busy opening the transmission channel, anxious, and did not dare to look at shakara.

"Report to the county mayor, damage."

"Report to the county mayor, it can\'t be opened here."


Bad news came one after another, which made shakara look blue.

Palpitations about the safety of his daughter and the uncontrollable leakage of shakara\'s strong killing intention made all the martial artists around jump with fear.

Who is this man?!

No one knows, and no one dares to look at it.

That terrible look, just look, I\'m afraid it can kill!

"Come on, move quickly!" Wang Mo shouted with cold and urgent anger on his back.

He knew that Shi Zhi\'s heart was in the wizard of Oz and how much the holy one who was not angry and powerful loved his daughter. If Shi Zhi\'s heart really happened in the wizard of Oz, Wang Mo was frightened and didn\'t dare to think about it.

Extremely busy, all the staff are also very nervous.

A warrior who can make the most powerful county city Lord of Shiluo County bow down and dare not neglect

What a terrible existence it would be.

However, the more urgent it is, the harder it is to do things.

Somehow, the transmission channels were detected and damaged one by one.

The staff were frightened and afraid of becoming a vent. Naturally, they did not know the wizard of Oz. many transmission channels had already been damaged by the Tiangou family. The demon clan is also wise. They don\'t know about human behavior. They just turn a blind eye.

Now, no one wants to escape!

Eighth, failure.

Ninth, or failure!

The strong murderous spirit flashed around shakara\'s body, and his eyes seemed to be about to spit fire.

Wang Mo felt his lips dry and wiped the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand. He didn\'t dare to look back. What would happen if he couldn\'t get into the wizard of Oz?

Dead end!

Here, no one wants to live.

"Yes, it\'s successful!!" with a shout, the murderous spirit suddenly dissipated.

Everyone\'s face was filled with laughter, and Wang Mo\'s hanging heart finally came down.


"Zi! ~ Zi! ~" the transmission channel is flashing, and the light is gradually brightening.

"How long will it take?" shakhala finally spoke in a low voice.

"My Lord, it takes 300 seconds to set up channels and maintain the stability of space energy before it can be used." the staff agreed.

"You did a good job." shakara looked cold and suddenly had an amethyst card in his hand. "This is yours."

There was a sound of pumping. The staff took it in a daze and even nodded and bowed, "thank you, thank you, sir!"

Roche chamber of Commerce Amethyst card, at least more than 10000 star crystals!

However, it was just a "tip" in shakara\'s hands.

As the ruler of Shiluo County, Shiluo has clear rewards and punishments.

Huge sea area.

A man with sparkling fire sped by.

See its shadow, not its body. Where the flame passes, the whole space seems to be burning, and the air flow is startled. He has a pair of cold eyes, strong physique as if made of steel, and the majestic breath completely covers everything around him.

He is also a saint level strong man.

Sky dogs, chimeng!

"Madam, wait, I\'ll be right there!" Chi Meng looked cold.


Sorry for the inconvenience!

The trouble is not only Lin Feng, but also Shi Zhixin and Beiming ocean.

Even with the cooperation and help of beimingyang, his strength is much different from that of Shi Zhixin. If Shi Zhixin\'s combat power is 100, the cooperation of Beiming ocean makes Shi Zhixin\'s combat power reach 101 at most, which is only a meager force.

At this time, a crack appears in the space where the earth avalanche star moves.

A huge axe, accompanied by the clang of crazy flames, forcibly opened a channel with strength.

Chirong, kill!

The warrior of the wizard of Oz was slaughtered 70% in a short time!

It\'s not a level of competition at all. Except Zeng Ren, Hua Wei and other martial artists who have the ability to compete, the other martial artists seem to be mowed and killed in three or two moves. Even if there are "Aries followers" summoned by Shi Zhixin, they only slow down the speed of death.

After all, there are only a hundred Aries followers.

However, there are more than ten thousand strong people in the Tiangou family.

The comparison of strength is too great!

A bloody slaughter.

Really see the gap between the demon family and human strength, the so-called human Warrior Elite

cannot withstand a single blow!

Of course, it can not be generalized.

Human warriors may have a far lower chance of producing good seedlings than the demon clan, but the base number of human warriors is very large. Because of the population base and the ability to reproduce, there will always be individual Super Warriors with unparalleled qualifications and talents, such as Shi Zhixin and Shi Zhixin——

Lin Feng.

"Magic!" Lin Feng\'s eyes burst.

The bright pupil of the star dome, accompanied by the vibration of Yumiao, releases a powerful soul power.

The weakest of the demon family is the soul!


Red geese, after all, are not ordinary people.

"Ah!!" the roaring voice was mixed with the attack of hundred poison color python. The red goose woke up very fast. Most importantly, her physical strength is quite amazing. The physical attack of baipoison color Python is just \'pain\' for her, but it doesn\'t hurt!

One man, one python, fighting red geese.

However, the latter is not downwind at all, even——

Have the upper hand!

Because Lin Feng relies on the pupil of the star dome.

The power of the star dome pupil is limited. The consumption of the star dome pupil increases every time you perform magic.

