Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 864

Shi Zhixin became the captain when she got her wish.

No one objected. Lin Feng didn\'t care, let alone Beiming ocean.

Besides, apart from the weakness of "fear of snakes", Shi Zhixin\'s strength is absolutely the strongest among the three. There is no doubt about this. Lin Feng knows very well that even if he and beimingyang join hands, he is not necessarily the opponent of this snake afraid little girl.

With the seal of Aries, Shizhi\'s heart is too strong!

Of course, putting a few snakes against her is another thing.

What\'s more, the "Captain" is just a false name. There are only three people in total.

"How, where is safe?" Shi Zhixin chose to believe Beiming ocean, who was concentrating on divination at this time. Lin Feng stood up with a light smile and looked at it with leisure. He was confident in Beiming ocean\'s "divination".

Now, it is time for him to give full play to his strengths.

"Each has its own merits." beimingyang ended the divination.

Looking at Lin Feng, Beiming Yang said slowly, "brother Lin is suitable for going northeast, and I am suitable for going northwest, but miss Zhixin, you..."

"Where am I going?" Shi Zhixin\'s eyes were bright.

Beiming Yang smiled and pointed to the front, which was the avenue with "snake sea".

Shi Zhi\'s heart turned white instantly, and she became angry and said, "Beiming ocean, how dare you play with me!"

"No." beimingyang seemed to be afraid of bad luck. His body slipped back like a loach and fell behind Lin Feng. Ran Ran said, "the divinatory symbol is like this. I will never make fun of it."

Lin Feng nodded and knew that Beiming Yang was not lying.

Those who believe in God will not laugh at God, but beimingyang is proficient in divination and believes in "heaven". How can he make fun of this. Staring at the front, Lin Feng slowly said, "each channel here must have its own different tests. In fact, it doesn\'t matter which one you enter."

"This\' hall of five elements\' is not only a treasure, but also a corresponding test."

"Even if you choose other channels, the probability of having a \'Snake\' is the same."

Lin Feng looked at Shi Zhi\'s heart and stared, "moreover, a real strong man should not have such a fatal weakness."

To the point, beimingyang couldn\'t help picking his eyebrow and thumbs up without worrying about the identity of Shi Zhixin.

Unexpectedly, Shi Zhixin was not angry or refuted, but just sipped her lips.

Obviously, she herself knows that her "weakness" must be overcome.

Even if you are afraid of snakes, you shouldn\'t be so afraid.

At least, have the power to protect yourself.

"Just go, I\'m not afraid!" she gently held her pink fist, and Shi Zhi\'s heart seemed to be determined to die generously. Lin Feng and beimingyang looked at each other and nodded, but the next sentence of Shi Zhixin made them helpless and smile.

"Anyway, with your protection, let\'s go!" Shi Zhixin was elated.

Lin Feng smiled calmly. He also knew that his mouth was hard and his heart was soft. He was a child.

She did listen to what she said, but it was not overnight to overcome her weaknesses.


In the hall of five elements, personal experiences are different.

But without exception, they are all tested to varying degrees at this time.

"Hmm..." Hua Wei stood with a sword in his hand, deep in thought.

Ahead, there is a dense land of needles and haze, into which there are ten thousand arrays.

He just tried once and returned without success. He can pass through a distance of 100 meters in a moment at ordinary times, but now he has to pass through thousands of heart attacks, even if he doesn\'t die, he will be seriously injured. The Shura Tu in his hand was sonorous and trembling, and his war spirit was sparkling. Hua Wei suddenly drank like a lion.

Once again, break in!

The other side.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

Zeng Ren\'s figure flew around quickly, but he fell into a hard struggle.

It was like a ghost wrapped around his body. The haunted shadow was not only very powerful, but also not weak in attack. Zeng Ren originally had great advantages in the same type of competition, but the number of ghosts is not ordinary. There are ten!

Each speed was only a little slower than him, but the combined attack made him unavoidable.

Ferocious, cruel!


Both Zeng Ren and Hua Wei have chosen a "shortcut.".

In fact, the choice is very simple, because the "momentum" on the avenue is really too fierce!

Compared with the hidden dangers in the alleys, the dangers on the main roads are "clear", but they are the strongest. Shi Zhixin chose the broad avenue in the center without any avoidance. He went straight ahead, but the Buddha blocked and killed the Buddha and the God blocked and killed the God.

Really, very powerful!

Lin Feng and Beiming Yang once again see the strength of Shi Zhi\'s heart against the sky.

It\'s almost a forward process that destroys the withered and decadent, as if it\'s a shame before the snow. Shi Zhi\'s heart works extra hard.

Groups of demon Warcraft were defeated by Shi Zhixin.

That\'s much stronger than the first wave of "snake sea"!

But in front of Shizhi\'s heart, she was so vulnerable.

The only trouble is

"Jiong!" Jiong! "The fire of rebirth boils.

Lin Feng was helpless to clean up the scene. All the demon Warcraft that had already fainted died soon under the killing of him and Beiming ocean. The only problem with Shizhi\'s heart is that she refuses to kill, even if it\'s just a Warcraft.

