Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 855

The region of mengyan is full of fire.

Led by ChiYan and led by chirong, there are tens of thousands of demon families in the dark.

Never had a huge formation!

"Madam, please think twice." the housekeeper Chiyou still tries to advise.

"Haven\'t you contacted Meng yet?" ChiYan, dressed in a fire red armor and red eyes, turned a blind eye to Chiyou\'s advice.

Chiyou bowed his head and said, "the master should still be in a meeting. Madam, please wait a moment."

"Wait, wait!" the red goose glared angrily. "Who is responsible if the bloody bitch runs away?" the mark of the soul seal has a distance, not to mention such a weak soul seal. It can be sensed this time. I have to say it\'s very lucky.

"Go away, Chiyou!" chirong roared, the fire was fierce.

In the region of mengyan, he hates the housekeeper Chiyou most.

"God is helping me!" the red goose looked fierce and laughed, but his laughter was a little desolate. The red goose looked ferocious and opened his eyes angrily: "let\'s go! Who dares to stop me, there is no amnesty!" his cold eyes glanced at Chiyou, and with chirong\'s proud cold hum, the fire awn startled the sky and the ground.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!!

The submarine volcano is erupting, as if for the red geese.

In the dark, ChiYan and chirong led tens of thousands of demon families, and the roaring sound covered up the eruption of submarine volcano.


Soon, the demons galloped away.

Leaving Chiyou alone, his handsome face began to look sad and sighed softly.

Naturally, he has no right to stop his wife.

"It\'s not too late. The matter must be reported to the master as soon as possible." Chiyou looked solemn.

"I have to go to the heavenly dog sanctuary immediately."


A crisis is coming.

However, at this time, the "Wizard of Oz" is still singing birds and fragrant flowers, and the scenery is pleasant.

Who expected this to happen?

"Hum, Hua Wei can really hide." Zeng Ren, wearing a black cloak and holding a sharp sword, galloped in the dark, but walked on the ground. The shuttle action is like the ghost of the night. For Zeng Ren, his favorite is now.

A top assassin must like darkness.

If there is a face-to-face confrontation, he knows that the victory or defeat with Huawei is between 50%.

But if it\'s a sneak attack and assassination

That\'s a big difference.

"Oh?" Zeng Ren\'s eyes twinkled.

Ahead, a young warrior is moving forward in the dark.

His eyes twinkled with cold light, and he was like a ghost. There was no sound or breath fluctuation in his movements.

"Zheng!" the cold light was fierce.

"Ah!!" the voice broke out.

The young warrior\'s left arm was neatly cut off, his waist and abdomen were bleeding, and he fell to the ground miserably.

Step! Once the blade fell in front of the young warrior, and the sword in his hand pointed directly at the young warrior\'s throat. His cold eyes seemed to look at a dead man.

"Hand over the \'property\', otherwise -"


Like the voice of hell, Zeng Ren\'s eyes are cold.

For him, human life is like grass mustard. The weak are not qualified to survive.

"Don\'t, don\'t kill me." the young warrior sweated cold on his forehead.

Looking at the murderous God in front of him, he dared not disobey him. The young warrior opened the "celestial astrolabe" and even took out what he had gained in that day. This "celestial chart" that can only be opened by myself is useless even if it is robbed.

But there are policies at the top and Countermeasures at the bottom, and the methods are people\'s ideas.

The young warrior endured severe pain and put a pile of scattered belongings on the ground.

"No?" Zeng bladed in a cold voice.

"No, really No." the young warrior shook his head like a rattle.

The cold light flashed in Zeng Ren\'s eyes. For a moment, the sharp sword in his hand was like a light, shadow and lightning.

Poof!! The blood gushed out and the heart was pierced directly.

The young warrior stared and died in peace.

"Waste." Zeng Ren had no expression.

I took all my belongings with a roll in my left hand, and once ran away.

Killing is not the main theme of the wizard of oz.

The vast majority of martial artists are self disciplined and take their own interests.

After all, killing requires a certain strength. Who dares to say that he is the strongest in the wizard of Oz? In case of a difficult problem, I don\'t know how to die. This is not a virtual theater. There is still a chance of resurrection after death. There is only one life. There is no need to fight for some property, fame and wealth.

What\'s more, even if you kill someone, you may not get the property in the "celestial chart".

But it\'s hard to please.

Of course, there are also martial artists with great strength, but they are kind-hearted.

Huawei is like this. He has enough proud strength, but he won\'t be as unscrupulous as Zeng Ren.

Achievement is second.

For him, principles are more important.

But Lin Feng is mixed between the two.

Killing is a means.

In other words, it is a way to solve the problem.

In Lin Feng\'s opinion, his kindness and avoidance are cowards.

"Chih!" the Amethyst gun was shining.

Like a sharp arrow shuttling through, the fire is boiling.

Lin Feng\'s gun penetrates a warrior\'s back, explodes violently in his body, and dies thoroughly. No matter how strong the star armor is, it takes the body strength as an improvement. If the body is not strong enough, what\'s the use?

"The eighth." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

With a slight flash of his left hand, another celestial disc fell into his hand.

