Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 867

"Yeah!" Shi Zhixin clenched her fist excitedly.

"It\'s finally here." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

Through a bright passage, you suddenly enter a colorful palace.

At first glance, it was different from the stone hall just now.

Here is the real Hall of the five elements.

"Yes, it\'s not easy." Beiming Yang smiled.

Remembering that he almost buried mangkou just now, he felt the rest of his life.

If Lin Feng didn\'t show his skill, they might have no good fortune this time.

"Wow, treasure!" Shi Zhixin shouted.

Lin Feng and Beiming Yang looked at each other and smiled. They had already seen each other.

In front of them, five separate treasures were suspended in turn, flashing brightly in the five glittering masks.

Not surprisingly.

"Orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo, five congenital treasures!" Shi Zhixin stood in place happily. Although the treasure was close at hand, she was not in a hurry to get it. But waiting for Lin Feng and Beiming Yang with a smile. The flawless white face is blooming with a bright smile.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng looked curiously at Shi Zhi\'s heart, "you can tell from the color that it\'s a congenital treasure?"

"Big fool." Shi Zhi\'s heart hummed Qiao\'s nose.

Beiming Yang explained with a smile, "brother Lin doesn\'t know. The congenital treasure has\' Rainbow \'and represents quality."

"I\'d like to hear the details." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

It\'s the first time I\'ve heard about the quality of congenital treasures.

Beimingyang smiled and said, "under the conditions of excavation, fusion and display, the congenital treasure will light up a rainbow. Of course, it is not difficult to stimulate the rainbow artificially. The rainbow is divided into seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple. Red is the lowest and purple is the highest. For example, brother Lin, this set of \'ember magic armor\' on you is the worst red congenital treasure."

"A little knowledge." Shi Zhixin muttered.

Lin Feng and Beiming Yang were slightly surprised and looked at Shi Zhi\'s heart.

"After the purple light, there are the eighth and ninth light colors." Shi Zhixin took a white look at Beiming ocean and said, "the eighth light color is\' white \', and the ninth light color is\' Black\'." as if afraid that they don\'t believe it, Shi Zhixin\'s small hand shines, and a faint white light ball suddenly appeared in front of her.

Surging power!

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and clear, and his heart is shocked.

This white sphere of light contains quite strong \'time\' energy.

"I have more knowledge. Thanks for Miss Zhixin\'s advice." beimingyang nodded with great admiration and looked directly at the white light ball. "I haven\'t even seen the purple light congenital treasure. I didn\'t expect to see a higher level of white light congenital treasure."

"What\'s strange." Shi Zhi\'s heart didn\'t care, put away the white light ball and pointed to Lin Feng, "this bad man also has."

"Me?" Lin Feng was stunned and his eyes flashed.

Isn\'t the "jade Miao" in his left ear just white light?

Is it a white light congenital treasure?!

Beimingyang\'s eyes stared and frowned slightly with surprise.


"Oh, I remember! That wooden staff!" beimingyang clapped his hands, "I saw a slight white light at the moment when the hundred poison color Python was summoned!" he took a deep breath, and beimingyang was more shocked when he looked at Lin Feng.

What is the origin of Lin Feng with white light congenital treasure?!

Lin family in qianluo district?


Shi Zhixin nodded, "but the light color of the congenital treasure is important, but the product level is more important. The congenital treasure of the earth level is much stronger than the congenital treasure of the human level; and the congenital treasure of the heaven level, even the lowest order red light treasure, can sell at a sky high price."

Human, earth and sky!

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and his heart fully understood.

Obviously, Yumiao and colorful staff are human congenital treasures, but the quality of white treasures is quite high.

And his innate treasures are not just these two.

And the Amethyst gun!

"Purple light is a treasure." Lin Feng thought clearly.

No wonder the Amethyst gun is so strong. Although it was obtained at Xinghai level, it is still unable to give full play to its full strength as a star master level.

"Five congenital treasures correspond to five channels." Lin Feng\'s eyes are deep.

"Yes, it should be the way out, but it seems that everyone can only choose one." Beiming Yang nodded.

Release Zhi heart light bell like voice laughed: "angry with them, we can only choose the rest."

Lin Feng and Bei Mingyang smiled. What Shi Zhixin said was Hua Wei and Zeng Ren. They were both smart, but they were mistaken by smart. They thought that the treasures in the five element palace could only be obtained by one person, so they chose a shortcut alone, but they didn\'t expect such a "distribution" method.

"You choose first." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

I don\'t lack congenital treasures. Yumiao, colorful staff and Amethyst gun are enough.

What\'s more, this trip to the five elements hall has been very satisfied to activate the colorful staff and accept the hundred poison colorful python.

"I\'m just a light, and my contribution is almost zero. I should choose the last one." Beiming Yanglian shook his head. Although he is the most lack of treasure among the three, he knows that the credit to release Zhi\'s heart and Lin Feng is far greater than him.

"I don\'t lack treasure, you pick it first." Shi Zhixin shook her head and didn\'t feel much about congenital Lingbao.

