Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 866

That\'s the "star treasure staff"!

Lin Feng\'s eyes are very bright.

I\'ve tried fusion, but I\'m not strong enough——

Xingbao staff!

"Wow!" the light is bright.

With the fireball roaring towards the dying hundred poison color Python and burning its last life force, the star treasure staff shines to the extreme. He galloped away from the sky and floated. He saw that the huge body of the hundred poison color Python echoed with the light of the star treasure staff at the moment of being bombed by the fireball.

For a moment, it turned into a light and disappeared.

At this time, the power of Xingbao staff suddenly expanded, and the ancient shape changed rapidly.

Fine lines spread from the head to the tail of the Xingbao staff. The colorful light dazzles and leaves. It was quite common, but now

But it is dazzling.

"This?!" Lin fengran.

Looking at the pattern of Xingbao staff, I feel familiar.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, but Lin Feng recognized it. Isn\'t this the color stripe on the hundred poison color Python?

However, no matter how bright it falls on the body of the hundred poison color python, it is ugly. On the star treasure staff, the seven colors have a unique charm. The patterns are like snakes, winding like rainbow water, very beautiful, just like a work of art.

"Later, call you a colorful staff." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

He named it Xingbao staff that day because he knew it was a Xingbao.

Now, it happens to be renamed.

"The colorful staff seems to have changed a lot..." Lin Feng is quite curious and thoughtful.

It feels very different.

But I can\'t tell where it has changed.

Just like a warrior, his temperament has changed significantly.

The heart moved, and in an instant, Lin Feng bit the tip of his tongue, and blood dripping down. Holding a colorful staff, the strong star power instilled in it, this time——

Alone is different!

"Boom!" it\'s fusion almost in an instant.

Without any extra steps, Lin Feng was ecstatic.

This colorful staff has been following itself since it was obtained in the "hundred waterfalls". From Xinghai level, it has been able to help absorb the power of stars, and then it has been confirmed that its real identity is a "congenital treasure". Now it can finally merge.

I will have another treasure!

Strength, improved again.

However, why can\'t we integrate before? Only now can we integrate?

Lin Feng had a little doubt in his eyes and held the changed colorful staff in his hand, as if he had been reborn. Close your eyes, Lin Feng recalls the changes in the whole process, and his doubts become clearer and clearer. Hundred poison color python, it changed the colorful staff.

But why are there such changes?

How to use the colorful staff?

Lin Feng is quite curious.

"The sound of the battle seems to have stopped." Beiming ocean\'s eyes glowed.

"Who, who won?" Shi Zhixin\'s face was still a little pale, lowered her head and bit her lips.

She felt that she was really useless. As a "Captain", in the face of such difficulties, let alone face them, she even needed help to escape. But he has no face to face Lin Feng and Beiming ocean. He wants to dig a hole in the ground. He really has no face to see people.

But she really can\'t control herself.

"I think it should be brother Lin." beimingyang\'s eyes brightened. "If the hundred poison color Python won, there could be no animal roar, and miss Zhixin, you can notice that the hundred poison color Python has been in a state of anger and roaring all the time during the battle, but the sound shows a decreasing trend."

Observation, very subtle.

After all, beimingyang studied Astrological divination since childhood and observed everything in a subtle way.

Although there was no battle, the analysis was clear and correct.

"Let\'s go quickly, Miss Zhixin. I\'m afraid brother Lin may be hurt." Beiming Yang zhengse said. Although I believe in Lin Feng\'s strength, in the face of terrible monsters such as hundred poison color python, it is estimated that even if Lin Feng can win, he will have to pay a price.

If not, there won\'t be no sound at the moment.

"I hope he\'s okay." beimingyang was worried.

"Well, let\'s go." she bit the cherry lips, and Shi Zhixin\'s face like a porcelain doll revealed a firm color.

Although she is afraid of python, she is the captain and needs to take responsibility.

They sped forward quickly and didn\'t escape too far.


From a distance is to see Lin Feng.

"Brother Lin seems to be all right." Beiming Yang was very surprised.

But he didn\'t expect to experience such a desperate battle, and Lin Feng was still in his normal spirit.

The sense of breath, full of vitality and strength, means that Lin Feng is almost completely superior to the hundred poison color Python!

It\'s shocking.

Shi Zhi\'s heart looked around, but there was no python, only some residual smell of fishy blood. With a slight frown on her brow, Shi Zhi\'s heart finally put down, and her white little face rose with a touch of light red, but she didn\'t know whether it was shame or relief.

Two people, slowly close to Lin Feng.

The look gradually calmed down and the mood relaxed.

But instantaneous time——

"Wow!" there was a white light.

Almost in an instant, a huge colorful Python appeared in front of them! The breath is ferocious, with a fierce light in his eyes. His body is as good as before. Half of him has been injured. His huge body is extremely ferocious and terrible!

"Ah!!!" the shrieking voice made Shi Zhi\'s heart wide open and her face pale to the extreme.

