Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 871

Shiluo County, Baiyun tower.

Shakara was wearing long sleeves and sipping tea with a calm face.

In the front, the county and city leader "Wang Mo", the law enforcement envoy "tudao" and the patrol envoy "Bingyun" are reporting on their work. The three of them were directly ordered by shakhala. Although they had the power of life and death, they were not sanctified, and the law was still unbreakable.

In shiroe County, only the power to kill first and then speak does not mean that you can kill arbitrarily.

Wang Mo\'s eyes were burning and Ran Ran Ran: "to the saint, although situ\'s family is a powerful man, they have acted recklessly, and their subordinates think..."

In an instant——

Shijaruo was shocked fiercely, and the cup in his hand was suddenly crushed to pieces.

But Wang Mo was startled. He was a little confused. He didn\'t know where he was wrong. In a hurry, he even knelt on one knee and said, "my subordinates are guilty." he was sweating hard on his forehead. Wang Mo didn\'t dare to look at sakharo. His spine was cold, but he was guilty of being a thief.

"Peng!" he stood up fiercely, and shakara\'s tiger eyes were burning.

On his forehead, the bright golden light is shining. The star seal of Aries is as bright as the stars in the sky, but shakara\'s face is very ugly. "How can Zhixin, the child, uncover the star seal of Aries and show the art of taboo..."

"Something happened to the wizard of Oz!" shijaro shook.

The stronger the strength and the continuation of blood, the more difficult it will be to reproduce.

Shakara has only one son and one daughter, and he loves her dearly.

Even the saints have weaknesses!

"Wang Mo!" sakharoton drank.

"Yes, holy one." Wang Mo\'s face was pale and his voice trembled.

"Follow me to the \'wizard of Oz\' transmission channel immediately!" sakharo stared at Wang mo. how could he not see that Wang Mo was guilty with his eyes, but he didn\'t have time to argue with him right now!

"Yes, the Holy One," replied Wang Molian.

Wang Mo really has the ability to sit as the Lord of the county.

From the words and phrases, he quickly guessed that something had happened to the wizard of Oz. he didn\'t stop for half a minute. He immediately took out two star symbols, threw one out, and pinched one with himself. Tu Dao and Bing Yun also reacted. They even took out the star Rune and prepared to go to the transmission array.

"Tu Dao, immediately summon all the star level top strongmen to come and support!" shakara spoke very quickly.

"Yes, holy one." Tu Dao answered with an arched hand and crushed the star symbol.

"Tell me some old friends." sakharo looked at the ice cloud and said quickly.

Among the three, Bingyun is the confidant of shakara and a nominal disciple.

"Yes, master." Bingyun dare not neglect, and the governor must be very serious.

Better safe than sorry

Although he was extremely anxious, shakara still calmly gave orders.

"Pa!" smashed the star symbol, and the sharp cold light flashed in shakara\'s eyes, and the time disappeared.


The wizard of oz.

"The mystery of Aries: the embodiment of Aries!" in Shi Zhixin\'s hand, a golden staff flashed a light yellow halo.

With the whispering and singing in the mouth, the golden staff glittered, and the strong star power was increased. Hundreds of native yellow skin Aries followed the call. With the bright eyes of Shi Zhi\'s heart, it was like the sun shining in all directions!

"What a kind girl." Lin Feng said softly in his heart.

Indeed, Shi Zhi\'s heart is as pure as a piece of white paper.

Although I don\'t know how much these "attendants" will cost, it is obviously by no means ordinary. There are hundreds of white sheep followers, each of whom has the power similar to his own "hundred poison color Python". It\'s conceivable to see a hundred and know a hundred!

Most importantly, these Aries followers are not to protect Shi Zhixin herself.

But to protect those "innocent" fighters and prevent other heavenly dogs from killing humans.

At this time——

The strongest force of the heavenly dog family is also coming.

ChiYan, chirong, and ten star domain level eight level Pro guards!

"The mystery of Aries: Earth avalanche and star shift!" Shizhi\'s heart began to sing again in an instant, and her beautiful eyes flashed with moving light. The pale little face is firm and persistent, and his heart is full of faith. There is an earth system starry sky in front of him, which suddenly blows to chirong and ChiYan people.

The speed of casting is quite fast!

"Yellow light staff at the ground level." Lin Feng caught a glimpse of the golden light staff in Shi Zhixin\'s hand and was stunned.

The human yellow light staff has absolutely no such power.

Shi Zhixin\'s strength has greatly improved since her appearance and figure changed.

"What a strong space energy and earth energy."

"It can be combined so perfectly."

Lin Feng secretly exclaimed and felt incredible.

Give full play to the power of one plus one greater than two, and can block the twelve strong with one\'s own power, which can be seen as general.


"No, I\'m afraid Zhixin\'s successor is weak." Lin Feng\'s eyes burned together.

Shizhi\'s heart is completely overloaded with overdraft physical strength, although she doesn\'t know what method she used. But obviously, the more you use, the more harm it will do to her. These forces do not belong to themselves. Forcibly exerting them will definitely cause great physical damage!

Just like the wind escape and star dome pupil that I have used.

Moreover, the enemy is quite strong!

"Two!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright with stars.

