Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 865

"That\'s terrible." Beiming Yang frowned.

Lin Feng looked calm. He stepped forward slowly and moved his left foot slightly.

Unbiased blocked Shi Zhi\'s heart behind her and completely blocked her sight. He knew that the python in front of her was not what she could compete with.

If Shi Zhixin is in a normal state, there is absolutely no problem dealing with this python. Maybe it is the strongest existence in the whole palace, but Shi Zhixin is stronger! Just a "slight" display of strength can surpass this python.

However, today\'s Shi Zhixin\'s combat effectiveness is almost equal to 0.5%

Her complexion was pale and her body trembled slightly. Shi Zhi\'s heart completely lost her autonomy.

The python confided the bright red letter, and the cold light in his eyes showed a slight hostility, as if he were far away. The python did not attack. But casually coiled his body, as if dozing off, but turned a blind eye to Lin Feng.

Naked contempt!

"Hundred poison color python." Beiming Yang frowned.

"Star domain level third-order strength, its toxicity ranks among the top five among all python, which is quite terrible."

"The demon Warcraft of the same level can\'t bear its terrible toxicity at all. It\'s very difficult to detoxify when hundreds of toxins are combined, because the toxins are different every time." beimingyang looked grim. "With our physique, one poison is the medicine stone without spirit, and our life goes back to the yellow spring."

Hundred poison color Python!

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and looked at the behemoth.

Why don\'t you know yourself?

After reading the book of Warcraft, you will naturally know how strong the hundred poison color Python is. In fact, its strongest strength is not attack or defense. If the nature of "poison" is removed, the hundred poison color Python exists in the same secondary python, or even just in the middle and lower reaches. However, because of this powerful "hundred poison", it is firmly in the upper reaches!

Become one of the top powerful Python!

Looking at the hundred poison color python, the latter seems to be dozing off at this time, but Lin Feng knows that it is just waiting.

Just like hunting, waiting for the moment when the prey reveals its flaws!

One hit!

As long as the three of them show timidity, fear and run back. The hundred poison color Python will launch an attack in an instant and kill three of its own people with lightning speed. Although its body is huge, you should know that the snake is one of the most flexible demon Warcraft.

Their body, flexibility is amazing!

"It seems that I have to explain here today." Beiming Yang sighed long, but he also knew the habit of hundred poison color python.

"I\'m so confused. How could I forget that Miss Zhixin had a big disaster!" beimingyang frowned, showing some anxiety in his eyes, and suddenly felt confused. "But miss Zhixin\'s\' disaster \'should not be a dead disaster. This time, the divination pointing directly to the middle Avenue is not self contradictory?"

For a time, the Beiming ocean was a little messy and muttered to itself.

"Believe in your Astrological divination, brother Beiming." Lin Feng opened his mouth.

"Ah?" Beiming Yang raised his head and looked at Lin Feng puzzled.

"Maybe this road is really the most suitable for us." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and bright, with a faint luster. The Amethyst gun in his hand suddenly appeared, condensing a strong purple light. The forest wind is flaming and the war spirit is Ling Ling.

"Don\'t forget, we are companions."

"Protect her." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

In an instant, the strong fire of rebirth boils.

Shi Zhixin is not the only one with combat ability.

"Give it to me here!" Lin Feng said quietly, and his voice was very calm.

However, there was a convincing force. Beiming ocean was still stunned for a moment——

"Boom!" the strong fire was boiling, and the forest wind was rising rapidly.

War, imminent!


Two words, do everything.

Since you are a companion, you can\'t help yourself!

Lin Feng, never that kind of person.

Perhaps the hundred poison color Python is a fatal existence for other martial artists. Even if the strongest strength can\'t crack its 100 poisons, it will be suppressed by the 100 poisons color python. Once poisoned, even the top martial arts in the star domain level will only have a dead end.

This is a terrible demon Warcraft.


Lin Feng, invincible!

"Gallo fireball!" the fireball in Lin Feng\'s left hand shines sharply.

Released madly, it condenses the power of 20% of its own constellations, and its breath is majestic.

It\'s equivalent to 20% of the flame of star master level 9!

With the fire of rebirth, it is better than the star master level peak! Straight to the head of the hundred poison color python, Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright, and the Amethyst gun clangs. Gallo fireball is a signal, but also a provocation, which makes the hundred poison color Python \'recognize\' itself.

Lin Feng knows very well that once the hundred poison color Python attacks the North Ming ocean, the consequences will be unimaginable!

We must not turn into such a situation. It will be very troublesome at that time.

"Boom!" "Dong!!" fireball and toxin ball collide violently.

"Roar! ~!" the strong body of the hundred poison color Python stood up in an instant and was completely angry.

In front of him, the tiny human reptile dared to provoke him. For a long time, the hundred poison color Python forgot Shizhi\'s heart and Beiming ocean, opened his bloody mouth and tore it crazy. Before the head arrived, a strong fishy smell came in an instant.

Poison fog boiling!

Here, there is no room to avoid.