Looking at the hundred poison color python that suddenly appeared in front of her, she seemed to lose all her strength. Shi Zhi\'s heart paused for a while and her body fainted.

Beiming Yang was also a little confused. He stood there like a sculpture and couldn\'t move.

If you feel a move, you will be swallowed by the hundred poison color python.

But suddenly, another light flashed.

The hundred poison color Python mysteriously disappeared, as if it had never appeared at all.

Beimingyang stared blankly at the front. Lin Feng was holding a colorful strange wooden stick and looked at him with a smile.

"Sorry to scare you." Lin Feng apologized.

"Er..." beimingyang is still a little confused and says with a smile, "I\'m fine, brother Lin."

"You, you are not allowed to call it out again." Shi Zhi looked at Lin Feng with fear, and her big eyes flashed a color of fear.

Looking at the expression of Shi Zhi\'s heart, Lin Feng couldn\'t help smiling.

I didn\'t expect that the colorful staff has such functions. In its built-in space, there is a "hundred poison color Python". I just tried, but I didn\'t expect to really summon the hundred poison color python, but it was different from the hundred poison color Python just fighting. The hundred poison color Python in the seven color staff seemed to be brainwashed and completely loyal to myself.

This should not be a real "hundred poison color Python", but a strange "replica".

Otherwise, the hundred poison color Python should be seriously injured, and it is absolutely impossible to recover in a short time.

"If you want to integrate and absorb, you have already absorbed it. Why wait until the moment I kill the hundred poison color python." Lin Feng\'s eyes are burning and clearly remember.

At the moment when his fireball killed the hundred poison color python, the seven color staff absorbed the hundred poison color python.

"What is absorbed should be its essence and soul."

"Transform it with the power of innate Lingbao, and then copy the body."

Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully.

"But why does it only absorb \'hundred poison color Python\'?"

"It\'s the same demon family Warcraft. I met a lot when I was in the chaotic swamp of Yanling mansion."

"Is it said that the colorful staff is picky about food?"

Lin Feng smiled and didn\'t care.

If you have a chance, try again.

But when you think about it, it\'s the same. On that day, I got this colorful staff in the "hundred waterfalls" just for "calling". Now, I\'m more sure of its use, but on that day, in the hundred waterfalls, the call of the colorful staff seemed endless, but now I can only summon a hundred poisonous colorful python.

What\'s the secret?

"Smelly guy, I\'m talking to you!" Shi Zhi said angrily.

Lin Feng smiled, "don\'t worry, I won\'t be so boring. Take this to scare you."

From "bad guys" to "smelly guys", Shi Zhixin\'s attitude towards herself has changed a lot.

"Tut tut." Beiming Yang\'s eyes showed envy. "Brother Lin, you should also be an inborn treasure. It\'s amazing that you can take a hundred poison color python. With it, you can walk horizontally in the future. Who dares to provoke you? Even if you are a star region level peak martial artist, you have to weigh it."

Lin Feng smiled calmly and nodded.

Indeed, I have another "amulet" in the future.

Entering the five elements hall this time, even if there is no other harvest, this hundred poison color Python alone has made enough money.


Heavenly dog sanctuary.

Here is one of the five top lineages of the demon family and the gathering place of the strong of the Tiangou family.

In the whole demon clan, it is a famous holy land.

Sky fire is burning. It has the highest temperature in almost the whole sea area and the most intense fire element is an active boiling place. It is a place for the strong of every Tiangou family to cultivate, but only the real strong and the elite of the real Tiangou family can enter it.

Outside the holy land, Chiyou stood with a light frown.

Although he was a housekeeper, he was not qualified to enter the holy land. He had to wait patiently here.

In fact, he wouldn\'t have come here unless there was something important.

Chiyou, quite anxious.

And then——

"Wow!" the fire flickered, and a majestic figure suddenly appeared.

There is almost no energy fluctuation, just like falling from the sky, and the breath is nothingness.

It was a middle-aged man with a strong pure light in his eyes, and the fire element wrapped around his body.

Seemingly ordinary, but terrible.

"Master." chiyoton turned his worry into joy.

The visitor is the man of red geese and the master of mengyan territory.

Holy level strong man, chimeng!

"What\'s the matter?" chimeng\'s eyes sparkled and stared at Chiyou.

He knew very well that Chiyou would never come to the heavenly dog sanctuary unless something big happened.

"My Lord, it\'s like this..." Chiyou nodded slowly and told the story in detail.

Including the emotional changes of red geese, there is no mistake in the details of the whole process.

After half a incense burning time.

"Good! Good! Good!" Chi Meng nodded heavily, with a deep anger in his eyes. Like ChiYan, he loves his son deeply. Now he finally has a chance to revenge!

"It seems that even heaven is helping me." Chi Meng\'s eyes flashed fiercely, the fire elements outside his body danced wildly, and the momentum of the saint level strong roared wildly, making the whole surrounding environment seem to be under control.

Boom!!! Like a flame bursting.

Chimeng\'s body disappeared for a moment.

He\'s coming!

(fourth change ~ ~)