Twelve heavenly dogs, ten of them are a little embarrassed, but the other two are not.

One is a big man with a huge fire axe. His breath is the most terrible, while the other is a beautiful woman. Her hands are claws. The strong fire light guards outside her body and is boiling fiercely. Although the space is disturbed by the "earth avalanche and star shift", it can still maintain its original mind.

"There must be a way!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

The more critical the moment was, the calmer the heart became, and the jade Miao jingled in the left ear.

The star dome pupil in Lin Feng\'s left eye was bright and drunk, "the door of space!"

WOW! The light suddenly appeared, leaving a crack like space. She was also proficient in space. Shi Zhi turned her head, but her eyes widened.

"Broken!" Lin Feng drank like a flash of lightning.

Amethyst spear pierced the space of Shizhi\'s heart, and a burst of turbulence flashed in an instant.

Shi Zhi was shocked. In the blink of an eye, the red goose roared out with blood red eyes. The strong sky fire seems to burn everything out. Even if there is no forest wind to open the way, it won\'t take long to break the space with the strength of red geese.

"Lin Feng!" Shi Zhi\'s face changed greatly.

"Don\'t worry!" the voice rang, but Lin Feng had already shuttled away quickly.

At this time, the Beiming ocean also appeared. The book of changes in the sky flashed indigo light, and there was a determination and death in his eyes.

"Ha ha, I\'m coming too!" he laughed loudly, and Beiming Yang completely threw out.

"Divine stick, you..." Shi Zhi\'s eyes flashed and her heart was warm.

Although she was in danger, she had never had such joy.

Is this friendship?

"We are companions!" beimingyang shouted, and the indigo light congenital treasure that was just fused was immediately displayed. Combined with the Yi Wen heavenly book, it flashed the ultimate light, which immediately made the Tiangou who was originally trapped in the earth avalanche star shift suffer a void illusion!

one disaster after another!

Cooperation, very tacit understanding!

"If I run away, I will be laughed off by brother Lin." beimingyang\'s eyes are shining, but he is still in the mood to joke.

"If we want to live together, if we want to die, we will die together!"

"OK." Shi Zhi\'s heart showed a sweet smile from her heart.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

"It\'s her." Lin Feng\'s body rhythm.

Behind his back, the breath has already firmly locked himself, as if he had a deep hatred with himself.

"Sure enough, I followed." Lin Feng was more sure.

"But have I had a holiday with her?"

Lin Feng feels confused, but he has never seen this beautiful woman.

But she seemed to regard herself as the enemy of killing her father. She looked ferocious like a devil.

I want to break myself into pieces!

The heart beats violently.

"Why does my soul feel for her?" Lin Feng frowned.

I couldn\'t understand it, but Lin Fengmeng opened his eyes and thought, "it\'s the same dog family. Can she feel that I killed her family?"

It\'s a big question, but it doesn\'t matter. What matters is——

The fire is clanking behind her. She has caught up with her!

"Good to come." Lin FengSi was not afraid.

Maybe the other party is very strong, but at least he has the strength to fight!

"Come out, hundred poison color Python!" Lin Feng suddenly appeared a colorful staff in his hand. With the bright stars, a huge hundred poison color Python appeared in a short time, mixed with a strong smell, but it was no different from the real hundred poison color python.

The poisonous fog was sprayed away almost instantly.

The red goose was caught off guard!

"Boom!" a huge flame appeared.

The power of sky fire is incomparable. It not only breaks the toxin ball, but also almost completely engulfs it.

But it\'s just \'almost\'.

"唿! ~" the poison fog was scattered.

"Damn it." the red goose\'s face changed greatly, but he couldn\'t stop his figure. Only the maximum flame was lit. But at this time, a fierce gust of wind came from the front, making the originally small poisonous fog roar like a sea wave for a moment.

"Despicable!!!" roared angrily.

Red geese are poisoned in an instant, but they only reduce their combat effectiveness by one point.

Inside the body, the sky fire divides a part to resist the poison of the hundred poison color python, and the red goose becomes more hysterical. The demon family is different from human beings. The demon family has a much stronger physique, not to mention that the red goose is one of the five top lineages with sky fire.

The poison of hundred poison color Python can\'t kill red geese.

However, how could Lin Feng miss such a good opportunity.

"The flame moves to shoot!" with the help of the huge figure of the hundred poison color python, Lin Feng stabbed out from the tail, like a small steel needle straight at the red goose. The fire is full of strong power, which is emitted by Peng ran. The power of the reborn fire is constantly accumulating, and Lin Feng\'s eyes are sharp and bright.

"Boom!!" violent collision.

Red geese see blood, but they are more crazy.

"Roar!!" the roaring voice rang through the world. The strong body of the red goose seemed to be slightly injured.

However, it just stimulated her to explode. Facing the fierce fire claw counterattack, Lin Feng\'s Amethyst gun trembled violently, his body flew back, and his face was very dignified. The hundred poison color Python\'s huge body blocked in front of him, making him avoid counterattack.

"So strong!" Lin Feng felt palpitation.

The power of red geese is terrible!

"Is this the real strong man of Tiangou family..." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

There is a long way to go between tianwu and tianwu!

This war, trouble.

(second change ~)