"Unfortunately, I can\'t open it." Lin Feng drew lightly at the corner of his mouth.

However, the unopened celestial chart is not useless.

In addition to the storage function, the function of completing the task, and the number representation.

The celestial chart has another important use——

Compass locator.

It, like the star crystal table, can locate the position of \'teammates\'.

Looking at the celestial disk, Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered faintly. At this time, there were 72 cursors above.

All are "Wu family" fighters!

"People don\'t offend me, I don\'t offend."

"If anyone offends me, I will pay back a hundred times!"

Lin Feng holds the Amethyst gun in his right hand and reveals his killing intention.

One foot in, one foot in!

To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to yourself.

Since you start, you won\'t stop.

A single Wu family warrior is almost dead to Lin Feng.

Even if you don\'t use the jade Miao star dome pupil, Lin Feng is not what he used to be with pure martial god strength.

Who can stop a shot?

For more than an hour, kill a full 29 Wu family fighters!

"There are fifty-one more." Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold and sharp, and looked at the celestial disk calmly. Around, the bodies of four Wu family martial artists were extremely frightening and bleeding all over the ground. From the confrontation to the end, it\'s only more than ten seconds. It\'s too easy.

However, the remaining 51 are not easy to kill.

Because they have gathered together.

"The original three teams are all gathered?" Lin Feng smiled calmly, but he understood what.

His eyes flickered, and the light on the celestial disk was dim, and there was no star left.

The other side, deleted the astrolabe positioning.

"Well, did you finally find it?" Lin Feng scratched at the corner of his mouth.

The celestial disc in his hand was thrown out in a moment, with a burning flame, and the sound fell on the four corpses.

In an instant, the body is destroyed.

"Waste my time."

"There are 15 hours left before the three-day period."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright. His figure flew out like an arrow and disappeared in a moment.

The hatred with the Wu family is temporarily put down. It\'s time to complete the task.

"How could this happen!!" Wu Bufan\'s face flushed.

Like a cheetah, his body trembled, his eyes were filled with a strong sense of killing, and clenched his teeth.

Wu family, heavy losses!

A full 29 elite bodies have fallen.

"There may be more than one enemy." Wu Zhuo mused. Wu Bufan took three teams. Wu Bufan personally took one team, Wu Feng took one team, and Wu Zhuo led the third team. He is the oldest of the Wu family to enter the wizard of Oz this time. He has the most experience and is now the most calm.

"Wu Zhuo is right. With Lin Feng\'s strength, it can\'t be so strong." Wu Feng\'s eyes sparkled.

"Ah!!!" clenched his fist and roared wildly, with extraordinary hysteria.

The first time he led the team, he made such a mistake. How could he control his emotions.

Wu Zhuo\'s eyes were bright: "young master, don\'t be angry. We have to think about it in the long run. It\'s not urgent to kill Lin Feng for a while."

"Yes, young master." Wu Feng arched his hand. "Anyway, now the positioning on our 51 person celestial chart has been deleted, and Lin Feng has no support anymore."

The chest is constantly undulating, wheezing and gnashing teeth.

"Don\'t let me find you, Lin Feng!"

"Otherwise, I will let you die miserably!"

Wu Bufan was like an angry bull, but he was really angry.

Lin Feng, he will never forgive!

Although Wu Bufan was "jealous" in his heart, Lin Feng lived quite well.

"It looks like a small mango, without water chestnut, with a little gold and copper light, huh..."

"One star inferior ore, golden awn stone, count it as 500000 fighting spirit coins."

"Ho? What a big vein."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered, and the Amethyst gun was used as a digging tool.

I didn\'t use the reborn fire, but I was afraid to destroy this ore vein. I thought it was just a little ore, but I didn\'t expect to dig deeper and deeper, but I saw a large area. Although this golden awn stone is only the most \'ordinary\' one star inferior ore, it is only the size of a fist and worth 500000 fighting spirit coins.

However, we can\'t win much!

How many "golden mans" should there be in a vein?

"Really good." Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled and smiled.

"This extraordinary rewind gives me good luck."

Lin Fengpo is freehand brushwork. Unexpectedly, he has just started. He has harvested a lot before dawn.

There are at least 500 "golden awn stones" in this vein. 20 are star crystals. How many are 500?

"25 star crystal." Lin Feng scratched at the corner of his mouth.

A good start.

In less than an hour, he completed a quarter of the task.

"I want to thank Yumo." Lin Feng couldn\'t help but emerge the familiar shadow in his mind, and his heart was warm.

Originally, although I was familiar with all kinds of ores, I was only limited to introduction, name and appearance, and I didn\'t know so much about their \'habits\'. It was under the influence of feather ink in the apprentice\'s workshop that I knew the ores of all kinds of smelters in detail, including the growth environment of the ores, the way of discrimination, how to find them, and so on.

Yu Mo is obviously an "expert" in this regard.

In fact, most refiners have a strong ability to "find ore".

"I\'m half a bucket of water," Lin Feng smiled.

Although his mining ability is not as good as Yumo, it is more than enough to complete the task.

The Amethyst gun continued to dig down, suddenly——

"Ding!" a crisp sound.

Lin Feng was stunned.

(third shift ~ ~)