In this narrow combat area, the hundred poison color Python has a strong geographical advantage!


This moment, that moment.

Lin Feng was not afraid of the poisonous fog.

"Whoosh!" his body jumped up, and the Amethyst gun in his right hand shone brightly.

The strong rebirth fire wraps the body and guards it firmly. When the poisonous fog enters the scope of the rebirth fire, it will be burned into nothingness in an instant and can\'t touch the skin at all. With the strongest defense system of fire, Lin Feng has a natural advantage in the face of hundred poison color python.

In addition to the \'hundred poisons\', the hundred poisons color Python is just an ordinary star level third-order demon family Warcraft!

Yourself, enough to fight!

"Into the gun realm, the third weight!"

"Shoot with fire!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning,

The boiling fire of rebirth broke out completely at this moment.

New is the Star Skill of understanding. It is the unique skill of the martial god of the Phoenix constellation, which can give full play to the power of fire to the greatest extent. Fight with the skinny and fleshy guys such as hundred poison color python. The attack of rebirth fire is more fierce and more direct and effective than the attack of Amethyst gun!

Every bombardment of flame is accumulating power!

"Peng!!" a fierce cry.

The hundred poison color Python roared angrily, and its huge tail roared.

With the sound of fear, it is a cruel poison fog ball, which condenses in the mouth of the hundred poison color Python and spits out in an instant.

"Whoosh!" Lin Feng was a ghost, ready for it.

Easy to avoid!

Lin Feng, fight back quickly!

The Amethyst gun was flexible and changed. Suddenly, Lin Feng frowned.

Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the Beiming ocean as if he were stunned there, like petrified, completely stunned.

"Go!" Lin Feng drank wildly, and the pupil of the star dome shone brightly. At this time, Beiming ocean seemed to be one of the souls, and the whole person was like being enlightened. He didn\'t dare to neglect it immediately. As soon as he grabbed Shi Zhi\'s heart, he walked away like flying, and his eyes flashed with joy.

"Ha ha, ha ha!" beimingyang couldn\'t help laughing.

I thought I was in trouble this time, but I didn\'t expect Lin Feng, the most "simple" of the three, to be hidden.

Have such strong strength!

"I really underestimated him."

"Even without us, he is a strong man who can compete with Huawei and Zeng Ren."

Beiming Yang\'s eyes were bright, but he felt a deep heart shock.

The strength of the forest wind was far from expected.

"However, why has such a strong warrior never heard of?" Beiming Yang was puzzled.

But now is not the time to think about it.

The angry roar of the hundred poison color Python came to my ears, which seemed to be the roar of the fierce beast.

Beiming Yang Xinran smiled. Although he didn\'t know why Lin Feng was not afraid of toxins, it was obvious that Lin Feng should be sure of this battle.

He was right.

Beimingyang leaves with Shizhi\'s heart, and Lin Feng has nothing to avoid.

The rebirth fire really has a strong ability to restrain the hundred poison color python. The 63rd rebirth fire, supplemented by 20% of the constellation power, can hurt the hundred poison color python. Although it is only a "minor injury", it is enough.

"Deceleration space!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.


Jade Miao jingled in the left ear.

The aurora in the pupil of Lin Fengxing dome flashes, but it is aimed at the hundred poison color python.

Although it is a third-order existence at the star domain level, the "soul" of the demon family is recognized as poor. Moreover, the hundred poison color Python is a typical representative of strong soul and weak soul. It was like being burned by the hot sun, the hundred poison color Python roared like crazy, and his eyes were temporarily blind.

Magic is useless to the hundred poison color python.

However, the most direct attack of the star dome pupil hit the depths of its mind.

Quite painful!

"Come again!" the Amethyst gun in Lin Feng\'s hand clanged and burst into flames.

"Shoot with fire!" he honed his gun moves in actual combat. In the face of hysteria, he was a hundred poison color Python who lost his patience. Lin Feng was not afraid at all. No matter how strong its attack power is, what\'s the use if it can\'t attack itself?

The scales are all over the tail, and the impact force is very strong.

But it\'s just the impact on the wall, the tail attack of the hundred poison color python——

Action, too obvious.

"Boom!" "boom!!" the flames burst again and again.

Lin Feng\'s power of constellations continues to recover, consuming the power of hundred poison color python.

This is my best rhythm.

Time goes by slowly.

Facing the hundred poison color python with scars and almost no intact skin and meat, Lin Feng now has a winning ticket.

In its heyday, it can\'t help itself, not to mention the fact that there is no one in strength now?

Waiting for it is a dead end.

A thick smell of blood, Lin Feng looked at the half lying on the ground, bleeding, only one step away from death, the hundred poison color python, and the thick light of fire gathered in his hands. After several times of consumption, his rebirth fire still remains in a full state, while the power of the hundred poison color Python has been exhausted.

The outcome is already doomed.

"Die." Lin Feng didn\'t hesitate in his eyes.

The flames burst out and roared towards the dying hundred poison color python.

Suddenly, Lin Feng\'s heart was shocked!

(third shift ~ ~)