Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 863

"One word is called \'seize\'." Beiming Yang\'s eyes are bright.

"Brother Lin and his first wife are destined to be married, but they are destined to go through three ring robberies before they can really be together."

"It\'s not easy."

In the words, there is a sigh.


What is seizing?

Lin Feng\'s look is changing, but it\'s hard to see.

Seizing the creation of heaven and earth and the opportunities of the world, the word "seizing" has too many meanings.

"I hope brother Beiming can tell me where I should go if I want to find a wife." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and said.

"Well..." he hesitated slightly, and Beiming ocean hesitated.

The expression changes in his eyes, and Lin Feng\'s eyebrows are slightly clustered.

Things seem very difficult.

"Brother Beiming, it doesn\'t matter what you say." Lin Feng\'s voice is firm.

Beimingyang nodded. "To be honest, brother Lin, that\'s why I vomited three mouthfuls of blood just now." he looked at Lin Feng with bright eyes, and beimingyang looked dignified. "The divinatory symbol shows that brother Lin, if you want to find a wife, you must enter the... Witch family."

Lin Feng, bang heart!

Now, I don\'t know anything.

Wuzu territory, which is the "nest" of the Wuzu, is where all the Wuzu elites are gathered. It is equivalent to the nine continents of mankind. There, there are and only the Lich family to survive and cultivate a group of powerful Lich people to compete with the Lich family.

Although there are witches on almost all lands in the fighting spirit world.

But just like all kinds of "houses" of human beings, it is only a meager force, allowing the witch family to live and die by itself.

Maybe you can stand out and enter the Wu clan, but it\'s very different after all.

The difference in strength is very large.

"Ziyao... In the Wu clan?" Lin Feng was a little stunned.

There, isn\'t only the witch clan able to survive? Is ziyao a witch?

Absolutely impossible!

What are the similarities between ziyao and Wu?

However, why does the divinatory symbols show that if you want to find ziyao, you have to enter the "Wu clan territory"?

Lin Feng frowned. Other martial artists might doubt whether they had ulterior motives. But at present, the Beiming ocean gives itself a very "reliable" feeling. What he said is not empty, but the result of this divination is really shocking.

Just wanted to ask more clearly, suddenly——

"Ah!" the panic cry rang out in front, making Lin Fengmeng come back to his senses.

This is the voice of Shi Zhi\'s heart!

She\'s in danger?

So fast!

His eyes were bright. Lin Feng and Beiming Yang looked at each other, sped away and rushed to the front. Since we enter this palace together, we are "companions" and naturally have to watch and help each other. He looked calm, and Lin Feng was completely focused. He carefully observed the surrounding environment.

One left and one right, go hand in hand.

Lin Feng has a tacit understanding with Beiming ocean.

In this unknown situation, the burden of less threat is naturally much lighter.

"It\'s more than one road." Lin Feng thought in his heart. His eyes swept around. The palace extends in all directions. It\'s obvious that there is not only one road. The breath of the soul fluctuates like a cobweb, but every intersection is like a bottomless abyss, and a mysterious force blocks the detection.

However, there is a straight road ahead. Obviously, Shi Zhixin did not choose other branches.

"Hiss ~ ~" Lin Fengchang took a breath and his eyes were burning.

It was an overwhelming sea of snakes. Countless poisonous snakes revealed their ferocious red tongue and sharp teeth and hissed at Shi Zhi\'s heart. The latter\'s small face was panicked, as if a little stunned, just his hands trembled to maintain the golden light.

The light of the starlight wall flickers and is constantly hit by poisonous snakes. It\'s in danger!

The emerald green venom is even more ferocious and terrible. It is full of great crisis in this snake sea. Once bitten——

It will attack the heart with poison!

"No, Miss Zhixin is most afraid of snakes!" Beiming\'s face turned pale and drank urgently.

Lin Feng felt a little cold in his heart and knew that beimingyang was talking to himself.

In my heart, I can\'t help but feel funny. A strong man is afraid of "snakes".

Although these "snakes" are strong, they are only a large number. In terms of strength, they are at most at the star master level. But just now, Shi Zhi\'s heart, which played with 51 Wu family strong men with one enemy against 100, is miserable and has no power to fight back.

"Sure enough, she is still a little girl." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

But the speed is not slow, because at this time, the light of the starlight wall is constantly dim, and Shizhi\'s heart is very dangerous.

"Let\'s go, hundred beacon bombs!" Lin Fengmeng drank.

Both hands flash sharply, and the surging star power is released madly.

The stars in the hand are sharp and bright, and ten glittering fireballs condense the ultimate light. Lin Feng made a fierce stroke with his hands. In an instant, ten fireballs galloped away to form a huge circle. At this time, Lin Feng\'s eyes were again deep, his hands were fiercely opened and closed, and ten fireballs burst out one after another, all of which were divided into ten!

"Boom!" "boom!" "boom!"

The fire filled the whole palace in an instant.

Although fireballs soared to 100, for Lin Feng——

Control, not difficult at all!