For her, it was just a small reward for completing the adventure.

Take or not, only in a thought.

Three people you look at me, I look at you, no one moved, but \'stiff\' there.

Suddenly, they looked at each other and laughed.

"It\'s true. You push back and forth when others rob you." beimingyang said helplessly.

"The test of passing the customs along the way is basically completed by Zhixin, and she should be the first choice." Lin Feng hopes to release Zhixin.

Shizhi\'s heart shook her head and said, "I\'m not a competent captain. Finally, the big snake almost swallowed us." looking at Lin Feng, Shizhi\'s heart\'s eyes flashed, "you pick it first, bad man, I owe you a life with the magic stick."

"Let brother Beiming choose first," said Lin Feng. "If he doesn\'t choose the right way, maybe we\'re still trapped in the five elements hall."

Looking at the Beiming ocean, Lin Feng\'s eyes are sparkling. He owes him a favor.

Beiming Yang was also injured in order to help him divine and find out the whereabouts of ziyao.

There is no quarrel.

The three had their own words, and none of them would let them.

For half an hour.

"I\'m so angry!" Shi Zhixin\'s small face flushed. "This can\'t be done, that can\'t be done. Just draw lots."

"I agree." Lin Feng nodded. "It\'s no way to argue any more. I\'m afraid Hua Weiwei and Zeng blade will break through the pass."

Beiming Yang looked at Shi Zhixin and Lin Feng and shrugged, "you have no problem, and I have no problem."

"Then it\'s so decided!" Shi Zhi\'s heart looked at the Beiming ocean and shouted, "divine stick, borrow your nine palace tortoise."

"It\'s not a tortoise, Miss Zhixin." beimingyang smiled bitterly. "It\'s a mysterious tortoise. After the light is turned on, it\'s a spirit with the ability to sense heaven and earth." even so, beimingyang still dared not violate the "imperial edict" and took out three mysterious tortoises, each of which was different.

One is "kan", the other is "Kun", and the third is "earthquake".

Standing in turn, the bottom of the tortoise is printed with the inlaid seal of the nine palaces.

"You choose." beimingyang nodded.

Lin Feng looked at Shi Zhi\'s heart and smiled. He picked up a Black Turtle closest to himself. Seeing that Lin Feng took it, Shi Zhixin immediately took one and the only one left. Beiming Yang\'s eyes twinkled and smiled, "it seems that I\'ve touched the light all the way to the end."

Pick up the only turtle left, and there is a word "kan" at the bottom.

The first palace is called "kan".

"Miss Zhi Xin, brother Lin, i..." Beiming Yang blushed and smiled awkwardly, "only thick skinned, but disrespectful." at this time, the three people all showed the bottom of the mysterious turtle. Shi Zhi\'s heart hit the second palace Kun, and Lin Feng was the third palace earthquake.

"God\'s will is so, go." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

I don\'t care. Of the five congenital treasures, the best color is indigo.

It may be a great treasure for other martial artists, but it\'s just icing on the cake for yourself.

Of course, the same is true for Shi Zhixin.

"Look at you happy ~ ~" Shi Zhixin smiled.

With a smile, beimingyang put away the tortoise, arched his hands and went into the "Indigo light" channel.

He had no reason to refuse.

Shizhi\'s heart entered the second time. She turned her head and looked at Lin Feng deeply. She didn\'t speak anymore. She entered the "blue light" channel. Lin Feng smiled. Shi Zhi\'s eyes were different from those before. When she entered the five elements hall, their relationship improved a lot.

Sure enough, it was exactly the same as expected.

With the entrance of Beiming ocean and Shizhi heart, the indigo light channel and blue light channel shine brightly and become extremely deep, but the channel is "closed".

There are three channels left: orange light, yellow light and green light, which are inferior to indigo light and blue light.

"It doesn\'t matter." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Looking at the remaining three treasures floating in the distance, his eyes are light.

In the green light channel, there is a valiant armor, majestic; In the yellow light channel, there is a necklace with light yellow light; The orange light channel is a simple and ugly demon ring, which is the most common of the three treasures.

Which one to choose?

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and hesitated slightly.

"The armor is good. It\'s a green congenital treasure. The light color is three grades higher than the \'ember magic armor\', but it\'s eliminated quickly."

"The necklace is OK, too. The light yellow should be the luster of the \'earth element\'. It should be a treasure of the defense system, which is of little help to me."

"And this demon ring..."

Lin Feng held his chin in his hand and observed carefully, but he couldn\'t draw a conclusion.

Four images and four dissimilarities. Among the three treasures, it is the most mysterious one with the lowest light color.

But I\'m afraid it\'s also the worst of the three treasures.

"Which should I choose?" Lin Feng glanced at the three treasures.

Just before the decision was made, suddenly, the sound of changes came from the left and right outside the channel almost at the same time.

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were light.

Two strong breaths came quickly from behind.

It\'s Hua Wei and Zeng Ren!