Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 870

Red geese, blood red eyes burn like fire.

The imprint of the soul feels as clear as never before, as if it is close at hand.

Looking at this human warrior and overlooking all living beings, it is like looking at mole ants one by one. The corners of the red goose\'s mouth are grinning and ferocious. The face like a beautiful human woman suddenly turned into a dog shape, but it couldn\'t restrain the towering anger.

The murderer of her son is down there!

"Kill!!" the red goose clenched his teeth, sharp and terrible.

The voice of hoarse hatred roared from the heart. With the violent drinking of the guard leader "chirong", the crazy fire rain came like a scourge!

The sky dog family has an amazing fighting ability!

"Boom!" "boom!" the fireball formed a rain of fire and fell quickly.

Tiangang fire, Tianji fire, tianmang fire... All kinds of branch flames of Tianhuo, with the outbreak of Tiangou family, open their mouths to the warriors of the wizard of oz. There is no need to aim, because every human warrior is an enemy!

Kill! Kill! Kill!

Fast dive, the sky dog family\'s attack power is fully launched.

In the crowd.

"Pa!" "pa!" the stars were crushed.

At this moment, who can finish the task, leave first.

However, the "return to the city star symbol" has a distance limit and can not be used in the wizard of oz. This is not land, but the boundless thousands of islands. I don\'t know which direction it is in, and I don\'t know how far away it is from the land.

Every warrior\'s face showed a look of despair.

The broken hope comes with the nightmare omen of death.

Three days later, the transmission channel of the wizard of Oz was still closed and there was no way to escape.

Intending their doomsday——

Has come.

"Let\'s go, let\'s go!" Beiming\'s eyes showed their desire to crack and looked at Shi Zhixin and Lin Feng.

With the gradual disappearance of the five elements hall, the light shield protecting the three people is as thin as a layer of cicada wings, which is about to dissipate.

The shining light of Shi Zhixin\'s eyes, the star seal on her forehead bloomed perfectly, and the sacred breath covered her body. The golden armor reappeared around her body. With the light of Aries star seal, there was a faint shining shadow behind Shi Zhixin.

"I won\'t go." Shi Zhi\'s heart looked very firm.

She could never watch these innocent people die, but she escaped.

"Sky dog..."

"Is this the sky dog when he grows up?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and he couldn\'t help clenching his fists.

I didn\'t expect to see the Tiangou family after tianwu mainland.

The shock of the heart seems to have an unspeakable familiar feeling. Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the fall of the fire rain. He didn\'t have much sympathy in his heart. The death of those irrelevant people has nothing to do with themselves, but Beiming Yang and Shi Zhixin

Lin Feng hesitated.

Yu Dun, who owns Yu Miao, should be able to escape.

Just like using wind vortex all the time, these life-saving stunts never let themselves down.

However, can he go?


"Peng!" the breath shook in my mind.

It was a pair of eyes full of blood, overlooking themselves from a commanding position.

Although the distance is very far, it seems that there is a great gap, but it seems to see through itself completely.

"No." Lin Feng was very frightened.

This terrible force locks your body completely!

Right now, I can\'t even go if I want to.

"Finally found it." the red goose\'s teeth grinded and clucked.

The bloody eyes locked the only target through the heavy shadow——

Lin Feng!

Even if there are many people, red geese don\'t care.

At this time, there was only one person in her eyes, the culprit who killed her only son.

"Bitch, I want you to pay for your blood today!!" the breath of red geese is completely explosive, and the thick flame of heaven is emitted from the body, which is more bright and eye-catching than other sky dogs. The level of flame is completely different. That\'s the real \'sky fire\'!

Boom!! The red geese swooped down quickly, killing the forest wind.

With the power of "sky fire", the strength of level 7 of star domain level is terrible to the extreme.

"Protect madam!" chirong drank and followed.

As the leader of the guard, this is his job. We must not let the red geese be hurt. Other close guards around followed chirong like meteorites in the sky. It is particularly dazzling among the large sky dog family.

Chirong, star level nine strong!

He is the strongest dog in this trip.

Although he is not equipped with "sky fire", his strength is much stronger than that of red geese!

Baiyun tower.

It is located in the clouds and filled with white fog.

At the top of the tower, a middle-aged man with his hands on his back looked into the clouds as if waiting for something.

Suddenly, a voice came from below the tower. Two men and a woman were talking about something. They walked up to the top of the tower while talking. One of the men was dressed in gold and beautiful clothes; Another man is as tall as a tower giant, with a huge wide blade knife behind him, which looks very amazing.

The only woman, slim and slim, has better skin than snow, and a light water light is transmitted outside her body.

However, when the three reached the top of the tower, the voice stopped suddenly.

"I have seen the Holy One." the three knelt down on one knee and looked respectful.

"Get up." the voice of the middle-aged man was like a cloud from the valley.