"Can\'t go on like this." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and his body retreated quickly. The red geese reacted very fast. Their blood red eyes attacked again. The fireballs in both hands roared violently and roared out. The most pure sky fire is condensed in the sharp claw in the hand, which is more terrible than the rebirth fire!

It\'s not grade, it\'s quality.

It\'s like the first eye pupil and the second eye pupil. The first eye pupil is cultivated to the first weight, while the second eye pupil is cultivated to the tenth weight.

The gap here is too big!

"Fight!" Lin Feng took a deep breath.

The star pill in your hand flashes and falls into your stomach. The power of the soul is restored.

At this time, Lin Feng\'s left eye and eyebrow flashed. For a moment, the red and green light was dazzling, and the wings flashed out.

I need to delay enough time! Wing has not been summoned before, because wing is most afraid of fire, and the enemy he faces is far beyond his load and limit. Wing is by no means the opponent of the angry sky dog.

But now there is no way!

"Give it to me, boss!" wing didn\'t hesitate.

As soon as it appears, it is a rapid attack, and the roaring flying insects have a great momentum.

However, in the face of the crazy flame of red geese, it seems that the heart is more than enough and the strength is insufficient.

At that time, the wing strength was far better than Lin Feng, but it was still defeated by the power of Lin Feng\'s flame. Now it\'s just a repeat of history.

In the final analysis, because the red geese are too terrible!

A second is a second.

"Wow!" Lin Feng\'s eyes mingled with bright light.

Although the war broke out, there was no pause for a moment, but the delay of hundred poison color Python and wing was the opportunity to earn a point!

"Self state!" Lin Feng led the strongest fighting state.

In front of the chest, the \'ember demon\' totem of the ember Demon Armor was released, and a violent force filled the whole body.

In the self state, half of this violent force can not affect the control of physical strength. The flames of both hands suddenly condense, and Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly shine. In a moment, the fire of swallowing and rebirth are completely controlled!

"The flame moves to shoot!" Lin Feng quickly stabbed a gun.

More accurate, more perfect power control, the rebirth fire explodes fiercely, and Lin Feng grabs the red geese to attack intermittently.

This short opportunity can only be "seen" under the state of self. The Amethyst gun clanked and the blasting of the gun idea showed a faint sign of breaking through the third level of "entering the gun realm". In the face of a strong enemy, Lin Feng opened his self state, and gave full play to his ability beyond the limit.

"Boom!" "boom!" although ChiYan was a little restrained, he still reacted quickly.

Quickly reorganize the combat power, and the majestic sky fire roared to the forest wind. However, at this time, Lin Feng quickly instilled the fire swallowed by his left hand, and the purple light of the Amethyst gun was completely dazzling.

Magnetic explosion?

No, it\'s fusion!

It mainly focuses on the fire of rebirth and takes the power of constellations as the core. In the self state, it tried to integrate in battle for the first time.

"Zheng!!" is quite powerful, just a little worse than the magnetic explosion, but it doesn\'t hurt itself.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning. Under the boiling explosion of the flame, the gun move felt very wonderful.

Strictly speaking, this is not "integration".

Because the fire of rebirth now combines the power of constellations, far better than the fire of swallowing.

The fire of swallowing remains at the strength of "star sea level". It is not so much fusion as "addition", and the fire of phagocytosis is completely controlled. But this is the most powerful force at present. The intensity of play depends on how strong the "control power" is. The more you can control the devouring fire, the greater the power.

And the self state is to have more control than usual!

"Peng!!" hit hard.

This time, the red goose was finally injured.

His eyes were red with blood, with an angry and ferocious roar.

Lin Feng soon knew how terrible the wounded beast was.

"Boom!!" the halo of flame exploded with the red goose as the center.

Completely hysterical, the sky fire in the red goose seemed to explode inexhaustibly, but it gave Lin Feng a blow in the head.

Lin Feng snorted stiffly. He was hurt the most recently. Although the fire of rebirth resists many forces, its chest is still as painful as being burned by fire. Fortunately, the ember magic armor can vent one point, and the remaining strong body can bear it. But the hundred poison color Python roared, but it was instantly flesh and blood blurred, and the wings were even more miserable, which was not as good as the hundred poison color python.

In the blink of an eye, it has lost 80% of its combat power.

Range attack, for the wing, the blow is huge.

"Wow!" the stars were shining, and Lin Feng clenched his teeth tightly.

Now is the best time!

"Do it again!" Lin Feng did not retreat but entered. In his own state, he caught a glimpse of a big flaw in the red goose at this time!

If you don\'t succeed, you will become benevolent!

"The flame moves the gun to execute!" burst but drank, and Lin Fengmeng took a big step.

The feeling in my heart has never been clear. Under my own state, my strength has been brought into full play.

One step out is not the step of the first move, but the second move that has been practiced hard but has not been understood. Now I finally feel it. Amethyst gun, the voice of the heart is particularly strong. With the Amethyst gun stabbing out, the realm of shooting also unknowingly breaks through the original bottleneck.

With the addition of Amethyst gun, you reach the fourth level of "entering the gun state"!

Power, huge increase!!

(third shift ~ ~)