This is a group attack!

On that side, the Beiming ocean also entered the snake sea.

The body is soft, but it is softer than those snakes, and the blue light of both hands shines.

With the constant release of star power, the attack of Beiming ocean is fierce, fast and concise. From time to time, it shows a thick water vortex, which revolves rapidly with itself as the center, and completely stirs the snakes to pieces. Beimingyang\'s expression was very calm and looked very relaxed.

Of course, the premise is that Shizhi\'s heart is already "safe".

Lin Feng, just in time!

The display of three "hundred linked beacon bombs" in a row has completely solved Shi Zhixin\'s dilemma.

Although it exhausted the power of the constellation, Lin Feng didn\'t care.

Hundreds of beacon bombs consume a lot of star power!

"Go!" Lin Feng hugged Shi Zhi\'s small waist, but in an instant, he threw her back like a hydrangea.

"The fire of rebirth!" Lin Feng\'s eyebrows were frozen, and the flame covered the surrounding area.

Snakes, you can\'t get close at all!

Even if Shi Zhixin\'s strength is strong and the battle can\'t play 1%, it\'s useless at all.

If you want to fight alone, your combat effectiveness will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

But now

One left and one right, Lin Feng and Beiming ocean completely locked the huge snake sea.

Water and fire seem to be incompatible, but their cooperation is quite tacit, as if they had practiced countless times.

Snake sea looks terrible, but it is completely useless in the face of two people who are really terrible. Soon, they were cleaned up, or burned to ashes by fire, or rolled into pieces by water, leaving only a faint fishy smell, which makes people wrinkle their nose.

However, it is limited to release Zhi heart.

The little girl fell behind and seemed to have no strength.

Pale complexion, with a sense of shame, but can not overcome the fear in my heart. I just want to vomit when I smell the fishy smell of poisonous snakes.

The battle lasted a full quarter of an hour.

It has to be said that this snake sea is quite amazing. Beiming ocean is almost exhausted after taking many star pills. But when he looked at Lin Feng, he was still alive, and Beiming Yang stared at him. He was even more curious about him.

Lin Feng killed several times more than him!

"I\'ve never heard of a name, but his strength is no worse than me."

"Among those who qualify for the tournament, it should be no problem to be in the top 100, and..."

"His star power seems to be endless."

Beimingyang felt cold and lucky.

Without Lin Feng\'s help, I\'m afraid he can only run away.

But now——

"Boom!!" Lin Feng roared with flames in his hands.

The whole person, based on the sea of fire, has a strong breath.

"Xu ~ ~" Lin Fengchang breathed, his eyes flickered, looked around, and felt the tragedy of the battle.

This is just the first battle!

This palace is really extraordinary.

His eyes turned to the side of the Beiming ocean. The latter was thumbing up to himself at this time. Lin Feng smiled and thumbed up.

Cooperation, very good!

Looking back at Shi Zhi\'s heart, the little girl\'s face slowed a little, but she still looked pale. Originally, the pink and tender face like an apple was still in shock, the body was no longer shaking, and tears remained in the big eyes.

"Crying?" Lin Feng was neither laughing nor crying.

But I didn\'t expect that the contrast between the release Zhi heart like a porcelain doll would be so great.

Beimingyang shrugged helplessly, which seemed to have been expected.

"Heart, can\'t keep up with her strength." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

A really strong man must be firm in mind. He won\'t escape even when he meets something he\'s afraid of.

When facing adversity, you will be strong in case of strength. Only then can you be truly strong!

"Thank you, thank you." Shi Zhi lowered her head and whispered.

Remembering that she had always looked bad at Lin Feng, but others saved her regardless of past grievances, Shi Zhixin felt her cheeks hot and quite ashamed.

"A little effort." Lin Feng smiled, slightly surprised.

I didn\'t expect Shi Zhixin to say these two words to him.

The atmosphere was somewhat awkward. Beiming Yang smiled and broke the silence. "Miss Zhixin doesn\'t need to be so polite. We are companions. It\'s right to watch and help each other."


Shi Zhi raised her head in a daze.

The word has never appeared in her dictionary.

"Brother Beiming is right. Since we come to this palace together, we have a chance." Lin Feng smiled and nodded. "Gathering the strength of three people will be much safer and more efficient than wandering alone. If we help each other, we might as well form a team. What do you think?"

"I agree." Beiming Yang answered without thinking.

Shi Zhi\'s heart understood Lin Feng\'s meaning, and her little face also felt a little happy.

For her, the treasure is not rare at all. On the contrary, the "adventure" is very interesting.

Moreover, for the first time in my life, I had a \'companion\'.

"Good!" Shi Zhi nodded again and again. She was very happy, but she was a child\'s nature. In the twinkling of an eye, she forgot everything just now.

"I want to be the captain!" Shi Zhixin said excitedly.

"A captain who is afraid of snakes?" Lin Fengxiang smiled.

"No!" Shi Zhi\'s heart flushed.

"Ha ha! ~" beimingyang laughed.

(first change ~ ~)