The only avenue, the most difficult one.

But it is the only road that does not need to use "brains", just move forward all the way——

Simply and rudely push it over.

And this is what Shi Zhixin is best at.

What she needs most is strength.

As long as there is no snake, nothing can stop Shizhi\'s heart.

"Does she have a big head?" Lin Feng asked Beiming Yang curiously, quite bored.

They don\'t need to fight at all in the rear. It should be said that there is no chance to fight. Shi Zhixin in front has all been done.

"It goes without saying, brother Lin, do you know the \'county and city Lord\'?" Beiming Yang\'s eyes twinkled.

"Well, the detached existence in charge of the whole county." Lin Feng replied lightly.

In Shiluo County, the county mayor, patrol envoy and law enforcement envoy, one Lord and two envoys, are the biggest "power" in each county, because they are under the direct jurisdiction of the "holy king" of zhuquezhou. Status, still better than the top figures in Shiluo County, including the nine giants and the ten strong.

Among them, the position of "county and city Lord" is better than that of patrol envoy and law enforcement envoy.

"Brother Beiming means..." Lin Feng looked at Shi Zhi\'s heart in the relaxed battle. "Is the county city master behind this little girl?"

Beiming Yang smiled and shook his head, "No."

Lin Fengqing, you guessed wrong?

Beimingyang\'s eyes were bright and said slowly, "the county city Lord is not the biggest power of Shiluo county. In fact, the status of" one Lord and two envoys "of county city Lord, patrol envoy and law enforcement envoy is the same. Only the" county city Lord "is bright and the two envoys are dark, so they all think that the sovereignty of county city is higher than two envoys."

"But how can there be three \'powers\' in a county?" Beiming Yang said deeply.

"Behind the county Lord, there is an \'invisible\' existence, a super strong man in charge of everything!"

"Ordinary martial arts people can\'t touch it at all. Even I heard grandpa mention it occasionally. It\'s a real big man. It\'s out of reach."

"And miss Zhixin is the daughter of the great man." beimingyang lowered his voice and said every word.

Lin Feng was deeply shocked.

A man with more power than the county mayor!

Behind the scenes in Shiluo County, the super strong man in charge of coordinating everything!

"Hoo ~ ~" gently breathed out a breath. Lin Feng looked at Shi Zhi\'s heart and was shocked in his heart.

I thought she was not small, but I didn\'t think she was so big!

No wonder there is the star seal of Aries.

"Just now, it seems that you secretly talked about me behind your back?" Shi Zhi\'s heart turned her eyes.

"Do you have?" the northern Ming Yang surprised, "Miss Zhixin, you heard wrong."

Lin Feng smiled and felt a little happy.

Although beimingyang is a rich childe, he has no distinction between corruption and extravagance. He is frank and sincere. He is a friend worth making. Shi Zhi\'s heart is not small, but her heart is pure and kind, and she has no shelf. In fact, there is no such lofty momentum. It is very approachable to get along with others.

"I\'ll hear you wrong?" Shi Zhixin whispered, "Beiming ocean, you tell me the truth!"

Like trying a prisoner, Beiming had a bitter gourd face, but he didn\'t dare to provoke the aunt. He looked at Lin Feng and hurried for help.

With a slight smile, Lin Feng said, "after walking for a few hours, I think it should be close to the depths of the palace." looking around, Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled with a faint bright light, "as early as two hours ago, there was no shunt, and it shouldn\'t be too far from the end."

Shi Zhixin\'s eyes were bright and excited, "what are you waiting for, come on! Come on!"

After talking, he was the first to fly away and forget everything just now.

"Awesome, brother Lin." Beiming Yang approached and gave a thumbs up.

"What I said is true." Lin Feng smiled. "Let\'s go. I think we should be much faster than Huawei and Zeng Ren."

"That\'s nature." Beiming yangsa said, "they are smart, but they are smart. No matter how convenient the branch road is, it must be interspersed in the whole five element hall. Maybe it\'s less difficult and easier to pass, but in terms of distance, it must be far more than the straight road."

Lin Feng nodded.

It should be said that each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

But I have the existence of Shizhi heart, which is the biggest disadvantage of straight road

readily solved!

The three galloped.

In the palace, it was like a strong wind.

"Be careful, there may be big trouble ahead." Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly deep.

Although I still can\'t feel it, I feel a sense of depression. There seems to be something dangerous ahead.

Sensitive intuition!

The sense of crisis has saved itself several times.

"I\'m not afraid." Shi Zhixin was confident.

When the three walked, Lin Feng and Beiming Yang fell behind, one left and one right, while Shi Zhi\'s heart opened the way in front, just like a sharp cone shape, which is most suitable for the strength of the three now. Shi Zhixin really has the qualification to be "proud".


Many things may not be satisfactory.

A huge momentum seemed to be released in an instant.

"Ah!!" Shi Zhixin\'s pretty face like a porcelain doll almost turned pale in an instant. She looked at the behemoth in front of her, and her body seemed petrified. It was a colorful python with a huge body. It stood tall and looked down at Lin Feng, with a continuous cold light in its eyes.

(second change ~ ~)