The three men then got up. If other people saw this scene, it must be mouth eyes and tongue tied.

Dressed in golden clothes, Wang Mo, the most powerful county mayor in Shiluo County, is the one; The giant man in the tower, expressionless, is a law enforcement envoy; The only woman, who came from the same amazing background, was the "ice cloud" on patrol.

One Lord and two envoys!

The three are the top of the Shiluo County pyramid.

However, he had to kneel down to the "Holy One" in front of him. His respectful look was not forced, but a kind of respect.

This is the "etiquette" of the fighting spirit world.

Those who are not sanctified must kneel on one knee when they see the Holy One!

The middle-aged man in front of him is exactly what beimingyang said to Lin Feng. He is the real big man behind Shiluo county and a super strong man with all power in one. He has the supreme strength and the power to control everything.

Because he stands at the peak of human warrior.

Holy One, sakara!

Boom! Boom!!

The real fight begins.

The war between humans and Demons broke out completely.

However, the situation is one-sided, and mankind is completely at a disadvantage.

In terms of combat capability, how many human fighters who are well respected have experienced real fighting? In terms of blood, the noble blood of the demon family of the heavenly dog family is better than these outstanding human beings; In terms of physique, the "soul" of the demon clan may be a little inferior, but the strength of the body is far from comparable to that of human beings!

Strength and other levels, but also completely surpass!

Although there are only more than 10000 heavenly dogs, the star domain level accounts for as much as 20%!

Twenty percent, what concept?

More than 2000 heavenly dogs, who crush human warriors on the level of strength!

This makes the originally inferior human fighters even worse and unable to resist. Although the number of human warriors in the wizard of Oz is more than twice that of skydog, so what? Even if it is more than ten times, it is the share of being slaughtered.

This is not a level contest at all.

"Hiss!!" a strong man of the heavenly dog family, with a ferocious face, roared at a human.

The amazing fire awn was covered with a strong murderous spirit, and the panicked human beings were instantly torn to pieces.

"Peng!" on the other side, the blade of a human warrior stabbed into the back of the strong man of Tiangou family, but only stabbed into such a layer of skin, and was blocked by the tough skin. The strong Tiangang fire broke out instantaneously. The strong man of Tiangou family roared and clapped his paw on the forehead.

Boom! come to a bad end.

Scenes of tragedy, completely broke out.

The "elite" of these human warriors are the massacre that destroys the withered and decadent, and the killing without the slightest resistance——

Very fragile.

But not all human warriors.

"Chih!" the dark blue starlight shone, and a strong man of Tiangou family stared with big eyes, issued a hoarse roar, and his head fell to the ground. Behind him, a young man in a black cloak had cold eyes and cold breath. It was Zeng Ren!

"Heavenly dogs..." Zeng Ren\'s eyes were bright.

Glancing at Lin Feng and Shi Zhi\'s heart, he hesitated slightly, even turned into black light and disappeared.

Originally, he intended to hunt Lin Feng, but now he has to leave.

If he doesn\'t go, I\'m afraid even he will be affected.

What does the life or death of these wastes have to do with him?

"Great disaster."

"It\'s really a disaster."

Beiming Yang murmured and said, looking at Shizhi\'s heart.

On that day, he used "Yi Wen Tian Suan" to calculate that Shi Zhi\'s heart had a disaster, and now it has come true.

However, Shi Zhixin doesn\'t care.

Although she was only fifteen, she was fearless.

A small body contains a kind and great heart.

"Goodbye, Beiming ocean, Lin Feng." Shi Zhi looked at them with a smile, "this time I had a good time and I\'m glad to have you two companions." the porcelain doll like face seemed to mature in an instant, and the stars of Aries on her forehead were all bright.

Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly burned and his eyes condensed.

There was a faint pain in Shi Zhixin\'s eyes, but it was golden in an instant.

The original small body seems to have grown up in a moment. The beautiful face is like a beautiful girl in heaven. Compared with her sister, Lin Yumo, the first beauty in Shiluo County, is no inferior and has more divine light. The original undeveloped body becomes exquisite and clear, and the chest is as full as breaking armor.

The vibration of Lin Feng\'s heart, these are only changes in body and appearance.

The most amazing thing is that the power of Shizhi\'s heart broke out completely.

It has increased dozens of times!

"Boom!" as if she had finished explaining her last words, Shi Zhi\'s heart rushed out like a golden light.

Not retreat but advance. Facing the army of Tiangou family, it is like a bright meteor, which bursts into it in an instant!

Lin Feng was slightly stunned.


Indeed, they are companions.

"How can you say defeat easily." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

In the face of difficulties, how can a warrior fear challenge and death!

Whoosh! Follow Shi Zhi\'s heart and gallop out.

(today is the third watch as usual, and the first watch will be delivered first.)